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Show ;. & iil I! j Sc Iso or.s 1! S' What is his n: me?" DeafJLady: Young Lady: Augustus Tyler." D. L. "Bust his 'Biter? Elisa you RELIEVE and FORWARD A thief's apology, when caught in must be making fun of me ! GOODS of EVERY KIND! the act, was that he had a mind so from ifu ... A man named Wells kept a' tavern large that he thought everything bethe C. P. R. B in one of our Western Villages ; but TERIUISrS longed tohim.. od Tj ill foii'i ii A Dutch lanlords description of though hiy house had a very g-him-elf; " more than he had an American Rowdy; "Ter xbirdy name, iiLwis surmised it his was neighby UTAH combed in and axed me to iell . some bors for ' a used deal ol be' that great . NBW MEXICO, peer. I tells hJm. be had more, ax fodder, eorn, etc., for which nevhe would do him gol. He call me von HOVr AlTAi er gare an equivalent, though it had broke aridto Tuch tarn liar, begun neVer beeu clearly proved upon him. two tumblers. ; My vife she call for Early one morning, he was met do vatch ouse. 'Foje de Yatch 'use by an aqiraintance named Wiikes as CHARGES UEASOXADIE 2 got dare, de rowdy he. kick Hon he was driving before him a heifer REFER TO tiornggle behint his pack, kissed my which lie had most borrowed probably tawter Petsey pefore my. face; proke from some farmer. BUSINESSMEN GENERALLY OF all ter tumblers ,cept ter ole stone ' where did you get DENVER, vifo and fodder "Hallo Wells, und my spilt pitcher, that, heifer?" cried Wilkes. OMAHA or,, . peer parrels town inter de cellar. , Col. was Sttvens" herof "Bought SALT LAKE CITT. the sanded have the sugar you unhesitating reply. (ftpjohn, What did you pay for her?' Tea. Watered the rum? , jTifenty dollars," said Wells, as he hurried on. Ye. purchaced of Mr. & M Mealed the ginger? About, an hour, or so. afterwards HAVING tho undivided Ialf of th as Wilkes was sitting iu We 11 ss bar- Ranche known as ' Hambih & BUir . Yes. ' in Ranebe Valley, eait of Spiing Valley room, Col' Stevens entered After Thtn,ctoiutovraytrt! solicit patronage of Dixie stock grower Wilkes minutes few conversation, to hottl a Being brought up in Texas, I vouch ik Sir, said a colporteur; said: better Ranche any one owns or ever saw keeper r 'shall 1 leave some traM fine Weels north of Alaaon St Dixon's line. animal that you sold "A here?" Ym, anJ with the heels this WILLIAM MOODY. 1 don't understilid ycu, I n ver the was reply.' way, sold Weels any animal." bedifference the is what Sam, 'Didnt yen? why I met him thir tween a flat surface and a leaden morning with n heifer, which lie said he bought of you for twenty dollars,' image of satan? The Unerstgned offers a superior artidead-leve- l, and other the One is a 9 He did, eh? W ell since he said so, cle of doable-wouu- d wire fastened lead-devia he has got to pay me for her." said Brooms, at wholesale or retail; Crain and Prodace received in payment. Stevens. Mrs, Jones, a farmer's wife in ConWells enterd soon after, and Stevens iLSO necticut, says; I bTiye I've got the A LOT OF CHOICE tenderest hearted boys, in the woild. stepping up to Mm, said: 1 can't tell one of em to fetch a pail "Come, Wells, 1 11 trouble you for of water, but what he'll bunt out the money for that htifer, it was s good size t od best varieties; also ornamental Trees and Shrubbery, and other cah bargain, you know." crjiag." I never bought any htifer of you plants. IJHo,he ci n t. said Wells1 Kf.JOjfirsojT" to do every King for money. Spring Lie Villa, Utah. You told me so this morning. After a marriage in i Connaught, said Wilkes. the bridegroom lock the priest aside A curious expression psssed over I will bo prepared to supply the Pubmost mysteriously and whispered le Wells's face, he felt himself cornered lic he with all sorts of had either to tell where he got him: Can't you take the pay out in tho animal, or lose the twenty dollars "Uters?. CROCKERY WARE, and not it safe for him Inis (o mother If Necessity thinking the of by the middle of 'February, 1868.' 1 do the he out first, his will take Corn, Wheat, wallet, who is pulled father? Inventions vention, counted out the mpney, nod handed heese, Colton, Cotton Flour, Butter, Yarn, Storep How did you like your visit to it to Stevens, er Lead in exchange. Potteryay, saying, is your sweetheart? So I did so I did, I Usd forgot situated on the street running to Wash"0.1 didn't like the footing with ten all about it, you must exeinc me ington which 1 was received by her father.? IOIi: EARDLEY. The following conversation is said ! ! to have passed belwen a venerable The on hand undersigned keeps constantly old lady, and' a certain presiding a 1 hare & choice collection of supply of a e. of The neighboring Su Judge GRAIN, FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL Judge was supported, on the right FEED. and on the left by bis humble as FLOUR. sociates, and the old lady was called of good size for transplanting, to MEAL, to give evidence. EXCHANGE for GRAIN and other CHOP FEED, Take off Produce: consisting of Presiding Judge. your VEGETABLES , Am!o,- - Pear; Quinoe, Plum, Apricot, bonnet, madam.'- and other Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, AlLady, I would rather not. sir. mond, Cutalpas, Ailanthns, desire youtotake off 'Judge.' I Honey Locust, Mulberry, your bonnet, madam.' at Lowest Market Rates. ' etc., - etc., etc. Lady. I am informed that in pub. Also, some New, Choice, as well as lie assemblies, the women should cor-e- r Teamsters and Emigrants supplied in Ordinary, the head; suehis the costom, and any quantity. Native and Foreign Grapes. Good Sfabllogand Kraals of course I will not take off iny bon' Also, Flowering and Fruiting Shrubs. net. STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. Strowherry Plant, Flowering Plants Judge. 'You are a pret'y woman, t Wu. Laso. and Hut's, House Plants, etc. , Indeed, I think you .had f better come St. Georg, Jan. .15. 18(58. ; ltf As the toabove stock is small, those and take a seat on ihe bemh ' desiring purchase should be in season Lady T thank yt u kindly, sit but I jhink there afe enough Old JOHNSON, St. George. Women there already; . , 1 HAVE a few flovreilng shrubsL bulbs, i f. What were the first', words .'Adam X and bedding plants for isle, vis.; ROSES, said to Eve? Nobody knows.' . $ 35IkiSa9 il I . v' i ' ti Back Charges Paid . V'i ! Ul m i!! tij . w:. tit i Ji 8i RANCHING l'2bt iv lr i i si ;i:! i n 3-l- i . . v BROOMS! . . it.1 f ,e f JX !?.y ,U ioti swrgftC Mi M t :. Grain and Feed Store! I f.:: Fruit Trees -- i" (Ooumfry t ; . iPfociac, - r. i i .. -J ii is FLOWERS! . - ft9giio9ros, ? 4 1S 3 ! f I 'r'! LILACS, A STOCKS, VERBENAS, . PETUNIAS, BLACKBERRY,. JAPAN LILIES, ir. his satisfaction, he wae astonished tp WALL FLOWERS, Irlij Tuberoses, sad many find his boy inside the cask, and withalso a choice eollectionof Chinese others; out a possibility of getting out, except Chryssnuemams. i:-bung-holJ. E. JOHNSON. through the Snap-Dragon- s, i ; :S fi - i I BALSAM, For Coughs, Colds, Restlessness and all ALL-HEALIN- G Affections of ike Lungs. St. ESSENCE OF LIFE, f : : For Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Choi' ic, Whooping Cough, Pain in the teeth or face, and as a Soothing Oordi 1 for j infants gives immediate relief. CANKER SYRUP, For Canker, Soto Month, or Uleerous Humors. NERVE AND BONE L1N1MEMT, For Rheumatism and all diseases re. (airing outtrard apolieation for Man or least. The very best llorse Liniment. EYE SALVE, Sot weak,' inflamed or troublesome Eye Lids, Sore Eyesr Ae. t-- TONIC PILLS, Will euro the Ague, Chills and Inter- mittent Fevers immediately. ALSO Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointment for ircli, Piles, Ac. Hive Syrup, Composition Syrup Sarsaparilla, and most other popular Family Medieincs. mifij (ooils i W, P. JOHNSON, ! Goods. Toys, Confectionery, Book Medicines, Stationery und Yankee Notions, which hs offers at Ike .lowest marks figures. Look in no chirr e for shoring bit Cariosities. Good dean Cotton sail Linen Riga wanted at this offleo. Agency for Findlays celebrated Matches, wholesale and retail, at ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE PLANTS! PLANTS! A few fine Cabbge, Tomato, phnts for saVct 25 eti per. doz. at Johns os garden St Geo. Vege-ablesEg- ST RA Y ?, EDI Several cows, Oxen, and young 3(ock tbs older Lranded J B. J. on the horn and most all with a 6 Inrii circle with (J t.sido on left shoulder finder I will reward the St. George Apr.15 J. E. Johnson. CRAWFORD HOUSE, : Washington. Utah, Travelers and Boarders acommodated with the best tiblct comforts the market afiords. W. H: CRAWFORD. tf COMPOUND .IRlISlf (P3!L(LS. DRVG STORE, Will cleanse the Blood, remove Billions Complaints, stimulate the Liver, relieve George, . Utah, may be found a good Dyspepsia, break up Billious and other ' Stock cf JOnSSOKS 8PIEEAS, "cooper, finding considerable difficulty in keeping one or the 'heads of a cask he was finishing in its place, put his son inside to hold the head up. After completing the work much to e. 'i? at tha St. George Drug Store: Sold m l. ' I 'b ; r jfi i M 7r Family Medicines - Tiil , MEGEATH & Co, ). VALUABLE well-assort- ed Fevers, step he Headache, drive away DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Flatulency rnd Loss of Appetite,' nelp &o., the right kind of Medicines for the a Bad C1 .icura the Jaundice, tc be 'he best family Pill in e. People, the Climate, and the Diseases of the Country. ,, Prescriptions put op with care, by an $oldV ST. GEORGE DRUGSTORE, i - refunded when satisfaction experienced Druggist. . fMoney Two doors above St. Geoigo Hall. is not given. and-prov- exis-tciv- 6T ' e C |