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Show i ? t ; ?'? i i : ,!l : 'r j t 'JS' . ' V- c I - 'T Y. j r. . I St George, Vol. Silsitiw ? Utah, Wednesday, May 20, 1808, My RIO VIR6EW TIMES. I Published every W12D- NESDAy morning n:i tbin Ti- , SEEDS, SEEDS! For Sale. Seeds fresh and pure of most vegetables needed for the garden, and acholce collection of Flower Seeds 3t. George Drug Store. at Utah . IF you have ..ten, mimzteaio: spare, 8lr JfUll1,!ca yourself in my efSce-chai- r, ' ?".! ; Boy Frits Nb, 14. captain came on boud,aif no mure, sounds of distress that night- - ;. ; ,.v: 22. The man has a littU'of the mUk"' " of humau kindness iu lie btcasi," thought I , anX vhli released that! unfortunate boy fora hii torture. . 23. 1 felt is growing interest m . Frit: The stewardess told me he was a wbola souled littls fellow,', who would divide his last erust with a friend. Ho' had never been intoxicated - before Ik . was the two Amerioan boys, I grievo to say, who had entieod him to drink, and then' taunted him with being av slave till, as he had said, hii, brain ; was on fire. I heard 1 Oeorffc, 1OT I chouse to stand myself. loan never tit when I tell that story; it stirs blood my have seen sopposs you the beau-tir.4 SURVEYORS. TO of a btty Palenn, called Italians set of A first-raGolden Shell? I set sail frombythenoein the barque Hesperus Our SURVEYORS & ENGINEER'S 1NSTRU captain was a MENTS FOR SALE. Dane, a man or dignified presehoe,but civil enough to me. X was the Inquire at the Times office. only and bound as far as the ship was to go,- - that is to New York. It was 8. M; BLAIR, mostly a foreign crew. The chief mate ATTORNEY AT LAW. was a Swede, 1 remember, and tho sec24. And be is a slaye? or the tamo Utah Ter. ond mate, a German, who had been proltf . . .St George, as that, said, the' stewardess, for tha moted from before the mast, en occasion of the first mates being lost overboard. captain seems to own him, body and They were All North Sea men( Ger- soul,' and I suppose there's nobodyto (Paalbllic, y mans, Norwegians, or Danes, with the save the child out of his olutoLei. ,, The undersigned will attend to the 25. Next day I found I had bees tw. boJ8 onf an execution of Deods, Bonds, Mortgages, The sun may warm (he grass to life. eAXep-fclnistaken in supposing Frits was reDeeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, ATllt,deWthedrTi,,flw,r used from Buai-nen the rleiin, and black enough to have come akeu below punishment, .He Contracts, and all other Official grow and pat under worse tor--' required of a Notary Public. S1 from the heart of Ethiepia. ore than ever. In the fore peak werec Offiee at Rio Virgeu Times rooms, Of autumn's opening hour; 3. On the day we were to sail, I went 'ing and a staple, in the beams over St. George. But words lhi.t breathe, ot tenderness; en board the ' ship, and entered mv eadin. lead; through this ring was suspended a J. K. JOHNSON, Notary Public. And smiles we know are true, the woe a trim, welDbuilf barque; I felt cord, which was fastened about bio wrist we Iasiied with her appearance. But ind worked like a pulley, bringing hia Are warmer than the summer-timhardlv settled mjielf in my new eet up till hie toee barely touched tht, J. E. JOHNSON. ' And brighter than the dew. quarters, before I heard a lend din on loor.But I did not know thisattha Auction end Commission Merchant , Uecb I i stewardess came into the ime: XonW heard he was It not much ihe world can give, ..n Ai-.-..- , St. George, Utah, - l I ... ,TT was e tho him. to j unusuxtiy?-saregi captain waxy drunk, He had an ity round; g alloar-n' in bis dicipline now, not axe in his head, and vowed he wonld The altar and the hearth; on came Hauear at HU the slightest deviation from duty, eery Have gentle words and loviug smiles WHEELWRIGHT ! to go unpunished. For , some trtval Wa Mptein? llow beautiful is earthl AGONS made or repaired. and uu ha , 5. He was on shore getting bis psp- oflenee , I forgot what- it was, Johbin; doue on short notiro at ; under ers the was put below' in space ELMORES. Tor Tit Kl Virstn Times. ltf 6. Where was the first mate? the cabin. the night he got During 7. He was on deck, and hod a pair out- as . sny boy of spirit would, hay Our Dixie home. of h&ndeuSs, ready to elasp them on II ness For Snle, done if possible, anxious to try ' him. he dare but near didn't go Frits, Is there a land, who's people dare, A secondhand harness for Sale or ex1 went on deck; 1 found the boy on breathe, I suppose, but1 the eaptam 8. Their much lovd home with ours the change for grain. maindeok, forward of the eomp&n- - found it out, some iuserable reprocompare, WANTED. ALSO with an axe in hit hand, which bate was mean enough to tell Einr. I r sub mountains Where on thickly d and fence picket he was swinging round his head. The I 26 At two o'clock next day,: payoher for found in or mate was standing by rubbing his own exchange crtptlon And heavens breath is purest found, shoulder, as if he had been hurt. I went stewardess eamo to me, and asked if J. E. Johnson. 0! no no no up to him, and he said the boy had I knew what Captain, Sorenson wa?' bitten him and torn his shoulder doing to Fritz? He had got him fastIhe truth through Fro- - because he had tried to iron him. badly, with Blest I went ened to those pulleys in the1 forepeak Cj . I: in sai and given front of the ph!s hoy, again, and she was afraid the boy, A pair of wrought lorn Sorgum, QUp I110UUjain home, our temp'ral 0. Fritz, give me the axe. would die The captain had gone " j rollers for sale, inquire of 10. He paused an instant, returned my heaven. bed. I went down and foflmf mv' gex?, and replied. J, E. Jouwsoir. 11. I dont want to hurt you, sir. poor Fritz almost, gon His wrists are swollen, bia face was the picture of 12. II nvo you been abused, Fritz? 13. Yes, sir, and I cant stand it any agony. I odcred the men to slacken , AnH wluo . protctd hew; on ,M b the rope, I would not seo such n U- -' bless and with love W title Prophets St. George Floral Gardens, Friti said I, give me that axe, tardly outrage. Then: I went wd 1 k pot-of tiuih, bedding A nice collection end i will see that you have reasonably woke the captain, .and told' him Im; and virile youth good treatment. ing plants, for sale. Chrysanthemums- jTlie aged sire must take that . boy. out. lie begvi understand to not did Ho 15. l.wt. Ice appear Pansies. Stocks. Verbenas. to bluster, and said if 1 interfarrd ha' pv and Geraniums. Oleander, lutunius. The Gospel here is freely given would put me in irons. S:ri I l: j oome near me, Mr. Fisk, 1 ' army other varieties. In our mountain home our temp ral he: 27.- lCaptain Sorenson, 1 know as v 1m K. Johnson. ' heaven. I dont want to hnrt you ). a very delicate nntl is it thing li general 10. 1 still walked toward him fixing for a paaeenger to . iuterfaroi in No sceptred tyrants hern are fed my eyc steadily, on his face, and repeat- ter need we what is, strictly speaking, none of lii No prowling night-theiring: business ; but sueh cruelty ns this 17 Fritz, give me that axe. dread guns for itlti or exchange, 18 He looked me in the face a mo- can not go unnoticed. Mark my word lies noble men walk free and brave Afe1 the, ment; tho wildnesa suddenly died out of air, if you do not pnrsne a dlferent No 1 and is curs for seff or ilavo his eyes for the moment, and ho laid course of conduct. I will report you 0! no no no St George Drug Store. down the axe. I took the handcuffs from when we set to New York." , tho Swede, and put them on bis wrists. For God to all has freedom given man's the was I! I 28.in 1 DRESSING am satisfied SUM said power. 19. Fritz, I, BH1TINQ INB HllR In our mountain home our temp'ral that not a bad boy. 1 He was unscrupulous; he might haw are naturally you heaven O. HORSLEY would not confine your hands if you made an end of me, and the PRINTING were in yonr right mind. Some timo you omable sea would have kept his 'Lrk-secrOSB DOOR SOOTH OF No powerless priests do here reside shall come into my cabin aud tell me for ever- - But I was not afraid . To sit at ease or stalk in pride OFFICE. story. your I had the right on my ride.; ; Nor starving children beg their bread nj Tuen I went below, and soon c f him; taken out of 8tf hoard the sound of groans. Anxious to Ila did order Fritz Tho all their relatives be dead know what it meat, 1 went on deck piilleya; so xny in'erccssion , did 0 no no no caKu'u PLATT again. They had lashed Fritz to the good for the lime TjhVb&y food is to 'Wait the given For 'and I otphan bulwarks, in a very painful position me as soon as he could ds And the poor are blest in ourtsmprai i took the liberty to loose 'the bonds, said he I 1 when 1 left him again, ho w is more doo ' heaves and Next done. haTOi belir Work you?. Oh. Mr. Lik, The beitof comfortable. The look of fro ly w St.' idoat.tkiiviS.tsooaliL eorge.r Office, SLABS ,oulH ot Printing quite gone from his eyes .onaUo.eemod.db()rJe wpe m.o!l ' ' ul te pas-eng- er, . IMoHari 0 had-bee- n -- . e, U- ffofftsas -- 1 W d! Firs-weo- I ion-wav, 1 . ANE MILL - HOUSE PLANTS, a. . GUNS! GUNS!! es - V- - - . et II J saddle harness maker ltf i ' ' I very grateful for my l,ag,r, |