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Show r m - 'll! i ;ii I ii,;r i fi il? r iii . 'if rtha :A ji-'- t:':. ! i ' ; . " ti:i ' Si ; t! It. CORRECPONDENO.t -: ;v ,f.; ; t . v scarce and high, this mine should be more value than one of gold. Thy jQ8 -$eompany report any quantity of thii.Co Oeyniic, and twenty times as old, yl':-- PuwYallkt, t Mat 21 1808. abont 100 miles distant with goofcoi .. yet tbere are no rate there 'either. A be to the spot ro;-Bn. These are V. curious facts. Clieyeiie, Six. Lets kava some wagon grease itp a however, has si ill the advantages of Dxai Pine Valley being away from all tbs particularly scarce now. V v Salt', Lake, since it is no t only free world, and rest of mankind, perhaps from ruts, but also fiom Mormons. Arrival of he strpliis at M&tla would like to knew how we, way you Boston Transcript, Waloi north-we- st oorner of Dixie ars from Alexandriei witb-Col- . up in the ; Has the advauta&c Yes Cheyft Ur and 60 other offiscis of lie 35th Hf : gating along. enne is a very smart, vry lively, and Politically we are getting along first ment, 20 Ladies 379 non. Coi of such missioned officers and really a magic City, and has many ad irate, still we cant think tuuch privates t ; t r - IS PUBLiSGED. by w have as away rebellious besides Congress Women and 171 children Ac , vantagea'ovir Sait Lake City, millions who waste in WasUiiigion, being firte from mormons. Cheyenne east Liverpool Mercury hard earned ike of UTAH.. dollars ST. George of peoples has the advantage' of containing more Hal lib!! ha!!! Stylish--Ladi- es et impsachtuent, in twaddling money sharpers, more rogues, more cut- Hiatching Crngin niilsfahd studying JFomen, wonder .what gender. ej WEDNESDAYS; MAY2 27p 1868 throats, inure prostitutes, and more modes of squelching males, in high life, are reckoned, q up others barbarous ' bustle, stir, and business, than any the mormons, and fighting tk work ot England 0 Mores! i TEUMSs . efforts to cut Utah off Per F en r, $5.00 3 Mon lb s , $2.00 town of the age and size on the conAt the l.boratorj Perfumery. : 6 Months, 3.00 Single copies, 25' tinent, very svpbTior advantages over from representation and trying a thou- withio 1C- i, smellirg distance of our Saue Salt Lake C.ty Mr Tiamciipt. Aaaf sand others wicked and unoonsiiUtiani of rose leave! Bricscf Advertising: reconstructed military turn, a large batch as auoh acts ill house of with one even blest not tlrp tnace tkat 10 lines of is A,qaaiV-.Utah state righm was dis iilud last week, producing it liii Will iae. occupy tjfcf, fame, and prostitutes, none, and be- guveruentsruf using 1 square er,lrijL,6.e inierllon, .. and half a score of states representation real pure,, valley tan, Rose .Water. $200 free to has Lake Salt give sides, City Each subsequent Insertion, This is the hegim ing. We expci Wero 1 President Id Prorogue board and lodgings to the likes of &c., shut up the Capitol, and re ere long to see our own gardens A many such as aredeniznes of Chey- Congress, construct under the cousututioi and oses, violets and jasi miue and Grasslioppers T Mr. Strike ran&cript. again cni.e. Through the Salt Lake City papers; give every state an equal voice according groves or orange and spice blossonu vs learn ili&t a war has been institub to tho goyd old way that gave our coun- furnishing pcr.umery for the world A Poob Eos-- . Ed Goz, a sly lookedTand is being watmly and vigortry peace and prosperity. But enough, ur.c:rcmoniously On 8a't and. Pund VViATaxiu ing young fellow, very Weil 1 was speaking of Pine Valley; ously carried oh, in that city, against left the field of duty a few weeks ago we huve about 4i) families in ottr little we had a' pair of flee showery- daji r' I the myriads of : that: pest, the- , a place to live Settlement, a comfortable school house for nini:seeking pJltering bringing enough It seems that Stacking parEd. did'ut forget the a smith skop, two saw mills in operation to w6t 'the ground thoroughly at without .werk. ties drive them 'into the water ditches, little bill he owed the printer for we and two mure soon will be, two shifgle make merry mude up n the shirgler which contrived as so ars upon traps told him of it as he was starting. We machines, one grist mill, good lath uaii since wliich the weather is ch rmii bashela as them. to gather they up by s and about 3U0 aesrs of farming land, in him for have and on ils best behavior. forgiven might sufloat down. This is better than now making lively are which ploughs in regard to his subscription, work pincly'sitling down, and letting the TURNING LATHE Ac., and also the abberration of fence picws are all of the scripture little ravenous fellows have it all their Uciigously Bro. B. Blake and son lave but a printer can't forgive one Uod is unchangaUe and belvo and own .way, and wiser than giving up kets, type fur diddling him out of Job Woik. means what he says, aniitot Hwourittetei a very orediuble B limits and you, win De b.'cssecf wilh inewiTeruanr cmiaren'TDjrgreairudd TWeu ouf t)n J,hashin.!ii-aiftvfr- r , Don a of of Bro. Carlos, daughter good results from your wtch care psn gives us, and that Congress cau no more We learn that iht y are now opuf the of Smitb9 mcriyred proph meddlo vrith cur vrivc. ibau with our Joseph you : know the old adage Mhe gods .lid. up Pi,. e Mountain et. repentuncc, b.?ti.um, laying ou ol wUlcU help those who hlp themselves to .apply tl.cn- oxpret t..y The young lady abandoned an hand., our From a correspondent at Spiing I pr.,,r.( our ttthiog, or other selm wj. h lilIlUr. urdmauces of the gosple. Lnkewe lesirn that armies of the little honored Fathers name, assuming the Well, we all wish your enterprise! Local Itvins. plague have there also attacked the maiden name of her mother "Cool" While out ati ending the drive a tor birth. A fair form, and literary talent success, and with best wishes. gardens and Adda of grain; am respectfully I of Sister Craig, at the Clara, wsi Not only in Utah is the Gr ushop-fvt- 1 flattered, petted, and misled, by the Wii. Snow. wuunded in the leg by accidental diN a burden, but from our izchauges designing, she sings her saddened heart yi we learn that they mxqually so down s'ory. Her history is brief. Poor charge of a pistol. not serious. THE BENEFIT. $ ' such is life. Bro the Lorenzo iers in fron a'ong As announced Lst week. Prof Iowa, Nebraska Brown, has erected XV . e y K&nsss, and furthii 'South. rt;' Thomas's benefit came off very I ant now ' coeed a tasty J'rt'&ud We like the pluck of our Uu-lhc uPPer part of the City.; pleasantly, on Wed. evening, to both man8ion frie ndj ; ?i.hcy. go . t leng, plan t, s ow, the giver and recipient.-M- ira Ida I A clem, easy, odirous shave, is cnltivqle and in ig-t- e ns tho there: was was played with spirit &nd was re- - (luxury. There ire several left, and not a hungry v grasshopper wrhin a cived with applause. The Magical 10 he h d for a quarter each at C. thousand faile fighiiiig ti e intruders Melange that followed, and closed Honleyss just rcross the way. and meantime holding a steadfast reli. the. prrf:rm'u;ce was refreshing. The I "Near by were the roses grow" .. r 1 , rm ne rWn I upon cur Fall er in Heaven that came before the curtain near the I The stock range in now cxcelcnh he will feed his children. mal3 few ,enlcnce For voice (bat ia bubod to me avar, f 0,8 8nd a''p!ativtly ao. j an,offie Anowl.dginwt of the ho. For cyea that to ma were u bright. y, j,ave int. resting oorropoadeaeil Frocmansburgli. The F rontier Index, published at For a hand well satisfied audience. Fort Saunders, is ihe noisiest, and A glimpse of the golden brown h.iir. We learn that Maj, Blair starts will" On the and Sat, Prof, his, family a small For a step that to me whs sweet music, liveliest lit; le sheet on the line of the company this week for Med- started for their intended Beaver, And brow a that was noble and Kfair. Union. P. - H. It says that Legit ow Valey, to commence workirg tbs i home for the present has pi nted a town at the mouth of Weary, so rich tin mines discovered there. weary of waiting, tie Rio Virgen. at head of nnvaga- - Waiting for sympathy sweet, Mizzbal Du CO virus. Thtrci Loihing Ike tin. taicn of ike Colorado, where sore Fer something to love and to loro me, W e have been presented with rich Siine of our earlest grapes are now And pleasnres that ore net too fleet. Warehouses, Banks and dwellings are of specimens copper ore brought in the size of buck shot: the latest sorts with going up astonishing rapidity. from the south by Maj Blairs Com- in bloom. We never saw Tired, so tired of drifting snch prom and that a first elasa printing ffiet is "Aduwh the dark river of life, pany. We are told that there i I ise of grapes, even young vines 61 on Is way to that favored locality. 1 ired of breasting the billows. plenty .her thut came from, Sun. I one and two year old, are. loaded The billows of toil and of strife. Hope it is taie; wejnecd commercial large pitet. of apparently pure plum. I with. grapes in perspective and son., enterprise,' and like ; good neighbors. bago were laid before n. These I of He earleiat epplea are half crown I For love that was aseetest and best; specimens were HsrraLfiVLeghl really beautilul. eidlaprisots and peaches of unusual 1 I Plumbago, or BlaeUrad, is a very ,i,e. Strawberries are now ,0?dlT ThfciChfyune Leader having quiet and rs.ti lubricating wagon, phc. to Curant, and Go,., berries! ibat Cheyr.ne, a city of seven bc'-inlikellli'!h ?d '? Tute ecumts thousand inhabiunts, was probably Mueury at tl as' we go to press- ,I111 article are fruit. lubntatmg if the t&ly city is the world free from in the shad. ritsVthe Salt lake News replies that Salt Lake City is twice as large s i i . . lis s d -- j;!i i jrtq - 1! ! - .1 t T RI0.VIR8EM TIMES 1 ;- i V,; 1 ! ni ;::K.a0M3a80M;.: m kw ! ; I . ! l! , I !;( - il i : i God-maki- ng f hv .f j ; , i y I :: ,v . Pi. . .. i ( Vi i :M 5 -:- 9 j grass-hoppe- the-north- Ji cbliv-icusnis- P i li ; f i t. - 1 f r , f. kg f -- " ' . . - it i,i : i ! ' I ' 'll t i "i f J jiPf ar - 1 .'( ! r. i .1-- gill;" t. r . . r I . c .i I, I ! 1 i v i 'i $ . I; 3' 'H' i as-seif- ed uT.0hL Uwriidifcc 'c'"8! efy B 1 h ! a iiwgrw m WW- W- |