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Show V V - O - - ngr A - O TJ 35T feT 1 .., 1 .Mi i fk - ri -- roiifct Jts ' i la TUB 01X18 TIM8; 1 .'t i ' 11 ' gjj r,ti-- . ' ht" vhcrilMe'5bisic wo .'Joeji ":!i ? 4!! fronilhe'iulcv 'length ceasedj 1 -- - -i I 4 4od news. good news! the' time has com? ' ''that? we lejoife j rfadavery one t i a7 V Can hard in; paper kdAhetftaufljt :i urt -1- n aafliy.rMwui' ae twuii a lle andiftoviAgto fllSVfgltelhe gajtli had uot a i i5irT-:- r ;afJOTar7 I. A enterfdirthrfathediALTherctiWiili ; - ., faf&vWp .JSftftWfipJ5S And new abroad at lightning will; . nave come here X lkmpr.iftls'pendedf groom, whom .sne.oau .never before th'Mch1 khoye seen. Tliit her glahceTovedlrirmiu iu . . - '1 i -- L- I r-- ( get--the- and welfare here, . And homo affair flow Dixie growing eVery y eaty :' : ' ' 'And sfbrfes'for-tbe'cdi ainljoun, ; 1 I U L falling full.upon' her .stood tlieriilCef s ' M'iroU bfrstffeto 'place, who liadtgraced the royal pew that exclaimed! the .sexton. "'Why, ' yon 'day. 'Til'd e&urtWess jdf Velret with gonc, tad'he wa htiged to ,p hoftVrmliie7 dead, ana. .gone if trimmings llietiaraj return (hegrnctfiil'dKi.tV;l Jheing. surpass the ther necrklace.' bracelet, chhd '&en ,. sir! VI?. Jj. vni i .. Nio, no; you. overrate.i mej reiuy exchanppdor agrujoSftge rpheiand? aotivea-opolicy; MecWanicaIly sho Jhi sfA en knell at med iartohe ; and mechanically listened to theftttce : - au organist, and on- - him-that'- s ! . geoxocofptifpntauseholdtaague ! : f . 1 1 M Pja,i:rf give To thoae who pav and help it lire. ' Then let us takethe J)lxfo Time.;" " her ahdnderthegnsponseerThen husbands dVe Aohimin a ttonvul And fread it proso and read it rhymes , wev e sive trace, ber ana Xrom Vorrotvfulatrpiu in jiilo 'feet a her whispered: music cliuuged awhgaaed wistfully And gain instr etiea vreefcby vrtfek,T tlie and ;.- n mystei . to trpuWed eysoiis f;. ;Jid aigrand bld:pah; Iilibeth, j .my. jjjaepn, myiwife,. ; AnJ Jmil thOtknowlege ihat we seek; And eyes will brighten a it cornea To many of oUr southern home. '1 ii'. , t' J " AMesaingmayuerer.be AnotLer litrktd of thc'freei' " Gods glory smou hl.uln jbe fdC9, ... asdi'daredfiot venture in?o llie p.vlaco r g'0e tWhf.diU lliAti smihfihtinb ' : A plnwJ endfer cheeked AWidbenghdhft Srtvcea. and his countenance semod not ujdfib i - - . l -- 4 ! Til 12 I 4 MW, m 11' FIRST KISS; Guido. Ni V r a fill could I .bring hie uot-h- oiv . My l ip? to, reft on juanhood'a brow? A maiden rosy not iighllf fling , Her timid nature off, and thou Caressed as tliojj art wunt to be, nldt were airfof mia lo thee? tistm the Wmionies ' " . '' pressed. r . ;glimp.e of which be ought, thraglr . window' when there was e(;n' Sr?fi6il the torehddoH enamel e sUith .'J-- ' orrowf; I m lln; . , ... i.'S : .rjecj .V. Anotiyef form (.a:;, adieu I eotikl not ed around him, he sal;, witlv hisiar- terJf-.seeing eye';' fixed on. the distant sky, came .weeping in. An.onfrtlf.-. .. : J young 4AnJ thou Weulist think that I hud Ligt be seen -- : - wWah-iwell- . trait . ."-Ji- lips to ui fxry m usicys and h adi laifght ,!?ljr ?aS' Lu : 1 . i t ' r vj.-.-j; Jca sdX ,rHissbeUifV .Jnnrmti4e , , , ii of htn-thefior- jf,u, dSVii4Klhifl)tfiVmi.Vne. w assoun as thine, Should.! allow my lips to rsV. (Ev?n light 1' es on hallowod shriue The trembling-lipof devotee) On thrne, a pledvof love to. the. s r'irr.rrTfi ,.r, 4; wi,w ,,er : ' wrj 1 , -- lor oucc.two hEarU.iwure:ieidK happy ne neru. 11 i were) our to on and Di.t their some worJs of gentle ouni promised her wiut hi eyes upou play: roJ 1.lrT,.?S?n I conld be ihc bi id eg room in-- ! Were whisjierud te the niaideii liart; in. No sooner had the rouste reach- - equal, stead of the organist;: hut a poor mu-- j bhe could not bear bis love to wound ed her ears than she started as if a LV1L ; COM P ANTiThe sician.BMistgivpyoivnpr v'rbafctfur bad eoue when they must ghost had crossed her path, ' . soul like is .. . . bod)it. and,. rending., -from her cheek, her .lips faded blood .au. ; 'iu part . .i sail (lief Munder io part witli you , And ihe was'joung, and fpnd. i nd true; quivered, and her whole frame grew ficWfultnaltogorr I mar telfvou this ,.irl. "To-ntgliuuslated'-frooWiiat coIi the genile maiden lo? Iremplous. At 1st her eyes, met tilll.he-- Qerm(n.Uii i you hdw foiidly l'Iov'8 you;' bul'in those of the organist, in a long.ycarn-inlew hours it .will fevt sin! Go, go,. ...Toplirnmu The spell is broken faid awiseteAcTihriivruM look, and the meiody lost its joy blew and? God youl luttW evgn his owngrowu up sons iter trembling lips agaist his cheek'; ou4 notes dud. once more wailed, ami. slie avi d.uhtcrs I!11 if aVcJ her, M is On hers there. it a deeper shade ; tp w?nciileiYit,lhoto sighed, and c.lamored. ' while him she had banish, would -fconduct nht 'purV add iosc yet does Of .hot was but e ctitiison.. plie speak; ..j. l)y iriyTaiihlvhiHjwre'thft'ki,n h:: iV ' do ' lo ower 90,kaiid 1' her voice ii i.till--i to his ddughlert i(thi3 orgurtist has a . MU? voice is bcslied l.im? Uc rose to leave ( l.er.j thasWr hand, llaik ych5 shall play i, with lii(, then came back,. held her- to his ,j.' ! at vour. wedding' Sar, 'wh.n forbade imbricc.' anJwith .''i The pale lip of the princess parted in lohr her. comspny withthr tbrdltier u not speak she was but .kite could .. f 9 t the ll Legend-o. utc k , . . . , . ( - - j. . - - e ,J it - g ihe-ha- s f - h up-th- he--how',- ! .'. . 1' Mf tln -- f fK.iiul hearts sr ft imrp Aud ftiinplt faithitba - , ears ago, at a cVery body fro peas chanced her whllV dress er tho: rocks along the enedand-arTiait, was ; wondering'' "wha conld be' come, lie was uot ir'u nTaiu by the llHftcri I ' v .! 'found lo fill )tis r placed wheiii one sexton till the reaper hour ftfld' thepj Khine. A 'wft.Ae.- palacp gateAvereha linnAArt'll III tllO hrinrlit R .lib fit 'cannot be tofl.cprefp.Mn bnndKns: (W tin' r ' sintl rnval nnrtv . anneared. tne P..T.IL aitk nwiJ ..i.; l ; ' A ! " listener dudurcilljat, tli organ seemed ' niclit, and it wailed Jliiysu-riduto have, growo .liumanr-'tlja- l if lida'r- - I lniL his ht-iand fir d- human hvnxV wa.;'thabbin , filiuiiu-nl.- j lone d j trough ns p nes: s d . sighed-airi,'cUmoVvd,n- - ? - - - ,.: ! 1 WiV : : rnrgan.-lorttanciM- .9 Watched and organist still vus bocd .upon ... ; . ' . paaua-jra,a'idi lia, could .iiqS.farjtowS$ruc-.- 5 wuu-uu UemMtvl; she .roa tc.(. At . a . , if nt i W V V asulcnJ.ppur ;u.mt. -- IL,rr , r.i vj AtJ d .T PArJfciVltcl |