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Show k VASIETIES a J1 t' . Vj of : EVERY KINDI cf the TERMHKS sad other- dun v-- FORWARD h from the MEAL, CHOP FEED. VEGETABLES and degrade Ike young mind. His father approaching, at a glance disco j; , GOODS . j U step of bis father's dwelling. deeply absorbed in a highly cmbelTshed but pernicious book, calculated to poison : RmCTland FEED, FLOUR, , YALUABLU MEGEATH& Go., GRAIN, 4 "V An intelligent and sparkling-eyc- d Vr; boy, of ten summers, sat upon iho I , SC Tba uudsrug&ttd koepg coaiUatly on band a supply of BURNING THE BOOK. i'lV- ' r A.J Grain and Teed Store! -- - To ill Pjia'j U. P. R. R ia Sold dt the St George Drug Stcret -- UTAH; - 205 iPiPto, V BALSAM, For Coughs, Colds, Restlessness and id Affsetions of the Lungs. ALL-HEALIN- MEXICO, . G ered the character of the book MONTANA, st Lowest Market Hates. .i; George, what have you thereto ESSENCE OF LIFE, The Utile fellow looked up with a Teamsters and Emigrants supplied in For Diarrhosn, Cholera Morbut, Choi confuted air, promptly gave thenme any quantity. CUAKG12S REASONABLE ! ie, Whooping Cough, Pain in the teet, Good Sfobll ngand Kraals J4 of t!e author. The. lather gently or faee, and as a Soothing Oordi.l it REFER TO remonstrated, pointed ont to him the STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. infants gives immediate relief BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY OF fit 'jj.daner of reading such books,, and Wx. Lsxo. CANKER SYRUP, JMvleft him with the book closed by his DENVER, . r St. Jan. 15, 68. ltf If George, . ... OMAHA or. For Canker, Sore Mouth, or Ulscrour In a few momentsthe father discov-;i,re- d Humors. SALT LAKE CITY. a light, and on enquiring the NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT .t .Cause, it waj tisseruined tk-i- the lit-'- " tie fellow hid consigned the pernicshrubs, bulbs, and all diseaees reIliAVK a ftw floweiiiig of Mr. & M For Rheumatism the flumes. ious bock purchased plants for sale, vis., HAVING tho undivided half of t quiring outward apnIie.ition for Man or' ROSES, whiit have you done? "My son, Ranrhe known as Hamblin & BhirV deost. Tho very Lest llorio Liniment. LILACS, "B mil that b.iuk, papa." in Rnr.che Valley, east of 8prlne Valley SPIRE AS, eoRclt patronage of Pixie stock grower EYE SALVE, "How came you to do that, Geo- STOCKS, vouch in Texas. I brought I i,tv1 up Big Raiche any VERBENAS, one owns or aver san For weak, inflamed or troublesome Eye II i UN I AS, PE M .Jr believed i.orth of Alaaon ft Dixon's line. "Bjcans?, P.sp, I you Lids, Sore Eyes, &c. BLACKBERRY, MOODY. WILLIAM for :?' knew what better was tliau I JAPAN LILIES, iny " ' ;$8m d. TONIC PILLP, WALL TLOWER3, Wilt curs the Arue, Chills and Inter IrU, Tuberoses, and many Bit would it not have been better a choice Chinese also collect! nof mittent Fevers immediately. y.f'ij ;i to h ve kept the leaves for. oilier pur-- ; oilierji; Chrysai J Tho Unersigned offers a superior arti-vl- e ALSO J E. JOHNSON. jpos 6, rather than dtstroy ihetn? double-woun- d of fastened wire Salves, Ointments for n;ght not otf:rs have read Blaalts ! I JSStanku ! S Blanks !! Hroom. at wholesule or retail; Grain Worm Iledieines, Itch, Piles, As. Hive Svrup, Composir&nd been injured by th- in? received in payment. Produce iV ; id t For saia at the "Tiues QIEce' Bln,i tion, Syrup Sarsaparilla, and most Hure is a three fold act of faith' ALSO other popular Family Medicines. Bnds, Mortage, Deeds of trut A CHOICE LOT OF z a trust in his fah ;rs w.ult envincing Powtrsaituri-eBiilsof sile; Subpoenaa. dove ' and obedience utid care 13.11: If this child And many convenient and useful business ;.v ; fj.for ibe po d of others, ! ! guud size ru best varieties; also ornaU v exercised audi faith in his earthly blanks. and mental other and Tri. Shrubbery, of any style printed to order oi l-ihw much more should we. Blanks (parent, plants. fc 1 like children- - exercise a 6impl?, true short notice- A choice ly of HARDY GRAPES. I H? hearted, V;Huch s stand ini northern climate, and implicit faith inour Heavei ly DIXIE Fruit abundantly. iF.itber. whose word is always to be SoudiTcsipleSt., st.L&keClty, B. JOHNSON. F. s thoroughly confided in. Keers an extensive nMsrtacnt of F nd Boot Confeetiooerv. B uk Sarins Lake Villa, Utah. limilir,11 irswtigsiTttra VI yrcnumg- Thleh-pp'ssur- e at the luwe&t mat-k- e which hsosere tions. friend Let principle .rhis intended with a ring, apptoj ria ly old aid new, on, tud wewiilf;iv? figures. ' loss whai but at a io insciibed. 1 will be Old Root. Old shoes b.ing of t Dim "fits!' i t aign Lok in no charge fer shoving his to supply the Pub? prepared have engraved on it called upon Ms changed into new cues. -a lic with ull sorts oi Curiosities. futh-"2tf the hdvice. sad for ; Wll,1 CItOCKKKY WARE, I cl I mao,'"put on, 'When his you see, C. WILKIXSOX, 1 ,!7 the middle of February, 188 remember me!' The young lady was uraaWd much surprised, a few days aiter at WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER will take Corn, Wheat, Fleur, Butter, Gn(,il elenn Cltun audLiaeu ltaa a I alf sou'h of the Publi Ciieese, Cuton, Cotton Yarn. Storepy, at this cfilce. receiving a beautiful ring, with this A block onand Meiu Street. Good timber amt Cah tr Lead in exchange. Pottery is inecrip'ion- alWhen this you see rem- Square, i work dune well and with neatness aub situated on the street running to Wash- 'S I;ember Father. N.s despatch. ington fff JOHN EARDLEY. ltf Agency for Findlays celobrated A Paourc BEr.RT. A celebrated S. G. HIGGINS. Matches, wholesale and retail, at i vicomelian ii ranged with I is greeu-grPHVGBG9AE13 ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE i ! ! cr, o- e Berry, to y him quarterly; Residence in the north part uf the City, sent in his ac- two blocks west of fc l ut green-groc-er I have a choice collection of Clurks Tannery. . SSr PLANTS! PLANTS ! count loti' before the quarer was While thanking my patrons for theii I. done. The comedian, in A few fine Cabbge, Tomato, Vege-ablt- s great wrath, favors in the past, 1 wiidi to inform FflDIT AND ORNAMENTAL Eg-?called upon the green grocer, and, la. them, as well as the pb nts for sac ct i?5 eta. public generally ' doa. at Jobnsos garden St Geo, t boring under th; impres.'ion th :t his wh) may need iny sPrvices, that I have 0f good size for per, to transplanting, ! say, just received from the New York liilior-- 1 EXCHANGE for GRAIN was doubted, said 'i; credit and other hole's a pretty you have ntoriea a good assortment of Eclectic Produce; coni sling of STRAY LD! before it is Medicine. in vour bill ltf Apple, Pear, Quine, Plum, Apricot, Several eowa, Oxn, and young ftock Your irry, I jJy fi ber, the el er Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, Al the oluor branded J E- J. on the horn been such circle with (J) CRAGUN. have would JAMES not h .Blond, Ailnnihua, Cutalpas, end meat all with a S Berry, Ki 1 will reward the ! khoulder ouleft field lloncy .Locust, Mulberry, i gooSe-- B rry but you need not look cto. fioirretc., etc., fori dont c re aslruw-Sff- S Joiner and Cabinet Maker. Si, George V bi ck Berry well J. E. Johnson. some as St. Georgs Apr, 15 New, Choice, as Also, shan't pay you till will execute orders in his line with Berry aiid Ordinary, Christmas Berry." . lf. Native dispatch r ' and Foreign Grnpe CRAWFORD HOUSE. y A witness called to give testimony and Frui iv ; Also, Shrubs, Flowmng ling J. W NIXON, Washington. Utah, Travelers and Plants in a town court, ab ut a shirt came 1; Plant, Strawberry Flowering Iron and Sheet Tin Worker, and Vines, House Plants, etc. Boarders acommodatcd with tho best to the point very abruptly as fot-- t Copper, Utah bt. George, uid that sal said that As tho abovo stock is small, those fable comforts the market aflords. lows V& T said that Bob told her- that he desiring to purchisi should be in sea W. H CRAWFORD. s a Polly it son. WHIPS AND LARIATS. S. r; see a man lii t keen a boy that eeu J.E. JOHNSON, St George. leilir iliAt tun throui the street wills Jims COMPOUND a red s'riped flaimel hirl of a white St. George. All work in braiding, M1DIOINE9, i color, all rbicker, checker end oar &c.. done with dispitch. ltf at (PMLILS g..is worn t lie! lor the old w man h a licked in a.hundred lim fr lying! DRUG STORE, Will oleanso the Blood,theremove Billions JOHNSON'S ! Liver, relieve Complaints, stimulate I'T; It migh1 he supp ed, us the "gills b found a may Urab, St. George. good Billiuua and other brink V. up Dyspepsia, that the hundred .ick- - 1 rxppet to remain in St. Georg end i woulhi l lie Suck c f welhassorted lu 4 th QaIii-Headache, drivo away of piinting, Fevers, sk y xna't ave etin aiPlitfd on uc rnthi ie l'i&c.ITIiose r'i- ! who wl-- h to nnplov DRUGS,;MED1CINES, PERFUMERY, Flatulency nd Loss of Appetite, Help i c unt of .lying in bed to long iu the tn Ci tbir orders at Bro. Snow', &o., the right kind of Medicines for tlss a Bad cure the Jaundice, and e. ( morning. . Log ffauae mv present residence. the Climate, aud the Diseases wove b be he best family Pill iu People, ' wilj shortly have n liaiii a eoraplete of tho Country. j tuck of Paiats, Oils, Varnish, Ac., &e. What is nextto &u oyster? Prescription put up with core, by an Sold at 6T. GEORGE DRUG STORE. ll-t- f f s E 8. RUSSEL VX3MiT J. w. ' refunded when satisfaction experienced Druggist. (jgMoney The shell t f St, Georgs Utah, ' April IS 186$. G3T T9 doors above St. Georgo Hall. ia W glva Back Charges Paid & J . H 1 FLOWERS! t RANCHING! a 3-l- i m n-. BROOMS Snap-Drpgon- s, tln-iuuia- - D-e- c3?JE,e0S, ; i jtaq rails W.D. ! - and Shoe Shebang a mM POYTEiBV, .'- ! - TJLJk r,- , ' o - dlLIy Fruit Trees , -- . ' mui-Berr- y t due-B-rr- y. - lh i T ' husky, W St IKJISIT : ilee-or.l-- j f ' iV kv g: Cl, exie-tcrc- |