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Show i f c rr J f.'T t "r 4rC 5' "v, - .iH- M ' .J MV o ti e e CALI. ON the spirit of God. r , He also spoke upon the". subject cf laljfjj merchandizing, and advised the , p?o- Is given that the following whose hands I have i placed namedhereby ; business. own do thoir to In. idea art to wit: pie Choir. ihu which 'goods son, will The Prodigal fertile following by Olc large Boiler; One small boilsold as lower than or low, Gardener.Dismissed by Bp R. any er; One Still tub. One Still worm; heretofore in Si George for Gash, v ; Seven Twenty -- two Mash-tttb- sl . 7,' ivm.;;' Grain or Small Barrel?; About , six hundred i ' PreSlhood Meeting.gallons of Still mash, and one reftti the us Gome let fier; were seized by me F. B. Wool-le- y anew, By meeting Deputy. Collector Internal Reve-- t Prayer, by Elder J. G. Bleak. nae.for 8 Division, District of Utah Stock My God'llie spring of all our joy ifornia. fresh; just tirived from Cal cn the 19th day of March A. D. 1868, By the meeting. St. at George, in the County of Wash' In tbig President B. Snow. said; , ing! cn and Territory of Utah for causes that Seth M. Blair, had been, capacity. I desire the Bishops nnd Pre cfe. and still was, carrying on the business aiding Elders and Brethren generally, of a distiller of Spirituous Liquors to uso tho utmost freedom in.bruigin without complying with the provisions forward any matters of. business re ofheLaws of the United Slates in Wards and Settlements to their relation thereto. lating and the interests of the community at Any person or persons' ha ring any claim to any part of said property, are largo. I have one item in relation to hereby required to appear and make the raising of teams for this seasons uch cleim within thirty days from to wish I which the date of tho first publication of present, immigration, this notice. and though it would be well to have B. Wcolley, the It tiers from the First Presidency Collector, and the Presiding Bishops read. !F. S. IntrnT Kov. The Llerk then read the letters, nod Div. Utah. the following, apportionments was St. George, My. 7th. ) made among the selllemeuls. M St. George 9 teams and outfits. Si 10001b of flour, end 1 night herdimau. Kino County. 3 teams and outfits II PLATT Santa Clara. I tein and outfit. SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER Washington and Harrisburg, 2 Tbe best of Work done. Next door teams and outfit?, south of Printing Office, Si. George. Itf Pin. valUj. I UUMaJ X J mght herdsman. ! Pinto, 1. team nnd outfit. Shaalcreek andi Mountain Meadow Having rented the first class CsrlUg. e ' N. ) : mm ms . - 1 1 r f 4 - T -- 2 tram nnd buffi. Panaca, Efgle and Spring Valleys Cooking stoves Tin sheet iron, Sheet copper, Brass kettles, Nails & glass, White lead, Linseed oil, Kerosine, Boots & shoes, Tea ,& coffee, Crushed sugar, Domestics, Denims, Prints, Clothing, and many articles ) boilrBTOWOBrTTrirf useful, also a fine Wool Carding lot of Machine owned by Bro. and wagons - in-a- fr T a. n n e r y Coal Creek Mill. I I CEDAR CITY f cl-i- s 3P? LOUR, 6 V GOODS! GOODS )W(B!!il3 ST. THOMAS, A. T. w . fcoXOlUMD s. K2XT Ait; r. wxstij xsilco. & Rtxll Xdnfortbi Ucllog 8utcsss9a to x.. s. ZSNCULCV 4 OJ. .ns. i.;nr?jpu. a. u. Importers and jobbers of AMERICAS EXGUSfl t GERMAN AT ZK5 FIRST W.MID KEETINO H0U3S. Motida 8 first-class xj. From GOOD WHEAT. L O a R Mhiigfd for R CUSTOM d... 5 f .Vn. 3 anJ '& Front Stnti, KAKKET. butt iruucisi-o- . Orders rerreetiu'lv ISt'n T filed. woisk t et3.-,-,, - E. SNOW. "' iitxperM.t OMlIner Ae-.TIio- ... Store. Batioot. of who with to vSSi.' .. sw m a f 9 ltr j. f. g. St. George Utah, . April IS kdtssel ifeCS. P OIJfT OP ROCXS SVjUTICH MOSATE J&XVEn . f . h . Saunders and ftiread AiSLiEV, mi ' for acomodatlons, - liyJain- - jd- snimsteli ; 50 miles Enel of, - SAN3ERNRAD1NO, li tf whips and lariats. JOHN LARSEN, St. George.- All work, in braiding, - Ac., done with dispvtch. b Uf JAMES CRAGUN. Juicer and Cublnet Maker. Sr; Georg v will 'execute orders in his line wi U disp-ito- in. h J. W. NIXON,. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker. St. George, Utah Itf and ihuraday cver.irgs. GROCERIES. HARDWXRH, iNB Ella ERE33INU S1L03K t! 6U&VIH0 o. MoasLiv: ONE DOOR SOUTH OF PRINTING OFFICE. 8tf t HIGGINS. 163.SCVIIC fNC3V03Sr1 Ee.ideooe in th. north part of tho Cit-rtwo blocks west of Clarks Tannery. . While thanking my patrons for their favors in the past, 1 wish to inform them, as well as the pnblio generully who may need my services, that I have just received from the New York, labor- - atories a good assortment of Eclectiu Medicines. , BOOTS Hocrs for practice and GTMN ASIICS Ci I.USTIIEKIC& SHOES,. for children from 5 i 6 30. P. M. Fenr And all GOODS such as ars ine foe entlcmvn from 6 30 P. M. to required by Ciliiens or Travelers, which ho will sell 7 30 PM. . 8wcr i exercise andGvoaaslha from cr evchangB for Grain, Lumber, Horned Stock, and Produce ot the country, paying 7to 10 P.M. a liberal pr!ce aud selling goods at reduced Families rr GenUmen wishing s rates. st tfce'rowu residence, can be 8tf b. par terms apply to liapt Joo. Martin. 6. 8. f . itf (7. WILKINSON, WAGON A AND CARRIAGE MAKER: block ar.d a half south of the Publi Sflttire, on M&in 8tneet. Good limber anil work done well and with neatness anb : despatch. . privat-lesson- tji;3i:tn! injkntil; and mictrs icots, W SEAT Aap!, gW-pUUM- , ! irr SB with all the latest Improvements, and am perpared to turn tut a article of of setle-nien- ts . settlements can best furnish the beef l?-t- f Ucnxcs GnxJSsnaw. Place of bnsiners at the residence, Toqnired, end Bp Gardener was 20 PaTowan 1808, Apl. of 0. H. Cannon. acted accordingly. Kai.narah and St. George, Apr. 22 1868. to ttie were meeting vetedby illarmony t Joseph Thorn. 12-t- f iheir in Ward iiissist Cedar raising Brown end Allen, teams, as it was considered that the:r Tanners dc Curriers. Keep on hand proportion was large when compared n number one article of with tho Dixie preportionment. Fine sole leather, in Cow-hid- e, E have now in successful oper by the Reports were givenatim ut Kip, calf, k goat skin, Bishop and Presiding Eiders, which I Harness Leather ect., were very satisfactory, and there is ! Which they after to exchanga for A NEW STK.1UB S, PATENT great promise for the future welfare, in in and other produce, UNDEtUlUNNEH and prosjperity of our Dixie lhno'.van Utah Apl 20 1868. Kd 3 a, ik incuts. President Snow entered largely infiTil the latest improvments. and ! re prepared to turn out a first to a discussion of the Merchandizing setnrticle of q tics' ion, and culled upon all the tlements to organize cooperative a:so ciaiions. nnd where there were settleAT ments that have not sufficient capital 4 scheme the into by lheir.selvesf to 'enter TtaUnJertigiivd is happy to announce to the Citizer.s of Proir.p'ly attended to let two or more such jin together, J. Gatxs, a Go , Southern Utah and Northern Arizona Proprietors and so enjoy tbo profits of their own that he has a geberal Slock of means, after singing by tbo brethren, Fencing aui gymnastic (he meeting was dismissed by Elder Vy G. A. Burgon. DRY GOODS. - runner XL cf May. I respectful! solicit the patronage the citizens of Dixie and adjacent- Harness, It was thought 'that the Mountain a new STRAUB'S P iTENT under Saovr, 1 pro- it up in Pa rowan, and be ready pjaepuiii.-.to rece.vo wool ami deliver rolls by the 1st Mules, 3 teams and ou.fii. have saw In successful operation at 1 - DIXIE ; h; paddock. Boot and Shoe Shebang TzACKsae Answers to Correspondence and ycung folks corner crowded ou er Loce of Ccul Creek Mill. CROSBY & CLARK, Turners and Curriers, St. Gfiorge, Utah. wC B. Woo!ey. Itf A. F. HARnv . running the clove business on tho ,'S trier.f'.i old ar.d new. r.uu! mi, nd we will pii &a Stt:" A igu of OH Boji. Old slots IS - high-pressu- char : re i Lj'.o i.uv A |