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Show 32e Jifiii 6 12 Black Sfe'ar "old iteer little WA'?. V?d. bJPr brand, ott Jeft shi adder not leigible. , " ; as 85 i'tfjihandvhite steoi . while :uo 1 jlar 2 li POWfi-o- . a 15 Brown ateer 2 yean old white white tinder belly branded shoulder stripe on back, of. left an on'iiirht'bip v . to left be ?!?! 8 P?V ';, v f hfgfe peare ;r 7 Red and white oidbiolch v.1 stag 2 years bid Xer b P Ybdow the ' blotch. under slit right ear, white under ' . ... .. . 84 , Blue and white ; heifer, square neliy'.-88 Black oi, 7 or 8 ,b0ttt slii ye.rsU, and under-birigto ear, white spot or T T!!0 roan cow white ,e tinder be.lv ; brand) on1 leftTshoulder belly, and top of shoulders, whit right hip and flanks leimlb about .7, years old, v wntte. x 27, Red ;cow whiteSinder' belly crop of both ears, slit in left ear, horns droop a little , calf with her. : 23 Yellow and white brindle cow EtpLs'eer 6 yews old.S! Geobrand oa the ribs, brn trn tip horn brand not leigible: Irge (C) 96 Bark brown bull, .swallow blotch brand oa left shoulder calf with fork her. right ear aht left, little white on fore years old white 16g8i Dark red cow, about under belly tail white, star in forhead 10 Old blotch brand U hV-Ppunder half crop left ear. ei t R, square cropp off both ears, lef and white heifer 2 years .orn turns outward. old while under belly hind legs white white on top or shoulder and face Ler116 and white bull calf with brand on left hip not legible calf with i a i STRAUBS ViTENT : j runner ' ... IS Vow her. : - . .... Q? 850 first-cia- K LOUR exchanged BAIL i.i i .T .dL and good acomodatibna, for as ..BBteSpwii BANBRNRADrNO, . CUSTOM WOBK CROSBY & CLARK . promptly attended -to. Ample Storage for Grain. 5if E. SNOW. 1 AH. . li-t- f for WHEAT Lost Stock ' And". From GOOD WHEAT. I ftni Curriers, ;Dncrs f;;L ! St.-Georir- Iff ' GOODS I have Stock scattered on the rsnge ! GOODS l!1 J Wovy Jetwen Cedar City and . settlements jg C. P. K. the Muddy; cows, heifers, steers J.Pymm, on' AT ISif work-oxenand , . all that U ever 3 year T old has a 5 inch cirele brand on left ' to ffsv? of boulder with J inside, or branded on In L!! beIn Ulali and Nortliera Arizona the hoin J. E. J. Cr G. IV. J. or ilist n us a general Slock of hey may have both flesh and horn rands, and several are branded on wlv 1 he ribs, B. F. J. DRY GOODS, Is prepared to Persons hunting cattle are rcqnes GROCERIES. supply the public of hardware. ted to observe and report, any s'oek . t. Red steer white on top of sho-ld- er rump under belly and flanks while, white m forehead, horse shoe on left ribs blotch brand look like- - G on left hip. 43 Dark red heifer white spot on right jaw. crop and upper;, bit left ear half under crop in right. 46 Brindle heifer 2 years old line back brindle sides crop off both ears, white under belly, tail white. 48 Dark red 2 year old heifer little white under bell ycrop off both ears. 40 Dark red bull 4 years old, swal- low fork and cron in der belly ana flanks swauow lorn icii car. olu 51 Dark red cow 7 or 8 years slit find under bit in right car. un62 Red and white heifer white der belly botcli brand on left hip right ear cut off. 65 Brindle cow about 7 yew old, ox yoke brand on left ribs, little white on both jaws and forehead. Bed ox 6 years old bald face 53 little white under each eye and under and 'slit left ear belly, crop of right brand not leigible on left shoulder. 64 Dark red heifer white in face brown spot in the white, crop arx swallow fork in riht car half tail white crop and under lit left ear. 63 Brindle steer 3 years old illegal)! 41 under- - with all tha latest Improvements,' and aim perpared to turn out a article of J9 - t f t - J and Giread operation H WASHINGTON new , 1 liQCKSSTjriQX 9fY.o7nTisn..: '' br i.:.: I hare row in successful F tkomas,, bM I Adyarlimls. rasw. &wm m soiyraiKM mm9 with a general asortmentof sa,pajro 15 If bearing such brauds, or bring them in. They shall rccive pay for their LI , ij fih BOOTS and X . - rates. $2 vorLO Cents. Th Star Spang-lr- d Baeskr, a large illustrated paper, published at Hinsdale, N. II., nt orly -- -- wjyiciRCcn' B. II. PADDOCK. 8lf T ann u i ery, F. D. Kello. 50 cents a year, offers to evry new sub jai. Linorth, who pays 50 cts., a copy ot the LIN FORTH, KELLOGG, & RAIL, scriber one Brown and Allen, splendid Steel year and Banner Bnn-nTanners & Curriers. Keep on hand Engraving which sells at $2. The or asd jobbers is a Rich, Rare and Ra'ty sheet, a number one article of xstroRTcas AMErdCA.V ENGLISH & GERMAN Fine sole leather, and its publishers know how to make it six send Cow-hid- e, so. Be sure xnd euhecribo or . 3BCst to a Tools. tupcciiuen cents for Kip, calf, & goat skin. IgxicuVnr&l Imp: men - AsKfining N. II I Front Street, HINSDALE, 6 BANNER, Jfos. 3 oiv Harness Leather ret.. K2AQ3 Which they offer to exchanga for No Iluxnros Our readers may have SAJI FRANC IbG 0, noticed the various advertisements of grain and o her produce. Hunter A Co.,Hnsdale,N. Handmay Parowan Utah Apl 20 1868. Orders rcrpcctfully soliciled. 13 a have set them down ps- nothing but swindlers. This i not so; Messer Hunter A Co. have an extensive es tablishment and any of onr renders in Seeds of all beautiful or desirablo of Book. Csdff, Prints. &0-- Ac., 1 ' sein. ebout 20 yards icug W.int thold not fail to send to wild flowers, for which a liberal re. Ar" Inquire of the Kiliior. & nanter Co., Hinsdale. N. U,. for ward will be paid, if accompanied by their catalogue. brand on Ipffc thigh Dewlap. specimens of pressed leave and flowSTORIES SPLENDID TWO white un cow white and 67 Black ers of the shrub or plant. Now I'Ub.bhing in lh der belly, white on mrap, while spot J. E. Johnson. ! E53 iME! ; on left side, white strips on . St. George Utah, May 27 1868- J n tld, swallo fork left ear, white in ARB Erau4 iomntlc stvy. Oardenert Club, The Si. George, white under belly, brand on left hip 11 I. 11 A they meet, for has a fine Hall-wh- ere not legible. ! HlO of fruls faXOD Of KlBgS, and Exhibiton, The last discussions 68 Brindle cow 4 years old, whi'e Having rented the first class CardUc. even- Machine half and flanks, owned by Bro. E. Snow, I proTuesday cn shoulders, rump ,i?,8:!lS7o. every and tbrlliins and vegetables I oecIt anil ead oT h brindle pose putting it up in Parowan .and be Teady tail . white, ..'"y at 7 oclock. ing to receive wool and deliver rolls by thejst wallow fork in left ear Dewlap, fine of May. 1 large, solicit the patronage of resnectfull are I 69 ReS e --pc.U.6 fee sol.l -- f ,v-- oiior rare Betg. specimen8, of J wnue on jI word that animal, or vegetable; cunosties fori A 12-- tf Ar,y pers3u lending Georgs GiiKiBiv. near white little .Man as pWible after ibfy 71 Dark red cow, 20 Apl. 1863, cabinet. pay Parowan the the harvest in eoti nnr wheat will have the bag. split left eat, ALSO proposed to send T IS 72 Blue and white speckled Publisher Salt Lake seeds of rare wild flowers by mail,Fencing and gymnastic " face down white such .eeds and cutfor City, white tai1. line b'ick, .. I exchange, iu about 5 years old crop and under pu lines as ar desired by tho club. IiVK AUK PeriodFINE BE left ear Report., Citalogues. AT THE FIRST WARD MEETING'' HOUSE beaten. be Cant article. for the library soliciied on A superior T. D. books hip cow and right Black 74 Mondays and thursd&y evenings. flows freely, rover icals used, when " ck ears. both Hours for practise. J- - -- Johnson, J,e.8t square crop of the dos., by Sect'y. 3 a I ' GYMNASTICS & CaLUSTHENICS Wm. Branch, I iVpoI 75 Black & white row nr goV.wMd'r'erfect 20 1868 chiidren from 5 0 6 30. P. M. St. George. Utah. May fr gentlemen from 6 30 P. M.to E. B.llail. i i er , 1 ; jt ' - r , Li hi Gardeners Club AQAZ3 AH 'iUT f Wanted! FOR SALE. ,-:"- 1 -- - -- 1 i n v n HI, D ft ? iTi r: ti i. . Wool Carding i - - FOUL pKClMEISof a V - t waun 1 w-i- l i 1 ; . . Jet-ble- Ati yett Fc ing !WBkred ser 3 'ROQUETS, wW Sword exercise andGynonasties from . . . J 7 to 10 P. M. ue privat-lessoGenlkemea or wishing lee Fa mil for can be to own 6t. George, residence, their at A C.vr and e.H t got Urma apply J Set)!ement muddy one at the nppef 2xcuaugt is tail white years old blotch short brand on left thigh. mrpat flowers may be had on nf 83 Red & white heifer line racnotjce and easy charge, at the St, Geo. Inquire at thoViaoxs ear red head and neck under bit 11 St. George May 251868, 5 Offic upposed to be frose, opposite Printing beV.y 1 .'T. mi m TS Office sud. UaptJno. Martin:; TgAggifn 'l1 I?) riobt hm "sr rr ' toa "W - 5VT V,:' fi v |