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Show I s " ttBft 3ici nr-o- i haugurataj . t harpy rh pitern of r ta.iyppui-Sv..oli$nFahraof Human east Lake Salt vetation City? 15 pruning and' digging 'about every-fvni- . r forraial ViKWwito: W ad-- V and 'every iidi,vidujil.,ry lungpDf gt'miioj. untNubout 100 norlh of Ana Ioto tUer beautiful, und with old, in S;t. George, and, ifany refuse thfColbra-on two errs niufdhcta'oulh, jjiatiiji sensM the head of navigation to sttend to their prayer or ridoj" and lflQ do., from the located may he douhlv supplied throuzli tli in neglect the season thereof to tithe them- eyes.. Thus we should no longer ncglest route of e boutlic n H on useful adtfrn- f Y ' ' ;'. ' . 8K WRlBnE-TilME&ts- w: , i ! -- tt v J VEMESD AY.JAN BA RY alSfiS- "i..- . ; - -- TEIKJMS&i t rTvr-r; ' ;v., Tn XIAii. " f . - TV1- . , fhere-iuteres- " i . i j 1 ; Jij. I ; Vi:Tan(l mosf Of : 0r our i'lumher,: comes r 1 cploqy is ! 1 ; jng.tQ thickly hjsot Hnd Ije fcure;' : ! : mas; t J r . r ihe; red darkly forth,, foliowod 1 . tillable laiid here is of rather inferior iliosr who. make, themsrlye's knowh, sell low. uud treat us finely. ' ,by' . quality for grain, ..but good for inoaf n , llazingioirent.andiStillraatkedVifh sorts of the specially fruit,, e f grappj OgAQLij-TherFaimkhs that iuVd put the onte molten-rocaj delin; rdtb. ; To a cQD$idera quent subscribers ip many jpett Je- -' we have' pitched our pwrs, (leaches, a fluid: Vi! Wpk ble- Cxtcnt the, soil is charged witli; al- meiii's in ljiif ,Terxi'.ory. settled arid 'blahket tent, spreailour iheiu more Uiifoace lu.pay up.' A ft or kaline ani saline ;ml(ierkh1wblch in on uiiVith: ' down. b, t press erected, type i, giving; proper time, Tw.. Wend is a fine fertiliser, moderate quantity hoW lMtin 4 alist of tht., names of Uufce cf.d, a clean sheet and pur but in excess is poison:! to most yege Whdwpntpay,fe:n ' we again oppear. not: for .applause! .v . Erastus So.w. ;i is- - twelve miles 3t! tation.'; George honest of Flouu boii Oxk--W- ill lut wjtii hopes gaining your our' friend line dividing Utah from ; up which 'fairly portliofthe to in wlie1 earn eo. his cauGuma iron forgot promise; approbation, Arizona is 1,300 i feet lowr thaiiSalt ' send m thefioiir sooiii. ; shall he our constant .enilriivpr. , Otir and Lake City andf one degree west', casual PQEfS A2V1 VlUTZRS.rrWuAQicit, newly adapted country, to the Thb Beardslown Illiuoiiar. Males. is in latitude about 37 vra believe., for flie of the cblumqs and Txussorigiqal! precipitous, l:. J tlie follwiug remarkabe case:- - l,A, eye. is sandy., rough -- short andthe articles; to t point, effort of nature lo reliyv forbidding; and yet rocky, naked-ariAMUSEMENT- of upon 'any subject general, interest, the liutmm body of RQ ebstructinn, lias we think swe can discern in the no aa trell?-ocorrespcodenco of local occurred in V i cip Uy w b ieh' shoui'd, enand citizens on with Thomah news-frobur 'Prof, industry distant future, gave every city, town.' and attract the attention of scientific tucy. . ... settlements,' wealth and Saturday evening last an hilerea'ing Aoout twelve years since, Mr Jautes ergy, comfort, competence' not bidden uuder rocks or in quarts Musical and Dramatical . Entertain-- , Dixix FapzxN.-r- r At suprise this Thompson, a wealthy farmer of titi county, was waylaid by ruffians, ami veins', but : under the surface of the merit,- and though the streets and wea- marning the'mtrcury is dpvvn tb breeze from the qohh, girouHd ju the encounter was., stabbe.o. iri tho soil of our many valleys and hill sides, ther were at their worst,', the house sjight back under ihe left shoulder blade. partly e.oyerd with snow,. ' in the Springs and sirapis of water was filled.'. A !wfell executed pieoo by. shiver He was treated by .lysicians. apdjiq u iqr in the banks.and, ledges pf clay, lime, the Brass Band, led, followed by 'focal ingOo-ou-o- o short time the wound honied ortr. e! 00--r! . t A taw years tinea he bagen to cougjlv sand and building r stone; ,apd; though music from the' CQmpany, mae an W N ctmbes.--First send this suucs that lime had all the appear-rarie- e .voice female.' Then songs our resources ' may not be ' first 'number to iome who have of person ucdfr theuffucncu and , comic, riot orffed extensive, yet scope enough twos, and trios,' sentimental show of it they please t oonsumpLioa. lp uch extent that our Vl wapdered by'tbe ooJj,,,r by MrS. to their fiends aroun J; get what subto engage all onr thoughts-andespuired of hia recovery scribers 1imr. i lVe t are nquiet" people, and Tlismas, murmurings by the company; 'they crip:1 'Each act as ; About three wotks siuce, in a vioi riA ' let t)S' 'hear from fit of coughing, he threw np a pie pm) need little law. and wiis performed .to the., admiral ion of gPe? 'ifferit, them booij. ' ';r;thekriife blade with; which, ne.f mj , .i; , are1 remote from- political , exigencies all. Miss- - Ivin.,elici(cd fiDUcji ap M. about one inched ArW; and not yory 'ambitious; ao we have plaiise, 'And ' Mr.J Kenn?! . VQmt, EXTRACT tOP. A EETT EK EROM pierced, ' length, r.nd about hvlf ; an ine . 'PREltTE. SNQ:W;. , small , use for politics. Our religion Grandfathers Days brought bursts widtlj. I had passed, dpringi ' X is simple, requiring no eilaried ex- of applause. (r.5 ever aV times erform interval,' from liis Uck 'Iresf. !J Snow. writes. , from Ovp jorig stopdsch through hi luogs sad pounders; and ris.we haye no idlers or era- were called . opt' a second tune. Creek; under date, of the 1 1th ins a, wards ihrouuh the hronchml tube.r brawls apd drunkenness, our course The entertainment closed with- the .. , more wonderful' frcsk.:of yaaturi - j to Bp.II. . Gardener; .. cannot be idevious, haying little .left laughable comedy of The Artful j ' .j.have nevetTead mithe. books... s i 14 -fitw to ,Trrit. j T jibrapYon ; i noiqenl but current news arid a constant effort Dodge. Every body "bid1 a big . I iprov i. doing irelU. to about onr:pub)ic you bids lair to ltrea long a .any' AQ to assist 'in developing our resources, . , laugh..... the in south., ,:FrM,asfmn: improvements wealth, 'comfort' and happiness to atbefore!: I left, f I sKsti . be ,1 told-yo.. tend to, outling off all hope of sensapUased to have.youkgivefts muybatvrrarri'. a mm TMunniri teritioriforward as tional artides from.our colunani. Wlio hns! Considered the great moral, yon call 10.. help 1K4ij on the Meeting itapse. VI ' v labor; Let us seel- whst,r shallKibe onr pro- - ard physieal effect, 'upon .a country; like S. ..,1 this- - bsrrfn of timber dnd nearly, so .of wish you aad to.consult j feudal ffm . was the custom, in we :no; Time can't gramme say, vegatatitm in years; to ,00m e, tjiit would with Bro. Parry and determine., .what the follow the above advice, should every hep,.cau bft urofitablv emnloyedr on foy.TipiKtly 'families to send must duV itr-vrn v adult plnnt.a tree hr vine? We refer to ihe house. Put ori all all Ihat canbe; daugiiters to the castles of tlici, sUfi ; roin lords, to bd trained to weavp d, trees fpr: ornament' or timber fruit, worked Jo rdya'ntag' arid1 push GEORGE. BT.;: v :?r that attain site arid spread of branches rfThe! youngs ladigs, ga of it steadily: till hot weathpr, fcjnbrbictai' i buildihg rits A i a f of we such course vo 1;, ; ATgum their retilrn vpnii'e,;instruclrid tbo mcj l ' 'sfone-cutter' tcu-- . This city is located upon an jneli-p- consider comes. If musonSi almost. superfluous, , prid yet iiVtelljgerit '; of their tamule.'' serysq are. teams derSj' ornAmenti the midkt their lacking, of grOurids. broad delay a many, pg ; qurrymen'dr plane, Jn Ladies-- of VianU iu J cairrind nac- -' iq thesc'afts. streets Jwlth tOfe 'rijppoWfaoli lovely asmay.bf and(d)ritirig ibemselvs upon , tj valley, near the. jvnctiori of the Santa gifty otriatorc,- that Vtf expenditure of cssaiy; rnd wh'eri:' titbing feed--' fails, confries; prided ihese atteridants, xtd Clam with the Rio yirgen rivers: It Art can. equal : 'Aside f rom tlio deligh tful veV !teams:td tvork-- . th&tr.can.bc riuml?er rif( J , fj f li ltf requ Iqthe.1 hauls qf passing the triiOlrLi- ; was , first located' ln the vvinte.r , and adorriTuerit; tneir cooling shade insujnrt furnished 'Wflhfeed theilown. f ty , , i woikwoms irier,.their protecting .influenpo iu win? Uih oilier public ;du tics suyroiipded' 'by tqeir ;fLeV: riot hrs; fuei-Wsprihg of .1862, apd; is; consequently ter, thefr - f lowers the chqnioni a toillct at o J ftpit, :' biff fivc'years old It prohabrycori- - as timber, tho ; cosy .protectwsri to the fe YwgottenV See tfiat? the 'gat)i er; Alingiug ; CQrnposed for those hours wsie Cd) Tr... ' s .'for': :ual' tVePe itp'e .'Sit; Emigration of ing tj nad'tljeir Jjsijienpc' Jodlle, a Frenoli poet, )57 . lams, ome ,two or three hundKid songsters sumcijer P d un Give cbiriinrie; in the peer, pf prefehj grinJe',; Roping ' buUo;zg8r. and 1,500 inhabttanfs. It Cfoting zephyrs to their wiiviug fran- -; cours c,. to subsgr ipiion ,ipA cash; but flilressCp a fsir Indy,- whoso .cupnij llio needle, in words thi credit- ches groves, nd 'forests' Aye; fltchards Where.lhii has'a fine hall obtain: irises plfcd y' ;r'L fc I ' -- and, dust',, burst , , C T'wiyh Judge McCullough to lose ntVne in consulting Wvki ike nut her-,- ,, our principal tow pa, qn getting, 1 en'ce livid with the -' Upon a VpoV froin Pine V alley, some thirty miles, but; ; large,, .; spreading.., fncrpaiiiand ug, prospering.;,, .plrendy only fires of a vast volcano yes, in the distant. The stofck mear, the second to any .in, the TerriiC'fy. range once the. $shes very crater where arid limuch of:the argument is needed;, we deef wiili and ctfy,.is very peorV sand flie body of Chris$.u v forwarding plot$ aud vdeslara-tiojBit he Land . ,Q p,cy, ..fvi; entry Record ing to act o;F Congxcss;. ' ' emi-'1" Push on to the Muudy jvhy ' ini tho 'jrants! who iriuy come during r 7 ' !:il winter . Colonel Me Art Tii, r and Capt. Pearcb ' should cc that the .mil itiu, are hcpt.iri readiness, for action, in .case fra' vsjibs 7 or U )es should, .attempt ' raids alter the Colorado freezes oyer- nnd others I wish lhe " hidube our yousg mea: to lecture ai to improve in public speaking And now may the God1 cJ' Israel abundantly bless you and ill the; righteous in all your efforts, and may the peace of the Holy Spirit" sbido with aou forever. ! Yours truly in' the love of thai ' ' ., M from Busiricsimin at home, pp Sil Lake City and not hern, settle-ihen- l; AuyxriTiBK. Per Verr, 55.00 J as well as ihope inj tl . bu&i-" been foil'd coaibaye 3.00 s'tpne j Single .copies, $5 6MonihsT riesx marts.of Califvrnia..,y?!i , find it ,' ' u within thirjy miles. uVceilagrbVis" to t 10 advertise in the "ryrr ji J35; i V cbhimns.of tlie Tiius. v tor fivewood aroten;;Qr fiipen mil flAUrfATOBYS .. I ,. iifj.? i . . f; - . i - '!' , 1 ht . i - buade. ? 4 , I a kitaw 5 1? 1 . ! J i - s ; 1 m . . . .3. - . . ,1 Ra-jherc- od ( . , D:ixja--reyeryb- 6dy . . ! M we-hav- e f j r it,-wf- ' ll his-friend- I d . . fwi-Jawjeri.,,i)V- e - - -- - . . ! . -- ' , -- r : ; - . - - - ; . . j . ; - , . . "v, , I u a tree; r-- ; ttu - - ri , t mxj J-- w I -- - l : . . '1 - . Bro.j-Woolifc- y it ait! ; te " ' sv ml s - ' A t - . , d . - . aiin,owr-ledgedinflvjeoc- -- : e 1 T - andmany public .exert climatic1 iaftarnce canqot possibly bp jtukeibtlier ayeilable means' anv cauntrvj amid growing. y our.Coripsel)drs and the provements. The streets are laid out soil never fiifcomes so much parched as the toTgiverthk idheririg-o- f at right angles with lets containing in open plains; and there too the dews of heaveu descend, that revives the droop- p er, in connection with their other land each an .broad .far streets ing fiuwr add make g.ad the Tor dure. duties, their p.ers'p&Lar4 especial at- nerp ;f able intidings v 1 natural, lovclyolvstoand Ji 9 mentfl iirouni 'ouf hoiao!, and .tench our U .V; 1 i til a on r to rudini ro jtlie, Jbcaati f u ns they gambol . n'hntb,.the sliBde,ilucking from jof moum&in, under., gushing tneteTictouR f f ill t f.ry rant ff)Vferi, ; The1 ffrmiinoni!-a- H rricfcir lo thri; north Deseret orgn e. upo.-jV- , ftnrry our'-lleaiMi It1,,, Jn J J .i eiiH iif fts tl.'procious gi :i 9 Uefo. its southern ' Xle;a)U f . PatKeri; Itailrbad.., r i!-- arid permanent t im- ,0Ven forf-aU-th- e upaii ed, In-stru- ct 4 mis-sionari- es 9 m transfttbdS,f' mv, ill.a, "l I saw tuee weave a web with '1 - i ; ; i . l . i care;-wber- ill tliy touch fresh rose crew And marveled they were forun MJ ! y And that thy hears such natur idle Alas., luw my buprie, s . J |