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Show i ' . . , v O TT.3PL V . I U . ' - 4-- m' : x- - St. George, Utah, W ediiesday, February 5, 1808; VoLl. Ko.3r . MMiim TUB BLUB AND TUB GRAY. . f TI1E VOLUNTEER COUNSEL.' t The women of Columbus, Mississippi, John Taylor was licenced when a animated by nobler eenUmente than are of to practice at their siaten, have shown them youth of twenty-on- e, many selves impartial in their, offerings made Ihejiar . lie was d, poor, but to the memory of. the doad. They strewed-floweand possessed extraordinary alike on the graves of the Confedwell-edii-cafe- .. r It was now the Granger's turn. lie most artful trick of all, best calculated rose before the bar, not behind ity and to insure vengeance. .v ; SO' near the wondering jury that he The jury returned a verdict oLfftty might touch the foreman wi h his lng thou sand dollars; and the night rf(r bony fingers. He proceeded totear to wards, Ilopkins was taken cut of his pieces the arguments of Ashley, which bed by lynchers and beaten almost to' melted away at his touch like frost death. As the court adjourned the before a sunbeam; every, one looked stranger said: Anon lie ' 'came to the "John Taylor will preach here this surprised. dazzling wit of the pet lawyer Pike. Evening at early candle light. Then the curl of Ids lip grew sharper, He did preach, and the house was ; . He married a beauty, who after waf dr deserted him for another. On the Oth of April, 1040, the flow the of the inland By court house . in Clarksville, Texas, riycr, Whence the fleets of iron have fled, was crowded to overflowing. An ex Where the blades of thograve-gMs- s quiver citjngcase was to faco began .to kindle up, crowded,. I have listened to George Clayl oh the ranks of the dead; Asleep offera and his eyes to open, dim and dreary Webster and Calhoun to ; Hopkins, wealthy planter, had Dwight Under the sod and the dew, ' ed a gross insult to Mary Ellison, the no longer, but vivid as lightning, red Bascomb and Bcccher but never Waiting the judgment day; young and beautiful w ife of his over as fire globes, and glaring as twin beard an) thing in the form of sublime Under the one, the Blue, seer. Tho husband threatened to meteors. The whole soul was in the words even approximating to the eloU uder the other, the Gray. chastise him for the outrage, when eyes, Uie full heart streamed out of quence of John Taylor m issive as a llopkius went to Ellisons house and the face. When without bestowing mouutain and "wildly, rushing, as a These in the robings of glory, shut liim in his door. The murderer an idlusiun to Prentiss, he turned cataract of fire. . Those la the gloom of defeat, was t. rested and bailed to answer the short around on the werjured witnessAll with the batila-bloo- d gory. A LADY AND A ROBBER. charge. - This occurrence produced es of- - Hopkins, tore their testimony In the dusk of eternity meet; great excitement, and Hopkins in into threads, and hurled in their faces The fol lowing. authentic story will Under the sod and the. dew, rder to turn the tide of indignation such terrible invectives that all trem-ble- d invalidate the oftcu repeated chargo the Wilting judgment day lad circulated reports against her chalike aspens, and two of them fled against women, that .they cannot, keep . Un ler the laurel, the Blue, a lady callracter, and she sued him for slander, from the court house. The excite- a secret. Some yearsinsince, the a utskirts of ed Under tho willow, the gray. at glovers shop loth suits were pending for slander ment of the crowd .was becoming treof tho London, and purchased a and murder. mendous. From tho silence of sorrowful hours Their united life and pair city of glovos for her immediate wear, The interest became, deeper, when soul seemed to hang upon the burning tbserving at tho same time, that she Tho desolate mcuraers go. t was known that Ashly and Pike, or tongue of the stranger, and lie inspi-re- was on her rond to Burnet that she Lovingly laden with flowers Arkansas, and S.S. Prentiss, of New them with the power of hi t pas had left her gloves at lierfri house, Alike for the friend and the foe; she had and where thutsho ws called, had been sions. He seemed to have stolen naOrleans, by eiiormous Under the aod and the de of she if being bonighted retained to defend Hopki.iS. ture's long hidden secret cf attraction. apprehensive Waiting the judgment day went back for them. Tho gtovcrJfitii Hopkins was acquitted. The Texas But his greatest triumph was to come. on the Under the roses, the Blue, J, gl His eyes began uwyers were overwhelmed by their Under the lilies, the Gray. stepped into It was a fiffht nf a hVgvVVsaMmed the same direction, her carriage, and proceeded on hr opponents. -r-i-So with an emnl shfen.lM B"18' She scarcely reached Finchly The slander suit. was for the 6 h lie hemmed the wretch with a wall journey. s fall, The morning when a highwayman stopped and the throng of spectators grew in of strong evidence and argument, Common, With a touch impartially tender, and demanded her money. the off all hope of escape. lie 11c earriago, her not to he Public excitement. as numbers cutting in for blossoms entreated all; On the alarmoil, a blooming ditches et beneath the f for in was if onher nurderiij Ilopkins; dug he had no intention opinion setting Uuder the sod and tie dew. slanders? the held and of clilimma, she surrendered her property, it was all his nKcey had procured wi: nesses vp Waiting the judgment day of (he to scorn the and pop lie wanted, declaring that distress, and contempt who served his powerful advocates Broidered with gold, the Blue, When the slander case was called, ulace. Having thus girt him about not liis will, urged him to this desperate Mellowed with gold, the Gray. him- net, and he was determined to remove Alary Ellison was left without an at with a circle of fire, lie stripped liia pecuniary wants or parish. Tho calleth So, when the Summer self to the work of massacre. all had withdrawn. torney lady gave him her purse, and ihe desOa forcit and field of grain, "Have you ho counsel i" inquired Oh! (hen it was a vision both glori- perado rode off. With an equal murmur faileth Judge Mill, looking kindly on the ous and dreadful to behold the orator. After he was gone, and her fright had raiu the of ; The cooling drip the iff. as somewhat subsided, the lady imagined His actions became as impetuous plain' Under the sod and the dew, and No sir; they have deserted me, motion of an oak in a hurricane; His that in the address of the highwayman, I am toe poor to employ any more, voice beeamc a trumpet filled with she recognized the voice of the glover Wailing the judgment day she had just before dealt with. This Wet with tho rain, the blue, replied the beautiful Alary, bursting wide whirpools, deafening to the car conceit struck that she her so into tears. Wet with the rain, the gray. with the crashes of power, and yet ordered her servant forcibly,, to drive back to In such a case will not some cliiv intermingled all the while with a town not choosing, sne said to venture Sadly, but not upbraiding, alrous member of the profession volun sweet undersong of the softest? cad- further over tho heath. The generous deed was done; arrival at tho glovers, she la the storm of the years that are fading, tcer? sid the Judge, glancing round ence. His forehead glowed like a On herand the bar. heated furnace, his countenance was knocked gained admission, the gloNo braver battle was won; f himself The thirty lawyers were silent. opening the door. The lady haggard like that of nmaniac, and ever ver Under the sod and the dew, MI will, your honoV said a voice and anon he flung his long bony arms desired to speak with liim in prirate-Tk- c the day 4 judgment Wailing glover showed her to a back parlor; from the thickest part of the crowd on high as if grasping after thundert the the Uuder Blue, blossoms, when she exclaimed: a behind bar. the bolts. a the Under the garlands, I am come for my purse, of which Gray. At the sound of that voice many lie drew a picture of murder in you robbed me this eveung on Fiuchiy No more shall the war-cr- y sever, started it was so unearthly, sweet, such was appalling colors that in' compar- Common'.' Tho glover "It confounded; Or the winding rivers be red; is of no use mournful. anl lady proceeded, ison, hell itself m:ght seem beautiful; and tho to 1 banish our forever am convinced, and anger They The first sensation was changed he deny it. Mack that for you .o iainta.tho sljnUcter When they laurel the graves of our dead! into BT mneJ. Return t when a tall,' gaunt, the sun seemed dark tt noonday, when laughter mo sod and the dew, Under the my property, and trust to my humanspectral figure elbowed bis way shining on such a monster. And . Waiting the judgment day through the crowd, and placed him- then fixing both portraits on the shrink- ity The glover, overcome with guilt, Love and tears for the Blue, self within the bar. Uis clothes looking Ilopkins, fastened them there for- shame, and confusion, confessed the Tears and Love for the Gray. hesitated court ed so shabby that the ever. The agitation of tho audience crime, returned tho purse, and pleaded his under case to let the his distress. Tho lady, after suitablo 'itlaticMonWy. proceed amounted almost to madness. admonition, gavo him a ten pound note, - management. BIRTHdescended 14T1I TO MISS ON once the at IIER All , speaker bado him mend is way of life, and Has your name been entered on BAY. voice Ills the from perilous height. keep his own counsel; adding that she the rolls of the State? demanded the Bloom on, fair, unsuspecting flower, and murdered the would not divu'go his name or plaee of wailed out for dead Too early oped thy charms in life. Judge. more abode. Sho kept her word; and. though, vi-lauUful thc -- MwcrcJIthe i 3TU immaterial, May joy prolong thy youthful hour. tho robbery was stated in too papers, tuo And ihlcM thy breast from care ana strife lips curlj fjo(vcj fas(crrliiil mcn and sob discovery was omitted;' and it wasvnV wept Seek'st thou shame on Lifes thronged stage ing Hero is sneer. a my until recently that a minute aacoaok jof up with bed like children. Where (littery uroos oft to ensnare? in tribnnal license the from this singular transaction '.was found highest Then yields his victim to the rage exhortation closed a He the handed he by strange Americal' and among the papers alluded to: .'IfretaTn Judge Of guilts remorse, regret, despair! the to them to the jury; and through the private memorandum, 'the : name a broad parchment. A name seekst thou with beauty heard? bystanders; ho advised tho panel, and residence of the glover .vnsomitkl Dream not with such a vain desire; Tho trial went cn. tho .secret,, in ..tha particular Nay, rather scorn the idle word, He suffered the witnesses to tell after they should bring in a verdict and rests wiih the lady i ir the grave!. 1 For virtue let thy aoul aspire. to violence offer to not for ihe the allowed lie and plaintiff their own story, ai t Vesuvius 1 if be however the defendant, off. richly Beauty attracts and wins the eye, lead to defence man is a spoke ascending Ashly Why And wakens oft affection's tore; n first, followed by Pike and Prentiss. might deserve it; in other words, not an Irishman trying to kiss a pretty, gi " never But can die, chastity i The latter brought tho house down to lynch the villain, but to leave his Because he wants to get at the cratrj' Nor never with decay expire. ' This w.'-- the mouth. punishment with God. in cheers, in which the jury joined. Jan. 13, 1S63. Q. erate and of the national soldiers. Tribune.' N. Y. genius. . r J - . be-'tried- his-smoot- . - . fs, sun-ray- n p.-rso- 1 ( - -- : s |