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Show ring the ensuing year, will end in jisihjto New York for the purpose of best quality, the copper and tin. wo Grants defeat by the Democracy; purchasing engines and framing the I hope to see brought in imediate use, and bo will be Li 1 on the shelf to I boats at" Pittsburg Fa. and shipping also the lead, and especially the iron talk horse through the ensuing four I to Fort Isabel, at the head of I which we shall bend our, energies to I I years, probably for life. tiihj wa'er, on the gulfs of California, at once de'yclope, . it is useless to add 1 have had the honor to nominate, and there the boats are to be put in how important, and necessary these i Frontier the ,.Index,n the, Lhape for running on the upper Col lores are' to our- - progress, and how through organ of the North West moving as 0rr do. so that ere many more mon-hreadily they will when brot in market 16 I U liall have rolld around, the good demand the cash, or currenoy of the ntnr I For President the solcmon of ihel.iinesef cheap water transportation, Territory. I j loutig. lor w ill have begun And Blair d Sen1 I jn deed these articles enter largely PyetnV ucc President the champion of the Freeman d tiro's -a- nd other firms Unlo our vurious pursuits of life, IS jP VBLiiillED. by . OI orlh West Brick Pomtroy, as I will be doing a staving business at and at present prices prevent our the stanuebest and ablest .Denu crtts ' is to be the cap I citizens from entering in to many of which Fjeewansburg UTAH. CiKOlUiE ST. I that America has ever given Lirth to. them with sucess. As in former jjaj 0r oUjr riew Territory of Az'ec. I first Printer. the and last HORSLEY p.ia.i II. t jo Capt Rogers years, this subject has been ableyd'S; Feiry from as t 6 l.a o liistl ot the Esmeralda, Col Johnson from loused, and then as now, its import WEDNESDAY; JUNE 3, 1868 read ly perce vied and fully real-- . Salt Lake Ci'y; and Adams, the Can-Un. . .deate for Congress, from Arizona il8ed I shall only add, that with . , l no.w the I proper !B wou.i Per Ycsr, J55.CO I 3 Months, 82.00 Francisco, jn g4n among wer6 escouragemet in a short time' white-mathe vote a to ticket a 23 unit. I 3.00 6 Months, ; Single copies, itJtorl of lhe navigation question. ft furnace for smelting iron ore will be I I The reason ex , great why Congress I Legu H. Frkemam. in suoessfull opperation in Dixie. Hates of Afivertlsing: U ah trom dmissiwU as astale cludus 10 lioes of that X square! U,e..Pace 8. M. Blub, is to dtUr tile white vote that it is type, this.size, will occupy. $20 1 square or less, one insertion, Weil kuowa biie Mould give. ' Our Special writes eg from spri- l.Oj Each subsequent insertion, aid Citizens to the Ever desiring I he typts Lgville May 18 ult.' Wo have the lono of Utah to became a selfsvituining I Hn(j jlilaeijpgrilp0 growing hero and" X notice that in one of MILITARY. Next week the cavalry com my I hive for the last 16 or 17 hooking well, and last winter we sent wo and likes Kunara at drill place, municalions the types made me as pe p'e I devo .d portion of m, t.mf, to D.low.r. and rccemd 14 rarit... pccttobet.er..and.haIlb.md,t.:, th esvnf()fnu B and meaus, to praeucably solve that of choice peaches, some of which are recive subscriptions from that collection iiiOiiS jessie, but 1 hope that the com which solution wiil set at growing. There is a good prospeet for of patriotism, for the 't'imes. We shall priblcm me never mke givei resLlorever be prepared with bocks enough to con- posiiors miiV turnns and re fruit, here this season, and wheat looks foreign well. tain all the names, of all the responsible them jisse, but on the other hand move obstacle to wealth. every Grasshoppers in myriads and in praieu for true straight present. Therefore I have giru all the en- some instances small merit. peices of wheat influence l.meted couragement my have been destroyed. Weather. since our Inst we have had Tli Central Pacific B, R and means would p rmr, to the manWe have had fine showers every week no raiL, but wind enough to make the Will, in a :ev d.ys, begiu running ufacture of sugar from ihe beet, the this season. I m much pleased with difference. This is our indy season of to and trains ,.kU height the year, nights are cool. Mercery run- passenger organization of our Agricultural So- your little Times and wish it and tho is on he Truckee Et ivfr ui) place. of Dixie all success. Cotton ning down ut nights to 60 and at mid- cast of fiiL ciety, State Fairs, the glowing ot good people ti.ife and Nev..dis lerril a is wanted, our cotton mill is nuw iulo 1 und mutton. cotun mi flax, day up to 90o in the tli.ido. hundred m les eastol San Frainic. wo - m ot ods ike., the most' oi for want jf the raw materiul Teaks for tue P.cr, Bishop A branch road is now being surTimes are dull ur.d the grasshopper -- Jbuen luuui Khli now his assistants arc JJuu hop oh for the best. --Gardmranl 1 ot n s for the ort liecvii Fo have lo from leHCiJ. wit:, W tin re ih e h ..Ld lice quota through ly company M. tni minus of the Kail Ro d to bring in Wi.Iktr liver Vail vs, to pass not far oihers explored tha mouutaitiS n l the por saints expected to arrive irem ti c eld mormon '.own oi Genoa, to dig Id but for the purpose of in Carson Vai;ey thence xuiiheasi via locating certain copper, lead, liu and early. Belmont.-Fahrbnag- &t ind l c Muddy nut least b it last iron lo.ics with For Tho R!s Virgil Tlaur to cress the Colorado ai ihe mou'h of wi ich South rn Ut ih abounds. ENIGMA' No. 23. arrived at home L oti there t up north-- ; These fliscov.ri- s of long alanding, he Vgcn. th.nce Ihrougl, Wall.p , am I composed of 15, letters. wd.fcut.Mk in 6ne h.al.li. Ttv.j. i found in we ris our B. ' "P enough oppiniuu My 1. 9, 6, 12, is more (ban one. met Ero Gro A . Sir.itb, .nd6C..l'.i'slle to be werh IwCuting, and ricoring H. at Frescot Arizona. 2, 10, 8, is ncceeshry to life. Pace and Tliurber. in Iren Go the The Central Pacific calculate to which we di.l accordiag to law. 3, 14. 1, is an article of 'apparel. latter returning rrrlhward. Etrry reach 4, 15, 2. is n girls name. The copper lias in Iron: 45 to 160 the westetn b.ibe of the Hum-bi.ld- i " have us. viiited could not 6, 1 1, 13, S, 9, belongs to vegeta-tin- . they Mi. next jail; and in the fall of miles of this city, the blue and black ltos Ot. M;ij. Blair placed upon; 70 wi I matt tin; Union Pacifid Iry.m lead in from 25 to 100 milts iron " 7, 13, 12 15, is a repe. cur table lust wsvk, tw-- very rich spec-- : Oinalm at Ogden. They w.Ii cros e 8. 2 , 6. 1 1, is psr i f a fence. to ihe Swedish or Prussian iron qual " 11; 4, 15. is a eover. inati. of Iron Oro on. m.gnetio h B anivir b. ut fojiU.n oik. below wi bin 50 miles, the tin within these 13, 2, 8, is used about, water. .!. not. Th,j ar. from extenm. bd, j Idlil0 , Ed Munta,l0 , rid distar.cc-sAll of which in exist lare nenr Pinto. We do hope the enterprise: 16, IS, 1 1, II, is a playihmg. . of the Colorado. Navigation we from theex'en qhantiies, judge of getting it into a usable sbspe will be My whole is a grent tnu rpiize. in While San Francisco recently tiyv erfippiegs found, especially ike Spnngville May 1H. 1858. successful. W. M. we called several meetings of the iron, (to on like myself a novice in Ftsats On mon my the Estriy stock badirg merchants cn the Answer to Enigma No, 21 Reading eubjrct oi Mir.fral. l92y) it appears crednl u to were driven in. 100 About gathered 1 thcC r.ido river Jo the leU (he (xt nt o this lede, we traced answered curreciJy by R. A. bfod. Tho-- c having no iwirks o- - hruiids, n;.vigA'ing mouth of the Virgen. The pri j et it 9,000 liet, croppings out fn mCin and J. Carp, criier, Charade, Ear will be sold For the ruuaindcr, Answered correct' y by Robert was recevied and discu'std with un- - t 10 ft in height and in thickness nnF see advertisin nt. Murris and J. Carpmter. UbUrtl interest, and. pl us of boats varying from 7 to 20 ft, and 'his of the SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. were drawn up. engim is selected and finest kind :f o:e assaying 89pr cent The Presidential Campaign captains appointed to superiutfend the iron, (It wa3 assayed by Mr. Pike of I have in my poseq-io- n the followof construction several lit dr.iu The Types. light Paraaagat) d ing scribed ctravs if not clu med In the vicinity of ibis iron ore large and ink- - n away before the 3r l of Central Pacific 11. R. tc;mers, when most inopportunely, July, llie old Navigation Co, fluodtd the. lied extensive, forest of ceader timber 1868. Will be sold at Public t ale in Navigation or the Colorado Ac, St. George, as ihe Law Dip els. on Reno N.ivad.1. daily pa per 8 --with accounts cf gneral grows and wc arc creditah!y informed that day. Joan Pmu. end fearful t utbreaksof all iheindinns that both, stone coal and fine clay, May 6ih 1C6?. Couuiy P. K. ilong the river including the' long exist in its vicinity, furnishing ready-meanJune, 3. UC8. Frisidentisl Campaign. of U the and ore. tea That And we srnehting frhndly Mojares. I Brindle steer, 2 old, blotF'ur jears ago, to d y, Grant be- villianocs excitninest caused mr si of believe fluxing material, can be ha ch brand ut left lrp notyears ltigible, 12 Black 2 year old steer little an the series of ntiack.a upon Lee, n our now Co to crawfish, but enough within n few miles of the contemwhite under bUy, brand on left (bopo tsylr. uia. C. ll. Va that culmin- staunch men, who understand the plated furnace. ulder not leigible. ated in Lee s surrender at Appomai double landed schemes of the The plumbago or black lead, makes 15 Brown steer 2 years old white : were left, to have sent an a fi'te stove polish, we have mixed it C. M. ono year later. Tin under belly branded cn right lip pp. du fifth of from ihit Steamer the for Nebraska May, axle A pi agent by ign grease, sad believe it of the peers to b 6. 1 s . S day-7J?npA- am - 53S!N. 4. E. le, 1 1 ce 1 n - - - 1 .. . v.r. s I cut-spok- cn wm .j flBiigollis'Cornfr .. ! - : r0h . . M-r- to-da- y. Estray Notice, . f s . 1 oppo-ositio- n, |