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Show . 4 S3 wantvto a. letter , Wlio .t':i-.c.ve. oar winning E.Vix jived from 9 jnst j v e learn' that'rich dis J'ioe Corspon A Cow and caihn VfC orge;;for Is hfii by given that the following mines have recently of silver; 7' thfe Settlement eorerj at oo upper muddy named ar'iotaa to wit: been made, one hundred miles NorthIi quire at theViifotN. Tikes Cilice. Olc large Boiler; One small boil J " St. George, May 26 1868. east of Austin Neruda. Ore Still or; One till MINES . From KE W ; .:Jf clh; a h ;g e re Washington Mill!! . ; ; 1 I . . w V .tub; S Wanted! : Seeds of all ben utiful or desirable wild flowers, for which a liberl re wartlwill bo pnid, if accompanied by apeoimens of pressed leave' and Hew, ers of the shrub er plant. Jonvio.v. E. J.. , . . CHARADE. M y first' three letters spell, e8 Which y oil should quickly tell, A thing that you possess, No trinket, toy or dress. Four letters spVUmy last. St Georgs Utah, May 27 Ard children who are fast Have one er two, or so, They only make a show. My, whole is showy too, And pretty, oft, when new; S()0'TI1KVG &YKUP . A suprior Medicine for Whooping Cough, Coughs, Colds, Iiivcs, ai.U all affections of tho Threat, or Lungs: gives Immediate relief nothing bet. : Unnecessary things, As beads, , or finger rings, . I , , ENIGMA - ifAlt T, -- No. BY SCRATCH, . GOLD. ter can be used. 1 i v Sold at St. George Diug Stare. 1 I am composed of 7 letters. My I, ?, 4, is color, ( ... Lost: Stock. 2, 6.4, is the lest. S, 5, 1, is necessary to life. 11 4, 5, 6, is a noise. 5, 4, 3. is & girl name. " 6, 3, 7, a poney. 7, 1, 2. 2, 6, a color. Children should attend often to my II 1868- - I have Stock scat'ered on the r.Uge betwen Cedar City and settlements on the Muddy:, cows, heifers, steers and woik oxen; all that i tver 3 yiar eld has a 5 inch circle biand on le. shoulder with J inside, or branded on whole. Tt the hoin J. E. Answer next week. G. W. J. or V ! they may have both flesh at:d horn brands, and several are brai.dtd cu 37? (he ribs, B. F. J. Perseus hunting c,tile are rcqnes ted to observe and report, any stock bearing such brauds, or bring them Is prepared to supply the public of in. They shall retire pay for their Southern Utah with a general assort trouble. wr J, E. Johnsen i: n. : . J.or If Msrtisrnaats, smsHan if ccrai !! StVeu Twenty -- two Mash-tu- b; Small Barrels; About six hundred gallons of Still' mash, and one recti tier; were seized by me F. B. Wool-le- y Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, for. 8 Division, District of Utah on the 19th. day of March A. D. 1G68, at bt. George, in the County of WjbL-iigU- n and Territory of Utah for cause: that Seth M. Blair, had been, end still was, carrying on ike business of s distiller of Spirituous Liquors without complying wish the provisions of the Laws of the (JniieJ States iu relation therein. Any person r persons having .any claim to any part of s.dd properly, are hereby rtqairrd to appear and make F 812 U. h. fnrn 1 3-- lt FINE BLACK. INK. A srperier article. Caat be beitan. Jet-ble- ck when ned, flows freely, r.eTsr sold, single bottles, by the do., gross, pint or galou, warranted perfect. Sold at St Geergo, Drug Store. fades FOR SALE. U Fishing seine about 20 yards long Inquire of the Edi or. Gardeners Club ! Tie SL George, Gardenore Club, n has a fine Hall-whe- re they meet, for discussions and Exhibiton, of fruits and vegetables every Tuesday even ing at 7 oclock. of Urge. fine, vegetables are solicite- d- alse specimens of mineral, animal, or vegetable; curiosities for the cabinet. ALSO proposed to send IS IT of rare wild flowers by mail, in exchange, for such seeds and cut tho club. litfgs as are desired by PeriodReports, Catalogues, icals and books solicited for.the library - J11 J. K. Johnson, if Wm. Branch, St. George, Utah. May Q 1868, :! Specimens S I W S IIINGTON, : . "'Venaer . K ST. 3 ud-- , , L ard am fifl.8 iL : wiih si) ilia L mi improvements, P'rpared to turn eel a article ef first-cU- ss O - 3 ; Frem GOOD WHEAT. F LOUR teeehanged for,. r ; ; ; WKZJ Coal Creek Mill. Stor.t. prrrnplJttUnd.JJU. AiipU .: Grain. i.r RSIfOW. Izpecttj mmatnln St. Georgs tad rrtinue in the Bneiness at palntinf , dee Those who wish to employ oraMrgj &e., . Utah, 5th Dir. Uuh. St. George, M:y. 7th. 1868 POLYT OF ROCKS STATION, MOHAVE 1UVEQ Saunders and Giread 3i HAY Wool Carding ! Having rented thr r t class CardNg. Macliiue owned by 8m, E. Snow, I pro posepattir g it up ic P.i. rowan, and btf ready to rrcelve wool ami d-- liver rolls by the 1st of May. I respectful! solicit the pstronage of the eit r.ens of D.xie and adjeceut 12-- lf Faowan April IS 1868. Georg 20 A pi. 1663, setlc-meu- ts - . PROVISIONS and !1 ffood acomodatlonn, for Man and!) aniiraonOsff iUmilei ut of, ' SAM3SS!IBADIIfO. Gsiksbaw. 11 If GOODS! GOODS ib St. George. AU work m braiding, Ac., done with dispatch. Itf h JAMES CRAGUN. tm TTto Joiner and Oabinet Maker. St, Georg will execute orders ia kit line wih Ilf, dipucli jTwTmxon, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iroa Worker, t. George, Utah ltf S. G. SGlLieirO HIGGINS, KV8B9AM' Residence in the north part of tho City, have now in successful two blocks west of Ularks Tannery. at , Wkile thanking my patrons for tholr ! The 'Jmler signed is happy to acnour.ce favors in the past 1 wish to inform them, as well as the publie generally A KEW STRAUB'S, PATENT to the Citizens of mnv need my servicos, that I kavo wko Southern Utah and Northern Artona UNDERRUNHER just received from the New Tork laborthat he has a general Slock of atories a good assortment of Xoloetio Medicine?. ltf and the latest WITHprepared toimprovmcnts, turn out a first via., C. WILKINSON, ! cl GOODS. DRY article of its GROCERIES. WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKF.IU HARDW RE, A block and a I alf sou'h of the Pubii BOOTS Square, on Main Sfiret. Good limber and and work dona wall and wtth ueatnesa tub SHOES, despateh. And all such GOODS as are required by DIXIE Citisens or Travelers, which he will sell Promp ly attendrd to Horned for Grain, Lumber, J. Gatxb, 4 Oo-- , orevehsrgA Proprietors Stock, and Produce of the country, paying a liberal pnee and selling goda at reduced a; p. hnainass en tha Fencing aud gymnastic rt8tf B. H. PADDOCK. IS rnnnlrg the above principle. Let friends old and new, eme on, and we will give mm, "fits! t sign of Obi Boot. Old slices CROSBY A CLARK, AT THE FIRST WARD UEETI9G HOUSE. changed into new ones. St. 2 If Mondays and thuroday evenings. and George. aCurricrs, Tanners Hours for practise ltf AT WE CEDAR CITY T CUSTOM WORK Wcv. Strayed. Orders respectfully solicited. A SliUUBM PATENT it - Brown nnl Allen, TAnrers & Curriers. Keep on hand Article of A parr of bay mare ponies, sup a number one RAIL. Fine sole leather, FORTH. KELLOGG,. bo north of llarruburge, no to Onw-bid- e, pceed & B. Co.,) Sv.ee eeeore to L. BencKlcy anot the ore Aiin josseas of brands rioo'lectcd, but Kip, calf, Jr gof t skin. GERMAN & ENGLISH AMERICAN Harness Lt nther ect , imals has both ears slit at the end. Which they offer to exchanga for cne giving informnti m of them Any igrlcc.lr.ral Impl mecti & Mining Tools. or briugirg them in, shall be sutably grain and o'hrr produce. Faro wan Utah Apl 20 1068. Jfos. 3 and A Front Strut, JJohnson. E. rewarded. KHAR RjOAKKii?, St. George May the 25 1868. SJJSFRAJfCISCO, 1 new l r the dhte of the first r publication of Leg House my present midenee. this no', ice. n complete J tT 00 h . ILWill of Paints, Oils, Vanish, fcc., Ae. f F. B. Woolley, ll-- if J. E 8. RUSSEL i Deputy Colhctor, St. Georgs invoitiis ior, rew tn sieaessfal npintios 1 St. Georza. 27 May, 1C68. j m, Linfortk, E. B: Bail, T D. Kellogg. u worm; l'w ef, T5IOMA.S, A T. 5S3J1LIL, otois msi Boot and Shoe Shebang iiardy hiph-pressu- re -- GYMNASTICS A Ci LUST11ZKICS for children from 5 O 6 30. P. M. Fcnc ins for gentlemen from 6 30 P. M. to 7 30 PM. Sword exercise andGymaisties from 7 to 10 P. M. . rarest flowers may bo had on short Genltemen or Families wishing privat Of the St, Geo. lessons at tbsirewn residence, can be ao notice and easy charge, at esmedsted. For terms spply to fiord garden Copt Jco. Martin. opposite Printing Office Teacuxbo BOQUETS, Blank S S Blanks ! I Blanks ir For sale at the Times Oilice1 Bonds, Mortsgss, Deed of trust, Powersattorney Bills of sals, Subpoenas, and many conveiuect and useful boiceis blanks. Blanks of any style print'd t short notice; Blank-Deeds- , |