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Show mr xmiBss 'Iff !' , ' - ''-'aiB- . . ... - , ttW -- ' . ' " ' : 'V' . t r. j ". , zW . - ; r- . V 'V.VS- BREVITIES. Grain and Feed Store! :5 g . J . - aijf.s 1 A A tree has lately beeneutin Ohio, ? The undersigned keeps constantly oh hand - j--. which io declared by experts to ibe 792 a supply of '' IN AU,rk BltASCHES I QBAIN.' yem old ' : The undersigned is prepared to acr.om- -. There is a man out vY est who bell eves PEED, : modate who. want anything in; his ? line, if those.will that Hon. placed before a man's name ' FLOUR. they bring along the Pay. stands for honest. . MEAL,'. 'All kindi of Produce taken in Payment ' CHOP Man-witV PEED, a carpet bag. h I Want to for Work VEGETABLES .These Works are full and complete, go to the hotel.' ? .v sv 3im burgess. and will be carried on for the Little Boy. Welli I have no objecand other H' ; ' ' ;l : - v tions. y lijntfy; 3iu IPtr . :u . J wU7oioo4-.Crw.- p V-- ij d " rDS P"' & . I den9 said: fAnd there he sat all night - s00. bought i , J ci "ft1,! tT I r r j see I : . cA , E TV. a .aMLginba?TadIad!naP iSnJj eM J.r,J ivi? A-- .!.L t. - SK8i ft ww 'i I i i s DRUGS, MEDICINES. m vyw) nivaaiii vu ug of her head and a notion in her brain. , , Patience is a sublime virtue. The truest heroism in human life is that private heroism which bears with calmness ineritadle ills regardless of the consola. tions of a fruitlass sympathy, and without the soothing oonsciousneas of public attention Wife, said a broker, a few days since, do 3 on think 1 shall ever be worth fifty thousand dollars? Aint I worth that to you? said the . 4 . . AT U6 JOHSSONS DRUG STORE, St. George, Utah, may be found a good Stock ef 4 well-assort- ed DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, &o., the right kind of Medioines for the People, the Climate, and tho Diseases of tho Country. Prescriptions put up'with care, by an experienced Druggist. SaT Two doors above St. Georgo Ilell. Notary (Ptuyk, confiding spouse. hesitatingly replied the ThO' undersigned will attend to the other half, but I cant put you out at execution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Y-e-- s, Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, Contracts, and all other Official Business required of a Notary Public. Office at Our Dixie Times rooms, St. George. ' J. E. JOHNSON, Rotary Publio. ' J: I r Somewise man takes the following When .view of the economy . question: two man or see a three spending you dollars a week foolishly, the chances are five to one that hell lire long enough to know how many cents there are ni a dolWHEELWRIGHT I lar; if he dont he is pretty sure to bemade or repaired, and nsual queath that privilege to his widow. WAGONS done on short notlee at A rapid and emphstio reoital of the ltf ELMORES. following is s&id by a provincial paper to bs an infallible cure for lisping: Hobbs meets Bnobbs and Nobbs: Hobbs hobs to Snobbs and Nobbs: Hobos nobs I have a choice collection of with Bnobbs and robs Kobbs fobs. That is, says Nobbs, the worst for FRUIT AND ORNALENTAL Hobbss jobs, feidSnobbsYsobs. A traveler who had just returned from of good size for transplanting, to EXCHANGE for journeying through Africa, says: A savage holds to his cows and to nis nUIUiUJ, Produce; consisting of : He adds: Apple, Pear, Quince, Plum, Apricot, but especially to his cows. The price of a Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, AI- -. strong who ean wife a mond, Cutalpas, Ailanthus, young cany heavy jar of cows. ten is Honey Locust, Mulberry,' water, Throughout savage etc. lands, a family of daughters is exeeod-iagl- y etc., etc, , some profitable. Also, New, Choloe, as well as Ordinary, An old hotel keeper in Washington nee posted on his door the following Native and Foreign Grapes. Also, Flowering and Fruiting Shrubs, Members of Congress will notice: Plants, Flowering Plants Strawberry go the table first, and then, the gentle- and Vines, IIouso Plants, etc. men; Rowdies and blackguards must ' As the above stock is small, those not mix with: Congressmen, cs it is to should be in seadesiring purchase hard to tell one from tother,. son. . FRUIT TREES! ; good-looki- ng - 3tf ' give notice .that after this L .date, I shall not be responsible for any contracts made by Jacob Hamblin, in the name of Hamblin & Co., or Elijah Tho. mas x Co. Further, J notify all persons who have purchased of Jacob Hamblin any private property, to wit.-- Mules, Oxen, Horses, Harness, .Wagons or other property, that wherever found, I shall commence suit for the recovery of the same; and that any person disposing ef the same, after this date, held now by them will be held responsible for the value of the same to me. 3lm S. M. BLAIR. CHECKENS! 100 Hens Wanted. By Mrs. V ; LITTLE WANTED, ACall at theWOMAN GOOD Cottage. S. M. J.E. Little Cupids quite a stranger To his native home the heart; After Wealth a constant ranger, Chaffing, with a pedlars art. Natures language, plain and simple, f . y He no longer deigns to prise; Seldom sports he in a dimple, Seldom visits sparkling eyes Tracts of land, and bas of money; . He knows how to estimate; Ere you taste hymeneal honey You must learn to calculate. ' - . JOHNSON, St. George. IPOTTgUW; HoIa1?,orofto,npp,7ti8Pob- CROCKERY WARE, the middle of ltf JOHN EARDLSY. one-sixteen- th ounce; that a middling-sizefn&n would weigh down not short of four four thousand of them; and it must be strange if a golden wren would not outweigh four of our locusts. Suppo-sintherefore, that a common man weighs as much as sixteen thousand d. g, of our locusts, and that the note of a locust can be heard of a mile, a man of common dimensions, pretty sound m wind and limb, ought to be able to make liimself heard at the distance of one thousand six hun. one-sixteen- th dred miles, and when he sneezed his 3tf BLAIR, St. George, Utah Ter. ltf BLAIR & SONS, COMMISSION . Colorado City, MERCHANTS, at the month of the gen River, solicit the patronage of Vir- - Arizona, Utah, Nevada and California Merchants. This point is the head of of the Colorado River.. Strictnavigation attention to business, and our acquaintance with the Mormon people will insure patronage. All orders will be punctually forwarded for Uash. ltf BLAIR k SONS. DIXIE OIL COMPANY have ATR ODL to distribute. ltf ISAM Call oh S. M. BLAIR, Agent for Dixie Oil Company. RANCHING! purchased of Mr. the undivided half Having Ranche known aa Hamblin Sc & M. of the Blaira. Supposing weigh one which is more than its actual grain, weight, and to jump one and a half yards, a common man of one hundred and fifty pounds, with jumping powsrs in proportion, could jump twelve thousand eight hundred miles, or about the distance from New York to Cochin China. ANECDOTE OF VBLPAU. . An anecdote is told ofVelpau, the eminent French surgeon, who died a few years ago. He had successfully performed on a little child five years old, a perilous operation. The mother came to him and said:. Monsieur, my son is saved,; and I really know not how to express my gratitude; allow me, however, to present you with this pocket book, embroidered by my own hands. Oh, mad ame, replied Velpau, sharply, my art is not merely a queston of feeling. My life has its requirements, like youis,. Dress even, which is .a luxury with jou, is a necessity with me. AHoW'ine, therefoie, to refuse your charming little present in exchange for a more substantial remuneration. But, monsieur ,whnt remuneration do you desire? Fix the fee yourself." Five thousand franes,madame. The lady very quietly opened the pocket book, whieh contained ten thousand franc notes, counted out five, and po liteiy handing them over to Velpau, in Ranche Valley, eait of Spring Valley, I solicit patronage of Dixie stock growers, Being brought up in Texas, I vouch no better Ranche any cnc owns or ever retired. - north of Maaon & Dixons line. ' WILLIAM MOODY. by February, 1868. I will take Corn, Wheat, Flour, Butter. Cheese, Cotton; Cotton Yam, Storepay, Gash or Lead m exchange. Pottery is situated on the street running to Wash- ington to do Housework, r S. M. Blair. ATTORNEY AT LAW. , CUriO, What a noisy creature would a man be were his voice, in proportion to his weight, as loud as that of a locust. A locust can be heard st a distance of of a mile. The .golden wren is said to weigh but half an S. $1. BLAIR, at our Cottage, in house ought, to fall about his ears. St. George. 3.1 m a flea to . . ' NOTICE! -- . i'. S. M. BLAIR. F HEREBY J. E: JOHNSON. CURIOUS CALCULATIONS. BENNE SEED. S. i a Chrysauthemus. ' is made from t' 5er it ew that they have commenoad bnainaa os ho corner ot Washington and Fourth Noith where they inrRo tho pat- ronage of their frienda. All kinda of near making angels of them, but a ekil Produce taken, ful doctor saved them. 1ST Two apprentices, with good ref- A young man of great gallantry re- erences respecting ' their charac ters, cently rescued a beautiful woman who wanted immediately. wits in danger of drowning. She stood PICKETT & JUDD; tied ' : Snap-Dragon- s, ; I want to J . ' . By 8. M. BliAlK, wid th. ft I I(Iwirl HAVE a few flowering shrubs, bulbs. and bedding planU for sale, Vis. . ' rv U !L 11 : te . f . 1,1 I IIT ; A first-raset of SURVEYORS & ENGINEERS 1 NSTRU. 1 MENTS FOR SALE. Inquire at the Tikis effiee, ' ' . Also of thej f and sold. - V TO SURTEl'ORg loagtlooking at the show for nothing,-- St. George , Jan. 15,1268. Ilf SESSAMAN, V I v. ROSES, and it didnt (Boat him a cent. r SEEDS. SEEDS! oriental; LILACS, When you see a young man and wo-- 1 . . v c iSFIREAS, .' I r j Pttr v: ftJJ BENNEPLANT man walking down tho street, ' STOCKS, badlf oilier 3f like a cut of .fdnat pair of Slower Saada .oatebed oxen, Il ia a pretlr good algo I ?d a. cl,c 31. petunias, George Drug Store that they are oneolidadon. BLACKBERRY, For Distribution,' JAPAN. LILIES, H. PICKETT,. J. JUDJ), A lady took her little boy to church for WALLFLOWERS, the first time. Upon hearing the organ ; BUILDERS, CO. ritlcTORS, Iris, Tubaroies. and many ST. GEORGE. he was on his feet instanter. Sit down, others also a choice collection of Chinese and j ' G ' CASTOR OIL qn'r- KranU. Oooi Rlabllngand an7 ' of the .; , . :i MANUFAOTURIfl . doses of washboard are how at Lowest Market Rates. recommended t o ladies who complain of i , , dyspepsia. Young men troubled in the I Teams Us and Emigrants supplied in r fcT . . : r i .t " 4t . !;i 3-l- m Whos there?! said Robinson one eold winter night, disturbed in his repose by some one knocking at the street door. A friend, was the answer. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES What do you want? than ever Want to stay here all nighi. offered Cheaper in Dixie! Fqr Cash and Grain. Flour, Grain, and Queer taste of yours, aint it! But Feed for Sale, Board by day or wek. stay there by all means, was tho hency-olc- st Grain& Feed Store! John tymm. rojoinder. |