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Show jbt rg - n hwiMr.'MMnirMCTiiiwrgn! Red ox about 7 years old blotch .ind on left hip Y below the blotch. 24 Blue and white heifer square ip of light ear 'about 3 years old, . Ir with her. 9(5 Light yellow roan cow white be ly boind on left shoulder giJle about 7 year oi l. 27 Red cow white under belly ip of both ears, .slit in left ear, horns jopa little, calf wrli her. 23 Yellow and white brindle cow rn turns up horn brand' nol kigible: tch brand 02 left shoulder call wiih belly. 2 years old Wool Oarding ! first elana 7riUe. ITavirg reu ed i 83 Black rx CMMMlMtl t.l mms nnrer slit! rigjit car, while undvr Ui"! 7 or 3 years old, ;i" MacMii pwneil by Bro. E. Know, I pro pufctirg ituj In Farowan.aiid bs ready p;)f wool and deliver rolls by the across while to receive lie hlouldyrs, stripe of j May. iiad of ilauks belly, and top right hip I respcCtfull solicit the paironaga or . fVimu' the cltigeu of Dixie and. ailjiccct aetls- 90 Dark re.d cow horns loop, brand- u:idt bit riUt ear, white spot and ir r. 32 lied imd white slag S7 17 t i.r I hav li a now it SritiDliS 0Y P ;TE2fT undci-r- o i:r : Sffl 8 QL wiila all thn l.i 61 ioijirfmintnLi, and prrparcd to tu:u oat a firal-cliarilcl - ui I??3 er Jeirii. in kiKCrMful operetta WASHINGTON ed with callipers- 94 Hep H'eer 5 venrs old, S' Geo- rgy erd brend o:t the ribs,- (Cj 95 Dak btown bul!, shallow fork slit lift, little white on fore right 1 yw O jLa O m of 2FL i From GOOD WHEAT. while Red heifer 2 .years in stair torhead tail white,' ierbellf der half cropTeft ear. 3 Yellow and white heifer 2 yVars whre under bully hind leg wbiln ito on top of shoulder and face md on left hip not legible calf with F L.O U R for WHEAT Dark yerl cow, abou 9 or 10 ve? r hci th.cr. on old bMcli Muddy; cow,, cu 1. tiiip CUSTOM .),p,rt bo It. sqii ire cropp off bdilf lei &i:d wok oxen; all that i over 3 yar promptly aLUiUloito. Ausplo Stcrtgo for tai, orn turns outward. Grain. old has a 5 indi (irele Brindle tnd white bull cU with E. SNOW. ..der will J inside, or trended cu j Jlcr the lorn J. . J or G. VI. J. cr PGIX' OF ROCKS STATICS t Red steer white on top of sho-- er rump, under brlly and flanks ite, white in forehead, hone snoe 0.1 ribs blotch brand look like G on hip. 3 Dark red heifer while spo on it jaw. crop and upper bit h ft e r funder crop in right. 3 Brin llc heifer 2 years old lit e they may have both flesh ai d horn brands, and ficwralare bruiididoa die rib?, B. F. J. Persons burning c tile r.re r. qncs- !fd to observ;' and nport, any t ock 'hem bearing vuch braud, or bring jin. They shall ricivo pay fur ih.ir oM etr btd U !J 3EtL. Is prep red brinalc sides cjrop off belli ears, e under belly, tail while. 5 Dark red 2 year old cifer underbell ycrop off bulb ears. 3 Dark red bull 4 years old, swal- fork and crop in each ear, 3 Red I cifer 3 year oi whi tout belly and flanks swallow fork left 1 tPi-- -- frl m :i rupply the r. r3 public of lr-n- P'' r"n' i COUTKEHM OTAHj te J. W KoisijivD ;t HAY BA&XV, PS8iSi3HS EERCHAMDIZE! A ! I 'o3. 8f3l!i ItJ Ntraved asor witlj- - a pe.' eral AMD hi. ?Jnv he WOKE Kirsa maunders and Giread . , It lit-rhi- xcal lb ! i 8 Krt-- 1 Of, S.VNSLiiN'a.vD.'JfO, piir of bay marp pcr.its, n tf sup- piirth of Harrisbirge, eo posed t brands rco!leclad, but o ie o the an fit Gturij, 27 May, 18U8. im'-lhas belli ear? &lit at th fed. iBif f ls;m Of im-s-l floaers Dark red cow 7 or 8 years old IT linfirtk. e. 7?: Hail. f. d. raorJ An cne Rivil iafyrm'-,i,may be fcnd on ah .rf ce ana easy charge, a, the St. Geo. and under bit in right ear. , & U ML..',r hrii-- g them in. shall La iUisUy i.jt KELLOGG, lied find while heifer white J- - E Jobofcon. rewarded. ('yifr-cn- . s to L. B. Eexchlcy k. Co.,) blotch brand on l&ft lii; oppofci e Pri-iig Office 11 C3. I M ? n a 7 K M.av S A K 0 JOBDERC he 25 or St Georg1 ear cut off. r. s:.ls?3 4 ,x. i oar.iu CRCSBY & CLARK, Brindle cow about 7 years old. Fencing cv.d gymnastic Tannrrs and uCur:itis, Si. George, )ka brand on left ribs, little Tosls, griiul ural Irrpl cc..t CiLIir-irtjyj A ifc 9 lied ox 6- - years old ball face AT THE ?;r.ST V A 3 1TE2TI50 SJA niA.YUllCO, and each t.i ugs. u:;dtr white under Alo 'da. s ir.d tbursiiaeye soliciiitl. Hours lor irrctie Orders , crop of right and s'il left ear i:;-GVMNASIICS & Ci LUSTIlENICtnot leigible on left lhjuldcr. ' Dark red heifer white in face for ll.heo frm 5 O 6 G3n P. M. ta 33 P. n. lemeu Iroiii AT spot in the white, crop a d tail ear half in fork nv rijht 7?. pxcrci.e anuGyamas.tcs .rca. hit left ear. and under V. M. d 7 10 to crop Vuufrsi-.cto is ksppy Tl.r The S'. George, Gardsntrt Club, ai.ccunce -- r GenU-ir.f- ii wisVIrp Famili'S Irindie steor 3 years old illegible Ins a fine Hill-wh- tre uf ila Cit thfv meet, for seRid-nec.tu be sc PSS(V,S ;t tt,e?rown on ieft thigh Dewlap. Souihtrn Ctah and Northern Arison of frui s comodateJ. for terms spnly ' Bl .ck and white cow white un-ll- di?CU3;i.;l.s ai;d Exhibiton, ,l0 Ur.t ha has a genrifil S.cek cf whit1 on rump, whi e spot and vegi table every Tuesday even- TEArnca? t i le, white strip ; on right ride inj at 7 o'clock. 2 fork left ear, white in fore-- h e fr via. Inrg1. . w under belly, brand on left hi tAor aro DRY GOODS. rare Iruit! ai.d vrget-HcGROCERIES. Seeds of all orautiful or denrab.c gible. solicit'! also specimens of mi Cial lIARDIV VRE, Brindle cow 4 years old. whi'o aiiimal. T vegetable; curiosities lo wild flowers, for which a liforl rc-- 1 D00T3 1; r.ibh.e'. ul(lers, rump and flanks, halt and ward will be paid, if iiccompscied by flovrneak brindle and A and rhite, SHOES, ciui-n- ? of passed to jjT IS fj w fork in left ear Dewlap, c ! of rare wild flowers bv 11 And or p!ul,t. ruch GOODS as ra required by erg Red civ speckled face and.; m su!!i s- -. Cit c wi'ge. cr Trr.vriri, which ho will sail i;d cu Zii:b J. E. Jonvsox. N for Grain, left blotch on 'T nrchai Lander, Homed i brand, hip. ,j L,g as ..re !vir-i- bv 1' o chib belly 1SG3- 7 conn try. par In; ibe of Pruducr fi'd on end of tail 7 or 8 ye. rs old.j q ?. IV.h d- ' St. Gporpc Utah, May R.Miria. .1 liberal and selling goods at reduced picc D irk Ted cow little white near 8 -- lici cj fur thP iji,r ,ry a(t S Who wants to o!f pj. j nm, 15. II. PADDOCK. g. split left ear, j Blue and wlii'e speckled steer. Win. Umnch,. tail, line b .ck, white down face Utah. May 20 1808 at. A Cow apdc,iin B. Gespr, 5 year, old, crop and under pit .. .,e uppi-- r muiltlv Safiasneui 1 .r. The .Stab mag-- . Cents $1 F''R-the V'rgksi TlUr-- rcj. o nra I5.ownVnd AlUn, ; HaX.nkr, a ug.i put-rBlack cow D. T. on right hif ofi lhW- j Ml Tanners ds Curriars. Keep on hand iBU -- uiu-l .a llin-.- l 1.., N. II.. t m ,,, crop of both ears. i numlvr one i rlicle of 150 cui i year, in wry now u: , Buck qo white row 3 years jgcriber 1m pays oj ot?., a u ipv of tiia; VISH 53 LA CIS. IX 51. Fiae sL? lea: her, isrtirle. Cant ba beaten.- A i'e on top of shoulders whltn tjjjini'r ;.o vtr aini a sp.rudid Tin U:r.- - '.j0 ck wlun uc!, flow frasy, r.o?er belly brand on left hip notEnpraviii-- whhh l!s t Kip, calf. b goat skin. V H 1U R'u'h. is ire nid User the do.. f by soLI, botla? sinjjlj j. Harness Leather cot., k " '"'1 t.warranted V7! nr perfecich Dirk red eteer while under HO. they offer to exohanga for Mire Hlil filMsent.o or send 81X, gro.v pint fc tail white 3 blolch old Sold aiSt Gscro, o her produce. and D.ngbtoia mi:i for a pWCHieil l0 jeara on left thigh. Paruwan Utah Anl 20 1868. . 3ASNEU. ULNSDALE, N. II. j 3L Uei iSe white heifer lino biek N llciiuuo-- Our rradiTs mav jad ar-- neck under bit left ear I101..-Vtin v.riJUj advrrti.emetvts of n FUhin-- r .tine abnnt 21 ards lcc SYK5JPr'cbt supposed to be froze, Hunter & Cn , U h. H.. nn l mn, or. Edi of inquire the h.ivo tlum down u nothing but belly M L. on right hip A suprior Mcuisino for Whooping Mrsser. This id swindlers not so; y Red and whito steer, white .d Cough, Coughs, Colds, Hives, Hunter & C. h:wc nn exien&ivo white on all legs and end and any of nr readers in ill affections of,the Throat, or Lungs: for or 1, little white i:i face, appears to few sale, &o guns exchange C rds, Prills. , &c., want of gives iinmadi-t- a relitf nothing bst on right shou'der. slit left car of to sind to fail should not kind, at the, ter can be usd. stripe on balk of left shoulder Hunter & C ., Uinsdah1, N. 1L. for St.re. StGtorgo Drug tltir catalogue. GV.l z St. Gsargc Diug spot on left thigh. on reasonable it rmi. s n i.IM-'OWTII- S y un-bell- . p' LK-l- GOODS! GOODS! - - U 1 Gardeners 0 ub!,S. 1 3T. THOMAS, A. i iZ-.'-i- e, y. ftPEClMEKSof 1 022.C423.s3iS Wanted! , t : LO lr ' b-a- i;,K-:rc- 1 le-iv- ( j St-vk- Prt. Sr-ci-'v- (L-orge- Exchange, fr . . 1 0 - ti , - , lliu-itinlo- 1 t T ann 1 - iff-r.- ? S-i'i- r arp-'rie- ; 11 . I ,!. ," Ulv p h-i- i I t,ie, GUXS! un-dl- B-io- L SOOTiUNG j GUi!! A - 1 i cry! |