OCR Text |
Show .V'. - ' . ' . 5 : f,. . ..t V ; - . .- . . . w '- "if t t I . . " .' v ' .J ! A' dark complected single gentle be tkick-se- t, men; ratke ; inclined ' He would roit?my ea.Htn must be highly accomplished in every branch of education. If hois eccen-tri- c ia his waTs. so much the better. f flu-t&,;beet';- m 1 - u w -- -- is by semi-month- ly published & .G; WM SANCHOVANNI i , &bOi t 1 4 I u l LTsrus : months,$ 1 .00;' strictly in 6 advance; 'rt&inted. byS.it. KEN$EK, at "Dine Timer3,Qffice. ..-- US-- V i1'---- . . Dors ii ; :. T-r-r: ' .ri'.i . fruitful .abject. " ' - r: ' 1 ' VL' t - f V" " v , ' i i.I I'" . : oln iaUnt, V'i a '( ciinein 1" '; cabinet shop. Judd's kjt ,' ' V . .' - v ' o to earth the extensive machine shop in the neighborhood of Fickett - ; V; t j ,ul , Old lady to neighbor; Good morn t shooter ingf marm; the mineral seems to have . . -. iw- i '..) .V- Every U ; . On tke.ri- ith . - Sy ... JULIA PATIENCE. it - PROPERTY. ;IA)SS OF . S- .. ' Vi terrific hurricane and .. ; ? ' . . " t - .t p,'' i y meatofour dorg with afire ' f '. -- iqthisr sfooteri wo'd; let a dorg or loose on hinr as would, tear.his-trow-se- nior' man . himior any other, v "' S' , y-- ';."" jt- . - - ' r j nTT' T- let f - - ?f ' r fi ' l-- s, ;r- - - '' ;.i:. id?t .w eaten up everything you had growing if in your garden;? IJ , carnet,tV .. Neighbor : Yts, & chunk.of it in the kitchen last night andlato up all .of our bread.'Aif ub kuu -- iu4 k '.U ' ; dies1 , ' .'.? -- t V J : . r Uimldai or 1 I v if i i a t I. Meteorological obsemtions bj our artist.-;'B- t George, 6th instyj , 1 8 68.' Trial at;court boittew shooting'dorgs't Weather fine and MottuTtv; if ii, im V Jf 'i'' f.' . ' , V ' 'f i"i tr'S 7 - U ' 'A i1'-- - v ' ' . , |