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Show tfol. 1. siness St. George, Utah, Wednesday, June 3, 1868 Cntk No. 16. co. lege in all ihe flush and vigor of these delights were hidden within nineteenth my year. . I was no longer thut ring ol gold. RIO VIRGEN TIMES, awkward and embarrassed. I had A tall, bearded, man. n into tall r. sleuder grown SEEDS! . SEEDS, s'ripling, I knocked at the door of my fatlesa with a very good opnion of myeelf rJSile, Seeds fresh and pare of in general and particular, v if . 1 house, ihe lights in the parlor win- vegetables needed for tbs garden, daws and the hum cf conversation i fchoice collection of Flower Seeds thought of Mury Moore, it was to im- and cheerful laughter showed me that ; . St. George Drug Store. agine ho jv 1 would d; zz a and bewilGOOD By To DIXIE der her with my g'iOd looks and won- company were : assembled there.- -. I TO SURVEYORS Et Mii.C, J. Thumi. der! ul attainments, ntvr thinking hoped my sister Lizxie' would1 coma set of A Srst-rathat she might d.zzlutn-- bewilder to the dour, and that X might greet my family when no stranger's , T2TORS fcENOINBERS 1N8TRU 1 8igh to leave my much loved Dixie me still more ; 1 was u sod puppy, were looking curl u sly on. But eyeja RENTS FOR SALE. home, no, I know; but as you h and guudluuka servant & at the Turn efflce. Where many day of pleasure I have answered girl summons; my' have fled, J trust X may be beiived known, , ihey weie too merry in the parlor to To me the dearest, brightest, sunniest when X say that sehconoeit has leK me heed that M 8. H.' BLAIR, lorg absent cue when ho also. spot, asked for admiltauce. Some such bitX5TO.BNEY AT LAW. Where Heaven in mercy ever cast ay An advantageous was nude er thoughts were passing through my prepostd ltf j St. George, Utah Ter. lot. to me at this nine, and, accepting ii mind as I heard the sounds from the X oil o: idea a poiessum. und parlor, and saw the half gave up Here with the good I have been bless suppressed to the lmlies, la my ami!a on the servunt's face. goto prepatd ed with health, A gift more precious than much gold burnt d visit liomo of two days, suw I hesitated a moment before I made ie! undersigned will attend to tho or weultn. nuthiagof If.ry Mooe. tSh! had gone myslf known or asked aftei the lation of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, And with ere me that long to u bearding school iu UassicLusetis, family. Asd while I stood silent hope goes Sit of. Trust, Powers of Attorney, a r Greets, and all other Official and was not expected home till the well ooun, before me strange apparition grew up And make in Dixie land our happy next tall. X gav.) ouh sigli to li-of a Notary Public, From befnn l the servant peered out it home. edii t Bio Virgen Times14 rooms, play a small, golden head a tiny, delcata memiy of my little and then calltd George. nun form folowod, and a sweet, childish a lnyself mai, Thanks to tho many friend i we leave E. JOHNSON, Notary Public. again. behind. face and blue eyes were lifted up to and Xu have been Who a year9 I thought, as the mine, so like--s- o gonerous good like 'lit one hat had E. J. JOHNSON, kind. wl.i.ifcd very pi away Iron ourdiur, brightened my boyhood, that I started galago To enliven frieade northward a duty u a year, oi tnree years ut the meat back with sudden Kficn and CommlMion Merchant feeling of pain we owe. X will re is and us if St. George, Utah, Urn, Mary pretty What may your name be, little Adieu fur tho present we relnotantly as she to be ae usid instruc and of, then, why, per- one?' I asked, while the dispose ljeeeive 0. wondering Grain1 haps X may marry her." 9 iGoods, Wares, Merehandize, servant held the door. DC X stroked back ikj.&e. upon liberal terms. Diary Moore. my budding mous the lifted up her hand as if to shade with while Uch llSkW T U3 sctiled Marv I. I lnil knaivn complacency lif aL.S all&f .4 . Alim, s iu.ertiougin a lor setu lour ana a time d year &nwec many many d ay mates ui ihe Our mothers were old fAGONS read or repaired, mid uuh voice: pussibiMty of her refusing iu- o- ed in a sweet bird-likts V Jobbing dsue on short notice at ii.d ihe brsi cousins. My first she that :ct wouii Dcwr ureaiped tfi ELMORES. Mary Moore. is ol o ycunggeu ltmni in a to pickup ttars wuhgra'eful al'Op And what else?' I asked. uikey rd truck and in.rico sh e, the handkerchief whenever 1 chose o a narnees For Sale tuck ug a ende, in which reposed throw ii at Inr feet. Mary Mocre Chester, lisped the blue-eyenot baby, irtd, unny-iaseond hand harness for Sale or exGut uow 1 know that had Mnry met little child. ui e a ytar old. Th t young es for grain. y heart sunk down like lesd. was I. myeU. Ilarry Cuurch; me then, ahe would have despised f 1 ALIO ns the me Here was an end to all the bright Mo re. me. She was as lar above and ftase pickets an sub i .ct blue eyed b.by was Mary eurth. the are above heavens Perhaps dreums ar.d hopes of my youth and fptiau or in exchange for other pay. Lter still. 1 saw myself at the little in the scented and affected student manhood. Frank Chester, my boyish J. E. Johnsoa. rsd school house, drawing my psinlrd she rniiiht h..ve found plenty of spurt; rival, who had tried in vain to usurp sled up to lbs door, and arranging but, as for loviug me, or feeling the my place beside the girlj had succeedthat it, uvercoit Altry upon ,ny slightcat interest iu me, save a i egret ed at last and won ihe woman away black a hoire. e ri eye Many might that 1 stioutd make such an uumiii-gratt- d ri in me. This was his child his lor ooo on 1 ioru sions, such A pair of wrought Surgutn iv.ve gained au . key ol myself, I know she child and M.rys. And 1 must go in me. beside liked her lers for aula, inquire of oti.er boys there and meet her once again, and Wi.ulJ Dot. was 1 a am something raid, and she, God fl J E. Johxsoh. India was my salvation; not then go away forever and die if n. , i, u tint even in her pina'ore, would let me. merely because of tho plentiful share I sank, body and soul, beneath this of gold had laid up, but because my face in mv hands looked up u earueM. labor had courteracted'lhe evil blow, and hiding iny Lve.ny her blue e St. Georg. Flor.1 Garden. 1 leaned against the door. The littla iolo at her ot nature and made me a better man uoa ooll :etion of bedding dr rot j IE' .iom !he inwo amazed and Huw gily h r uurrry And wnen a the end of three years I one gazed at me, grieved f hooiil winder for sale. Chryan'hemumsplants, to retu'n, 1 wrote nothing aud put her pretty lips as if about to (fbenas. Stocks. Pansies, Ice i Unt. laugh r tig nut whn by dint f I,P" prepared U.e dear ones 1 was about to meet, cry, while the perplexed servant stepc iriniumt. Oleander. Putunias. unu ixrtion, I kept her Ud be- - to ut the reformations which I knew had ped to the parlor, and called my sis" siand let her and upon ihe rest, lorn could ba lay o.lwr varieties. all ukeii place. They loved me a I ter out to find out who it llviu t see ihe steps so very J. E. Josusosr. No one was, X u.urmured to myself, "and that conducted himself lauhl Tho fairy by. go t her heart lie up they sh.-l- find for themselves if1 I am strangely. but M iry co-iA the loving us am." I heard a light step and pleasant I! GUMS o i her iip! 1 followed that laugh better worth a ti I packed up many a token from voire saying: from my days of childhood, iilt X np or (or sale, exchange, guns Did you wish to see my father sir? of gold lor the frieuds I was laud youth:,' that awkward, an w Mu.hing yfewthe, gr. I looked up. There stood a pretty, out to meet, The gift for Mary I fo lowed ii through the he.red u on U maiden of twen'y, not of man' otvl; 'ud now. when the Moor Wt-- one I had selected with a sweet-face- d St George Drug St'rc. of ro'U of ae are silver ng my hair, be.ii;o heart a ring rough, virgin much changed from the dear little mil nuny children cl mb to my knee gold, with my name and hers engraved sister I had loved so well. I (coked at UVIH3 ASDHili DESSilNS B4L03HH the ter a moment, and then stifling tho a id call me father I find that the inside. That was all, and I umult of my Imrt bv a mighty effort as j nemuries of y uth are stront and little t y thrilled me strangly O. HORSLEY I follow- - balanced it upon the .ip of my finger. I opened my arms and said; gr.y hai .nil a'l. I am ONE DOOR SOU HI OF lUlStlNG To ihe eyes of others it was beta ng that music ll. Jenny, don't you know me?1 circlet, suggesting When I was fifteen, the first great small, plain tods coktixcxs its daiutioiss, me by e came li perhaps, of thoughts, upon sorrow lay Blf T'VI, white hand that was to va ent away to a western sch ol. ot the Well, sam, have you been to churhow me me oh, to But ware wiih it. to Mary ..id waa obliged part I ch this evening? 'inquiicd a father cf to see each other for much was embodied there! A loving not were .Vt lDDLE d; H UiNES.3 MAKER I on a beautiful face low words his young h.peful. long years This, to me, was, mile r On course I was. end Tue best of Work dour. Next da4 ike a sentence of death, for Mary of welcome a happy homo there a cronp of Uow was the sermon?' outh of Priatiag ORive, St. George. vas like life itself to me. Bat hearts sweet face smiling About a mile too fcoj' tX ief iitf merry children to climb my KBiarc very tough things after all. Is Published every WED RESDAy morning at the Times4 Building, St. George, Utah Ter sun-brens- ed . j U i 1 Bual-requir- ed e !J. . e rec-ilnuti- y on d k j; gen-iii-ma- Sra-wto- ii wasted; -i CANE MILE. t-- tousE plants, rruSttvSTiS: n h-- l GU.YS: s yt ,t. OLl A.sa.3L K3ee . nJFJATT d-M- ly |