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Show : brevities. ' ' . ' ' . wmmmmmm Grain and Feed Store! - v y ' FftOlITlIF NOHDRSCRIPT.-Selling ft well is a (w) hole-sal- a supply 'of-- e : V ; The plow that furrowed his brow .usinrss. v' - . . - . . is now At the blacksmith shop for ' '- - V . M FLOUR, . . . J; these lines arc air? like Why .They fill what would otherwise be empty ' . ' Column; BLACKSMITH' V mi ; ; CHOP FEED, VEGETABLES ami oilier J ' ' r4 ' . ; . or BENNE-PLAN- T m For Distribution, . VIST It is BENNE SEED. made from ed FRUIT TREES! The Nondescript is a manuscript paper, and was established in 1864 m of good size for transplanting EXCHANGE for GRAIN and Produce; consisting of i tooea iree mrnicer ana a plain Apple, Pear, Quince, Plum, Apricot, reach, Cherry, Pomegranate, A1 speaker, and embraces within ita purand mond, Cutalpas, Ailanthus, view anything everything. It Honey Locust, Mulberry, praises that which is good ana conetc. etc., etc., U While demns all evil. acknowledges Also, some New, Choice, as well as right, it courts no favors, and bows alone to the justice of God and His Ordinary, . Nativfr and Foreign Grapes. servants. Ovs Dixfg Times, . No. 1. We hail the Dixie Times as a welcome visitor and gladly place it on onr exchange list. Thanks, J. E. J.. It will do much. to buildup and strengthen the material prosperity of the section .of country from which it emerges. This is the only paper in the Territory published outside of Galt Lake City. The energy, experience , and determination of its editor well fit him for thO' founder of a pioneer paper : May his little sheet grow lar patrons increase in geo ger and his -metrical proportion. We; do notin . Also, Flowering and Fruiting Shrubs, Strawberry Plants, Flowering Plants and Vines, House Plants, etc. As the above stock is small, those desiring to purchase should be in season. J. E. JOHNSON, St; George. I will ponruKL be prepared to supply the Public with all sorts of CROCKERY WARE, by the middle of February, 1868. I will take Corn, Wheat, Flour, Butter, .; Cheese, Cotton, Cotton Yarn, Storepay, Gash or Lead in exchange. Pottery is tend to praise the11 Times for, though situated on the street running to Washan infant, it speaks for itself. Sub- ington ltf JOHN EARDLSY. scribe, pay for and read it. S. M. BLAIR. NOTICE! HEREBY give notice that after this date, I shall not be responsible for contracts made by Jacob Hamblin, in any the name of Hamblin & Co., or Elijah Ibo-ma- s & Co. N e set of & ENGINEERS Inquire-a- Sricr. t the Tims office, , , We are not in the habit of indulging in politics, but the following, from ihcT.Louisville Courier , is too good to bo lost: A. II. Ste. The other day the Jinn. Toombs and Robert applied to bo phens admitted to practice in. Judge Erskines court, and wero refused. After the adjournment of the court, Mr. Toombs requested of Judge Dougharty to accompany hiin to Erskiaos room and hear a -- By S.ST.Hi. BLAIIt, QEOR6E. 3tf first-rat- : i " . OUt SESSAMAN. ORIENTAL, . porta . 1NSTRU. SURVEYORS MENTS FOR, SALE. ! t .K . well-assort- . , TO SURVEYORS ; A of the SWEET ' 1-l- . 3 1m Also of the ' i Work M. BURGESS. for . CASTOR OIL . . All kinds of Produce taJten in Payment .MANUF AO TURING : - ; . 'iJ 1 9 Our road supervisor is au energetic ; at Lowest Market Rates. fellow. Though . not ever pious, he v is all the time mending his ways. Teamsters and Emigrants supplied .in any quantity. Why it Viiewlys married couple like, movers? ! Because they have left Good stabling and Kraals their native stale end gone' into the STOCK BOUGHT. AND SOLD. Btaie of matrimony.' Wm. Labs. " t j Riddle. -- A blind beggar Bad a St. Ilf Georg, Jan. 15, 1668. brother; that brother had no brother how was' that? The beggar was a SEEDS, SEEDS! For Sale, Seeds fresh and pure of female. s . needed for the garden, most A strapped blacksmith inquired of and avegetables choice collection of Flower Seeds liis .striker .. by what means he could at 3t. George Drug Store. raise .the wind. the By blowing . H.PICKETT, J. JUDD, bellows, was the reply. CONTRACTORS, : When I goes a shoppin, said an old BUILDERS and lady. 1 alters ask for what I wants, and if they have it, and its suitable, end 1 AOBOMIir R0AI&IG3. feel inclined to boy it, and its 'cheap, The undersigned wish to announce to and can't be got for less, I most allars the Public of Dixie and its environs takes it without hampering about it all that they have commenced business on day, as some people do. the corner of Washington and Fourth North Street, where they invite the patOur devil proposes tlie following All kinds of amendment to the Cragan bill That ronage of their friends. Produce taken. no man marry a Yuan, and that no wo E5T Two apprentices, with good ref man marry a woman. He further erences mentions that said bill does not forbid wanted respecting their characters, immediately. a man marrying an unborn girl or PICKETT & JUDD. dead woman. DRUGS, MEDICINES. We wish to know .why merchanAT dize can be freighted from California to Salt Lake City, and sold cheaper JOHNSON'S DRUG STOR4E, than they are sold in St. George. Our St. George, Utah, may be found a good Stock tf business as a public journalist is to correct existing evils; who will step DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, forward and right this wrong? &c., the right kind of Medicines for the People, the Climate, and the Diseases St. George is the present terminus of tne'Country. of the telegraph line south.' It should Prescriptions put up' with care, by an and will, be continued through our experienced Druggist. settlements on the Muddy, Prescott, Two doors above St. Gcorgorllnll. San Bernardino to Los Angeles. Let the friends of this enterprise awake to Procrastinate not ita importance. The undersigned will attend to the jour prosperity through inaction. The execution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, present is a fast age, so step lively. Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, The march of the age is onward and Contracts, and all other Official Business required of a Notary Public. upward.' In this movement of events Office at Our Dixie Times rooms, we shall not stand still; no, verily. We shall make houses, plant orchards St. George. J. E. JOHNSON, Notary Public. and vineyards, improve our hearts and minds, educate our sons and WHEELWRIGHT ! 'daughters, and prepare to take onr made or repaired, and usual WAGONS the the checker in row of done on shert notice at king place ELMORES. board. Cormorant Cragan may peck ltf bis long bill at us until he becomes a dead duck, then .he will find his bill and body tabled and dished up to I have a choice collection of those who are fond of fowl (fonl.) FRUIT AND. ORKALENTAL : 1T3 BRANCHES I The undersigned ii prepared to accom. modato those who want anything in his line, if they wilt ( ring along the Pay. These Works aierfull and complete, and will be carried on for the , space,..;.''. ' IS ALL . V MEAL, : pairs.- 'i - GRAIN, FEED, re- Blairs keeps constantly on hand Tliri uudereigued ' Further, I notify all persons who have purchased of Jacob Hamblin any private property, te wit: Muirs, Oxen, Ilorses, Harness, Wagons or other property, that wherever found, I snail commence suit for the recovery of the' same; and that any person disposing of the same, after this date, held now by them will be held responsible for the value of the same to me. S. M. BLAIR. 3-l- m CHICKENS ! 100 Hens Wanted, in conversation which he desired to have with him. When ho arrived where Ers- -. kine was, Mr. Toombs said to him: So, twenty years ago when you were drinkin the ing buttermilk out of a swill-tu- b was a Ireland I of practitioner bebogs ou which now disgrace fore the court 3 Fifteen years ago when I was a. Senator in Congress, you wero selling lager beer from behind the counter of a Charleston groggery, and at no period in ten years has any gentleman seen the time when he could afford to no 'ice you on the street; and yet. sir, von who are perjured in accepting the office you now hold, presume to refuse gentlemen the right to practice before you. Here Erskino roso and told Mr Toombs he could not stand such language, as ho regarded it as insulting. Mr. Toombs tola him in a very contemptuous manner to bo seated, that .the only mortifying part of tho whole matter was that no had felt himself obliged to uso such language to ono of so abject and cowardly a nature ns to render him incapable of resenting it. 4 JOSH BILLINGS ON BED BUGS. I never seo ennydody yet but what despised bed bugs. They are tho meanest uv tul crawling creeping, hopping or biieing things. They dassert tackle a man bi dnlite, WANTED, but sneak in, after dark, and chaw GOOD WOMAN to do Housework, him while he iz fast asleep. Mrs. S. M. Blair. by musketo will A fight you in broad 3.f Call at the Cottage. dalite, at short range, and giv you a chance tew knock in his sides the flea 8. M. CLAIR, is a game bug, and will make a dash ATTORNEY AT LAW St. George, Utah Ter. ltf at you even in Broadway but the bed bugg iz a garroter, who waits till vou strip, and then picks out a melCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, low place to eat you. If I was in the habit ov swearin? I Colorado City, at the mouth of the Vir-ge- n wouldn't hesitate tew damn a bed River, solicit the patronage of bugg right tew his free. and Nevada Arizona, Utali, Bed bugg are uncommon smart in a ' California Merchants. This point is the head of navigation small way; one pair of them will stock of the Colorado River. Strict attention a hair mattrass in 2 weeks with bugg? to business, and our acquaintance with tew last a small family a whole year. the Mormon peoplo will insure patron-A- ll It don't do enny good to pray when forbe will orders punctually age bnggs are in season; the only way to warded for Gash, git red ov them is tew bile up the BLAIR & SONS. ltf whole bed in aquafortis, and then heave it away and buy a new one. DIXIE OIL COMPANY Bed buggs, when they have grone have aul they intend to, are about the aize OASTQIrt QOIL ESIAINI of a bluejay Yeve, and hav a brown to distribute. Call on complexion, and when they start out S. M. BLAIR, to garrote are az thin az a grease spot, ltf Agent for Dixie Oil Company. but when they git thru garroting they are swelled up like a blister. It takes them 3 days tew git the ! swelling out ov them. of Mr. 8. M. purchased If bed buggs hay enny destiny to HAVING the undivided half of the Ranche known as Hamblin fc Blairs, fill, it must do (heir atummuks, but in Ranche Valley, east of Spring Valley, 1 it seems tew me that they must har solicit patronage of Dixie stock growers, been made by acksident, just as silBeing brought up in Texas, I vouch no vers are, tew stick into sumboddy. belter Ranche any one owns or ever saw If they waz got up for sum wise north of Maaon & Dixons line. WILLIAM MOODY. purpose, they must hav took the wrong roaa, for there kant bo enny wisdum in chawing a man aul night long, and raising a family, besides, tew follow the same irade. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES If thaie iz sum wisdum in aul this, Cheaper than ever offered in Dixie! For Cash and Grain. Flour, Grain, and I hope the buggs will chaw them folks wholkan Bee it, and leave me be, beFeed for Sole. Jloard by day or week. 2tf JOHNPYMM. cause I am one or tho hereticki By Mrs. 8..M. BLAIR, at our CotMjre, St. George. 3-l- m A BLAIR & SONS, RANCHING 3-l- m Graindfc Feed Store! . |