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Show SPWBBKJ B t iVwi iroba rcpuirin.'iotu- - jsi country la regulated by the imports positively m exports, just M??s the pendulum ball. 4UfH)l)tlE-WES- i oAj' i! t$i i .t. JOHNS port, espefcially tin rtfral and ONl'-Edit-or abi.y.irW, Pnp?r thin ilip, libcrdl Sofehd ; high-tone- ui&;Li'' ' f T JU WJ t'L fid. y?L5vI1Ti . pMjf.floqdi.lowhd fea'nd doubtless msuh wIUwaj , u their planlp;:Y r. tfntf6nnjj bfVgiioil, paper? How dfidtoless eus ndtime:ia securing season: afld lofe if J -- ?.f :i ''5 aw-- , ..nif Wait Litil V A n , apol- . AH n .Sss.-r- - iUf paticrV ' tfow!thTs ut e wpifMiw d aph eslab-lishtienud- the hoolo withour mtillowrignotatfclits ogy is dueviir reeders forlbo untidy -our; pro- - inmatesl:o bf bur n w, fir, i. lm Appearance ofth8 Arsf aumbst The parlor without a mirror ii not khbVttiiMcul-tie- s biVdti .Hi jiiujin-ji- the pres?.; dountriei; the-telegr- or of a viuiyoiir this Ueorge. tho spokes, tho othrr ihe felloes of the iWen weimporHaoreihauiwec' grtfatrhbefWhatHs ,?Mf ?.T may be obtained his place. Let no one fail to woirld be we nadio shrmounWhey I. 11, i .1,..! ,rlltU 11. i at. out spr prised im.we .got..it Time and perseverance has- removed our' perplexity and we 'expect here' after toftetfd but th6 Tiffiis iti' "gimd v 1 I V r! I ff '! i' season and shape. latter position wquld ,!; IpaijfTcry.pne,, rather . Dtxii'TiiD'fes.'' iho1' CnJr idd ! ntttir tail we nd,yet;.hre ins .zeal .that havo called it fortfa:is a striving with o&e') might to'brihgbbout high eUcbmi uitf upon its owor tKy edi tor l . 011.11 w di'Jjll end itsjuqoejis. Ljii 1 ii To;ms mtoWlSilt ;tht our I Jef City in St. .George deaisT nwt to Hit eatirplitef,lhlBpHtrori comiruja(Ublc this Arjsonii open taue n exteosiyeand Of 'VUiC.- it 41 k'Ui,me!paper.,iet nti hemeibe withont i il XjeiJ fckthsobscribonisa weight at tihe. eiui Tffxracszuy.-WlvTsawellpaymg'itook- market; most of the Up to- the n: copy dhe,ilevM pdi:ach Mpcaeni 5ih of Jan. we had remarkably fine end f ;:IrtniiE and advocste of hoaie'entfrpriae. Bt. .George is the ; lhangura- As others wish to speak, ftlrdW m to warm weather, flowers ,:iu bloom, fir ess in (Ii' 7 VfJy ,OUil dots by propositi the, following ,.toat. MWSW tV"" .pouUrylbuttier, eggs,, and many other (Mav Oar OUtirTunea be good uiues" growing up iit tpcuf ven to , articles outproduce. ihi MiillOom-panie- r pu a1 region but! ThVurJdifor being called for, we Nsw Year's day. and seeds and plants end trkvel "paisingji need' all uanfermddifttt- between i then principal But .since maide 'oUrheVesfboW with few re- everywhere springing up. i:fiIBcVt)f Utkh ahd'ftontief bettlfctoents surplus raih''akd 'forage,' and'eren i'eSeJ i ilfM marks and relirefoV the dance, which that time rain, snow, frost and mud it f have been the order-l-suka space most a lime as pi California, occupying: il continued with unabated . good , feel, ,iY .ifjy the:Jmpf,trajel ,on the brought frpm eait npd westjind om;' ings and hilarity till all were talisfipd. has not; been recorded- - by the-- oldest pete with us in the market, when. all' The .,, io southenrrouts to thft Facificv inhabitant;1 We confidently look for a surprise1 numbered between such articles can bo' prod deed ' here, soon. abvery and fifty coupTb of the most pro-- ! forty ' 4,;-,v thus saving many thousands of dollars i.. mi oCour citizens minent III l.i plpasint city, j annually at home. , : :.We .ri amijiat. i certiuuljmotico tb near apfroacb of , ; and in settlements: to ne w and dcs -t jl Wool growing is also a very irnpor-- . (eted attbis demomtration io bcb'aU ' luminiou. 1a oft Muto cf taeahstq busUm.iil hairnot t&nt braheh of home' industry mid is oftbe estabUihmeotbf the preti in St. the mnon (o 5 ' C aitrac o'clock . 'interextensive Monday evening at about been SmilEor lights and' though the .Mi - ihgt lirefy and kit , J4 f George. and take' lids I: compliment as ise we here present is diminutive, it est all over the civilized world; arid an earnest of the interest felt in its missed a sight most grancLand interesting. yet we have a country eqml to any future prosperity. is as ,large. as the, present prospects , . .. i ;ij j for wool growing, and aside fi om supf will warrant; one in attempting. There Gentlemen ' and ladies, thanks! Perfectly clear, with prospect of own necessities in that , are some intsoulheTn. Utah we know plying opr visit for 'and the kindly fine weather for. some time to come., ,L y, Many thanks who appreciate; ther labors and risks line, a.milljpn of dollars a year should expressions of interest in this our ef as we go to press. of a publisher, and we very much re- be added to our1 export credit, by that fort to advance the Pixie mission; an gret there if e not more of that class, means. Goats flesh is. sweet, nutri- earnest coroperation oiv our part shall. Answers In Csrretpondents, or that the more liberal minded were tious and. healthy niedt, and should be b'eyour partial reward -- It a a ( 7 sot possessed of more eirthly means, substituted, for pork, .'and .thus pave " --;; ' VrJ, number of times (hiring his existence, will J" .a that a larger sheet might be issued or oqr;grain apd! place the gain in thjs Of. THE; OR A PE. j labor or exelttweat, which cause it to pui- ate mor trapMly , horiaa his. life? Not ! the present sixe be better Sustained to the credit--oproducing articles for ' than- is ' at present indicated; With exportation. Come, let'us brigten-uThis Iran important subject and of at all; if a man liTwa sajaatary lf of ' ' very Httlc' help or ehcourSemat! from a littli and see if we canh.turn the much interest to: the people of' Utah, fifty years.hi heart, during that Ume.beat ' About 315,410.000 timasr but if, duricp . 1.. ' .,r I". f.ju. j denizena ' any ' and . to source, we bare thus far succeeds tables to our ad van! age. . , more especially the of li that time, he takes plenty of healthful ,1 in i .i edm providing anvoee and Start- -. volcanic Dixie, a reigon whose soil mid ini a moderate amount of exciteclimate is so abdhdantly adapted do ment, llie number of pulwtlone will bo ; ing hci press, .and ahopld our. life apd A'ELASA SIJKBISE.''. . a. s;i 11 health be spired, ' intend1 rto issue our tHe growth bf 'the vine and: luscious groatiyincroastd; ' ind the humaq eystem. I ! '.'".Vf r: . instead of being debilitate j, will be elrengih-ene- d On thee everting our last i (and fruit.' Our bunny clime .gives us an and stimulated to longer life. of. our and lieheat; weritf we abppdauce issue,' fiwt) airis.dry costiy' seated ISiVJl TiJ fJ Will J- a word of thanks for Brof MoCnl f, Will you please tell me which arm lands have our 4o he irriwholesome, to.' plant in j)jxie, .and the beet the . leughKcate, Adsn, .Lyrsen,; last teiegyaphic. news ; as, we" awaited gated,1 so we temper the supply ' to best time grapea pf year, to plant a vineyard? So few ? others Is wha ypkcr,Higginand.a on tic demand, and; as' yet 'find the far as we have yet proven, the .three beat ''proof,' we: were startled by! ' u io , hare responded the' 6sll for' kid tlio door and sudden 'entrance 6f faces grape to have neitlircnemiM hor.dis-- , i V.f fi t&i ' r 91s when much needed. arp llamburg), .aniihuseiee F'on . familiar, lby twos,; male and Teiaale,- Case, and our soil seems meat; happily, i i.;,'ii alt'll ' I'M .. .. t .r(. , afnblau( and for dry .sofh nemeleea :ern-- , adapted toaistisfaetrygrowth of rine white SSR 7?et ., grejw, iAtroWed hare by Walter E. ' and flavor of fruit. f , of.theidenUezM of souther n; Utab . are ihed. As we. treated into The print-- . ' l T'lexcellent bodge. The beqt.time ior plantin ii be, P '.4, ,.l not oppressed with surplus means, ing office, the danger of thoofing Our .climate- is. sufficiently mild,to tween November and M ar ch ony time th e ; ' s6mef eveI , 1finding."' it fhard to get sticks and k host of ' daggers aVhand' grow the choicest foreign grapes, so ground is in order; dont wait till apring. the' Iweiv'e mdtitts of " (he. the propagation of hardy 'native veri- .. Jtoxjto. What are: the propesl names of thrdugK . f "'dl 'iifi 1 ,) fi Art emus Ward. Josh Billtngs, Nad Bunt-lin- e year and sufipV their , fsnuhes with anddicttjng the, term8Y of , capitulati- ties should be abandoned, except se and Brick Potnereyt. Artemui Werde on.-- 1 After a thorough far. end as the doubtless the 4ife arc 8c,W,,,e10f in, required plants, investigation . l , real name was Charles F. Brown; Joah M,i a shortnessqfi patronage:ipmanfMn. of the premises, we were pnt on parole settlements north, and only .the choi- Billing ;is Heory A. Shaw, 'Ned Buntline i.fr 'Hf,,.' rff stances may bn. traced to G. is Z. E. richest immediate and for best producing fruit at the Hall. JndiOD, and Btiek Pemeroy ii cest,' hatcausb; Lv m .1 appearance , ".V 1. - !'i'i :,VJ MM;Pomroy., ; rnd . nnappreciathro sooiihjed,,; pd light be adopted. he word 'In'hoe signo inees,,f ,sis found Amofig r.sll communities beauty and music the: reigning powers There it little doubt but that many of which' so often see on badgeV, he'., are 3 Jbose .ever ready. to reap 'the . benefits of 'the. evening. 'Major Blair made an the hardy varieties may be successfully Latiti;' you ' meih "By this sign we cen- and without making any expenditur. opening address, 'followed by several grown1 in most or aHoftiie settlements qixer.M;: succeeded by toasts apd senti- - north, nd we. feel it ;i,v.Wa ihereby: instruct: our agents to others; qu quty to press 1, .. j r i. i whocwfsh thdscf one the of, names til of which, by Major Blair, upon the mind, of qie&tsf :giy , A TAiur.Tr every .one the adehotel Appl.,1 num', Fieh,' Almocd t: wo felt very, tender towards1 viz. t to .become subscribers.,' and are not vantage and 'Comfort of having an and Apricot Trees; also Striwberrv thee The Johnsons wore Andy a and J abundance- of a fruit so wholesome, so and Raeyberry Plants for Sale first blech pavff and we' shalkmake V , f west cf the Public Square, in St. George. B.'a wanted.4 welcome excellent, and eaaily produced. JOHN OAK1.EY. 21 tl&tt.tHa former', - - M. 4 - - - 9 b1bhat . .lu-cer- ilr -- . ne i lately-adeiertaste- - -- -- 1 f h1 i 5wVn : i , . ' ' j fc -- j - 41 . - : ... i pi,cd, i- s T 4 i . . . . ; h.ak.at. : ia : i.TUHE : , f : i p - ! ; M . 7 . - t 1 ex-ere- uo. - -- , . . . it-- a.-- ; i 1 - f M S P-eayp- -- 1 ; a-ra- p &&?? 1 (- - : . XWlSKW.toniMy , - . ?! , . : . , . - . 1 . . ! ti-- . ? . , X.-i-T- 1 ' 'abhti' . OF - 1 - - , |