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Show TS7 or s JL Valuabli; ' "xip . . An Taux. . agri-eulturi- st has, .It, isubiid,.' tried , with success the following method of making peaces giow, without stones: Turn the tops of the trees dofn, cut oflfiho ends, stick ibwra into tSa ground and fasten; them o with; siukts; in a eer or two these , lop will take root, jwhen well tooted cutcff; lhe branches concerning iheef reversed and rooted branched. with the tree proper, and thus reversed peaeh trecs will produce fine peaches without slones." The same experiment my .be tried with plumseiiei lies and currants. lliDtoiii Histobi. Ihe Radiesls hava made more history since they have had tharge-o- f the Government than ahy other party; since the old Revolutionary .chaps who kicked up n fow about tea lax. They have martyr.'piled up the had ciwrw-- r, heard of. biggest Rational debt, ever to wind and now they are; prepared and revolution. up .with impeachment party now, say iVy are s lively; what you will; and at long as the people will aipnd ; the expense they will give them pleuty of excitement for their money. Don t trouble yoursslMo stretch said a dentist your mouth anrwider, to a man extending his jaw, frighifully, as I entend to stand ouUido during the performance." and drink How To Lrv Lcxa.-E- at to and be comfortable. Never go Let and- always he hopeful. the world wsg as it will, be happy. if it goes ill, If it goes well, laugh; never ery, for that makes it no better. in Be cheerTui; con.enled, simple well wish habits, active in pursuits, in God. Then to man and have faith gtrwteh cut like - : . -- ex-ces- s, - - v Tna LaVust Music. An amusing incident says an exchange; look plac other day, which at music sto e the "Is worth relailng. A fast young woman, who was dressed rinoie like t country less .ban a city belle, entered thd store in question and usked the safe Aina n to show her the latest musical publication a- The young cltik mistaking her for a green un. handed down for her inspection "Ben Del f 11 Annie Laurie, "The Lust Aoss of Summer,' and the Old Arm - - - Are these the latest publications you have?" enquired the female. "Ye, Madam, these are the latest publications issued,' responded the salesman. "Do you know what I wish you would do with them?" replied the woman. ; "Wrap them up for you. madam, answered the elerk. "No," said she, "1 haven't time io take them now." "I will do what you wish with them, madam," politely replied the young man. "Well, then,' she responded, you Old Arm Chaii" may place this aside, seat Annie Laurie! on it give her lhe Last Rose of Summer' to use as she ple&sis, and put old Ben Bolt' to kissing her, and let them kisa ax&y until I return.'' By a Bacmlok. A. great many anecdotes are related, of personal bravery. We would like to see the man who would deliberately allow a woman to catch him making mouths - p-b- MEGEATH&Co.', . es KECIKYR and FORWARD GOODS of EVER Y SI N Di from tho TERMIXCS Of the E. P. B. R , Tj m m ill Pains is Sold at the St. George Drug Store:- -' -- wnair," athsr VALUABLE y. Awful! The following startling For Cloughs, Colds, Restlessness and all NEW MEXICO, ESSENCE . Back Charges Paid ! CHARGES nUASO.VlBlE DEFER TO BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY DESVER,-- " ' Affections of the Lungs. MONTANA? - Of 07 LIFE, For DierrhoM, Cholera Morbus. unoi-iWhooping Cough, Pain in the teeth or face, ana as a Soothing Oordi 1 for infants gives immediate relief. n, S CANKER SYRUP, For Canker, Sore Mouth, cr Ulcerous OMAHA er, "SALT LAKE CITT. Humors. NERVE AND BONK LINIMEMT, RANCHING! purchased of Mr. the undivided half of tb Rancbe known as Hamblin Ac Blair-iRanche Valley, east of Spring Valley, solicit patronage of Divio stock grower Bring brought up In Texas, I vouch 1. better Ranche any one owns or ever a north of Maaoa A Dixons line. WILLIAM MOODY. Having 3-i- BALSAM, ALL-HEALIN- G ITAUj For Rheumatism and alL disease reMan er quiring outward application for Liniment. Beast. Ths very best Rons n RYE SALVE, ..or weak, inflamed er troublesome Eye Lids, Sore Xyss, As. TONIC PILLS, m Will sure ths Arne, Chills and Inter- BROOMS! mittent Terns immediately. ALSO The Unerslgned offers a superior article of. double-wounWorn Medieints Salves, Ointments for Grain or wholesale retail; Itoh, Piles, Ac. Hive Syrup, ComposiBrooms, at and Produce received in pajment. tion, Syrup Sarsaparilla, and most wiro-fastone- d, d - ALSO other popular Family Medieints. ' A CHOICE. LOT OP unis fanrtj good sise icd best varieties; also ornamental Trees and Shrubbery, and other threats was made use of the other plants. W, ! ! JOHNSON, D, A choiee l3fc of HARDY GRAPES., day by an excited pugilist: I'll twist you around your own snob as stand this northern olimate, and it.LaksCily, gontli Temple Sf., neck, and ram you down your own Fruit abundantly. B. F. JOHNSON. extensive asssrtraent of Fane an Keeps Book throat, until there is nothing lett ol Confectionery,-Goode, Toys, -- Ki m.O V V. a. iivn., nuion m tfuni not or. Guiliy Votx. Last ks figures. guilty?" sharply Gsu. WasmWotcx's said the the other to 1 Look in nc thirgt for shoving his conwas City be will Judge day his to Country prepared supply the PubThf Father-o- f female unattraotivs an Curiosities. lic in with all sorts of prisoner scientious in the discharge of every docket. the failed to never and CROCKERY duty as a citizen, honor as Just hi Its of your ession pieties. doing vote- - ThV last bjr the middle of February, 18fi8. 1 the not for the likes o' me to dictate to will in of 1799, o waa in the spring take Corn, Wheat. Flour, Butter, Goed iIhr Cotton amd Liaea Regs wauled honor's was re ths ti died e He m worship," Alexandria. jour town of Cheese, Cotton, Cotton Yarn, Storepny, at this Bee. The ply. Cash cr Lead in exchange. Pottery is 11th. of December following. was Fairfax Court-kons-e of county Roberts of Michigan, situated on the street running to Adjutant-Gen- . and market haute, old the then ever says that State furnished 90,747 men JOHN EARDLEY. Agency, for Findlays celebrated tavern ltf Gadsbys to put down the rebellion. immediately fronting Matches, wholesale end retail, at The entrance into it was by 9 slight ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE ! ! flight of craxy steps on the outside, g and while the election was progress-iuTht uodusigaad taps constantly os hand I have a choice collection of PLANTS! PLANTS! se veral thousand persou being a supply of "UteitlWiriw. r" WARE, s Fruit Trees Grain and Feed Store! Washassembled; around the polls, well known ington drove' up. in h;s carriage.1 The crowd spontaneously for him 10 gave. way and made a Ian the pass: through as he approached Court-housA gentleman who ws at Gaisby's door aw eight or ten good looking men immediately spring forward and follow- the General up to uphold and np ths steps, in order support him if necessary. According to the custom of that lime, the live or six candidates were sitting on the btnch, who rose in a body and bowed ot Washprofoundly on the eutaance ington. Very gracefully reluming their salutation the register of the how do polls said: "Well, General, viva voce) you vote?" (It was then by He looked at the candidates, and remeasplied: "Gentlemen, I vote lor audures, not for men;" and having anibly pronounced his vote, he mads other graceful bow and retired. He was loudly eheered by the outside cr&ird on returning to his earaiags. We're in a pickle now,,' said a man in a crowd. "A regular ism," mid another; "Lord preserve ui!" mourned an old lady. Americans pay eleven million s year for watches. e. - FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL GRAIN. A few fine Cabbge, Tomato, Vsgu-bits Egt, plants for sate c. 25 ets at Jobnsos garden St Geo. to per. do, FEED, FLO DR, MEAL, CHOP FEED, VEGETABLES of good sise for transplanting, EXCHANGE for GRAIN and other Produce; consisting of Apple, Pear, Quince, Plum, Aprioot, Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, Al..4 otfcor mond, Cutalpas, Ailanthus, Honey Locust, Mulberry, (Ooumtfry etc. etc., etc., at Lowest Market Rates. Also, some New, Choice, as wall as Teamsters and Emigrants supplied in Ordinary, any quantity. Native and Foreign Grapes. Good Stabling and Kraals Also, Flowering and Frui ting Shrubs, STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. Strawberry Plants, Flowering Plants and Vines, House Plants, eto. Ym. Labo. As the above stock is small, those St. Georgtt, Jan. 15, 1868. ltf desiring , to purchase should be in sea- flPinoitae, son. S FLOWERS! 1HAVE a few flowering shrubs, bulbs, plants for sale, Tii.; ROSES, LILACS, SPIRE A 8, STOCKS, VERBENAS, PETUNIAS, BLACKBERRY. JAPAN LILIES, WALL FLOWERS, Iris, Tuberoses, and many others; also a choice collection of Chinese Chrysanthemums, J. E. JOHNSON. Snap-Dragon- s, & J. E. JOHNSON, St: George. STRA Y AD Several cows, Oxen, and young Flock the older branded J. B. J. on the hart and most all with a 8 Inrii circle with (J) r.sido on left shealder I will reward the fiader St George Apr.15 J. E. Johnson. CRAWFORD HOUSE, Washington. Utah, Travelers tnd Boarders acommodated with (he best table comforts the market affords, W. H: CRAWFORD. pf COMPOUND AT JOHNSONS DRUGSTORE, St. George, Utah, may be found a good Stock cf well-assort- ed (DmiY FOULS Will eleanse the Blood, remove Billioua Complaints, stimulate ihe Liver, relieve Dyspepsia, break up Billions and other Fevers, si p lie Headache, drive away Flatulency rnd Loss of Appetite, nelp a Bad UlIj, cure ths Jaundice, and nrove to be he best family Pill in existence. Sold a: ST. GBORGE DRUG STORE. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Ac., the righ t kind of Medicines for the People, the Climate, and the Diseases of tne Coun try. Prescription put cars, by an Dra ggist. experienced grMoney refunded when satisfaetion doors above St. Two Georgo Hall. is not givB. J2T up-wit- a |