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Show 8ea. yaujam-- b MEGEATH & Co., 6rai!j andFeed Store! hand J UECIEVB and FORWARD We noticed a Tew day ago the kill- - The uwlcnigned ku;i loaiUntly o S of E VERY KIND! a wpp1! of GOOD man a named Barrier, man by a of ire roni th4 raced , lViUn, at Philadelphia; Ne- - i GRAIN, FEED, TEBSilSCS f the B. F-- tt.B ihoba county, Mite. Since then we FLOUR,;. to ill ftiils in hare heard the particular from who MEAL, Columbus bar, m.mberofrhe CHOP FEED, scene of the near been bat men'ly UTAH; VEGETABLES tlie one of blood arid the facts make it NEW MEXICO, ever has that sad other,. terrible tragedies nost MONTANA, occurred in this section. (S It seems that young Barrier was the at Lowest Market Rates. to be married to one of i most respectable end beautiful girls Teamsters and Emigrants supplied i CHARGES BEASONAB1E S the before , The day in the county. any quantity; .... REFER TO . met . and Iiraals., BUSINESS MENQENERALlT OF stabling -- . . jProdaa en-grg- ed Sold ctnse. He did so. hm. laxo. lhe mairige j gt. George, Jan. Jxense was obtained, end Barrier lelt the ffice.- - Wilson, also, clandestine. tne same to ly obtained license msrry had assembled at girl; The company tne the time a.id place appointed lor celebration of the nuptials, and just as was all things were ready; the lady mor-- 1 reported very sick. Chloroform, were at minphiae, and other opiates istered to her, ana in a few hours be marwas sufficiently revived, and the knew None riage vow we e taken. her sudden ' at the time ihe cause of ascersickness. It was afterwardi tained that Wilson had sent her a mess & nut to m rry Barr nr. The communication hid so much affec ed her that she becume ghas ly pale and m 1 ' 15, HC8. ltfj; RANCHING!Mr. 1 FEfUNIAd, BLACKBERRY, JAPAN LILIES, WALL FLOWERS, Iris, Tuberoses, and many a others; alio choice collection of Chinese Chryii.themum. E JOHWSOs. S Dianki ! ! Blanks !S Blank Times Office Mortages, Deeds of trust. . Bonds, After the ceremony as is the custom Deed, carPawn.utarn.7 Bill.! ml. Sohpo.i. good size in tat reigi'ii, the new husband many convenient and useful business ried bis bride to his humble home.1 having re- blanks. plants. That nil'lly the pair, after, 1 i 1 imf.mi!g imAffteadc husband that h e intended to return I A block and a iaif south of the Fubi: to her father's h me at once. She left I squire, on Main Street. Good tiinorr ani e weU am Wltl1 neMtliess ant with Wilson friends and went lack I Tro,k ,lelPalch to her fa; here house. Immediately afterwards he filed a bill for a di ""atunira-ig- 1 a fmg A iiinifl spring - iriy00g al.o flu nest varieties, - For Rheumatism knd all diseases outward application for Man or SESu The ten 6et Bon. Uumtui. EYE. SALVE, For weak, inflamed or troublesome Xyo Lida, Sore Eyes, Ac. TONIC PILL?, Will eure the Ague, Chilli and mJ shrubbery ard other W. D. JOHNSON, Medicines, Stationery and Yankee Notions, which he offers at the ..lowest maiw ke figures. Look in no chirge for showiny his Curiosities. Good cltan Cotton and Linen JUgs wauled at this tfilce. a Fruit Trees ' Agency for Findlays celebrated Matches, wholesale and retail, at ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE PLANTS! PLANTS es STRA Y ED J .Several cows, Oxen, and young ftoek the older branded J. E. J. on the horn sad moat all with a 6 Inb circle ,w!th (j) naido on left shoulder I will reward tk finder St. George Apr, 15 and Foreign Grapes, J. E. Johmou. CRAWFORD HOUSE. Also, Flowering and Fruiting Shrubs, I Strawberry Plants, Flowering Plants Washington. Ulah, Travelers snd I expect to remain in St. George and and ines, House Plants, etc. Boarders acommodated with the best opIo- - 1i the Ba,ln of p.l.tl.S ,iM As the above stock is small, those table comforts the market affords. &e..Thoe who wU to to should desiring be in seapurchase c?; Ie7,re ,fcf,r order at Bro. Snowk son. W. H: Itf High Family. A person was bo. tie grand. ! A few fine Cabbge, Tomato, Vege-sblF.g-7- , plants for sa.'e ci S5 cts. per, doz. at Johns os garden St Geo, -- touch - sh r iny IhaUie WM .prun, from hujh ftmily in Ireland. Ye. eaid a by- tander, 1 have seen some ofihe same family to high that their ftd covldn t ! 1.i. of JIARDY GRAPES. Reers an extehsiTsi assortmect of Fans ake Villa, Utah, Goods, Toys, Confectionery, Book IS IPOTTIY, UPP,J Pub lie with IfiCST? i VARIETIES. Inter- ob4s ! fmn orna-an- d - 1 Choi-For Diarrbaa,1 Cholera Morbus,the teeth1 ic, Whooping Cough, Pam in V or face, ana a a Soothing Oordi for infante gives immediate relief. ' CANKER SYRUP,; ,: i G. HaGGINS. vorce, alleging that she married Bar- - I rier while under the inSuence PM V D0;K1 CROCKERY WARE, I Residenco in the north opiates. pnrt of the City !,.v the middle of February, 1868. uf CIa"k Ti,nBe7- A few ay. .flerwnrdj tin Oircuu rL11 lllkCurn Wheat, Flour, Butter, Court was to meat, and on thefiratlr my patrons for tbeli Oheeae, . Cotton, Cotton Yarn, t0 inform nr Lead in exchi nge. Storcpny. J? P18 1 df.y ofihe court a large crowd collect- - thill is situated on the street running Pottery to Washthe crowd were seen rushing to hast received from the New ington Yoik Itf one point- where s in thing, ui.u ual nt'iries a good assortment of labor JOIINEAKDI.KY. Ecloctie Was transpiring. Bariier w..s attracted Hedicinen. . and appruaeht-- the tcene uf excite-! ! ment. when he saw WiUon beating with a large slick the minister, Mr. I have a choice collection of .. .. fieal who a few days before had pt-r-Jiner and Cabinet Maker. Si Geor FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL formed the marriage be- - will execute oiders in hi 1m, ceim.ny a' he tween him and Miss IV.'tite. As disp-etcllif. of IVilsoh turned and acadprosclied. good size for transplaming, to EXCHANGE for" said: Do bike W J. costing him, yon other np NIXON, this difficulty? Barrier replied. 1 Copper, Tin and Sheet Produce; consisting of Iron Worker Apple, do.' At this revolvers were drawn PeuQninoe, Plum, Apricot, St. George, Utah' Itf Peach, Cherry, Pomogrimate, Alfive shots were exchanged. Bar. apd mond, Cuialpas, Ail an thus. rier w.is killed dead on the spot, and Honey and Locust, Mulberry, whips Lariats. Wilson waad. ngerously bul nA moretc., etc. etc., jofmxtnsEff, tally wounded some Also, St. George. All work in New, Choice, as well as braiding, Ordinary, we., done with dispatch. Rf Naftwe d ESSENCE OF. LIFE, Worm Medicines. 8alvcs, Ointments for Composi-- 1 Itch, Piles, Ac. Hive Syrup, and most tion, Syrup Sarsaparilla, other popular Family Mediomes. For sale at the fainted. - ALSO , ! -- mittent Fevers immediately Snap-Dragon- s, Blanks BALSAMS ilumors. S. M AVING purchased of Blair tiie undivided half of tbi ii&VE a few flowering shrubs, bulbs, vis. Rainche known as Hamblin and bedding plauta for sale, l in Ranehe Vsillpy, east of Spring Valley roses, solirit patronage of Dixie stock growers.m vouch Being' brought up in Texas,orI ever SPIRE AS. sat owns one belter Ranehe any STOCKS, line. Dixon & of Mason verbenas, north WILLIAM MOODY. Mm tjgga G For Canker, Sore Mouth, or Ulcerous " AIMPnOV llV I " Gwt AffeettoaiofthiLung.., OMAHA or, i SALT LAKE CITY. I RJdi 7J; PT9 :St0ft: all For Coughs, Colds, Restlessness and . sajBVwssifH if iht St, ALL-HEALIN- Back Charges Paid 1 J. present residence. I G. Hoaaphat has a plan for paying I off the public debt. His plan is t o convert the entire indebtedness into wreenbacka, and keep them in ci eu- Lite toil tb tonri w.a, ou. J.E. . tock 1,'tf ' J. St Gori! Utah E- - CRAWFORD. JOHNSON, St. George. MgH031M 8. RUSSEL AT April 15 1868. COMPOUND 9 J 0 II N S 0 KS DRUG STORE, St. -SOOTllIIiG SYRUP. EPQOLOLS (B!f9IiIY Will oleanse the remove Blood; Billions George, Utah, may be found a wood Complaints, stimulate the Liver, " Dyspepsia, break up Billions and othlr , Stock tf A ..prior Medicine Fevers, Wiping DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, step fat Headache, drive away 1th a fortune to any young : man of Cough, Coughs, Colds. Hives, i nd Loss of ai.d Appetite, .neln the rihht kind of Mcdieinee for the aFlatulency sense to have a good address, and to I 1 . cure the Bad C the I1 Jaundice, and Throat, or ftfffl,on f be able to do holiness in an agreeable Lungs: People, the Climate, and theDieeatee rrorc V.' be be best fcill in family manner, to coma in contact with the &Tes miflediute relief nothing bet of tne Country. j 'World every day, and still gire no I ter can be used. Prescriptions put up with care, by an Sold at 6T. GEORGE DRUG STORE. - I r experienced " ' Druggist. &ld ( Si,jBeorgd Drag Store. w'Mdri wIwb ittLfteUoa fl3T Two doors above St George not Halj. is , , ' , I given. .. . f. well-assort- ed . eiis-tcnc- e. -- - . A ' j r j . |