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Show f A Constitution torn, mutilated and ;V Vr trampled : under Toot; . vV ;'A broken brotherhood.. . j A Union shattered. ' "'i A sectional Congress. r-.A national debt we can never pay. A large portion of the United States-reduceto . the pitiable condition of. conquered provinces, and taxedwitli-ou- t representation .An Congress, that would impeach or '.wipeout every honest man and community, if they dared brave the consequences. A starving population in the South. A grievous taxation, too hard to ; be borne. A broken and unstable commerce. A million of fathers', husbands' and brothers' graves. , A demoralised coMibry. - . d :4 OUR DIXIE TIMES 1 T. ETolxnson. EDITOR A PROPRIETOR. Jl. KEN NER, : : S. i. WEDNESDAY, Per : : FEBY Printer, 12, 1868 TERMS: ., anti-nation- al 3 Monthly $2,00 3.00 Single copies, 25 - Merchandise, grain and all xner chan table produce will be received at market rates iu the various towns and A' trealary beggared by thieves settlements,' by the Bishops .or spe ci&l agents, who. are authorized to and robber patriots. receive hwncsof responsible eubscri- Our manufactures paralyzed. now unable to. who, bersj though pay, A Congress corrupt and degenerate, can give bills due for wheat, immedi ' whose rule of right is might. Mely after next harvest is threshed, Millions of insolent, ignorant neTHE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT groes )made legally equal, to the white man: and sharer in. the white man's As it fVas, s and let loose for robbery, ' When the noble patriots of f76 government, rapine and murder; with thousndsof .tripped for the fight,- buckled on devils in human shape to urge them their mrmor and . marched to battle to on to a fearful destiny. defend their country and their' posterA million of widows, and double ity from usurpation and tyranny, there the number of orphans: was an unvarnished freshness of pat A people whose Tirtue and moral. riotiem, a bold, honest outpouring of ity are wrecked. Luthfulhess that was irresistible Have we en enough for once? ' that no. civilized nation or ' people Verily, enough I r could fail to hcnor-ati- d Thoea ropet, Andrew Johnson and his support-si- s heroes not only stripped t as did the in all the states of this grcatUnion, gladiator for a deadly, encounter, but stand alone in defense of the Governthey stripped their farms, their store- ment. Should thatparty auccesd, houses, their coffers of the choicest o! and men of wisdom, honor, integrity this world's goods to sustain the cause and patriotism soon regain the helm the of the poor, the weak, of government, we may be fared; else rich and the strong. confusion and Our noble sires succeeded; they despotism, anarchy, blood will follow, and this once powlost all and gained everything; they erful Government be blotted ... out. were poor in pccket and earthly com- May we be saved a fate so fearful legacy and foit, but rich in a Ileaven-sen- t VeBrj 0 Months,' SS.CO I " - . . . f , - . - o apppling! .the ery, and. thej' produce a They should be liberally encouraged with material, t and they will he able not only to supply. Utah, but the Territories surrounding. The castor Jbean as a , crop may be. profitably grown here, even upon the most mineral lands. Dome, farmers, who will lead out with a field of.castor cil beans? A collection of 24 Varieties of Apple whioh are the best and most profitabL in , all respects .of the many vari$tieP imported snd .fruited at () S. L. 0 ilj which t have any knowledee of; aF a collection cf 12 varieties" most pr ferable of the 24: . ;7 Summer Varixtixs. Early . Monday's Ijcct'S. D. fiohelli spoke very intelligently on the cultivation of the grape, comparing our soil and climate favorably with those of Q&lifornia and the favored regiens of the old world, and by his figures showed great inducements io' vine- r ' growing here, We need a hundred such lectures to assist in stimulating our people to cultivate the grape and set vineyards. Ilai vest, Red Astrieban, Wns. : Favor it i Large Yellow Bough, Summer Qreei Keswick. . Fall Varieties. For tor, Fa! Famuse Gravenstein . ' Pippin. Varitixs American Gol msTXit den Russet, ; Newtown Spitzenburgl Esopus Spitzcnburgh, R. I. 6reeniO Pecks Pleasant, Ladies Sweeting Waaper, Jonathan, Winter ' Pearmaiii Raines Janet; Green 'lewton Pip pin Tompkins Co King,- Virgini Greening, Wine Sap ' m f A collection of 12 varieties. Bishop Lunt, of Cedar City under Summer Red A trichan, Wmi date cf 5th iust., writes ; . Faverite, Keswick. We are enjoying ounelvi, acccord Fall Porter, Fall Pippin, Farmuse ing to eur facilities in all the usual Winter American . Golden Rui festivities and recreations of the season. We are preparing fer an en- set, Newtown Spi'zenlurgh, Esopu R. I. Greening Spitzenburgh. largement of. our agricultural oper- Green Newtown Pippin, Ladici ations; we are still keeping the emiSweeting.' gration of the poor, inprovement in The above collection 'may hot ani educational and military and other matters of interest, before the minds werforour southern climate experij ence in their culture will soon decide of the people. It may be that the Newtowi Thats right, Bro. Lunt; keep run- Pippin, expee'ed Rawleri, Janet, Virginia - waters of a river and thelike ning, Greening will suooeed cs well as asj you will never stagnate and don't of the winter, vasieties as they ri southran in character. L. S. II forget Our Dixie Tiuxa. 4 . -- m ; , . - Pins Valley, Febu 8. Ed. Times: We have a sad occurence to relate. Burned down! Lorenzo Brown's saw mill took fire this morning about four oclock, from the fire that the sawyers had in the mill, yesterday. It was not discovered uctill it had got so far along that it could not be put out. This is the second mill that has been burned down since the emigration to this country. Eli Wiipple, In baste, Bro. Brown is a stirring, energetic, ' will working man, and we trust receive the right sort of sympathy and be able to have, hia mill up again in shortest possible time. Constitution" or tux United States a jewel that enriches a Our First Exchange. Last mail Los Vioas Ranch, Jan, 26th. Under brought our first a diadem from the gods exchange.avray from Ed. Times? its glorious auspices our great cou- Afaysville, Ky. the Bulletin a large Mr. H W. Miller; and D. Cannon 23rd, all Democratic paper, passed this ranch bn Jan. nty prospered beyond the precedent and Miller imfbrmed me ; of any other nation, and freedom in edited iu a talented and sprightly right. Friend a new paper had been born in its broadest conception flourished and manner by Messrs. Ross k Rosser. that St; George; if $fr.0QwiH be any ashome and the millions at was felt, by sistance in clothing the infant, please Terms, $2,00 per year. na-tio- AFFLES FOR UTAH. oil. first-clas- s Taxx Care or tour Ciiicsem: It is now time to begin gardening: What is more harrowing to one's feel ings or. garden than to .at fowl tearing up ones choice' seeds an plants? We cant stand it, and w are ready to employ a good archet and have a chicken for dinner every: day serve 'em right. Let those in-- ? terested take note, or we shall taktf the birds. Bro. Morris is diligently a werk on the basement of anew stor just office.. below-ou- r ; it Auswere to .Cor respondents. n, Who discovered the first goh in California! Late in the year 18U, party of disbanded Mormon Battalion boyii went from San Francisco Bay (then ealleu': Yerba Bnena-rgo- od herb) to Sutters Mill on the American fork of the Sacrament? River. In digging the canal, it was foi.ni! a me send and downtrodden of ...all nations, who cast enclosed the Gentlemen, wo like jour politics, accept necessary to let in the water after shut childs hair. the of lock Ihemselves under .the shadow of our and the was found in the bottom by it meaning, outspoken style in commenced to ting off, gold noon, On Jen.lOth, the Mormon boys, who not only discover jj honesty and yir-- ; which you use the Queen's English. ; , anners, , Industry and continued until the next snow ed, but dng the first gold. tue prevailed, laws were respected, Go on, . ' prosper, and hi4p to save our morning, depth on the level 6,. inches, j ' to and our held , comr melted i sacred, all off, bees to a it has Is it day Hives. prirate rights uistracted country from fanatical since, good'plan put it is warm.and plcasent. Thermoni cellars in cold weather? y.es; in n warm;' , xaeree swelled, cur natics enlarged despotism. . ter upto.oo iiruic ! much lei our wealth increased; we were the dry, atry cellar the. . Gass. are There Most respectfully What's tiie'Mattxr? honey, and the old and thd .young swarm envy cf the world, the greatest, the six distinct out much stronger in the spring. periodicals, aside from dai' Thanks, friend Gass, your favor is come best, the Isppiest, the rioh'est of lies published in Salt Labe City We opportune. Ther child is born, but ' J. K. Is there any material near , nations youjj have yet to receive the first token, of a' as yet; we send city that is suitable to finish up. cisterns'. f fed and clothed poorly . As it Is, . We are ir. friendly exchange from the capital. a damp sheet from the youthful or that will harden in water! you ' first-rate watf.1 formed that there. is a Under a Radical Republican rule, Gcerge, Thomas, Harry, what's the form as a souvenir; again thnks, for lime or cement In abundance adjacent where are we how? Drifted down,, matter? Goya, that's cruel, to starve favor. this U a will early This the cheap and ver city. down, reckonings lost, ccgnpass hro- - a fellow a thousand miles from land a7 soon as bur cl V X3T Werk on tlie Tabernacle is valuable commodity so kep, rudder gone, masts' sliat'tered.J 6t fa 0ff Kentucky gfv'e us oui zens begin to appreciate the value of ci stone. of a of j firBl sails flapping, and on ibc verge lively, in hauKag and butting terns. See Sami. Adams. change, - Was ii. well-execute- d- . . ' . !; - O.-D- . . . , tj whirlpool that threateningly yawns io' swalliw us up may God .save us r man cannot The titles of the long lists pf bur curses are dark and startoVer a part of the ling; Mel us lo6k fearful page and hide our fices for -- thamc: MST IV c call attention of our read. ers to the advertisement of Major Blair proposing to distribute the seed of ihe castor oil and benne plant. The Dfxie Oil Company have at great exmaebin- pense erected oil works and -- Weather gets cool and gardenare aunny but ing suspended, days we can see snow around us on the mountains: it must disappear before tlie mellow spring atmosphere breathes to bloom tbc waiting flowers. 0. WILKINSON, WAGON AN2 CASRIAGZ MAKEF A block and a half seulh of Ills Publ1 Ssuire, on Main Street. Good tliaber.11 work done well and with neatneas a' 3l despatch. i |