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Show TO v. J t.'.-- C. .: S' i .r- - If at A. What (lull 1 do to show iuj grntirtiJ,r1 1 would nrnwl on my bunds und knees to servo voa! l flerv Horn .RVV.ar.L It v d J-- -. " ni"3 jX-- -. Fees'. Snows . n 0:ttn.iio ' - mansioii i 1 curi P now : recvpjn piwli . ;.j s xiiMt tfssVU j)' 30. lie Fats stood in bis toooest blue ; tr as he spoke. u k MidrTdbntjUillr tut,, 'lends! Vi thithoee Tut, t haul crawling potV But tell ie. Fririu how cauie vyhfh ihli cru?l min pjw 'i 32 savorn'Cnn-yowell pleased with what returned lnt week ' 1 I kno hide mcS;" be f it i f r tho k 1 n 111 ia lnul;rni.y that oant you, jinpossihlis?' ,ysvUi Mr. Li&, hovr. I c une in Ooptaiu Soro Mucurv in the morning stands. abouiGOo 1 xisomU script, from ; California power: La kidnaspcd m, & Oi'ot bound called in Jo see ua'f f TO DVOOKTICNPP ooon in lheltde. , erie-l.iiuf- i - -- "P th ' lM0l Cfrp J- ha tw pre V brethren who may W ward. ealltd upoirto Bp. - f -- ..J ' i : J . J5f i , iM59S(K)e ST; GE0EGE UTAH. ' 1 MAY 20, WEDNESDAY, -- 1 " t climb up ind go ov: r as on a bridge. tTERMSt V j ' There is a natural curiosity about 6 miles frem this. City. An arch a 100 ftet long, 50 feet high, ami about 1868 l5Teet thick at the base. One can ! aii'O wilh ted! jy 'Pftbt.' L. i J , t' ' tlic not 4 The very c musing Bots farcu oi .1 1 - ' i 4 uirtlasd fj an bli - A; is n-t- a else-whe- h. H re el, n i 1 h 1 d ri 1 si 20 4 : O', la re. 81 :ei 1 ! i i d ft 2! .Ill :w D( n Si th l- -i 4 - Daiil Arthur. Jos. Hammond. J E. Johnson; Me C CcmmiUo of ( Prof. Thomas, to night receives at the t Geo. Hail- - The enter tain mentis to consist of a repetition one of that tho inost interesting has been presented to our Citizens, followed by a musical melange, that , will The Dramatio Corps be has kindly velunteersd its sevices, With its best array of talent. Wo expect t pleaant time, and hope our Citizens will show their apprecatioc of the Professsrs kindly offices and labors among us, and set that he has a Premium House myrth-movin- V:. g. as the so ll.i : r 4 I MJl 2101 l!i i ' v ilic t'lif h v c- -r cltiiizalion, Suiging by the Sw'ss Chois. bikiuUktd by Ebb r 11. lkr:iinaD. 2 I1. M. Anrahv our ious by. the S'Gcorge Come ve- that love ihe I ...IV Ik great credit, by their artistic render inns ) chaste style, tf lHngnago and ac iii; Ctdi t i Choir. Miss Jackson. Mbs Vaolley. Mr voolie and Mr. Bonne v. war especially "d:er, for the evening. j H. .Lunt wl o K.vo in s Arepiliiion ofBiol's at ihe Swan. ibv e,u- - j 'ooil report from ihe CViinr' WriiJ.y; was also, given, Sanjose eh excessive minh The oii.y fauit ih ind roily uigfd the iUig .miii rd hl to ihcrt. himI usiiideni to m.irrr. ' - i : -- N;il i ; i ; o :f "S-niujyb- Lldi r r ihu 'Wa-hir.gt- (. on h . B.Vowriy tallowed ju The May Ko of tl.is Icarntriii m! ch.ete of own wdV ihfc subject ?iyij.g np.iur Monthly is lefor- - ut wih gimly iakliiui. nd tallowing the counsels of il.o X, rC and i.'l plates, patten f for nctil-vvoiV brad to there are us, of rich gems ef both orignal and placed juaa things about which w lite to I mc. r selected. I our own Thi 1 ch.'' is One m.n torn' Year way $3,00. ms; Ter copy 4 copies, $10. ifistcdtnour business traiiM.ciii in t Yc have all !h lmc an hbujidarco-.-.t i t jrcs Beauty. I V, II of means with vr! i'.h loi du (?ur Ip our lit le Eden may now bt seems trading.1 It ismastase i or us a glow of fl ral beauty as fresh and it into the hands ilia grptiles, s .itly e.'5 die in tho the in Eden as lovely original niak-jbwe did not e me down heer to . . an .j. morning cf Creation. Many hues o f ourselves rich, but lo r. Uo coti:B.aiid odorous tnd briilant, Roses, Syrirgas, fulfil our miMicu. y. ,Peonii, DLnthus- IMegoninumr, Singing by ihe Swiss Choir. j -- k, M r.c: hU-retur- e ' -- i-- f ; ; .. Gillyflowers, V fbenas, Phloxes, -Dir missed by Elder J. QUs. Antirrhinums, and numerous olhers, ' Commerfial. Bishop gardner which th of !es mvrnitude, are non and aisUtanf?, have been industrious, God is my sun by ibt St. Gecrge the less sweet or lovely, b ooming iii making ap effort towards carrying in all the a J. bright splendor of natures Choir; out the counsels, to do our own wildest, end mos gorgious profusion Prayer by Bp Bunker. by calling meetings of the Cedar City Choir sang, Awake y f j giveing out odors that perfume the v men of aptitude and meant and has breath of mcrnii ' and ield a rich tafntf of God. fj g, we got the matter in progress- Elder II. Herriman floats that said he always l' :i widely fragrance, upon hope to a good purpose. felt pleased to meet with the soiats evening aephrys. RAIN. Last fridsy we had a most splen It is true Our Dixie, so oflon sot and hear' the counsels given by Hhe did shower, for half an bcur, the rain cam, at naught, is fast becoming a Paradise rervaHts of God, Weave asde6jrfect down right merrily and the greund was wen of It.i not ;lho fragrant groves of rich verdure through suffering.1' Saturated. hearer of thq word but tho doer there We are hareirg a fine sprinkle inos of lively flowers ar.d rare fruits. of, that shall be rewarded." ssid the I evary day with tome wind, and1 elouds saints have dene well in emigrating Ijj enough foa tho Uzy. We have not watered our garden fer near 2 weeks, and no itn their poor brethren and. iitiri.iid I mediate prospect cf much litigation; C, J, Thomas. Bcnifit they are able to do more. Spoke upon i Pinto Ac, to meet him. ufad.,S3.Afe? mer-cliandixin- aben-ti- t Melo-drrm- B.M.U . arrangements, X"! rc-pfft- - d.-airalle, a5 f ; ne sp, ' - - - ia! conference ill was determined, that tntrer in crossings b :twee n here and the next July; the thirtieth anniy er is ry it Muddy aud most of the goods lost. the exodus of.ihut t ody, a general p:c Cstaipa trees sre in full bloom; they nic festival of so many of the. sum vt re nre of. shade among tho most of that company with thcii families as trees. Ihere is a Vnriqtj of (he Catalpa, find it convienf to attepdj should uatirs here, very beaatiful, called .flowmay be held. at St Oecrge. The collations ering willow. We never heard of their, for the day and .evening, to bo served growing The Hills, Mountains, Plains, end up in the basement of the Hall. Those who iutead to be present should give V allies, arc now clothed in boauti'ul notice to Daniel Me Arthur of ibis verdure and and flowers all around as ' at an place early period, by mail or far as the eye can retch a sight, otherwise, of the number of eaeh fam- nsvers before remembered by the old. ily ex peeling to attend. Those who est inhabitant. fail to be farther notified will eon- Csmmencing on the 10th of jons. j aider Ibis r.otiee a sufficient invitation. Kanars, the first Cavafy ef iron will hold a 2 days Drill Music will be in attendance and the festive occasion will be varied with General Snow, with his staff, is expeete to be there. daneing, songs, speeches, reminiscence of those olden limes. No pains will f Hon Geo. A. Smith, Is expeeted to be at i about the 25 lnt C,uld'iit he be spared to make ibis meeting of Eanara, us favor denizens down below with tho some of the ?Ti1grim .fathers and Mghi of his cheer full visage Wo should mothers? as agreeable and interesting like that. at possible.- Time of meeting 10 o Frest Snow, and Jet. W. Young and dock A. If. Company, have started via ' Fine vally li All i Mtrvty . a ow noticed tlic'f-ceulia- anical; business; nifrchai Uix'iig, lvgh' islalicw ai d goveinmei t, D.tali . ..1' and bi t e the; the ighi besiarcc; up lire nioptious s' alts ef An erics. ' 'j i ft and is destined to lea l in thc ints and Mbs Jackses. Cacilr M:ms Woollry. this season has increase her s'oek to Sath Swap, D. Woolley. Count Almonte ten Colchier. M. P. Romney. Tcou C. Iiurgon. wit1, , A small colony of ours since winter minor- characters 'to xon'ch This vasal made 25 lbs. of horey befero the end together, tho bast, mo c. ownri g effort, oi camp. u ' 4 (lie previous . bursting. fll type? this sia, will eecepy. J 'square orlfsa, ms insertion Bach tub sequent insertion, v m n heiu throughout was good, tho cornea. iy iu excellent spirits, the play was anil uf '1 spfalqrf, 'Syjir.g that in iuteiesling play of all that RliUers ij ihe matters of.IudulryV tht:devtUp gold,'' to a full houre Tho setio aunt of homo tileut, iduca icn, mtch . t i es TIE SWAN? COliCludrll ..tliO ClAtMlail IlSfU. often 32.00 here Bees are very prolific Per Veer, r5.00 13 Months, Oii monday eve to ft houeyivas 6 Mcnthj, . 3.00 Single copies, 25 swarming two and three times in ont tao&t and $iitr.c:S, and in all nuttrrs piithin-lthat fins iiterliig ck-s- on Kates of AdYtrlising: summer, from ofic hive, lister J; of MiaALDA,.OXTLE JCbTlCC IftCfBA. He lo the well-b- t ing ai d i.lsxttm A sqaari is the spate that 10 Here of of this OKy, from three swarms, Cast of Character was-- ! exeeli'itl. M iraldo t s rvt ! - i a i this tfo- circutnsi&r.tcs under VUc)f Ji J t tho . nallont, pie re gathered fio.-some of . thp ri marks of Put. and nvii wed c-- ' K - The W the iheMisscuri River, Isrdirg Ou TneAtr west bank. Ilslf ' a mile below Omaha. Amusements Oo.reptaled Eve. 2nd t;nst the St George V UBUSHED, by ... KM Lu-isc- V"' RIOVIRGENTOES in thought it pr per io aitcijJ.io our own v nmbnq affairs', and do odr " ourselves as' far as p,tsU le. ' ' il fb!l.wr.',-rrrw- ,i ;llibivd to - the Subject of a men hamlizing, eduoalio, home nun- - riid ufactit es raising "ralii Ag,, OftU m 4 remarks,- There is considerable wheat in this roigoriy nearly approaching the condition for hiirvesiins. ihiithas "not' been irri., ihrte hjurs audibly only '' ;i in wheat' since BOwingVPut your gated about that number of sentnccea was up in dept; or OctJ ahd your cr jp is and off ss unceremoniously as he came 1 " thing. ithoutvfc veOcWpimgm-inviUtiofr wheaUiarvest Settelments Mud the In to take a sniff at the roses. Well, hu Jy is now ready and already coinmcneed. may be a first rate fellow for all th it when a!man haa Tub U. P. It, R. Co. Has located Business isMusincff, hand. the point for building a bridge across the article on , M c.,ruu r; mnrka r-'as- fihrtinnrbg'raJ)W ; in u . H ... V 31- - t i4 - g - tin-balm-y . . Dont Forget. To-nig- ht 1 V I i. s ) S i 0 |