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Show tttr If.' ti M Ti - V; .h v. . . . : . . . nt : w .".51 . ji be. dajssinca Iwood hrvsed more; bdt tht faclr't ' Tlie party. w$ro discussing habits and of thebixnessiyuz, thara wuz : voractly of tbe.graeshoppcr, when or.e aidrable corn in irat ihq Jieil bin read obieirW that an acre of whsai attacked Id that I wus fprst id aknolege, and. aid totallr dUatpear shb-- bed 'Veil , ibid Ud li jic by grasshopper, on anablib hasp "pecooliar way.ov -.'i tilin' them orfand handm themMo V 4' .i 7T.vri.:r VV' that the eaten insisted ,was appear,, crop me at time) SoJ .retired. tomrbed roonT In.n eorf''or subdooi waand up in UkT minSres Vhiie d third; was before ihe kort of impeacboient bed postitc thattcry vtig otverdure from adidfhed 1 "bed ' iarreodered miself the '.acre-hadisappeared in five rmin!-O tu the (Krai of Morpeui. utesWell thata quick work any how a vYurei with muddy conscience. and wo woufdrrf ' to belive it -- p .: . - 111- r ' - v.i -- 51 A?. M;'. dr .. ' '.ti i ill m I . v- - - pretdad only on ths authority Tof Ihrec Bishops. KUINGLE. . fi H i f y J V ' . , AMARRlxpln Stf'George,Onthe31 alt. by. Prest. Eraf tus Snow Mr Hrtatio Pickstt,' to'Miss Uarief Josephine John-soWe Lad the 'cake 'at homegood of course. May the pair have'all the happi- :,.J ; -- n. i-- fell. ' !- ness they di.serye. r a:i. RIO VIRGIN TIMES IS PUBL&HD. by v 'Joseph Thorn' having teams and merchandize, started homeward for .Califorherd of.stoek, : on mon-da- y nia f , i week , of-Li- s with-fcfin- e Solo, The.: stray stock sold last weds witboat marks or brands brought, &. GEORGE UTAH.":. about SLOOO. Cash down and in 4 mos. Good for school funds. M. HORSLEY, Printer, ... . Fruit. Cuarrants Bin WEDNESDAY. JUNE 10. 1Q68 berries re .now cettin9 first rap tnlltifLWWV seems to -i f4; E&ll 'if W rer ierir, o58cfllS,iSnminirx.w Months,1 3.00 1 Single copies, 26 really '4v 'V-- RKirrasiSQ. i A. biTateTtbau accepiofaonatitutifu ' joyed themselres-wit- h Ball given by Mrs Lydia Me.Lelain, that would Degrade your AfaitAood. - j pyo&r - Sunday-School- u . ,:.? V .'--5 V I - V ; : - ;f " "' i -- , s '. j ,m' m ?! orated with fiowers wire&'hs dre;; Commit tec Miss Mary Lay .ad Miss E Bunker,We understood that ihpdecprating. committee w,ere to be the 'decorating ornaments but to my suprlse Ihe room was elegantly trimed and fitted up for; the occasion. At early, candle light) the. dance all went off lively and, peaceable, the .committee of arrangements and floor manager (Mrs E. Bunker) acted their part well during the cv cning, wc had music from - the Brass Bond, some songs Ac., which was gel ished by all, I guess all felt .satisfied, judge mg by their smiling countenances more cpecialy the , young ladies and gents, the former not forgeting (before the time of the party) that it was leap-yea- r and improving the op portucity of secureing them a guide. There cime near being a duel fought owing to the scarcity of gents, some of the ladies tiied to rob the more coni-mence- di little dears who went without ga!lant3 were the most fortunate. nates of Advertising: We have some for time Vegetables. iLe A sqaaro" Is space that 10 Uses of Yours Respectfully, been feasting on green peas, and string . will this size, occupy. type, PUDD. beans are now fit to use. Rheubarb, 1 square or list.6r.e insertion, $200 Rack subsequent insertion, 100 Radishes Lettuca and StrawCORRESPONDENCE. berries are among the things that were U. P. B..R. Contracts. San Bernardino. Fias &c., Wo notice that Figs hare Shis great enterprise is rapidly being a disposition to be fruitful, smo April 12 th. UG8. puhed along and if we can belive what quite and young, bearing. Editor Dixie Times. we.hearf the track is being laid from two trees verry small, are now in beautiful I have not beard much of late cen ftp 4 miles ) day on the pastern end. Pomegranates and Pears and Quinces showing Through the City papers we learn that bloom, cering the admission of Utah or rath d good-sizefruit. Prest. Brigham Ycnng, .has clpsed a er Deseret into the Union. I bip-pne- d contract for near 100 miles of the road to be a delegate and participaBio WflZAT. We are told that the west of Bridger, - agregato composutlon wheat in soma of the fields on ths Sant i ted in framing a Constitution by the being' over two Million of Dollars. The Clara, now stand 4 and 5 feet high: last mentioned name and i fvel xotnr work , to ber completed by the first of on rich to the heaviest crops prarles interest in seeing the Oct. IVe cannot better illustrate the people of your . . of Iowa and illnuis. W. section recognised s a stnlc, ml I hoped for aid through this means than telthink that it is due to the people of Our may party by coppylng from the egraph tin following stirring paraSanta Clara May 25lh 1868; Utah that they should have the light which 'seems to infuse new graphs of choosing their own officials; (here Ed Rio Virgen Times. life, in a hopeful point, into all onr doSir, thinking it ba ter late than should have been a general Law remestic affairs. uever we hope you. will allow us quiring appointments to be made with : Teb Railroad. 'Every intelligent through your columns to give a brief in the limits of such Territories. man interested in the welfare of ibi account of our ATay Party, which was On this point the framers of the Deccommunity b thankful that President held on the 4th, the company met at laration of Indepenpence seemed to Young has accepted the railroad contract, It will .bring; a deliverance 1A. M. on the Publio Square; Marcii-in- g be quite sensitive and in their grieand was post- vances and speaking of Georgo the Irom debt to many who need it bad enough and will place thousands more poned until, another day our principal third they maze this declaration. in a better, position than they have streets being, very muddy. We then He has made judges dependant on the mountains. We in occupied ytt are Sanguine that this work will rev- proceeded to the school house where his will alone and erected a multitude olutionize relations in everything and the Hltlc folks enjoyed a lively dance of new offices, and sent hithei swarms thr.t we shall never see .again the which jield un'ill 5 P. AI. 'young of officers to liar res our people,, taking El of mmerc e hns lhat gloom days-laws should be made men this last six ladita were elegantly dressed, with this for precedent business over bung wreaths of flowers Ac, which made to accommodate lha people'that are to months like ihe pall of; deatn. The President throws .open the tin p look quite' gay, the sun came out be govercbed and law; should bis adwork to 'every responsib e person who ahJvdriail ihs streets considerubly ministered by persons of their own Ucma JwUlp.r them hn;. After dine choice but thos e beautiful features Sttjda. . : iti tor par prom, limonev-- not formed in and hiar that were once prized by our leading ranks, mg'they woik and .not mean ises. Those who ched arouni th? Public Square, Prof. mnliave been lost sight of; msieacl ci: play will ro&k wafer and'liye; : will com- Stably accompsnied them with his the Leal of departments being gu-r- d jn a few days the work idle and depen- Brass Band, then up main street on mence isd m&ny now ian of these rights, many of them' with hearts, forth willing will dent go polite Bp E. Bunkers erd halted. have become political demagogues ami that little sod bands job jut reedy V' i-- .- i ' ' 'Fi E-qu- J V Semi-week- ;.: - 4 : ? t V 1 ' " f 7 "iL'i - i lj t 1 :,i s.r - ' - - ?. , i. .- I. iV , : -. ;. ip f. i- flower-gatheri- '$ln IK ' rCi V-X-- i . f. i i j ly ' AM f ng al rP s . t v - From a dispaWb Wcentlf received we learn that theJSenate passed BiH of" impeachment against' s the President, , producing another i her in Senatsi adjourn.ed Wad ember e, 1 di gustD acy jjubilant Stevens, Butler A Co. slock riot worth ; srand fizzle a cent on -- the J.dplIwAlas poor yorrickl! ; , ! ctinglfilbfefnft: ENIGMA. No. 23. : BT OARDEN BOT. I am composed of 4 letters. My 1, 2f 3, is a grain. 1, 3, 1, 8, every one had once. 1, 3, 4, is a banking term. 1,3, 4, 2. to taka off the outside. 1, 2, 2, 4, a nobleman. 1, 3, 1, is a kind of food. 91 3, 1, 2, 4, is a useful article. 1. 2, 1, 1, is a vegatable. 2, 3, 4, is a member of ihe body. , 2, 4, 3, is a period, 3, 4, 2, is a verb, 3, 1, 2, is an animal. 99 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, is to bn present. 4, 2, 3, , Is what farmers do. 4. 3, I, is a stroke. 4, 3, 1, 2, is a plant. 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4. is a m&cl ins. My whole is a nice fruit. fine sped mans. , - impeiicliment. ! iu cxpccxation. we have some could not make it win, I thought the . J . J. A.Ki As-paragra- ss, -- iY0USjTVLTr ; -- 1 r v E. .Bunker, d' ilys M.eVtcr, for the benefit of our Jhe school house rwas 'very nicely1 dec Mrs : -- closed out most t'f ' ; -. tit s- "JLI ." -- $ -- ft . ' credit; of U t ah Juvenile Choir sang on the distanl texpect llict if I should iee'your Concan I be! read 'on the PrauFw' Brasi Jland played a lirely stitution after' goiig through the han-- di the laboring classes, tunearchied on to thupperrend of of hc presenCongress it would begnn-: ' change lias V v. :; ' . V ? thastreet, tien returned to tbdvdanc be impossible to find 6ne single origi ataga contorshnnhesed. iug.All went off peaceably and lively, nal section-- Well let the floods rage . v t i vt. i MrKrmi;feheT yir enythingtore-u&rk- f the direction of Bro ' Jas Mclcih ' thVrc ist " no tide cf en Tn - the GkiJ8Borreai. An amusing disagzee-me- under r wildeat political passions but. has an 8ez I, Jure the silliest old Radikal arose, at a little' reunion v norths in Uil ebb, it is better you should remafn as wanT,ra7ew p'ii K 7" C ' $ ti . F ur writjn er azsrorie.fQr- - the through :to the pspjrt about fhi. battler half very gleam ! of joy bcfr kacter. 7 countedancea of derogatory Arft er shq cal 'finfiUtj read in hbr they feel that a paper, she rolled it up aad'asoninia a Goa bless them CHARADE. ' A wondrous little wotJ am T, , My first un inseo; that doth IN-- Ti very often useful too, Aud has its daily toil to do. My second is to most folks clnr, Without it Barth isdir'c ani iJ.'o ir, It shows you beauty, (lowers, nnJ Without it day nould turn to niiu. commerce has a name. and has a fame, known Is widely And ore the Earth where commeroo teLds, My last in It has its true admiring friends. My whole a very simple thing, Tw pieces joined eachside a And horse-me- n use it when they A tool for eaj centers beside ring, ride, Ellis. A pickpocket, who had keen ducked for his m&lprsctiscs, accounted to his hreihern for the derangement of his appearance by coolly observing that he. had not been able to change his dress since bis return from a celebrated watering place. I Notice, Estray the followin have, my posession ing described estr&ys if not claimed and taken away before the 3rd of July, 1868. Will be sold 'at Public sale in St. George, as the Law Dnects. on Jonn Prior. that day. County p. K. Juno, 3. t It68. Brindlo steer, 2 years old, blotch traud an left hip not leigible. |