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Show Gata andFeed Store! BREVITIES. Signal foe a bark Pulling a flog tail- - . Sugarf" Wedding,1 Column. a supply ef IH AIX ITS GRAIN, A thorn in tuS bulk is worth two in FEED, the hand- Tho ; The undersigned, keeps constantly on hand Blairs after marriage, is the latest fashion. Woman She spoiled us within apple, but atoned for the wrong by forming a CHOP FEED, for 3.1m TO SURVEYORS Ptpdi3, (Cowrtiry A Why Is kissing a girl like eating soup at Lowest Market Bates. with a fork? Because yon cant ge enough. Teamsters and Emigrants supplied in in A young man who is desperately any quantity. lore, says that he has been electrified Good stabling and Kraals gal-ran- ic battery. they burn prodigiously. trouble-som- e 1 marlover of yours, Garris? ried him; and I havent been troubled with his attentions since. VERBENAS, PETUNIAS, BLACKBERRY, JAPAN LILIES, WALL FLOWERS, Iris, Tubaroies. and many others; also a choice collection of Chinese Snap-Dragon- s, 3brysanthemus. J. E. JOHNSON. DRUGS, MEDICINES. Jack, eating rotten cheese, did say, Like Samson I my thousands slay. I tow, quoth Rodger, so you do: IT OHNSONS DRUG STORE, A&d with the self same weapon too. T BLAIR, is made from STOCKS. St. Georgs, Utah, may be founJ a good Stock cf well-assort- ed j From G, G. R. Sangiovanni's journal u'hile on a mission to Italy, sweet SPIKE AS, Miss Tucker says it is with bachelors as with old wood; it is oasy to get them .started; and when they do take flame How did vou get rid of that By S. FQawera! in it. I EXTRACT STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. I eet of first-rat- e SURVEYORS & ENGINEERS 1NSTR I MENTS FOR SALE. Inquire at the Time office. Capital weather, Mr. Jones, capital Wu. Lana. weather. My wifes got ouch a bad cold St. George, Jan. 15, 1868. ltf SESSAMAN, she can't speak. I like such weather. ORIENTAL, A Frenoh lady who held a glass of waSEEDS, SEEDS! or BENNE-PLANter in her hand, said: Oh, if it were For Sale, Seeds fresh and pure of only wicked to drink this, how nice it most vegetables needed for the garden, be. would , and a choice collection of Flower Seeds 3t. George Drug Store. For Distribution, I hate to hear people talking behind at ones baek, as a robber said when the 91. constable was chasing him and crying 8T. GEORGE. stop thief." HAVE a few flowering shrubs, bulbs, and bedding plants for sals, vii.: A romantic young man says that a heart is the like womans moon; ROSES, young it changes continually, but it always LILACS, bn a man Work M. BURGESS. and ether pair . with a v All kindt of Produce taken in Paymeitt VEGETABLES These Works are full and complete, and will be carried on for the . I .The undersigned is prepared teaceonL modatw those who want' anything in hiV lino, If they will bring along the Pay. p Ml Conapy! flour, MEAL. thirty days BIAICXU! BENNE SEED. 3lf S. M. BLAIR. NOTICE! I HEREBY give notice that after this date, I shall not be responsible for contracts made by Jacob Hamblin, in any the name of Hamblin A Co., or Elijah Tho. mas & Co. Further, I notify persons who have purchased of Jacob Hamblin any private property, to wit: Mules, Oxen, Horses, Harness, Wagons or other property, that wherever found, I shall commence suit for the recovery of the same; and that any person disposing of the same, after this date, held now by them will be held responsible for the value of the same to me. W S. M. BLAIR. &.1 Lsdies are like watches pretty enough to look at sweet faces and deli- DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, cate hands, but somewhat difficult to Ac., the right kind of Medicines for the regulate after they are sot a going. People, the Climate, and the Diseases of tne Country. get sueh a cold, Ben?" Prescriptions put up with care, by an to a wheeling brother the other day. "I slept in the Park last experienced Druggist. Two doors above St. George Hall. night. answered Ben, and some one CsT By Mrs. S. M. BLAIR, at our Cottage, in left the gate open. St. George. GPnlbOk. A gentleman, meeting a man in the The undersigned will attend to the , who was street, remarked that Mr. WANTED, and had of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, execution recently failed, just parsing, GOOD WOMAN to do Housework, A looked below tide. Far from it, Deeds of Trust, Powers of 'Attorney, JfL Mrs. S. M. Blair. by replied his friend, for he has overrun Contracts, and all other Official BusiCall at the Cottage. 3tf ness required of a Notary Public. the banks Office at Oar Dixie Times rooms, 8. H. BLAIR, A lady wrote to her lover, begging St, George. him to lend her eome money. She addJ. E. JOHNSON, Notary Public. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ed, by way of postscript, I am so ashaSt. George, Utah Ter. ltf med of the request I have made in this WHEELWRIGHT ! letter, that I sent after the poatman to and usual mads or get it baek; but the servant could not yy'AGONS done on repaired, short notire at COMMISSION MERCHANTS, overtake him. ELMORES. ltf Colorado Citr? at the mouth of the Tit-ge- n A human donkey at Chicago was River, solicit the patronage of staring at a mans wife, the other evenArizona, Utah, Nevada and ing, with a lorgnette, when the married I have a choice collection of California Merchants. m aii took the printed card Taken, This point is the head of navigation which lay on a reserved seat near by, FRUIT AND ORNALEXTAL of the Colorado River. Striot attention and held it up before his wife. Donkey to and our acquaintance with looked no more. of good size for transplanting, to thebusiness, Mormon people will insure patronA boy of six summers surprised his EXCHANGE for GRAIN and other age. All orders will be punctually formother with the remark, I have three Produce; consisting of warded for Gash. Who are they? was the ma- Apple, Fear, Quince, Plum, Apricot, ltf fathers! BLAIR & SONS. Alternal inquiry. who father My Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, buys mond, Cutalpas, Ailanthus, my clothes is one; Gtorgs Washington, DIXIE OIL COMPANY the father of our country, Is another, Honey Locust, Mulberry, have and our Father who art in Heaven is anetc etc., etc., other. Mamma drew a breath of relief. Also, some New, Choice, as well as CHICKENS! 100 Hens Wanted, iMaff 3-l- m BLAIR & SOITS, is Geneva, Switzerland, Thursday,8t Sept., 1864. The moment bae arr ved for me to bo eeperated from mj brethren and take my departure for' Italy, among a people whom I knou but little about, and will have to do ai ' the red men of the mountains, makr I myself understood by signs, on oe. j count of not having a knowledge of the language. I take a third dais car to St Michael en route for Turin. In about forty minutes, arrive at Belle- - i garde on the French line; here our luggage, as well as passports, are j examined by the custom house officer. 8.25 a.m. Arrived at Culoz, France, j After considerable bother they sue ceeded in making me uuderstand that I muse wait until 10 a.in., before the rain starts for St. Michael. Among the travelers who are waiting is a drunken Polander, who s teasing a Catholic Priest to go into a cafe and drink with him, but the atter decline: 10. a.ra The train i now starts, which is partly filled, the ower class, the drunken P lander included. 2.20 p.m. The conductor calls out Ghambury: her a they fill he car that I am in with peasantry until it is a hard matter to tell whether I am an American or a frenchman. During ihia effervescence a lady is minus a teat; 1 mo-io- n to her to accept of mine, which she does; no sooner done than all the I assengera cry aloud, Bravo pour ly J i j - ; 1 JJmtricaiv. One can bear five languages po- - n French, Italian, German, Polish and English. We now are passing through a fine country spotted with a great many ancient villages; also some fine lakes. 2.30. p.m. We come to St, Jean, which is situated at the mouth of a Isrge.kanyon, the sides of which are dotted with the ruins of ancient cattles and fortifications, said to. have bean bnilt one thousaud years ago, which makes the scenery very romantic. 3 p.m. The conductor an nounces SLMichael, which is the termi nus of the railroad at the base of the western slope of Mount Genis. One to distribute. Call on Wise min say nothing in dangerous Ordinary, must now wait until 4 p,m. to dili S. M. BLAIR, times. Tho lion called the cheep, to Native and Foreign Grapes over the mountain to Suss, the aek her if his breath was unpleuant; She Agent for Dixie Oil Company. genee Also, Flowering and Fruiting Shrubs, terminus of the Victor Emanuel lino raid Ay; and he bit off her head for Strawberry Plants, Flowering Plants from the east. zfool. Ht called the wolf and asked and Vines, House Plants, etc. ! As the above stock is small, those him; be said No; he tore him in pieces Life. Ah, there is a touching bsauty for a flatterer; at last he called the fox desiring to purchase should be in sea- HAVING purchased of Mr. S. M. in the radiant of a girl just tho undivided half of the and asked him; Truly, said the fox, son. known Ranche aa Htmblln & the of limits and cold crossing Blair, I have caught a youth, and comcannot smsll. J.E. JOHNSON, Sj. George. in Ranche eaet of I her Valley, Spring Valley, journey through the checkmencing solicit Dixie of stock for thee at patronage comof growers, ered sphere womanhood! It is all Amelia, yes, thy Being brought up in Texas, I vouch no and morning glory to her ardent, mand Id tear this eternal firmament better Ranche any one owns or sver saw into a thousand fragments Id gather buoyant spirit, fUshe presses forward north of Maaon ft Dixons line. be will I to the prepared supply ooe as the etsra exnltingin blissful anticipations- - But by cue they tumbled WILLIAM MOODY. nil of sorts with the withering heat of the conflict of life from the regions of ethereal space and ps them in CROCKERY exhale; the creeps on; tno my ircuiere pockets; Id put WARE, of garlands hope, shattered and dead, pick the enn that oriental ged of day, I by tbe middle of February, 13ti8. 1 strew the path; and too often, ere noonihtitraveres the blue itch of heaven in will take Corn, Wheat, Flour, Butter, DRY GOODS is GROCERIES such majeetic splendor Id tear him Cheese, Colton, Cotton Yarn, tide, t he clear brow and sweet smile aro Storepay, from she sky and quench his bright Gash or Lead in exchange. Pottery is Cheaper than ever offered in Dixie exchanged for the weary look of one for the evening rest, the twilight, in tbe fountain of my eternal situated on the street running to Wash- For Cash and Grain. Flour, Grain, and longing the love for tbe! Amelia night. Oh, may the good God giro 'Dont Henry, ington Feed for Sale. Board by day or week. his it would be so very dark. sleep early unto tbeso many. JOHN EARDLEY. JOHN PYMM. ltf 2tf FRUIT TREES! I i A8VO&0OL SEAMS RANCHING up-lo- ok dew-spark- mim pwigw, 3-l- m dew-dro- Graindk Feed Store! 1 ... : rw W r, V le I |