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Show obey: and become useful and happy ;V members of sbeiety; ; ; Frost E. Snow, and Elder Jos. ,W. Young, returned from a visit' to the , is published, semi-month- ly by G. G R SAN GIOVANNI & 6 0 Txrub: 6 months, $1.00f strictly in ' - advance. , ; ; , ' ' :: We should strive and educate our? settlements; on the muddy. , On 2$ iriit. And started for 'Salt Lake City on 27 to attend Conference Roth in good' health and spirits. Theatr bt 6 night !:! , Dont forget; ; -- V . . . , stlvesforwe are told almost, every Sabbath that theres a field of labor that is impoisiblefor us to we copies may become crilighened and civil- - J ?If at weoannot present comprehend, ized like the rest of mankind , in this the of la realist' thttagnitulle fully Union. bor expected at our hah$s we can glorious mm. be GREAT SCOTLAND ! I V partly comprehend it, Then it' comes ,our duty, to cducato and qualfy What, iiow? why, 'have you riot ourselyes and live so as to hivo the heard'of the beautiful, tin .whistles a-wai- ting, . -- confidence of the servants of God and. for sale. All kinds . of young' stock r - i : and thosf : wlio placed oyer iis, taken in eiehango.;' ; . ... ' -- .. i How' humiliaing it would be to any young man of Israel to b'e spoksn of Dear Uncle SarnV if you arrhard for a jnission or plsy of trust and his up for greenbacks to settle Alaska." Bishops ; to get up and say he is un- Purchase, we dont mind parting with worthy and cirinotbo; trusted. to aid our' We should always; be .ready 'arid a few gallons of Sorgum . ! willing to'fiilfillit l whatever wo called upon to do; ; M 1 k v t are1 i. i Sn Then thV, blessings of 0od will; at-- 1 tend us tnd we will haye the corifi1 dence of those that it is our study to relations. ! 'Cable Atlantic By More hands wanted on the data ditch.! Virgeri fjold provos to bo a failure. I |