OCR Text |
Show g&A5g&gi-aCT.BL- 1- - 1 .' U. jWff.Jt 4 ..?' " , w. lr i;'- .2 W - r.yul 'fTJr; , mr " - - ! ftMlntia ,.. Ilk t rirwinMni nwiMiin n iirniiinriMr t ifcr W,D. ?i in,?? 5j:w jC3T ileTQrteri.I tilt lf'auiv;: ilo S ota io 2ifiigmas; beRqmbliihed.wo lli-7chip.- Wvuuvi iiVsKyAiUcCIt to un'eitenSirn attovtineiitof-- so' Keifipt y9 noey F a'd Latest Styles nrr rn .RAieiNiailArE WINE, . k 3 j y A VINES. ; p4 I have. Grape .Roots and .Cuttings have just arrived ,0 many rare Undt;rt v I T . Itva fr??h Hamburgh Raisins And pure AJ tab Wines.; ketfipife; AND' FANCY .DRY t : Lsl all who have purchased H ; .? oharln lot 'ihowtopflus '81API.E ji.;:o!ifit? ?. 1Iok My goods5 heretofore ltf . S VGQODS. IUR AHVi.MAliE column xvill fforlositlos.-'"--- -: ;C6btributors Hastei no w come and settle. ... .. CLOTHING v send fth6 answers witlr their pleats . ') 4 1, a will otherwise they communications, not be published.- in-i-- ' I no ? . V : r to-thl- , v. ,r!1wiftW from theliind thijrUppcarf1 The VnilfTslsheii Moods. Toys, .Oonfeciioiiery, Hook, : 'illiita.it . 'defile-& No from iind yankoe jJfiWthimti vritli n fresh supply of YM .(i: r(l.(! (j jaUv: .;, if V , Medioinet. 'Stationery Choice (foolis of latest stylet. muy tions,' which ho offers at tho" lowest 1 .,TxafBt(i hW.t.!Se. 4;S1. ,,& m .. Ai.a CttW.!! .( m,., . !;,:q shade i Ihen you ll.rest in ins JU' Laicerx Ffices than pOfy6ur vinb andfii ree5 " 1 .Kver! T J"v i -- t 7 a rrr tt tTrt-rrtnrrr- 'ENIGMA.'-N- o. 3. ' I 0 ii I' h u nrLXOW I' am i (imposed of 15 letters. V.ny.-i- .; best hardj' Grhpo-iyi; .. Itftbellm Tokalon, Delaware, Clinton, 40 . j nd other varieties t'0,,cw(i 40 30 lifiHoeip. 4 of freeT-iO$?00 per doevn CO 40 P ' jonysov fcU GeOrg. nair K) Fevers, stop tho Hoiidache, drive away i j.-- 30 Appetite; palp delaines , Ny fl 4..20 it a;trowbletPe;ipseet! flWWW a lJad Cold, cure tU .Iiuindice, ami S' ripe s am! Check) ' in aav mill. 10 it used , v 8,. l$. ' ' Twined Oal. Flaxint ;1s! fil! ls' . 6, IV 1 1 l ti'iiicfa iinui.1. provir to bV tne bent family IMli'iu ' ' ' ' ' Ticking!." ' gentTt name.;.. Said at' .ST: GEORGK DRUG &TQRK. 4,:J.9, i, 7v 1 " ' So V 1PA I 8. 4, A h large man. refunded When satUfaetion. i , ' :' i7lcVH.-l3'iiii'Uaiiain- ' , PUge P-- 1 ' 1 85 (flj CttpBY. 1 ; -, jTMoxiev' vMoJej is a! public bmldmp in ...1t"0t"8v.. 7," Answer iatwo week. ?:... ,.V . :. , ENIGMA. . . ' y..,; ii:u Mm'4 and Boys Hats, $150 : wardt. ... HEJtfliVJ.ri.ATT, . No. 4;' moth of Printing Office, St. Ueorgu. Ilf! - i- .a. , . iS arc ifoiiud in. large iiy bodieiof water. " ?, 4 isuseil' by potters. S. G.: HIGGINS. .ra me v sec, . , ' e.-3M-veji- 6kOj.ll, . ! . oa' 1 . . f V : weetj. J b L i- 'ld JC.CTJBlJg sc , I b rFeC-w- Or afierlife fairly enjoy. My last in each month of the year J , a very extensive' and Excellent M anidy Medicines 1 ALL-HEALIN- . : flower, or Frail. llam., Shrah,, . ' of ovier couutritis the exchtiiigo tu Of costiug the owner quite dear, Is musical,. useful,and neat. G . . . C ! kil,:A or face, ... BALSAM i 5 Ii"'- Uf 111 11ml ! 1' ns a Soothing - j BotS miu S, ,WW he ha? more (S;iys "i? ::a i? Gordi J.t. 1 US. RfcKNEK. oebnot,, k pp iKor Rhoumatisin and all dissnMc Answer in li-- will t : n plants. A choice ceK, o ; ! TO ENKJMAS. Ac..' I in No. 1. I i ' to Miseellaneous Enigma ,f Answered correctlv, by Brigham Lund. J. Carpenter, II. Horsley, DIXIE J, i j 1 reach with a Master. : WG & UlISSE LL, J&S BkCsltC ! wa j CSeMlemen j .tsudin-- .. HOUSE, SIGN & OP.XAMEKTAI. Txaus: . ' ( IT A ltf Charges Moderate. - 1 . ' IXEKS , r' 1 W!; J trovWcu with tu . df.chtroer- - ant- h.r. th, d xr and rccrctd on th hortet not'f 0, and go on their way with tbe'r pdal extxe. milieu re euro against ihf insha:ii e infi 1 ,!i.,tri, have been by mo thoroughly nnn!yxsi, sjwpliScd and annihilated, and tho'puh- lic need to longer groan under the dele- toriou effects of bad fito. Advice givvn. JU11.NwU.lN, B. F. PENDLETON, Auction, and Commission Merchant, List to what be has to say, Igratuiiftuily. ... .1. George, Utah, Don't forgery our old promiso, . Between Ciry Hull and rriptin Will ecciva and dispoo oT. as instruo-- ' But bring in the pay. Uiuct-- . lif Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Grain. For work done quick snd strong, Stock. 4e. upon liberal term. Just bfing the pay. along. L"V.rNIXON, Tfcen he'll serve you without delav. Vindiae's eehrtal gener I jv . -- n.i rVtil. NiUf-: t I'1'n Tin I C?,pcr of ?ntre.ln,J: Sr,t rr' Birch .J Jes. f ab L oi k't. Grorgc. lu . ?T. LOROT' PRVj TORV,. ' l north, iron', j BootandShoeShebang "" ! Blacksmithin! . .... of. IIaRDV GRAPES. Worm Medicines, Salve, 1'intmrnt for jt such a stand this northoru climate, uud, hob, Piles, Ac, Hive Syrup, Compcsi- Ition, Srup Snrsnuarillis and most Fruit abundanllv. " her popular Family Medicines. .. Utsh Spring Lake Villa, luvtfc mi.NC, j. r. s. RtrisEi.. 1 The Uundersignod having lately nrri ved from Paris, is now ready to give Lessons iu tho French language, TttLmiAn ' i - ! - ANSWERS re- lif dispatch. whips and lariat.?,. lht Uncrsinod ot"r! a superior orti- -' quiring outward application for fan or double-wound The wiro fasteind lioast. very best Horse nimeut. tie ef John i.ausiv, ' wholesale or Grain at St. retail; .Brooma, Genrge. All work in braidir.g. EYE SALVE. f and Produce received in payment done wih dispatch. Irj infiamed or troullcssmo Eye l;w lor wnk, ATCnUd, Sir. I.rcj, .to. CKAWFOILD HOUSE, i rnmrr TOT OF TONIC PILLS,, Wtwhingsim, Cult. Tnnkt, tnd j the Will cur the Agr.t1, Cliiiis naid. Irilvr-1- . Boarders accoin modeled with the best IOj',d,i,eRmltMt TrI.tiff: I ort,. . table comforts tbe market affords. iuieiual 1 rees and Shrubbery, and other W. il. CRAWFORD. ltf AWo ; every j NERVE AND BONE LINIMEMT. ; Midff AtLswcr ; f - Br vr anals with 43d, xlOl S ! : nr u u'Fk J.J 1W. i Than all oilier blossoms of spring; Though oft given away is Lr dearer Than anything money cau h.ing. Answer iii two weeks. " Klal.. business than he UntSf- - I to the owner is nearer A J. BIRCH- - WANTED, nuber of ncive young man .to learn the mamn business. Apply o - . Sale fur infants gives immedinto relief. made by mail. WiHils. V.d.) lif " AdJrcw St. Ucore ilanlfners Club, j CANKER SYRUI. 'jTMp'.Tk JOHNSON, !Fnr Cntiter, S.V. Mouth, r Tlc ous ' M.ltcr. t: Geor-- r, Jo.,"er Wx. il. Ilsiscn, Sm. .Humor. will execute orders 111 his line with 2s prettily blooming and sweet. My whole ; JOS. Blltcir. Agi nt, HAT! HAY!' at Birch's Point, KanarrV, Hf ' St. George Drug Store- :-- v' uablo lf J Utah. Qi JadSlySoUatthe Gardeners' -rr! C Tin Plate W orker, to Cotton Spinners and Alachinist and GLx er. On. posits St. George li;.ll. nf COTTON MILL AND STOUI;. Cotton, Grain, liutter. good Cheese; and Horned Stock will: be taker. ,fnr Cotton Yarn and gnural Merchandize at Prest. Young's Colton, factory, Washington. Utali. For The St. George Club; propbve to Exchange Seeds, Cuttings Fnr .. i0. CHARADE, an CLOTn :. o;;fc.' "riding,: i ; ?. . . j ' ' HUV-i.....-- i ! in -- " CLARK,,:. ,. St, George. .i weather is more settled, we will receive good merchantable neat Stock in exchange for Goods: Como5 and see o;ur Goods and learn our very low prices while our stock it ' complete, BURDICK & T1RBKT, Sr. George, Utah,. Jany, I86fi. AK i 4. 8 is an annoyance Residence hi the north pari of the City, 7. 4, two blocks west uf Chilks Tannery t0 ,! While : 'thanking lay patrons fbr'flieir i rt is a boy v 13,. f(iror8; in ,thfl ;prst, 1 with to inform Ahemr as well as th puhiie generally ; ' I .V mconsider-wito 4 . . M.ijlr. .r I?.8 mayjieed .my servisw, that MlsveAt- from the New York lubnr' rcceiyp.4 , just My" whole is a prominent man in atories.a good Assui'tiueut of Eclectic Medieinrs. ltf this Ciurcl:; ' ' ' ' t'wei jS,l 06 : & and-Currier- 'Up- - fornia prices, with freight added. In a short kime9 or as soon as the . I - Tanners Assortment, which we will selrat Cali .. :i'" Mr.'"'1- - Of- . KY.ADY'MA Tire, host 1ofJtT.ork,i done., ..Next, ,'loor We have oil nr b?8o !i,.I tm.poposed of 17, letters. : - ;,vj SADDLE D HARNESS1 MAKER. . O i ! . nnnlpg tho above huiiness on the principle. Let friends, old sriu utw, come on. snd we will giro you M8tsl" tt sign of Old Boot. Old shoos ch.ajed Into saw ones 5Soriiuro s.-- 0lne the ta,tk is taken lr, iesrctlT tf I father, gtf i : tr-d- . , 1 fr : v FI. Fh; : oi-:- 4 . |