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Show 'Jf ; - f , V ' J'" '. v - '. - i V wsggSSfif ;4 r, atskj for Cuttle, Lumber rand Cheap . ttt; v ,jp ; ' ' fs-w- !. ; - 'i pr ? t ; 1 Pro -- v r.--ft. PADDOCE - ,t-- - " ' hich lie Eemed tp be in Mi hitHtif rrhenthe folio wing Jdialbgue eniiuad;' :j LA,wTB.TiStop .walking jhropcir your boots makfl a terrible noiit. dont like nr. . xGnpTLiMAH.fr if jou' you tike for In exchange for . : j em?, v i; ;inuch .will V'V-:V- yy sj iyriiz?0 . ; u'-- v ? Gin.Tweatyfire dollar. IiiiTsi-rillg- tsAf -- EtewM1! fight iiri uiyourjjrbei; , r? "J! backed-1-- ; , M .lb Of' '. :, ve you twenty;1 't.&fg&B i .vS-ic'- v; :, J (Li.HphoraOTr Pieu V the punpserof fettling; midt, for I ' up another , nans business duringrv- - booti. buy them? 1 1 y'; t 4. our .,-i ' Ji nezt'morning when hje - , ; came 4o bin. lensei he was siek of his bargaiitund .4 lb v, y A v on.Mberal tormi fer ten days; , and no homing ;at Mr. ; Elmer it gaorge i U T. It Berry vr T tl f 9 9 - ' if Ai a grandfday of amaiements. TriU bt prepared) on the.4th inet.r for, the I Chmjman.; :' - ; i- . .... , S v' i', :v - v Cupid has succeedi)tvin: another party to tHe-Cfor tha p tyr? pose of tying the knot of matrimony. - ' Uy onl7rb;Vwere ehildren of St. Qaorge, . wer trust that1 aobo'dy vrll bb biekward la'aiiistiBgto amope ;theouthe'Do not forget that we f' re re ah;ehildrenonee; Everybody in X. ,v s' 1. ' . J ; V T : , j cox The fltak, . OH THE RPAGfiw V . j piese of onaof bur worthy, tub scnbirs, has abtually made himself seatce;aikong; ui.byygbingito.Sal above-interesti- ng Su-m- kn Lake Oity without paying nialittl4 old dollar for his CGTUs,, ;T1 |