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Show W- 1 -- -' rf- - r ,5 - - Wii - the sniec. fcgrd.iha, friVilg4,jJ rl!? Elder J: GAtvfnljQ-e- mi ,, . mwrn.'M H rb wmi, 11 Oiur: tut--" aMa.w.aa.a INiOPl D, uipli) , rvlmtiii fi!nrt Tn upon th in ustf jftil and iHl actual interests of (he cditoSry, a aving. thut Guilljvlli re- i1' M iiin no mure of any, . person, than he 1 V . . lkk,' ."iyT; d , .. r. ,, .r,1, jt ; iiMPvf ii CT1 iiliu iKJ 110 it O' '.v.. yiry.k V;V i', v.' j tiVrvfaris seized' b;iae4 ley Deputy' CbTleclof'ntcrr.qV P. ere inV for 8lt Division.' lEslriet of5 Utali n V t rvati- Myrnp.Ttjii or the eqirmuDifr M laroe, Stock fiVulitMUst ai rived from i uwh addii g hii portion to the wealth '"r iforoV' and hapj mess or irfciei; Rpr he 1 1 - Cal'- - -- . s Cookrrtg Tin5 ifesheoiroii i .VJ upon tUto&Upr. rv rrled'rcM O'shop iRcrnqt ui.d Kuddjr Setilv!r,eiila iill-t tin the y t1T-7- thort inJ yeilda wheat and co Ion tibiiini K' KAsm lihtly; erdps Verw h '"tU ar o- - '!f.,V, "xn-.- thV-Inud- Deniiiis, L':" f I. 2 :s uf M. J ir )jj V JJp'J). D. Ms ti Kiki'J. V. Yiuh, Wo i of Wis.bm, :.ad , )j,; S - 1 tii tic uw .S i';i " - jchools. v ir.i of hjkVing. lu 1 1--z t epoka t ' In great nl vr iSnerWsioU : lu-ir- "I,;; yi;iid .that tle 'tilc;r.es;ts who , wihtd M j iu hj,, irgar .Lr i into wml., wfie'n; ircsl Wtsfied un it the spirit sltouh dictate in the matter. Guild on the ' leaser priesthood to be faithful in the - idl'i I . . of their duties, said thn1 discharge t ' all who. wished to go to the Muddy may ddrso;'and they have lib blewn on them. and with many woids of comfort and instruction (he conference was brought to a close, several were cut oflUhe church for unchristian like k-- i t : A H n JJ. own rml-Al- ?i vj -- - r 3 it 1arn Uer I M Lr.Mler tu;tjuli,ga...ur j J. iner aa:l Cabinet Make r. Si.' Ufaihi Is a XaOU'Rj , to iko CiiixciiS of While 1Z., DRY ha n (.00 DS, OUUCKME. UARDwxnn, . C. lVlLUINSG AND CAIHIIAGE JIAKER-Tnbli block and' a lalf WAGON A i ' '' j-- Lixroacu.' n- - a ail' .r-'- f r, n; sciloo nr DIXIE BootandShoe Shebang B. II. PADDOCK. rntST WAED ubetiio house. Mo.;daj s and thursday evenings. AT TUB IlAitDV. ;i.P. aWivbueinesR the running on jas. Honrs for practise. Benediction by Prest E. Snow. lilnforfxi, KolIofT' Si, Kail GYMNASTIC'S L Ct CBSTIIENICS Conference adjourned until the third tor chiUreu from 5 ID 6 30. P. M. Fne Socckssor s TO L. a.' UENCm.lr a os. i: Importers and jobbers of ins fr eenllemch from 6 33 P. M. lo friday ia Nov. next 7 30 PM. AMESICAM ENGLISH, & GERMAN ' thn. Li frlmdit t principle. aid and new. enmd on. tfnd'we will glvd Dunfitsl at sign of Old Boot. Old shorn 1 changed Into now oats. 7' , Not Impeached. News hns just 7tolOP.M. reached us oYer tho wires, that our Familirs rr Genlteiien wishing to ixnpea-oh; failod g theirown residence, can be ae-Congress, it hounds cemods'.od. . noblo .President. Iho our. for terms apply to BlunXis ! t TS hish-prroSu- Zit ns Dfi Answers to Enigmas: in cur lost ud No. 19ilfeyr Tori. Answered by Horsier. No. SO Salt Loke Qouso. impliQtsti iinU and miners toela, G apt Jno. Martin. . 7i . as Well-a- s the puhlic1 ceneruttr may nerd my ferric, .tlmt I New York laborjust received froa-thatories a good' assortment of Eeloetio Medicines. ltf thc, who Las a general Slock of pc-Xr,j- . may.no w skulk, into their holes, and lhad .3tsrens give up the ghost. 'i ilii-tr-- thanking my yatrnn.for Southern Utah and Northcra Arizona favoiS iu t'io jnsf,1 Iwih ' fo 'rifornt negro-lovin- r rr.--' j I Sauir. on Main Sffrcot. Good timber and m ..li i,Wl w.,k .!..., wril . .ud ' rtk. ci,itsIj, or etch arc for Groin, ' Lumber, Ilcrncd lilespsteh. ' ' ' !r tho of Prod ar.d 6i:inlry.payinsf ic Slr.ki f , , a liberal fi!cs and selling s od at redaeed j.utm,uo, prirat-Issso- ?n t -- S. G. HIGGINS. r 10 f r. . - , let ho - - . l. t. jf j Tin and Sheetjfr.n Jriwk t f , Copper, 8l George, U;dh4w Idt?, SHOES, And alt such GOODS as nro required by pron.nlv attendid to Proptwion -- . P BY ECt.SCS'l., the in north llcsideniO T. A. part nf llie Cify THOMAG, Juderised is lirppy to announce tvra'h looker wcet of Clark Tar.tu ST . the latest mprovments, and ihat he prepared to turn out a first article of Jp : o Rtev; H. dipitch i. iv. urxwc - SworJ exercise andGymnaslics from he e orJers in fc& k1U AT Wm el! jif with diipatch. VI' 1 GOODS -- Its - - goat skin.. and by tbe Ssdar.Giiy Choir. y : &s., don grain uni o li?r produce. Paior.an Utah Ai:l. Si0 1863. . . e jtOODS ! iL . JOHN t.UlSIEX, ,V!Canirn. Kstp oulianJ st coorge. All 'work in tMa&f,1 i Ut, Tucr.ers. fc i.amber onu rriicle oi Pine sole le i her, Tl. El ' WHIPS AND: LAWATirY BOOTS Hard times come, again no mors I' ,6 P y ; I UNDfiKBUNNEIl I ',f I &.od afconwdallori-i- 50 miles htmt of, . NT.W SriLHVS S, PATENT R -- Afjfi - oonduet. y T'"a wiliicli' they oper CEDAR CITY 0 'A n alien at ; ' iaan.MViaji.Mi n:ci;t3f .. Ivip, calf, suoBful dyS.d BARLIY;-;- Hi- i, . PROVISIONS Jjaeph Thorni iv.YG ROW in E i l EIJ3H 'V'iV and Criread HAY! - fint class ,Cnliur. Machine owned by IJroi E. Snow, 1 pro pisepu.Uirg it up in Pa rowan, and be ready to receive wool and deliver rolls by the 1st of May. I respectfnll solicit (he patronage of SAnd die tit'.ens of Dixie ar.d attcent setlo-- Coal Creek Mill J ; by ? Harirg rented I ;;:i lu t iieif r? clings Cwhcn ; of iho au'.hoTiU 3t d rliaich sliould b and ih au'hcri'.t wcie 3tY'4pM:eii,-dwc' ;IuBuiracn!y attained. in his g Prist rmi I s "Itltfc SlOIIATi; . j 3Q-,;!- j . , 1868 18CP. tf 1 : v tiv&sscW--i - Ow-hiJ- . V . : f VrU 3 ; .S3r.ta . ... 'Md .vO'.VW, - W oolCardin g, ! It. Gco"e, Apr. t2 b. Priiderit E.j cailicj upon Ijv peoro to gife it. a folb ai . . ImFrpVsif&BUk. ? : or I). II. Cinw'.iJ. d teachers jn -- i ; . A .',! $ ''Frtm GOOD' WUZAtI1 4 ( and wagons. PUceol bnsinevs at the residence, pi t t lil??-- tfnited,Sulcs)iin tfrf , it Kt ion thereto , f f Any person r?pfrsohs.h:Vrinij any, claim to any part of said properly i ar hereby r,qairrd to ftp'pe;Vr and make uch cl. im iviihin thirty , day fom the dale of ihs first . p'ublicaiioriV of this, notice.,, ;V ; ;; V; , .. f P B. Vcoiley, .1 Deputy CoUeoirr, &s. !nrnl Hrv. j U. . tuli Diy. Utah. f POL St. George,- Mojr'7lh.) Harness, r i; of .the J IUUICHj T Arthur. yiavjh.g Cy the Swtsa Choir. !;:' of;h'L:iwj Clothing, and many articles both necessary and also a. line useful, ..... iyj.-Mttal'- d w J wi li the provisifecs vuhoutcotnpljiiig Prints, . ' r. H iVM CUSTOili';;woi2K of' a'diiiillcr ct Spiritnoui Li jupya ! ! . . 7f ; i ,PitS';c.4I,i4X ?' loJ called last Ooliber confertece d' there are buttsfeHn' nud p toj.e uf lilt 'm' arerepaiing tu .l ave. h ireat . Mnuw illiltfrau.d thecnlar y which i he ' bleTIire u i u ih e south to joy over i ur.bre hren of the nor. it ui-- rice Versa',' but' coniitfered wilt balanced a'ivUtd .. ,f1 vlihoj were urct . , -- ;. d to try to eiD osiKcrs.EOt pveu!trg kui-t'souiii, bn lo cuicii ail Uk y can ;ilo may bo rtlurniriitr h. by the Swiss Choir. by Elder J,' Gj f iSa'.k. ;t ww. kum cun tM 4d;ftui uau vccr ' nd etiir wascmirg. on tho basinciis 4 ?: f iteixVVtlVeaand to i&ken'offf-Bdu2'ti:ft- r . Sheet' copper;:! Brass kettles,1. ;i Nails &. glass j lead, .; J White, I P,1 t Linseed oil, Keipslne, B oo ts :tfe ; shoes , Tea fe coffee, Crashed sugar,. Domestics, ! ret tip. rim country is ;jrutiiu livll?.. of-- tr.j V nrfT? air t. W 3f.' 1 t f $ kncwSTKirr-TB.S-'- :TA9aer4 Wi reefi inashraful giilltinydft Siill,J ''if si f msalasferM .BCParfea yr "J ;" I!1 o A J. niiiiiil. iiv aif.-- .- . , TxAcirtae i OROSBY 0 TtEStri it CLARK,. u! Csnicr.; Utah. Vos. 3 Seerpri . ltf - . and' 5 Front Strict, ' ' t! - Orders. reipeetlully solicited. lStfir Blauhs ! t lilanks s , Et. ' For sale at tht 'Times OlHeo ' Blsnk Drada, Bondi, Miftiss, Dr.e-J- of trutVJ Pjwersnttorrey Bdlsof aale.VSnbpoaaaaV mil mapy corueiiu ni tr.d uii ful VMifriVia", blanks. ; : "oato order Blanks of ai y s?ytc n;;nttil 2JHAK MAUKSTa sun iruiictsco. - f re ' H , |