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Show i a if V atBcfaafe Mia l TbeiehWaa Ws 'bolds hit bead the The undersigneda supply of v, e rM'l'EED,-- the police xonTt , i Then where 1.1 V ' S.ileieeds j j ,chop fed, VEGETABLES A'-- i o , " tSTSiS C05STUACT6HS, - . fens'. .r- fffis::?.'1 Fi? - . .r power to scare iwy.lbf4 etilffoirit' of pind H0 lauc,h!?1,:ojlp.llit aweei lansrh! ll Wipsproieto poetry t drkhwofth;lMchwrrt v , 1.-- zaafi; t ; - . i 116 tfjsharpvonr lield BOUGHT It in'lfis baud. ' .. ... ; toe-nai- St. Georg-- , Jan. 15. lfcOS. i ls :ji T T f Mrs. Pnritagttm asks very indignantly, ! - : LA i j ! Grain fc Feed Store! , DRY GOODS' It GROCERIES Cheaper than ever offered in Divel ' ltf ihfiilf I For Cash and Grain. Flour, Grain, and Feed for Sale. Board bV day or week. . , 1 : ' I r- s 4 1 Professor A. J. 'Sclfem, the foreign editor of the Tribune, writes iiijl translates for seven other puldVcntic'fH, and i- master of (seventeen or oihicm lan- ' ft It The follawmg.raccount of Thurrer -Breds will be intferesting.totour StaVel Fair readers.' : It is from thepila'vrf who WfllfiS ill till iriAur immofist PICKETT' ft JUDD. ( -- ' . ASTOa us-ti- sh BI-M- . sU-sTm- j Inever lPt en-- sy Josh Rilling says: on who the is always man stamps telling what he would have did if hclmd been thare. 1 have noticed that this kind never git thare. The sweetest word in onr language is Love. The greatest word in oi it is God. The word espressMf the hurtest tinmii Now. The three jSmke iho greatest and the sweetest dut man eti perform. It ia'nof what we eat, but what tVi di gest, that makes us fat not what we make, but what weave, that make? in rich noT, what we read, but what we remember, that makes us wise. l lan-gua- r AT - r .vrf a . I i . . . gu:g. BL.Ult) R-NE.- . utraeg, Tliur fer Bred bcs.Ahrrse which Jtf pymjt. !join ; has had hit breed improved byineans ' Colorado Oitv, at the mouth of the Vir-ge- n WHEELWRIGHT I of a sulky kontainin a felWlr with a Uiver, solicit the patronage of mado orrep aired, and usual long whip, till he aintSyorlhilfi sents Arizona Utnlw, IVt?T?ula fitiid WAGONS' done oil short notice at for any purpose except a gambling . California fllcrtliauts. ELMORFJS. ltf masheen. ; 'This point is the head of navigation JWMi Thurrer Bred. (jfalloiMD. A bob of tlniColorado Rivqr. Strict attention THE MOSQUITO QUESTION. tail cote, a V 3 sent papur koller, a to hiisihess, uml our acquaintance wath the Mormon people' will insure patron-nge- ,. white kotten we&et, y tiller trowsera Al 1 orders will be punctually forJosh Billings makes the following' without any cloih into llte legs, smney Gasli. warded for remark appropriate to the season: lether boots, a pare of ye Her Ijlove, J5LAIII & SCNS. ltf We are told that thare want enne and, inside ofJemull a thinggot up as the thing made in ,rain. That is cum s- -, in imitashun of W man, but, excut-edunDIXIE OIL COmPANVT d but I have thought the time spent in kounterfeit detector says,' poorly have mtost swor kalkela ed to dese manufacturing .mhsketoze must hev BEAM .OJl. been wasted, if the musketoza mint. drink shampain and talk horse. How they ware put toetherj I never to distribute. Call on indispeiisabul, brants ohnsssary. S. M. R, cou'd fell, and thare iz one comershall Man IN un Bred. Biiucss, Thurrer Oil ltf Compagy. lieculiarity about the muskeeter Agent for Dixie sok trade, that knows euiiff Wout , i3 from him, ani that the supply always exceeds thare kant ennybody steal DKLG S,.JI lirilCIVES. do-i-s ' kiu he the and demand, yet the producsion and euufl ab.ut law, sbt AT f. not diminished j' I kant understand hi, own stealin legaly. A kareiul J 0 II X S 0 X S BUl'G STORE, this, no how. They arc born of poor, j annalasis of tr fust Uas's rpetimeH gave b fonuJ a mav good Si. Getrg, Uiali, but industrious parcntB. and are the foilerin' results: xd !toek ef j brought up under the auspices of llouer JtBt enuff to keep him out. MLDIUXhS, PL.HL..I - . 0f 0Ur beat fami'ies. .They have of jail. the right kind of Medicines fur the in. y JVopb. tin? Climate, and the Diseases single muskeeter to file a man and his I H',n8huas None except wf the (.'ouiitry. wife awl nile long, and draw the fust ? ounl? pecimsns. an witlr care, rut by wild up Prescriptions blood. It is very easy to kill muke ;Lyiu and steelin As mnch.as ' cxvricneed Druggist, toze when you can but in striking pay. : . ... j- Two doors abor-- St, George Ball. jyothem, you are very apt to hit the exact Honesty Jest a kloke pattern. cli-to hl tuk-l- ul place where the wuz. Tliev are eing R(.)iec; 'B &liW'' little cusses, singing as they toil, ceM 1 V 8, llm- , ltf ... . .. BLAIR & sqjys, COMMISSION MEitcilAKTS, counterfeit,' why There should be bo much difficulty ia'gfafon inert An uuwasked street boy, being asked what made him BOdirty, replied, J was made, theT'tell1 liie. dfthe ground, and I reek on its jafcfcVotk ihg C h t. I.ucv Ston said: Tliore t?, cotton in the eats 'ol mao; arid hope in the bosom of woman.? Lucy toitdea uistnko and placc.got the cottou' in ihb wrong i ... ... ,, j: One of an editory chief yijoyments is," to khowthctpeapit vHiban not pay for his paper - are Codtiiiu&llv finding ; ' .7 fault with it. ; " i 6 HI. . Laso. St. George, Utah Ter.; if the bills before Burliilinent are not : iv, . ("iVo SOLD. AND . i$!rt said. ha and a hornet , s!1addv,t,i:pa caught , . STOCK y girl's sentimental yeliiorv: If an agreeable fello or kisses you on one ttobtflo hrm the other also. cheeky i t Ie - : : 7 J j j Tvell-ass- ce I oi . i . ; - f ; will attend to the . abilily-Accord- j The undersigned So you arc going to keep house? of Deeds. Rond:. Mortgagw. execution nsked an inquisitive maiden of a bride-ys,,eai- d Deeds-o- f Trust, Iowradf Attorney,: she. Going to have a girl, Contracts, .and nil other VMfieial Bust- j 1 enppose?' I really dont know, was ness required of a Notary lHibliCi . the blushing reply; whether it will be t.j , jt 'come ykiomey&1ftU4'tufn and other - r fresh 5 and :,ptife of, to Imd ' Sottelimes voice t6. this day. , The undersigned wib to announce to it i' the Public :of Uucie and its environs trnnlin; it touche, nith light even that they have commenced business on our sleep, which is too P?ofar han t the corner of Washington and Fourth itnsge ofealh, but js consumed with at Lowest 'ATarket Rates. . . North Strcetj where they inVite the pat- dreams that ate the 'shadow of ltnmor'-iaiity-! ; .u ?;i . U.m Teamsters and Emigrants supplied ronage of thei. friends.. All kinds of dftiaty: inquired at a fruit stand, lVoduco' taken ;y V ' ; m th 'any quantity.' 'peaches fit for a hog to eat? iheia and see, said the apple tvo apprenf rtes, with good ref Gbbd.SfaMinff anfl Kraal THORRER-BUEb-S.- 1 1 ' :.-- r jK.;I!IwETV,;J,JlIBI)r.? RVILMKin, 1 , T havent tho slightest Idea. 116 docs that o ok? raid Mr. Cram p, That holding out his brawnt' hand interposed Amos, '.'looks as if you were oat of eoap.,,;'., it! . ri,orn. Ujtlk of others.; without ilander.- -t 1 - , a .rSE0Sr:8EI9S2 i .V SSlSrfF pajiand - ' GMB, 1 May 1 iDqtrireyrbe'ro 'sir.'5 UVy Certhi-nly- . ' i"q ! lFor Gram and Feed Store! ::BBEyTXE8. i wiTa V IS bHODDk wen .y fi vtyearsago w ThiurerBrcdRaskal.Some asabtw i . i cn with the excepshim of the klo)ce. Thurrer Bred Lady The'old fitshuad-- j rags ! , 4ich aout awomnn iho top alid only rooms. Time, Dixie at (Oot (ttfiCT a rrlw abov. for manure. Now they are sold there , T''" Stl bred lady ... made up ,e0rgf' Josh S'OO the tun, to be made into cloth ! tWreT Billings in describing the borsc ;uhUc . ,1... i lers commensift at the top. fair of the Billinsville Agricultural EhiiIwhI at-2- , !t astlod-inadt- r 'ft ! 1 a. fo- - : fjocietv. savs:. There was tew yoke ov oxeiroo the ' ground, besides several yokes ov sheep, and a pile of carrots, and eomc wosted work; but they didnt seem to attract .enuy .sympathy. The 'people 'hanker for pure agricultural r Iwss-trot- s. . ' , . An editor in ihe West suggests a new of Lnited it would close one u.e btates, kSsit..int which H komprest idea in regard to extending the right of 1rodinfc: consisting Uniin.thv woolen mills of the third Vlum, Apricot, sufirage to women. He says that, for some Apph1. Ivor, Quimp. equal quanilics of nature and a0U( Althat would seem j vur It ted Kingdom.. vfars past, he has spent much money to Vvnch, Glicri v, Art ockupyin llie front seats, store idea liorrilfeu the at haul lazv men to tfiv polls for the sake Ailunthjis,. of mmid, Ujitalpas, I( grave Senator , 4tlly A'lioop Is j i: and it would ie! of having manhome Mulberry, of a Locust, coat 0f shoddy lloney : lufactnre. bile ll.cy daily near u- -; ., etc.. '"P; ! . ! I'nun-granat- ;, -- ftrinir ' ! their-votes- iMy WcnUet.sMd W hr eyes,' And mid, with wouldnt April do as weilT,, cast down- blush, . Do lot me have your photograph, a dashing hcllcto it gmlemitn wbu been bad iinnoying her with his Htirn-- ; was 1 lighiyd, tionSr-- Vlhe dv' the-lareceiv d jmd in ft Short timeitirt'tlie She gave "ervant, thopitcuvo. know Would the you qiKMion, rith call? llip-or- i The he should if iginal, affirmative. lhe serani replicl in 1 Well, vhenev ki . . . i ho prepared to supplv the lgnrs f jic will p -- ( ...... ond-n- vill NPub-Wa- id t nfrckshun of 'j exei8. y - WSSSC-L- A woman 1ms no natural gift more looking to is bewitching than sweet Inugh. It like tiie sound oPtfutcsan the'.iVater. j j i . tJTltJniiT' . ! 1 SiS. I by thi middle of Februury, Wln-.it- , Vlonr, Better, spring, wiill take Corn, .a nave you ! Ostese,(hUMn. Colton Tarn. Storupay, unseen fugitive' through the iTees, led Lend ioi xchang. loitry is J,"i;y a fSry Irtigh, now hvre, now Gash situatrd .,u ta? strict running to L ,vtr: R0VV lost, now lo:ml Vc hate; r u.-u- iir'H'fc 1 l.t j i., !;;; tuv. s ; ; liners in my life, r"r'' ntiYLn v-li- i - , Jut I uebber saw hnsscould d '00' M t |