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Show I r roll ;, 1 rr ' ,M'1-- ' , r,'J-- .!j iU)i'"F i l, AW?r ' v StiJ ',1. VARY it jiffiffiSE? .I - I Well Vrtlji! se I1 t f 'f, AiL w is' the old siorj (ij '.'! ! XKtSKt; t & i. i ,.:( ' said' before; f!ii tiiemjike a dear oldfeear! M .. ; itTssA li , mf sab.m i wareifiiulU 5, Y ou imtfrtl 1 V arib r a lion eVr Vecurring.ever vfKa . ( f Ooh, ,r irom mat ;a&y,. Jigsaw, no peace until i e&cu cmej auaies upon natalities, ana i may again ne beoaifo Mrs. Spangle. Ourtonev- - pirfebtionfor fivemiouief, and thenj eyeAbf thest In the 'tkllet'oe the plain, t i lln, T. Iv.r. !? f J. 'I x l U indtied all of. natural magrc; to moon a like Deiafd to it piece seems, wasri heneysuppose, onght From die arly mdrniiU eten .j ;i wmfXAUm I . J lull away'to grow up1, Ithd an) ..itall.lAIIV furtherjI andiss;miich lika's ni i rcJe'sVany qp er . . Vy 'j Busy bands' were sowing graft nv: r l Vantr to hm till they to marrj. atioif: the force of nature could pro-tiublf Vtorm that and the srinshiae Trusting If o of tl)em has the bellyaphe and! dace. t. It is certainly one 5f the most Should each tiny leaf Enfold,1 ,!, that thel singularfy beautifdleiperitaieut. hnag- - , , .r It is my, belief1 (!hai this1 is' Inc most cries isat bight. Spangle thiiis r Till the golden wheat Had! ripened, to him, be-- 1 mible. It was i devised byti a Frenclk , haraslup afpecial Howlife.'1' pain wfethans of period J trying more min-few7 hundred fold 1 saYany to illustrate the awake a than, Yielding it cause leeshim repellent power husband m! and attentive kind her ever ' 'p The1 fact is iihdeniable that the I oft best radiating frorn bodies at a high M itposies, y Harvest 'the grain is gathered, may .he, a young wife) When she? en- utf best jmen-afselfish brutes so far, as I temperature, and of the Yapid abitrac-babi- es And they place a wealth of sheaves ters, upon 'the. actualities of life, lias I tio n of heat produced are concerned. , . .., . by" evaporation. discloseS-t- o her a state '"of 'facts: of ' ae fey one till all are garnered, Wr V.jJt c.rf I. . r SPAHGUB AT BO)tE. Safe .beneath the sheltering eaves'. ' which she has little or hof conception .ii'ii shb'! leaves Audwtth glad and joyous footsteps ' before marriage.4 When M ah atnidsphere 6f itomiihce ahd' adulaLaborers at twilight come, fV. tion and enters upon 'the realities of And withcHeerfuli.faappy voices ...f life, ,it is dike stepping out ;of a Shout the golden harvest ionase. . garden of summer , dowers1 into Often weary in well doling, , , : ' the region of perpetual winter,' 'and Yah d' other respects hb still, is, and f ltfee possession of a Chinaman iM.quiet 10 . " 1 unless ihe.b'rings all her - goodsehse We have sown in (foubt and fears will remain iu.that (ironic tale I' as ai lamb and. as;trpetable. psa do gi ways afifec andphjlosophy toheraidi-he- r From the morning until even t tionsjill become chilled; and: she frill Sowing oft with bitter tears. regard herself adieappointed; if hot When'thVh&rvest shall he gathered, woman for the rest of her ' Many tares and withered leaves life. It is the hope that our ezperi-euc- re ' " fee Will fe)und among1 the bandies,' may be of With our treasured golden sheaves tliat induces die domestic incidents When our sheaves have all been counted twelve years of married life An d their value has been told ; v ' After our brief holiday, When our ti'eanre has been garnered to use his OWii expression, tooka tilt In our Ileavonlv9 Fathers fdld:a9 determined to: wrest at world, th" j When our happy joyous footsteps from it not only a 'competence but; .a, ' In lifes twilight heavenward come,' fortune,7 that1 would place, me in the , ' most beatific attitude to be obtained clcthe j scattered over thli room as one lof tfee May we hear swoct angel yoices quietest of the flock iq fronj; by opulence. : Welcoming our h arrest hyme. only a mun , can scatter clothes.' He the others steadily followed ;without The der fellow did Tfork ' hsrd.l woul(1 nerer a clean skirt if it aid either rfroto a yelping cur or' cruel ''' puton Trappe, Talbot Co.,Hd. and if ho met with obstacles and diffi were hot and birds' aro Cattle, spread out on a chair before oulties. and ..trials, .the world never him." His sleeve buttons are takrn goad. cared for.-pigs -- Travel tin Horse , equally HUSBANDS 'AT HOME. . ' his He reserved for. knew (hem z ' ' jt. taken when in out back in Tatiary t . by me, andvput .? . ti '1 ; . fireside, and, although he'fid.not aci , Jid v I do not believe all. A RACT SKETCH FOR THE LADIES. i cuse me as the cause, yet he recount-1.. iag combed His own' head since we so dif- were married. ' He can't even. wash ed them in n tone Fauct pBKAMs. Some Noting la- -: n t Mrs.Fatsey "Spangle communi ferent. from the joyous and, buoyant his own face' properly, without being dies regard' marriage-a- j kfairy land, r. cates (hs following to the Louisville langucge 'of courtship, Ifeat I could violets Snd roses: perpetually ( fcny other child. .. If I did where told, but feel ' 1 was , 'some way or other not wash him, his ears and the back blossom, where the cedar tree and tho . Coupler: , ' accountable for his troubles. Although of his neck would be a sight to cinnamon tree ever flourish Y- where J 8FAK6LC As A LOVER. never seriously doufeted his love for the waters of tranquility, and sweet- - 17 Jrst met Spangle at a country I he certsinly permitted many ness uumterruptedly flow. Tell them f if We were introduced to each me, yet OX A SICK HKD.. srAKQLB for manifesting lirA amliriin in their ateadi thnup-hr t about ten o'clock in .the morn-lan' it to pass unimproved. F if you will believe me, I. did were married, he seemed get a chance to speak: tp any other perfect mania fer holding ..v Neman that 'day. I never saw a and uscd to wonder if hewould ever Matter with him. He. tears and groana Other, will exempt thiein from the cares, : I pw so struck at first sight. I don't me an opportunity do any needle i fn Srunl yei) a.8gfl the vicissitudes and thejanxibties per ( bk he saw a horse, i or in fact any-- g give awake to manner a keep everyone work after marriage.. Poor foolish! n loversrjbol , taining to humanity;1 that' was du exhibition that day I in the house. he such 'At times ab me ! I was often aggrieved at his fore marriage, conceive .that ,. their J U1 were present there me, and to he is though believes I die, going r of' the ;most beautiful and apparent coolness, and would ask him ways destiny will bean exception to thS1 him wra suffer me to leave any' twenty times a day if ho did not love will not general ride. The future with: theni that ladies of eomplished young will bo toujour Y couloir defrost, i me. Why, certainly 1 do. my, dear I Moment. action of the country. As he was faults. all his with ell, ' Yet you Could you' 1 little thought you knew, give them a sketch.ini the he is believe the I know .ttremly gobd.looklng, of good fsm-i- Yes, pusi; he thought Lknew it Perhaps quotation. pages of their future , history ,they f and of unexceptionable habits and not I tne beet man wcmld and living, would not believe a wordof itj they I did. I also knew that we had plenty I iharacter, I, of course, felt flattered ot ten ace as a misanthrope," 1 KlTft fr.a Ju" in but the J0!1 flour and bacon would sit of doyn you pantry, I hy his marked preference. I had, to that scepegraee of a husband which a painter of gl&my end' unnatural knowledge did not satisfy my lake him to dinner, stod introduce ' your foolish, credulous corrsepondent, scenes, an inimical- represser of the Knmrpr mim to pa and m$ and the whole famDolly Dash," is so silly about. hopes and aspirations of youth.. Tfeo . made: ICL1PSE. A IN Pir.lUL BOMETBCOX lie impresa THE ily. vary good (lark spots that the telescope ofyouif' sion. lit fact Spangle can shine when maw: It irfrn. that ,thw . - experience might discover, they would1 CmmoUt platinawith he tries. I remember thp . fact in ,the moon. feted rtelf ..patmodicJly mth all the but as mole-hilmade md maintained, regard IIo pridel Well, it is.theol itojfy. and ardor of formefAay.. but L t over , would reflect a Jittlejhow muck If they , itit lami. Tha became infatiuted, .and obtained .mj Aei. ebollitiona wore, tho exception. lhougl at eolmoS tempereture ono of misery they wonld avoid. home to me at visit, my permission The rulo wa., a thought you .know I ost Tolatilo of thi known bodie., , therein two and' spend, a day jiist Ratnia Mixnn.A.taU Eutern ritl; weeks from the day we met. During bind. tney tow crucible, hot fixed m red tli? named mtlniBg short, loved a certain big Air: these two weeks I rcoeived daily long infaet jott it and not adrop of eVaporates; kittle, while Little little thinking .of letters from Simon, closely 'written get before . Long. you ltianotin eontaetwittho emcible, Short, loved a little Jass: named and cress, written. (I wish' I. had ..eJent but has an atmosphere of itsown inter- - To make a long stery shorty Little jpro- yu of ,ikepf .them.) ' At length, the day whet httle eonrtmg. pbsed. A few drape of watey are now his viit arrived, and lot ana behold, Sr b d Uw'h the sulphurous held in the !i the servant girl , awoke rie in the ' I iTiitaix is a iIiheh. red ' hot crucible . The diluted .'add mSrry Little. before lori4, wKicK cAused;. morning with the pie aAahtdhformaleon V immedistecontaot with 'the Little in 11 short time ' to marryiXqp ' We have sfccehiidren,' all beautiful I KPbt that Spangle was waiting for' me in mid off, heated flaslifs metal, instantly the a parlor. Here! ys , a4 lover for and cood. , Spangle takes great pride I and lenergy of the is the ueh at' rapidity In thorn, -- lores theml' and growls t , Lottc'ao'apoa thft hillside, lIO , r, A t S : A,,4 -- i 'tA - I 4 -- , - . I - . . t i : 1 , . , I , , 1 , i r j , I I pjaiiat i I and-.manu- er , , , ; s - , . excellent-opportunitie- . s d, a - ? : .. -- Iw it' y, . 7 , - : -- 1 . , frkak.a : red-warm- th ls 7 SraStwe $ , l. I tag ml TI.0 H.fnn W'!y!h , a , a e , - HS:i vo ; '7 " V w l r n r t. s , |