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Show - $ ...i'" ; :" OiftJS rs i I;i; A;:.r.a 't .'" j ;t . ,rl .;. : ., : C(l.',11!.i 4 Voli 1. is.-.f- St. George, Utah, Wednesda7r Jmie lO,1868 ilv . ft4 M- ;C RIO VIRGENTIMES. If ;PnbIlf Hed every TD i JEED9, HjepEDSi For Salo5eed. freh, nd pure of taott vexeUDles neededfor the garden, aid a choice collection of Flower Seeds i : 'Cl; v 3tr Geoipe D'StOTS. - ; , TO SURVEYORS '. , Afiri&rxtx eet of ' - k - IM&97. J. E. J. E. JOHNSON, : Auction and Commission Merchant 9 St. George, Utah, Will receive and dispose of, as inslruo Grain-ted, Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Stock ,&o. upon liberal terms. 1 WHEELWRIGHT TTT AJCQ&S, muUm ill gg arjitAii 1 ELMORES. h secondhand harness for Sale or change tor grain. ex- ALSO SWATTED. Fireweoii and fence pickets on subscription or in exchange for other pay. . J. K. Johnson. CANE MILL. A pair of wrought iorn Sorgum rollers for sale, inquire of J E. Johksok. HOUSE PLANTS, St. George Floral Gardens, A nice ooll'ction of bedding k pot-in- g plants, for sale. Chrysanthemums. Verbenas. Stocks. Pansies, Ice lants Geraniums. Oleander. Putuniai. and miay other vatieMes. J. E. JoBVSoir. AND Hill DRESSING SALOON ! ! ONEDOOR SOUTH OF PRINTING OFFICE. 8tf H J PLATT SADDLE k HARNESS MAKER The best .of Work done. Next rioo south of Printing Office, St. George, ltf g, Rf. CLAIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. St. George, Utah Ter. ltf GUNS! GUNS!! A few guns for sale, or exchange it the, St. George Drug Sture. T 1 Hi. E. VtU mJ littin St dM a.' tabil a ritia ,un likeaUI' MW 1 were also a aittin round with hear that name darn there elbows on tbe aforesed table eDt I watchin there 'mother, the hole pack And hare you seta my little girl? chawin there ushiU gum with a vorifer-b- e added lmingthe infant in his arms I eusnest. Mrs. K. nerer looked up tren 1 and hissing ber crimson cheek 1 tell eum in dut went on aicratchin,so 1st! you Harry, there is not another like down in frant or the fire and remote. 10 .hfw of hr in the Uni ed Stntei. Dont yon I btb jooee in. think oho look very much likit hor taw the stoavand listened li: plenatly His wiit! Could 1 1 " JP?th mother used to? hear it siss and bile, r VPff1 ! wWhati up, mi Frank, with a sudden gentle itribe? She pvde no attenshun tu mi remark ness that made me start violently; 1 I but scratched awo. I larfed a little inhad forgotten to introduce yon to my hSo!1" I I 1 eeek some friendly thing to say, ire-1tbe- y v ed Si tVwTiwSko'bS wirttaL". 1 - SuTSu ; Some friendly act to do, your AthuSffi Xb,l(lxItriBjt0 young day.. Utter no word, preform no deed, d he slapped me . on thalwiped ber You may hearafter rue, psnonbsrlips, iadeit.awaJ. back- For the sake of old times, sod stack hef gum on the book ov. hei On times deep sea we maybe wrecked. I because you were not at the wedding chair, add turuio her dark gra i poa Though in full sight of snore, 1 will she sed the follerin words: Remember this that one false step, give you leave to kiss her once, m, 1,1 I KrioglSy mieelf and jour but mind, old feller, d.n't repeat tho Will often lead to mure. neBBF Come, here she is and for I short ceremony. comma, os a htubon and parunt r .;it Diary Dloore konetoiri to imMioh yu. I luvbte. lv - . , mm w i; r. before I thought, Not Mary I Pim up a utile as ISlixj . I don t spell very., well. She didnt It must have betrayed my secret to akule very, ossidoously hr her every one in the room, but nothing km 7 konsekently her educo-silen- t. was said; even Frank was this time y,unSe.r orer 1 kissed the fair cheek of the I un 11 07 a ver7 I TH young wife, and hurried to the silent iseif ud the . c- .ildren tssea I ., tigi re looking out of the window. In ekrt Mhun do bpeacli tho Mary Mary Moore, I said in a low voice, have you alond no wel- - JI ov our family so called, fur fwleria reasons. to give the wanberer?' pwAua tho or She turned and laid her hand in I . !1, ur h zom 000 drM. and tellin her mine, and murmured hurriedly 1 am I her extravagant bed seised to glad to see you here, Harry Simple words and yet how blest 1TeJrtryin tu Rirt with a hun . have! 2d. 1 would me. made not they 7JUIE peise yielded up that moment for an em- - J111 8 listr V?m erors crown There was the happy J1 S81"1 uPa triko among; fire-L 3?Fur and the dear home I A.Anrishin saf8J ride,and there sweet Miry Moorel k8 0T The eyes I had dreamed of by night notkm doorin the sed strike bodies but red and by day were falling before me. ri bred and strong butter, the ardent gaze of mine and the sweet herrin, wich iz a flagrant outrage tu ouz face I had so long prayed to see, was eonsCtushnns. there before me. I never knew till 4th. Far comin bum on a certain that moment the meaning of real bap oecashun very tite and goin tu bed piness. with hia close, butes and hat cn, with Many years have Bd rU ov cla that happy night, and IhVhlir "that I f1' ,ko'e his arm, and wen his was durk and glossy then, is fast wife remonstrated with him turning grey 1 am growing to be an gentle sich dooms, fur aikin ber amid a old mau. and can look back to a long lor ov hic-cnef the didnt t life. and And jprofboshin happy yet wjs the arkitect sweet as it has been, 1 would not reov hiz own fortun. call a single day, for the love that 5ih. Fur refoosin to send the child made my manhood so bright shines ren tu skule and fur tellin one ov hiz aiso upon me in my white haira. An frends it wuz no usebe-kaus- e old man? Can this be so? At heart I drpraved all took srfler thare motthey am as young as ever. And Mary, and konsekently hed no brines. with her brignt hair parted smoothly her, 6th. Fur refoosin tu patch bis own from a brow that has a slight furrow arfter he bed set them full in it, is still the Mary, early pantalunes the korner grocery charts on holes ov days. To me she can never grow wen be shood her bin tu work a ernia. old or change. The heart that neld onr bred bi the a wet ov hiz brow. her io infancy, and sheltered her 7th. Fur remarl in ia the korner piously in the flush and beauty of on trees that if divorces womanhood, can never cast her out grtcery sune be seengru elimbin. fur ne might till life shall cease to warm it Nor one. even then, for lore still lives in -- - TF1 Jac. the-com- -- e . rejn ps well-spen- - Concluded on heaven I yrr I'W . i herself upon xny She wept as if her heart jreast. would break. 1 could not weep. J drew her gently in o the lighted par lor, and sUMi wt k her beiore tntm all. Ttxerc wus a rush and cry of joy and then my mother and my father sprang towards me, and welcomed me nome with heartfelt tears. Oh, strunge and p osing sweet is such a greeting to the wayworn traveler. And as 1 held my dear old mutber to my heart and grasped my fathers hand, while Jenny clung beside me, I felt ihit all was not yet lst, and though another hnd secured Lies chuiceat blessings, many a joy remained fur me in mis dear sanciu-r- y of home. There were four others, inmates of the room, who had risen on my sudden entrance. One was the blue-eye- d child I bad already seen, aud who now stood by Frank Chester, clinging to his hand. Near by stood Lissie, Mary Moore's eldest sister, and in a distant corner, where she hud hurriedly retreated when my name was spoken, stood a tail and (leader figure, hull hidden by the heavy window curtain that fed to When the first r pturous greeting was over, Jenny led me forward with a timid gorUi and Frank Chester frdid. gra'ip el iny Welcome home, my boy, he said wi'h ioud, cOcerful tones I remem bered so well. You have changed so I would never have known you, but no matter lor that your hurt is io the right place i know. How cun yuu say he is changed? said my motner, gently. To be ure be looks older and graver, and more a man than when ho went away; but his eyes and smile are the same aa ever. It is that heavy beard that changes him. He is my bojr still. Yes mother, I answered sadly, 1 am your boy stilL God help met At that moment I felt lilt a boy, and it would have tlie-floo- O. MOKSILEV bAt!rthlt W fe. . Isomer every day. And evil speaking U a wrong, at the core, ' Unholy Remember this that one false stop, Will ever lead to mores jried, and ihreW Harness For Sale. BRIMS Or say things that are wrong, ponder well before you act, O ponder well and long Appeal Into year better part, Sean well your conduct oer. Remember this, that one false step,' Will often lead to more 4 0 never spread an Ill report, To injure foe or friend, We all have aim to answer for, Grave faults without ah and, COSCLUDIP tr- t:i ail . 0 Eer t . t - JOHNSON, Notary Publio. I- . I 4 ,Tha undersigned will attend to the execution of Deeds, Bonds,' Mortgages, Deeds of Trust,' Powers of 'Attorney, Contracts, pnd all other Official Bull ness required of a Notary Public. Office at Rio Virgen Times rooms, St. George. . - - . i w If eer you feel inclined to do. MENTS FOR'tfXLE.llnqolra atthe Twits office; . : . Selected. lc ENGINEERS lNSTRU; SURVEYOR ' teen a blessed; relief to hare wept had done in mi upon her bosom; maney. But I kn( down Urn beating HfEIDArmoniUif sattliTi mes i BiUldliig, Stt. George, lu fail. Utah Ter. ... ' Vi.! No.I73,::! ; . 5 Ui I - : mtmm tnd Pops. t: r .T : ' I : j . p |