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Show Dale friend k' r giiUBg tfioVbleg.' snigg. consequent upon the formiiioiv. ,of 'netr Territorjv-Iw- o mmeefor-th- e r!', ,; -- Territory and two places for the Capitol haw betruggestedr Thirie- progressing1 rapidly, endwo hope, 'is bout as far'-a-s tbo organization 'will -- SANGIOVANNI :. ,00 G.G.:R. ' in Txrb:: 6 inoiith'fVSl.OOj itrictiy ( V- V-W. dvaiipa;" ):' V d l? LTO THE BOYS,;; fu DmrffMidili .. extend. .. :' TtV 7 ' SuajSMAps. On the eveniug of the 88th jnpt. The juvenile Marini Band led by! J alcevGatesf, ; fovorsd us with v - - . 1 vv. .- : A . As thc: summer. season ; approaches nsnyof bur youngt friend awill doubt' , tsiTbo- - leaying home: i Some Trill - go to ihfci mountains foi lumber and shin ?Ur Taggart cor?1 gle&bihers to attends otheir ' cattle, Passed Through. andTotna t a, Wr would respondents of the Peoria Transcript" s he A-- a y ( boys . ip tr hat v ever posit ion and ChicogoiTribune,, was he?c orr ; the 85th taking iteme and wa expect si yod Wyibe placd ?be it" with friend article about or foe, do not forget .your Yraligori, shortly toaVe a length Stv George 'aid the ; Mormons in' the never be eshamedrto-acknowled- ge : -- ? ; youfifiottholy fnitb.l By 6otniiig ou abeYemehtibhe3r'papersVf-WWill be; time wi.ll :tell. Kl ; style itboe. board, open, and?; innd'jetting correspond . jvith your Last jour induct Sunday morniug we visited pur j rsligidnpV i dt.wiU .only; bethc ignorant ' X condescend to make light; of it ,0 n;jlhe other hand if our conduct is not;arit should; be they might well make 'man y 'rfetnerks not in aur favor Tf Wo will only ; listen, to i the tesdhinga of . tbpsewho preaido; oyer us, (God. will be on our aide and- - we will come tv hoi will . Sabbath School which & really wCrtby of note. The chidrenthat attend number about 860 and araqonBucted ,Mfl,MorrIs and others. in in- The teachers t she' great interest "f ' by Bro,3. r THEaTQE TO NIGHT GO, ' A atruatssg the. little .ones and 'the 'I -- ant V 1 awake rt ihttedi;. 'THEATKE f iCHTIum t n.Aa.' v3 - TO-NIGHTlU;,; Do not foiget to perchiss is . tijpe. fcii 31 . ' latter-arrwld- e p. , .1 .r. v . ,V you tick S ,w 1 n . n if ' . |