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Show jm .ft ' ' a es ai SOm sr --L As JL M mrc- JAMES LINFORTH, U s73c:dsinSt.Gscr?3 - COIUIS SIO MUK'CII A NT. 8 Front St., rear Market, Can Tran ' ) V' ,W,ilCUl;; f JPrtcit Lower avd Latest thft in Styles this 'C5m .Everything published fur .Ever!. RESPECTFULLY eotfeit knrdsrs other-wis- e' Mouth is unless &c. Stsi.LakeCity, Temple original, ldiparunent Keeps an extensive easortment of Fancy have just arrived , Prices fTjert and all necessary infor;l ' ' .The expressed. Undersigned Books, on application .. Good. Toys, Confectionery, 3tf from California with & freeh supply, f mation forwarded Medicines, Stotronei'y end 'Yankee Nor choice Goods of latest styles. tions, which Its offers at tfce lowest ENIGMA. No. 8. WINE, RAISIN 3, O'RAHE VlNEa. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY rcntJBxxi. Look in no charge for showing Ms Come buy your nice Vine GOODS. READY MADE H? Curiosities. I a composed of 13 letters. And Cuttings oi me, . CLOTHING. My lt 4, 6, 3 is a mineral SHOES, GROCERIES, Then you'll rest in thj shade COMPOUND HAT, 7 j Of your vine and fig tree, li, 2, 6, 12isisseen everywhere. and sons, and other and varieties many bird. a 7,8, 11, will sfcUlt prices far telew aov hereto- - J hare Grape Roots and Outiingf is used 9, 27 by school teachers. Will cleanse tho Blood, rtinove Billioua foro in this market,, as the following Of manv rare kinds; 8, 10, 3 is used by mechanics. relieve will show: Ive fiesh Hamburgh Raisins 5, 6, 7, 10, 1, 6, 3 . is hated and Complaints, stimulate ib Liver, And pure Utah Wir.cs. 40 tjp yd 30 despised by every honest man. ' Dyspepsia, break up Billiou.i and other Domestics, 30 ($ 35 to Let all who have ptfrelnscd' My whole isrr, river running thro Fevers, stop the Headache, drive away FviotSi 40 Delaines, Mexico and California. My goods heretofore Flatulency &nl Loss cf Appetite, help 30 and 40 Checks, .Stripes Haste, now'comc and settle, a Bad Cold; cure the Jaundice, and Answer in two weeks. Oal. 00 TwiPed Flannels, Jl If there's an unsettled score. prove to be the best family l'ill in exis40 60 p Tickings, And ebligc, WALTER E. DoboTtSi r tence. California Blankets. $12.00 ANAGRAM. e pair Sold at ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE. Teas St. George, Jan., 13C8. It j $3.00 choice) 82.50 From (very Moore's Rural Yorker. New it Tuthr spotos on tievor'f wornc ot reaw, (?3Monej refunded when satisfaction Tobacco, Hardy Grape Tines by 32nil. Men's and Boy's Hats, $150 up hr kamr si rawdup rairdot eth ky s; is not given. 1 will fill orders by mail for some of wards. Standules lies lassi trie reppu'rai, I1ESRY J. l'LATT, the best hardy Grapes, viz: Of Oloisrexe.sashelf orraf ebr yee. ' SADDLE A HARNESS MAKER. Isabella, Tokalon, Delaware, Clinton, READY MADE CLOTHING, J other varieties uu Reh robw hitur de&fsels receipt .of ' hare a very extensive and excellent h;t jeatub niches, The tU GO free $1 sre dozn per of - Dan ritvue moblos Printing ganol chr datre, sou aMOrtment, which ws will sell at Cali- - culjnffl. Df Hewli vole hitw nancystoc sincombe foruia prices, with freight added. "I t, Ot morf a loah nodur reh deal. HORNED STOCK S. G. HIGGINS, in Answer two be weeks. ricbivi'd for Merchandise for ten will B a W. IV JOHNSON, v . ! a mar-ketfigure- '' 'X i . . a. . , ISIT ffmS j i 4-- 4 i '. " -l 1 . . : . . ' !:mnr,lT1, j leiLSQtf r ! . j I r PMVS30Acri? days', hejL'inni.'ig on the 15th lust. Reside ii co is the north part of the City, Yearlipjrs, $8 to 12 ANSWERS TO ENIGMAS, Ac., two blocks west of Clarks Tannery. l! years old, It! I o 20 3 old 20 to 30 cere and si dry cows, While thanking my patrons for their Oove.ir in No. 3. 30 40 to nidi calves, favors in the past, I wish to inform I latw orkcr, to Ocdton pisincrf 120 0 to per yoke Tib Enigma No. 6 A copy cf Our them, as well is the public generally Oxen, Nn and Machinist and (ilaxier. Op stfgs or hulls ifctivod. Dixie Times.' who may nsecl my services, that 1 have Uf The Slock must be in good traveling cor.- posile Ht. George Hall. Answered by II, Horsley. (The just received from the New Turk labori owners their branc must aid dition, bring ? only name atories a good assortment of Etdcctic for received.) and Kulr. of iTeJiills COTTON MILL AND STORE. veilu, BURDICK Medicines. TlUM-.rA ... No. 6 ? Enigma Help to gather the Mutter, Catton.Cfrwn, good Cheese. St. George, IJtali, Febv, Saints. be taken for I.. will Stock Horned and . . Cotton Yura r.nd gc'irifal Merchtn-- i Rebus A little darke in bed, and VALUABLU Tho Unwsigned offers a superior arti-ei- e I dixe nt Prt-rtYouth's Coiloa wire fteiud of double-woun- d nothing over him. Washington. Umh. Brooms, id wholesale or reluil; Grain itf JOS. BIRCH, Airent and i'ruduuc received in payment. Soli at the St. Store: 1 j ! j I ! j I ; ! l-ti- BROOMS! Tas-itor- . y, Family Medicinot valentine. Fixa Vallby, Feb. 14, 1SG3. As lumbering is the hardest work, I think ! A T.T CIIOICE George Drug : also : ALL-IIEALIN- OF BALSAM, G lt S! 41 Uirch1. romt, K.narw, For i;ouSki, lloeilcieiiMf ati.i Ut,h. of tili Airti0J you understand orna-varu-ucs, also best and good sun J. BIRCH. ltf I am the only man in town that keeps a men ml Trees and Shrubbery, und other ESSENCE OF LIFE,, pile on hand. For Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Chol- plants- JAMES CRAG UN, I men n to keep a full supply of lumber, A choico lot of HARDY GRAPES. ic, Whooping Courh, I'aia in the teeth lath, and goods. Cabinet Maker, S. Goorg 5ucn as stand this northern climate, and or facs and ns a Soothing Cordi .1 for Jncr And If you think I eel! too high, Vi do Fruit orders m jus hn with will infauts gives immediate relief. abuadantly. aPxiait Trees, : i ; ; j J axi-rui- j B-if J j JOHNSON', CANKKll SVHUI1, know Tou I have the hardest work to alI.axe l;ub. ilia, Spring ways meet my ends For Caoker, Sore Mouth, o: Ulcerous a Muster. knew xvitli the reason is, because il amors. I suppose you 1 trust zny friends. arri-; XF.RVE AND BONE LINIMEMT, The U undersigned having lately i .1 Aow April la tiia msma this year yu Ved from Taris. is .. lo give t..m tor .ttD.ulK,J toj0M in tUe nuiring outward npidication for Man or So if you wlh to save your cash, feteh on 3xnxs i.enjit. Tho vory best lloree I.iiiimeiii. your grain and cattle. 5i Class lesions, twice a week, Walk up and pay like hcacst men. and EYE SALVE, ik $1.00. balance the old aeore, Private . For weak, imlumed or troublesome Evo C1.MM mil bo formed two Then when yon wish to buy again, you . 6o from date. may get time on more. G. G. R. SANGIOVANNI. j TONIC PILLS, ltf 5tf ELI WHIPPLE. Will euro tho Ague, Chills and Inter could! better Itf J:spjlt!i. WHIPS AND LARIATS, JOnA LAlt5iF.., 1. rreuch J. pwi-t.forfc.- Ltlc; ; Mm. uaJ Blacksmithing! C. WILKINSON, x 4 ji B. F. IENDLETON. l.isi to what ht ha to tar, Don't forget yeur old promise. But bring in the pay For work done quick snd strong. Just bring the pay along. Then he'il serve you without delay. Good clean Cotton and Linen RAGS Corner of Centre and first atrect winiftl at this offiee. ltf north, front of Jos. Birth's. AND CARRIAGE MAKER A block and a half south of the Publ;i Squire; on Main Street. Good timber. eud work done well and with nestaeis anil 3lf despatch. ALSO ; j I ! j A HOUSE AND LOT, HOUSE. Washington, Utah, Travelers and Boarders arcommodaled with the best 'table comforts the market affords. : W. H. CHAVVFOUI). Itf Jas. Kcatc, :Mss5?ofnobbj. Worn Medicines. Salves, Ointments Itch, Piles, Ac. llivo Syrup, Coxnposi tion, Syrup Sarsaparilla, and moit Geetlcmeu troubled with other popular Family Medicines. stendir.js, caa hav them disscctad, ; DAVID X1LK1, J. ane-Iji- ed and recreaUd on tii shortest aetlee, and go on thsir way with dielr pedal extre- X. S. RCISX1. mities secure against ihe ineiauattng iafiaJ eace ef wster, mud, send, ft;. Dvp&rttd soles restored. Tho various GRAIN EfiS, Boot and Shoe Shebang ltf dimateh CflAWl-Oll- HOME, SIGN A ORNAMENTAL DIXIE FOR SALE, 1 1!. j 9IILKE & RUSSELL, j All work in braiding, St. George. c. don mitteut Fevers immediately. WAGON c labyriciiau devratiens, mystical ramifications and multitudinPAPER HANGERS & GLAZIERS, ous malformations of the Profession have been by me thoroughly analysed, St. George. limplified and ansihtlatsd,and the pah dnla- lnCr jroan . we are prepared to exsoats in Advicaaitw oZ bad its finest ctyle, all W oik in the above line. tlrl01JJ ltf gratuitouily. Charges 'Moderate Between Oily Hall.aad PriaiitJ well fenced, with good cattlo yard, situated one block south of S. M. Blairs. A. 1. ISAlim For particulars enquire of JosephBircb, tbs above business ou the TS Esq., J.E. Johnson, editor 'Dixie Timet, JL runnirg principle. Lit friends. or of J. R. Young, at B. Youngs factory. eome on, and we will give and old new. 4tf you "fitsl" at sign of Old Beet. Old shoes changed into new cnes. X. F. SLAlJkysei, Itf J. JOHNSON, QJkse. P.S. Owing to the scarcity of Leather, X A. 2tf the ftfin i takes in. Juctiin and Commission Merchant, Informs public that he is prepared to exeSt. George, Utah, cute all business in bis line with neatness, J. V. NIXON, fT Will reaeiTS and dispost of, as iaetrae-- 1 dispatch and in the latent stvlcs of the art. Last side Main Street, Qt blocks south Ojjptr. Ti tod 6h..t Iron Voii.r, TTitif, Merekaadiit, Grain. f Hate ke, wbs.eia St. G.oig., Uth f tiia public square. ST. SIOAGI D&Ut 9E0B1; Iti 4tf upefi liberal Urai tB. I hith-prAiu- re I uir : I. .Ta"',': ,gfcrL. w TP 7'Veilaf - |