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Show . V . - t ' 4- " ' t r Cutntr i' . LlNFORTHr r. j 6 C 0 M .U 1 fi S I D N Jtt IS R cri A hi T,;: JAMES V: MG7?GQ0DS! F font Et rear Mark it, tap Ft a- -, ' v cisco, 'Csl.y: solicits orders for Ac.- Prices current and all neceseary infor-urtatiforwarded on application, . itf B W, D. JOHNSON, B3T Everythipgpublishedinthis department is original, unleas . otherwise expressed. , : -- No. 7. ENIGMA : ioittlsTeniple Lake City, at. Style ' e d Loiter Price them a Evert - T . -- i' Respectfully Keeps an extensive assortment of Fancy ' The Undersigned have.. just .arrived Books, Goods Toys, Confectionery from with afresh supply of California. NoMedioines, Stationery and .Yankee ohoice Goods of latest stylii. ' tions, Which he offers at the lowest GRAPE VINES STAPLE AND FANCY DRY WINE, RAISINS, Lookin no charge for showing' his Comt buy jout nice Vinef GOODS. READY MADE ltf Curiosities. of nte, . And Cuttings . CLOTHING, COMPOUND SHOES, GROCERIES, "Then, youll rest in the ehado HATS, Of your vine and fig tree. and many other varieties and sorts, and IP3ILILS will sell at I have Grape Root and Cuttings ' prices far belew any heretothe as in fore this following Of many rare kinds; market, Will cleanse the Blood, remove Billions ' show: will iSre fresh Hamburgh Raisins r Complaints, stimulate the Liver, relievo And pure .Utah Wines. 40 30 yd Dyspepsia, break up Billions and other Domestics, 30 35 . Let all who have purchased : ' ; . Fevers, stop the Headache,' drive away Prints, 4 to 40 Flatulency and: Loss of Appetite, help Delaines, My goods heretofore 40 snd Checks,. ($ Stripes ,30 a Bad Cold, ours tbs Jaundioe, and Haste, nowxome and settle, 00 Twilled Cal. $1 Flannels, If theres an unsettled aeore.' family Pill in exisprove to.bs 60 40 Tickings, tence. And oblige, WALTER E: DGDGR J California Blankets, $12.00 pair J Geld at ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE. ltf St.' Jan., 1 868 Teas . - on - mar-ketfigur- es. ' S. H. I am composed of 8 letters. : My 1, 6, 8 is used in erery family. 6, 6, 4 is a rude house. . 3, 2, 1, 5 is a troublesome insect. 6, 2, 4 is what last 4th July was. 7, 2,1, 4 is an eminent physician. ' My whole is a curiosity; BT L at V: . -- ' . - . ' SIT N . -- . . Answer in two Veeks; : - . : , 4-- 4, POETICAL ENIGMA. My first is in rain, but not in dew;: " next is in ship, but not in crew; third is in green, but not in blue; lust is in stocking, but not in shoe, : , s the-bes- t $ (very choico) $2.50 ($ $3.00 lb 175 Tobacco, Mens and Boys Hats, $150 up- whole is in .noise and endless too, ey refunded when satisfaction Is loredand cherished,- old and new. (Qylfon is not given. By lads and lasses not a few. . M - CHARADE. 0. U. My first is in palace, mansion, cot, In many a wild, untrodden spot; In. gardens, where rich colors vie From frosen north to tropic sky. My second is a pretty name, Oft breathod in love and honest fame. Spelt with five letters, thesis will tell A season yorng folks love full well. My whole, a plaot, is sometimes seen In gardens mid the verdure green, X. And in the druggist's long array Youll find me ready any day. Answer in two weeks. , - George Hardy Grape Tines by Msll ; CROSBY A CLARK, Tanners and Curriers, St. George, ltf Utah. 20 to 30 . While thanking my patrone for their Old it sere and dry cows, 0 L. RIDING, Cows 40 to with 30 1 calves, to inform wieh favors in the past, 60 to 120 per yoke Tin Plate Worker, to Cotton Spinner . them, aa well ai the public generally Oxen, No stsgs or bulls received. and Machinist nnd Gltsier. Opwho may need my eervieee, that I have labor-atoriThe Stock must be In good traveling conposite St. George Iblt. juet received from th6 New York and owners brands must thsir dition, bring a good aaiortment of Seleetio for TCQtbg, and hills of sals. give COTTON MILL AND STORE. Jtf Medicines. BURDICK A T1BBET; Cotton, Grain,.Butter, good Cheese "st. George, Utah, Feby, 1888. and Horned Stock will be taken for Colton Yarn and geual Merehan-dse'atFreVALUABLE The Uneriigned offer a superior art!-el- e Young" Cotton Facwire fastened ef double-wountory, Washington. Utah. Broome, at wholesale or retail; Grain in JOS. BIRCH Agent and Produoa received payment. Sold of the St George Drug Store: ALSO IK ATI nAYI BALSAM, A CHOICE LOT OF For Coughs, Colds, Restlessness and all For Sal at Birchs Paint, Kaaarre Utah. Affections of tke Lungs. ornaalso beat size and varieties; good J. BIRCH. Ilf ESSENCE OF LIFE, mental. Tree and Shrubbery, and osher -- ltf ee BROOMS! ANAGRAMS. Cities and Totem in Utah . bt x. o. u. Live queer lot. Brush his rag. Saw nothing. 0! get Rogers. A la crac Satan. Yell vain pe. st. Family Medicines ALL-HEALIN- Ram! oh ny. River get ency. Corkll live. Answer in two weeks. ; , HORNED STOCK & G. HIGGINS, will be received for Merchandise for ten SGHSCirOC PMVSlKDOAfa, days, beginning on the 15th lost. Residence in the north part of the City, Yearlings, $8 to 19 2 years old, two blocks west of Clarks Tannsry. 12 to 20 d' A pan row. Ticcy dear, llan a kar. . I will fill orders by mail for slat of the best hardy Grapes, via: Of Isabella Tokalon, Delaware, OUaton; READY MADE CLOTH EG, Concord and other varieties on receipt door Next The best of Work done. We have a very extensive end excellent 00 per dozen south of Printing Office, St. George, assortment, which we will eell at Cali- of priea postage free-$- I cuttings.. ltf fornia jfrices, with freight added. J. I. JOHNSON, SI. Ceerge. wards. I1ENBY J. PLATT, SADDLE A HARNESS MAKER. - Answer in two weeks. BT : G For Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, .CholIIARDY A choice let of GRAPES, ic, Whooping Cough, Pain in the teeth ueh a stand this northern climate, and or face and as a Soothing Cordi 1 for infants gives immediats relief Fruit abundantly. B. F. JOHNSON. CANKER SYRUP, Lake Villa, Utah. Spring ANSWERS TO ENIGMAS, Ac., For Canker, Sore Month, or Ulcerous Humors. Francis wills a Mailer in No. 2. The Uundersigned having lately arri- NERVE AND BONE LINIMEMT, Enigma Ko.3 Saint George Hall. ved from Pari, i now ready to give For Rheumatism and all dissases reAnswered correctly by JosephWor-then- , Lesions ia the Freneh language. quiring outward application for Man or Brigham J. Lund. II. Pearce, Tkms: Beast. The very beet Iloree Liniment. C.Johiison, H. Ilorsley, I.M.Hey wood. 50o. Claes lessons, twice a week, SYS SALVE, $1.00. Private No. Fra&kCin D. 4 RicEnigma For weak, inflamed or troublesome Zys Clseeea will be formed iwo weeks hard. Lids, Sore Kyei, &e. from date. Answered correctly by B. J, Lund, G. G. R. SANGIOVANNI. TONIC FILLS, ltf Henry Horsley, II. Pearce. Will cure the Ague, Chille and InterCharade- - School-Girmittent Fevers immediately. plant. Blacksmithing! l. Answered correctly by C. Johnson Rebns Bear your trials with fortitude, extend to the unfortunate benev-olenoand peacd will attend you on every hand. B. P. PENDLETON, Lirf to what ho has to r Dont forgot your old promise, But bring in the pay. For Work dons quick snd strong. Just bring the pay along. Then hell serve you without delay. '7 Corner of Centre and first street Good clean Cotton and Linen RAGS ltf north, front of Jos. Birchs. wanted at thia office. ALSO Worm Medioines, Salvts, Ointments for Itch, Piles, Ac. Hive Syrup, Composition, Syrup Sarsaparilla,, and most other popular Family Medioines e, JAMES CRAGUN, Joiner and Cabinet Maker S. George, will execute ordera in his line wills ltf ' dispatch. WHIPS AND LARIATS, JOHN LARSEN, ; St. Gtorge. All work in brxidmf, lit &c., done with dispatch., , CRAWFORD HOUSE, Washington, Utah, Travelers and Beardsrs accommodsted with tha best table comforts the market affords W. H. CRAWFORD.; ; ltf Jas.Keate, Mkop of Cnobology. Gentlsmsa treab! d with dsficltaiUai eau havo them disseetad, and recreated on the shortest notice, DATin X1LVX, J. I. I. XUS01L. and go on their way with their pedel extreiafiu-eaiuuuIVE1 mities secure against ihe Insianatisg of water, mad, sand, etc. Departed HOUSE, SIGN A ORNAMENTAL solea restored. The various labyrinth: an deviations, . mystical ramifications and taultiiadja-u- s malformations of the Profession PAPER HANGERS A GLAZIERS, have been by 'me thoroughly analysed, St. George. simplified and annihilated, and thiTib-li- onsed ao longer groan nnder tha aeleWe are prepared to eseoote, in the finest etyle, all W ork in the above line. terious effeots of bed fits. Advil' . . : , :,y . ltf gratuitously. Charges Moderate, EF" Bsiwsia Oily ' HeU.ind ErioViag" aaa-lyx- ed ca . DIXIE TOR SALE. II OUSE A X I) LOT. well fenced, with good cattle yard, situated one block south of 8. M. Blair'e. A. P. IIARDY For rarticulars enquire of JoeephIHrch, runnier the above bueintae on tbs Esq., J.E. Johnson, editor Dixie Time,' principle. Lit friends, or of J. R. Young, at 0. Young's factory. old and nsw, corns on, aud ws will give . 4tf yon ''fits!' it sign of Old Boot. Old shosi changed into new onsa. x. r. slagowkki. J. E. JQHN60N, GUfei. P.S. Owing to the scarcity ef Leather, Z the Sign is taken in 2tf Auction and Cammieeion Merchant t Informs public that be is prepared to exeSt. George, Utah, cute all business In liis line with neatness, J. W. NIXON, eelehraiefi Will receive and dispose of, as instrucAgency for lindlays,; dispatch and in the latest styles of the art. and Tin Sheet Iron Worker, ted, Goods, Wares, Msrokaidiie, Grein, Mateaes, whelesaleend retail, Last side Main Street, 2g blocks south Copper, G Ui&U of the public rquare. St. 4tf ltf Stock, Ac., upon liberal tirmi. ST. GEORGE DRUG WORE forge, GRAiNEttl, Boot and Shoe Shebang Is htgb-prnsu- ru J T A la O : . . it - " . |