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Show sfHXCI Jit t .. 1 1 f,:; i. . 1 VJ J rt- ;-j. ;. 'of -- lap re-th- ft.T4 e! ' of people aitchless. - Because they ; ' t, ' FLOUR, j ; i 1 ,v y Fashionable dresses are short so -- If A ' 7 .v;MF,At,. ; are , Jiua mtMi-vemtablra- ; and , . i i-- j St. George,' Jan 15, 1868. Ii -- !S. . ' ltf 1 ( 9I BLAIR, r' 'ATTORNEY irf f j a-- i? n I e . ? '''Ji iQ-tfi- he corner. of 'Washington and Fourth week.1. li'xiy H ; 4 ni :i : ,v; Npth Street, where they invite the pat--" ronaga of teir friends.! " All kinds of ' MIS CeLlaN Efal?1 'ENIGMA. I , i Produce taki&.r r , . . 'Ji (rVZ&T' Two apprentices, with goot yef VJ tiJ.V, jii .. Br WILL LONG. ' craves respetting i.; thoirr characters. i v ,J, . i ' , . i: Wanted immediat eiy. , ! -r '!. !. Sti George, Utah Ter. g t I . ! , ! - Y - lmr f UM PICiETT rl '.f JUDD.. .'. Ir.iit m BMH ... .. I. . : Ms'uiit'd , 1. Nnw Yorkis; extremely, u rather irascible and in 2:.iU . by'ivdry-'-maniMi- , a.foreijfh'pfonP.'mf .;., I - forgetful, .. i.!, sometimes, prone to indiscriminate well,, da.ll. ii re- With brains, sir!? was the reply COMMISSION MERCHANTS; firoach, though tha: ia very mild; On is in a A fool in high life likaa man over the' compositors', book of 'Utttj-- i:; i , balloon everybody appears small to Colorado Ci ty at tho mouth of the )rbof oue fine morning he saw an arti solicit the of nr patronage tie which attfcrtctedbis attention and him, and lie appears little to everybody !.. and Nevada T':: Utali, f, Arizona, sat down tpcriffcisb it: i out, drawingSt One charge lira lawyers bill against of 13 lettered ; am , Californio, composed 9Iercants,a a client was, for waking "up in the This point is.the.head of navigation His p$n went through sentence after My 1st is in good, but not in bed; until out at sentence, lepgth, attention Strict of of River. the Colorado getting and thinking 2d is in trout, but dot in shad. night jour businety of and he'calied his with assistant acuaiiftance patience, v! tp business, and'oui five dollars 3d is in strong, but not h 41 t - )y Will' Mbrmon insure said,' patronpeople 4th is in road, but npt in route. If you ' trade with a Yankee, steal a6e . All droers will berpunctuAlly for-- Mr.Ecriblerus.Iam ' fitli is inricc, bpt.not in snow; Sony to see that 'y . his jack-knif- e fust; for 'if he gets tew warded for Gash." ' vvritteh 'so' carelessly. this have you 4 fith is in betfux,hut not in beaui EL AIR A SONS. whittling, y a are gone. Josh Billings itf; It is inexcusable, I must say it is l 7th is in run, but hot in walk; n J that abilof a man Sir, known greeful. The pleasantest husbandry ynur DIXIE OIL COMPANY 8th is in Speech, but not in fcelk- -; should himself to use such ity to man issaidto be. the' destroying of V premit M 9ih is in last; brt not in slow; have Look and here; slovenly expressions. weeds a widows weeds, bj marry mg 10th is in sigh, but not in woe , Do to here the (pointing errors.) of the widow. you .1 1 this in money , but not in cash; think 1 c&u admit such matter to the to distribute; Call on 12th is in firb, bui not in fldsh A man,' boasting in the company of S. M. BLAIR, columns of this journal? You must 1 3t!i is in six; but not in three; young ladies that he had a luxuriant ltf Agent for Dixie Oil Company. bn more, careful in future, Sir. Were it riot for my whole, you'd. head of hair, a lady preseat observed their litile oration the astonDuring never seen me. DRUGS, BEDlCIXES. that it was owing to the mellowness' ished subordinate opened not his AT of the soil! Answers next week. as the best defence he How. do! you mix your 'fcolors? saida connoisseur toa( great f nr ti$ 4 Yir-'genlliv- ; er, i l : ., t 7- BLAIR&SOIVS,' - . 4 ! . a; MisfAKEf he. worth, cjiief.edi- tor of a .popular newwper published - J. i ' , i . j , f a 4 . x ecpcessly foe he purpose of amusing. (f 4i.., A iniritef tha teH.tndigfrl,.:-''W, .l.h 'I !l?v to send in origmad Rkbuses Charade t Enigmas, etc ..If 'tbiBy will send Us V m w 1 thii1 joluUon.s. Enigmas ip MO tneir, ' S;J WK Utd , ' forgive. 'Hello, Bill.'dend me fiVb dollars! Y oure mistaken in theman, sir,' not a five dollar Bill. ,u r 0V0wmmc o 1 Hv PIOKETT.H Jj WDD.Ij r.ais 1jU en BWH,REfeB,'COTRAOTOUS. . ii ;y and'"''5'; ''' rp are fashionably JiusbandSj-.wk1 , pay ' . r. ' for them .2 . ,l a( Lowest Market Rates. ' swiftest .a?we will Bide ion Mb 4 in Teams tors' ' and Emigrants supplud billow of to day we ace out of sight , .. iVy.i .'it ) j of yesterday , booi Stabllne and Kraals.' VcoAard fiiht; A cow&ft) may, may; STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. A can coward but nevei; gvcn conquer, Wm. Laho. ' ni it. i . ! VEdpTABLES and jOter choici collection' of iToAer oeeilsi' et at FEED, !l FSeda frtsh'Aaijd, putc:nf. peeked vforahe gajden, Fprr5alej 1 , luxtjrj Ald maidsnrfl'lhe.tnoschnn-- . - i i . ! nre jo modest as to T 4 rli-'- . Q'&e; pnderi$&& 'keeps coDitaatljn n for hipxg1 feesfe J a wfrat may turn V supplyr . Up. 0BA3N: Wr.V;, .r. j ,, " . Wji5 11 i OASTOttOlL BEAMS " ; t K . - A retired schoolmaster excuses his passion for angling bv saying that from constant habit he never feels quite himself, unless he's handling the rop, Here, I can't pass you, said the door keeper' of a Western theatre. 'You neednt pass me1 said the irrepressible dead head whom he address ed; just you stand where. you arf, And he passed. and 1U pass you. A good sort of a man in Maine was recently asked to subscribe for a chandelier . for the church. Now, said hewhat's the use of a ehandelier? After you get ifyduoanlt get any one to play onit Tho great objection vto smart child xen is, that: when they copamence having .whiskers . they .leave off having brains; By forcing cliildreh you get so mucking their beads .they 'become cracked !iu older to Hold it. J:: -- I f. u ..' r r - I 1 An insurance agent, urging a chi-xe- n to get his life 7 insured, said Get your life insured for ten thousand and then. Jf you die" next week, the wjdowfs heart will sing with joy. A "western editor thinks that 'if A JOHNSON'S DRUG STORIE, SU , mouth, but, could offer, went in and brought in the copy, and laying it before ibe chief George, Utah, may be found a good Here is a Poetical, Vegetable comdeparted again, silent but elated. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Unhappy chief! it was his own copy. bination of Puns: Onion garden bed reclining, Ac., the right kind of Medicines for the A Psppxry Yarn. I went to the Beets a youth bis aching head. People, the Climate, and the Diseases tin of e Country Cauliflowers lo,. weeds ronfrent me: Legislature last year, said a Georgian. Prescriptions put up with care, by an Well, I went to Augusta and took din- Lettuce hence' he .softly said. ner at a tavern. Right besids me sat a Carrots out the stoutest manhood, experienced Druggist. member from one of the back towns gST Two doors above St. Georgo Hall. that had never taken dinner before at a Peas my wearied sou) doih need; tavern in his life.. .Before his plate Bean 01 strife lor me hereafter. seed. fp4Di!J3e, won a dish of peppers, and he kept look- Else my heart will go to The undersigned will attend to the ing et them. Finally, as the Waiters execution of Deeds', Bonds,' 'Mortgages, were very slow in bringing on things, A MUSICAL CATECHISM. Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, he up with his fbrk and in less than no he Contracts, and all other Official Busi- tiico soused cne into his mouth. Asthe What is a slur? brought his grinders down on it, ness required of a Notary Public. Almost any remark one singer tears came into his eyes. At lost, spitOffice at (fOur Dixie Times rooms, ting the pepper into his. hand, he laid i makes about another. St. George. side of his plate, and with down What is a rest? J. E. JOHNSON, Xotary Public. a voicebythe that set the whole table in a refresh Going out of the choir-foroar, exclaimed, Just lie there and menu during the sermon time. cool. What ip singing with an under ' I have, a choice collection of 'A Gzntlxuans Duny or ins standing? FRUT AND ORNALENTAL Wifbb ' Txxrrn. Monday A thick ' Marking time on the floor with your f f ao seeing through it. Tuesday foot. fog; of good sise for transplanting, to What is a svmphony? Gloomy and very chilly; unreason EXCHANGE for GRAIN and other able weather. Wedenadajr Frosty, Flirting with the soprano singer Produce; consisting of at times .sharp. Thursday Bitter behind the organ. Apple, Pe.,ir Quince, Plum, Apricot, cold in the morning, red sunset, with What is a staccato movement? Peach; Cherry, Pomegranate, Alweaflying clouds, portending hard Leaving the choir in a huff because mond, ; Cutalpas, AUantbui, morn" " ' Honey" Locust; Mulberry, ther. Friday Storm in the one is dissatisfied with the organist. ; clear air of etc. thunder; ing, with peals ,i etc.,;; etc.,, What is a swell? sunGleamsof afterward. as well as Saturday some Choice, New, Also, A professor of music who pretends frost with a thaw; shines, partial, Ordinary" to know evey thing' about the science, ; A at alight Sunday night. Native and Foreign Grapes. again while.: he cannot conceal his ignoand calm the wester south in morning, and Shrubs, Also, Flowering Fruiting rance. irairicane dinner Plants at time; Flowering" Plants, pleasant Strawberry What are grace notes? and earthquake at night. and Vines, House' Plants,' etc. Greenbacks received for the quai-te- ra As 'the above stock is small those f l' , seaIn salary. ' be ' t should ,! io purchase desiring By education men become easyfo son. What is a turn? r to to difficult but St. drive; lead, George. J.R. JOHNSON, easy govWhen one singer'1 is discharged to ern, but difficult to enslave. make room for .another. . How do you produce' discord?HORDE; He wEo receives a good turn, should at the By .praising a lady singer ' 1 will be prepared to sripply the Pub-li- e never forget it; he who forgets : one, with all sorts of expense of-- rival,' who overhears you should never remember it. . How is a shake produced? CROCKERY WARE; the that In black, ' unseemly engine, By cntching.the bcllows boy asleep the middle of February, 1868. bj world's lies the strength, great when the choir is ready.to sing. will take Corn, Wheat, Flour; Butter, press, foe. formidable and times most' What is a flat? Cheese, Cotton, Cotton Yorn Storepay, ' e ) in Lead or is himself or Guh exchange. Pottery Ail authority (lows from reason, and A singer who supposes situated on tho street running to Wash to lose its force in projection as herself indispensable to ..the suesess ought ington. of tiie choir. it deviates frexa its source. ltf Stock tf well-assort- ed , -- . . . r FRUIT TREES! r 1 1 . v potatoes must be poughtagl The new way; of:: spelling. softly ; v! 4Poughtleigh. . You are from the country, art you not ,sir?!'.Sai4 a dandy book seller to .bad a homely Massed Quaker who ' Yes given him some . trouble. IV ell, here's an Essay on the. Rear. That , said Ainina-Babhe turned to Uavffibe shbp; thee had better present , to thy ing cf CNlves mother as - - An exchange says: Babies resem ble jrbeat fr minT Tespects. - First Neitherj pre goodVor mudhr until they -- f:- -- arrive .,at; saturity; 'Be pond Doth srebred in :the house sd also ' the , . ; : pwer of the family. Tnird Both Fourth Both aTe to be cradled. before generally well-thrash- MaSiiSf,.;; ed ' v ; , . : PHTiTEWL I i. - . , - 4 a . ' . ' ! . 'r P. y S.l ' . a JK t - MM v - 'jOH: - iV-.i,- . ; f 7;' |