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Show x V: ;V: r lb '" - r(jyauiwwe' 7i - TT 9 it W Vf ' - St: !'A r "."t i . ff tjfc . '' r : V' ; 'wX i i!''--- - 'JO . J-4- ;?? rv v-- . O m -- v- ' : , .. . - , ' j 5 'V; . t V 1JI sara nm -- 1 y it: The mutarilgoed keeps eonstaUy ea baud a supply of v-v- GRAIN, A. REAL FICTURE. ills t, ,t j feed. i v .vv FLounr , w l . 1 : - 1: ! ' forte eflile, The bastiles ore filling with object ef -- t'iil m s: ftvr ' A ; ' . . ' , n iI t .Cfuirtry. iPyoiac, . 'vr U fhe-p6or,v?- iA 1 - V V . tyUj I r'i ;1 spent, 1:1'. .r : .. I 'l V: For hija aoal become) weary lulnt. rm hie-bod- i y : r - . . f - - SIT REA'S, , V. STOCKS, . H I .vs:.' potatoes in Ireland-ir- -- e V V R v 'J. E. VVil .Tr 8r w. nj,Am, v T TORNEY 'AT L A W Y - T . For surely the Christians have wandered ' from God, , And par .the necks of tho.poor sxuet!ngly trpd. . ltf St. George, Utah Ter. f TO SURTRYORS. A -- SURVEYORS set of- first-rat- e & ENGINEERS MENTS Inquire at the Ti DR t t-- -- i - 1 ' " i , . " &C. . An IK- - . 1 Sold at the St. Geoftje Drug Store: ALL-IIEALIN- I 1 G BALSAM, For Gough.', Cold.', Restlessness aud ail Affections of the Lungs ESSENCE OF LIFE, For Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus) Choi- - Grain Feed Store! .,rwtef.iPiay5, trill attend. to ICd! T !? DRY GOODS Sr GROCERIES gives immediate relief. Tho undersigned the execution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Cheaper than ever offered ., in Dixie! CANKER SYRUP, For and Cash DeedxGrain. of Powers' of and Flour, Grain, .TrusT, The Banks aro now breaking and so are Attorney, Feed for Sale." Board by l:iy or week.- - J For Canker, Sore .loutrb, or Liecious Business all ond .other Official Contracts, large firms, Humors. . 2tf JOHN PYM-M- . ' And tile few' that get work t e required of a Notary-Public, that - ; Office at Our Dixie Times rooms :: V : jj1 roakes'arjhs, . NERVE AKD HONE V " I St. The killing their neighbour is tho theme George.-- . JDaX-u- I VJxLm- J.For Rheumfttism nnd all tli.ni.ea ro .V J. E: JOHNSON, Notary Public. Christians boast, ' fw or. Aid he is the greatest who can butcher : Tio UneWlgneil offers a superior aril- ' ?twrd t . thsmest. Be'Liaimcnt. Terr tie of dopble-iroani- T iie fastened i , !;! Brooms, r " at wholesale or retail; Grain C f ww is choice have a collection on.L iJii ; and Produce received in payment. J i, Bis MU For weak, inflamed or troublesome Eye Atso FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL f ' . . Lids, Soro Eyes, Ac. A CHOICE LOT OF . A 'VVT..- J. , t Watertown (Wis.J Democrat . iitl'' : for transplanting, to size ofgood states that on 3d the inst, Mr.! Herman EXCHANGE for GRAU And other ,,j'H a'lTr L", 3 VbVJn."!' end ZT wni era tho Aeoe, Chills - and Inter-plwAlieake, a very.:killful and. sucoessfuil ii mhUnt Ferns immediately. of i .hunter oh Horicon Lhko, with a single Produce; consisting ,1 AL shot from his gun, killed and secured 47 Apple, Pear, Quince, Plum, Apfisot, A choice ljt of HARDY GRAPES. A1 Peach, Pomegranate,' Cherry I suoh as stand this northern climate,' and Worm Medicines,. Salves, Ointments for dueks.WithrfiYe'ihptsrhAtook - 12? . mor.d, Cutalpas, Ailantbus, ducks. Fruit abundantly. Itch, Files, Ac. . HiVo Syrup. Compoii- - : Honey Locust, Mulberfy; f vB. F. JOHNSON. :ien, Syrup SarsopaTillaf"and 'most cto. 8 .r etc., - etc, i) An old colored prpaeher at Fort GibLake other Utah. Villa, Spring popular Family Medioines; ; ,0n recently babtized thirty colored - Also, somo New, Choice,1 os well as ; : ; Jonrerts and after the cetcmoney cnar-t- :. Ordinary,; , . Ki, COMPOUND 1 ! them a xiollaf' apiece. f0ntJe fob p ir- -' V Native and Foreign Grapes, j owing Sunday he only succeeded inin- p;! .V lucing ir3(L(L WHEELWRIGHT I Also, Flowering andFgi ting Shrubs, two to present themselves who ' ..plants, Flowering Plants Will cleanac-th- o Bloodttmove BilIiousT i i fere willing ta Becoming indig- - Strawberry ?ado or rePidi and usual ' V(AG?9 House and etc. Plants, Vines, uone on short notice at i ant at the i of I his Jobbing stimulate ih Liver, relieve ; parit eny congregra VAs the above stock is small those Complaints, ELMORES. Dyspepsia, brqak up Billious and other desiring to purchasiTshould be in sea- Fevers, step he Headache, drive away son. rnd'Xoss of Appetite, nelp Flatulency J.E. JOHNSON, St. George. a Bad Cel i . CttrelhA Jaundice; and r lf with prove to be Le best family Pill in fc I I which' hiTivife iV ,i '.j I fj-i- d just used on him;,' O ' I will "be prepared to supply the Pub- Sold a ST.: GEORGE DRUG STORE. ' t D. Wwh'ai is' tliat yrerd id:tUCJSnij. lic with all sorts of , jTMoncy rdf?nd1 when satisfaction , , . r: . I isn6t given. , t; a lnBgusgo'of dncjHaWe,! which, . 0 B 0 0 K EfB? Y VT.'A.R' E-,- " South Tcnaplc Sf.sLLakcGUy : V ;wo letters be takhn: from- - it,', be-- 1 E. JOHNSON, by tho middle of February, 1868. , 1 J. Keeps an: extensive assortment of Fane nes s word 'ef two syilables? wilLtake Corn, Wheat Flour Rutter, Auction and Commiuion Mer'chini, B?.ok Cheese, Ootton, Cotton Yarn, Storepay, and Yankee No- Stationery Sfc v. orge, Utah, Gash or Lead m exohange. . Pottery is agw.' ho offers at. tho Howest mar- ' j tions, a chicken. Jike a ; gun- - situated on tile "street is i' V Why Washto Will receive and dispose of, as instrus-- 1 ko figures. it running l111 -- it contain) ington Look in no charge for shovins bis d, Goods, Wares, Merchandize, Grain, MU i -? s, r JOHN EARDLEY,: Stosky&ojipbnJthfralAeims,-- : ltf ... . LJ't . fuvl(j3htc.. I. ... r i1. .V f. I.' u theyre f -- L 1 i arc-thos- ; : ' ;! -- r T. RPnUCI . : , ' ; m-IMEM- nS ? ; ; ; a Fruit Trees : - . f : . . - Si 2?3ruLl1; ! m "y0n zatw X .Brevittesl - J ; . ; Trees, tonic pills, S! -- , Hi: ! . r ' - rr J s l r - j, ;d 8IT v " -- , the-whipl- v e ash : - exis-tcnc- itin: e- i ; . Wi " . t-- . JOHNSON: i ! . V'r r0?!,..Confe!:tifn,'J'r iCv:ui' . 4 ' 'I Deec Coot 'A Family Medicines ! rexeci ness J.E. J(ilpaen VALUABLE . office. RrANCHING 1 Th to.' apply ; . . TIS WARE. at ohee -- : NSTRU SALE.' n ex ' change for 8ASDLS-a- ; ; m " " V Johnson hundred Grape 'pickets A few. 3-l- m 1 ex- BLAIR. o r , ami fence, pickets, pn sub for other pay. tcription or in exchange : 1 is madfi frcrn V 8. : JOHNSON'S DRUGSTORE. St. Georgy. Uhh. . .Fire-weo- d L 3tf '' ' 'At - ''.' ALSO WASTED.;! - ... f E-E-V--- 0:l' ' Harness For Sale. - Blair the undivided half nf;thi knowni' as .JIaintdin A Bliir?. Rancho rorjfjtayirBwyl DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY For fs sin on, for, peace, and munitions Ac-thin Rarche Valley, cast of Sprina: Valloy, 1 right kind of Medicines for the solicit patronage of Pixie stock "towers. o'iwur.ri. - , People, the Ciimato, and the Diseases Being brought up in Texas, I vouch no j . of tho Country. ' 1 - Setter Rancho any one owns or ever saw I think that an age eould soarcoly be Pre8crijStions pat up ' with care, by an north of Maabn & Dixnn's line. . found, V WILLIAM MOODY. To compare with this that with sin doth experienced Draggist. T.Twp. dQors.aboye St. Georfco Hall. abound, - t t , aEe PSe j V ,!! . Whufe equal is hot found' "on history ) , ; learned ars.loaating of this as p BENNE SEED.. Wanted Immediately! At. -- ; j1'-:- i .Yet the r 4 '. i W , & M003NE& V , . -- .Ml !: ' ypttraj -- t -- Snap-Dragonft,Tr- . ; ..25 Maiden Lane, NeurYork. -- A -- A BLACKBERRY, JAPAN LILIES, - -thrjnsfl j,'T rv:; . V And diseases 'are taking their stook all WALLFLOWERS, Tuberoses, and many -T, J - awny, . a choice also collection of Chinese And the folks there wear out a miser others; r Chrysanthemum. able life,. , JOHNSON. E. J. Yhileabe nations around; arc envelop-- : - ? ed in strife. . i Tb'o -- secondhand harness for. Sale or change for grain.'- By -S.6T.ItIv:BiiA2K, GEORGE. VERBENAS, -- A. MORTON, ; - . ' : -- '' - traveling r For.DiJtrlbutlon, " - .: ' , V -- I , Wi ;! J . i 'ik ; profit Economy, pleasure ani ? The best, cheapest, and mosVdnrable Instrument for .writing ever used . S ENT BY; ItlAI 1 SAFELY. Tricdi Fifty Cento and upward ' AGENTSEMPLOYED NO Call and you will find Pens exactly adapted, to your hand and style, of writing; or enclose stamp for circular. ( . . .f. ' OIL d . 't '. h a , '. . . ' . i f .' . . , SEBSjEkDS! Yet turn his suataincr wlth frowns from " , VV "For Sale Seeds fresh . add, pure of , the door, ?. v V a most vegetables needed for the garden, And tells him r to go to that place' like , and a ehoico. col lection of Flower Seeds ; .goal, 3t. George Drut,' Store. ; ' AThsre through want and abusohis at " checks vrill.turn pale. ' r state of the and aour.iithe Tlms.rctchpQ . minu, I HAVE. a few. flowering jsbrubs; bulbs, t - and JL: to for sale, view Thats Qoropelleu tO; J)cg, hlsdiving beddingplants ' ' v:: find, ... roses,' ' " Ahd tften 'ho wiahea his days Wtro all LILACS, ;;?i '! 3. GrnotO wear oiitl , WI I.T- - 3U2 i :;i- i, . ' C ASTOR : niP' - : i . jJ . - - ri. ; .1- b -- - ' T A . . . s 1 m ; - A t The wer.tcrs jure told tixcrcs; no work at V tAlso of tbs' :i Lowest at Rates. Market the mill, , so at- roach, nnd teeth, through that Teamsters and Emigrants supplied in ' must stand still i 'any quantity. ; ; V" StiH tha. c ratings of Lnnger, the 'child- ; Good sfa hi I rij? finU Rraalsl Viren' cant; atop, VtSESSAMAN, They 'euffetUrougU want of work at the STOCK BOUGHT ' AND SOLD. ORIENTAL, i . ri , or 'V ; v.' ir .BESNE- - PLANT r.nvi v:0r St. 8 Jan. 68. .Ilf nla. 15, ; robes sajs God Bless Jtf The Pries) in Georgy, 11 ' . ' These Worki as fell' snd complete, D . on for tbs ; bs carried will and a, lifetime. v one , last will A single i '1VMKAt,.':-i'-i:'.r,-.By thcir'uio the labor of writing is greatly 11 AN U F A n TURING;. V 1 CIIOFFEED, , V; reduced, V , " ,r .of tae Is VEGETABLES obtained, Qreatcr uniformity r w-are acquired, beauty elygance, Ease, 'adother' ir ! consulted. . r ,.V s. .f -' MORTONS .. Vs - Ana murder. and. rapine stalks threugh' . j- i Ttc Ten is .mightier than the k r The world iiin darkacsi,j. in misery nd strife. 'V i : And none bni therich find, the com- -- M . Wi TyvcgMU ly rr :y.vty 3D2S3ES Grain and Feed Store! -- ". iy mr opecauss I'in-piice- 1 . "- -j . - t. . -- .. .. wji r..s ' k' - - 11 m : j - A a m Jr .V i e a Sri H |