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Show W x cjtost money ;tot of lbs i& brethren?. Our is no: - inn fis lltobtUfceci g; ' Qi- bV, is - ricHM: , t nvmwlh'y..byv.. f .-- ; a&lcr and duughierv were Mr-II!iJr- yC at-- ? to ford the Virgea rlvr with 6 morithsf $1;00; strictly in xemptiD a mule Uam In the noigtiborbood oftho nrlvainrftT'" ' Virgin dijtch tunnel, drowned one of their nmles, nnd it eras with great diffieulty TO. THE .BOYS; that they saved their own lives. ; V-V1 - i y" Narrow cc&pa. Lust Saturday, while cer angio vannii. ' ,f to do unto others as w would wish to be done 't ' anu remember the old mesim by, prfif.rnd quick returns.. i 5 Letus learn h i;,; : .. l ; A,' ' ' J A " x WsaT' vetv ?" f , mrn y well knew that- those - ' - i " U Iiijjj. f A Visit. Ur. David If. Orunoxr .ie favored dur sanctum, wi'h bis'eheer- ee rn the 12 -- S 1 jiptalvTsyi ryaJid T JTitaec Pj;K?!er be wlh us Thej, will will. aRotnYr 'puorum Nflt'vbq. are tl-c- ss b.'g-cdil.tcrna- p.? Uikc . insL-Thof- t righl Davij Cull, s again.: ; who tvM itill wethsiioyi.frbinour inidit. Thth.wJii! we ATCdprep.vremg ' 1 fill these respen net only cducate'oui- The Dixii Tima! OfficeiinrVre' '"r but f' tymporallv.. Jt la 8lve .piritually , sieved a new supply q?;pnp:r.- - ; Clad be their saintsto the bhieg breed upon of it we wish ths Editbuvery iiucs .. ftem puT,qatnmjs. Jiovv.whileprepsr-ip- g S;,.". " n ARhtyALv-r-On r 1 j 'S - v- i-- . ' the 7thf ihstf Mesrs tp bepoms business mcn; Usury Wv JrfHer DSvidj fl.f Cannon! shall we pattern after Jthbselwhb.inAke1 :ira?s Andrus; and Eristus, Mclnare. Jtibsir study, how thoy can mike tbg arrived from Los Angeles, Cal;' ' 1 -- es 4. . ' V |