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Show s s hi WC. -- - -L- casta JI lUCjm.3 iwsn and Jail hie.d homeward, twenty banners with mottoes, marched ;l an end With regret that We have been iudaced for. seveal 1 Rt Jund of mul;c frbm' Prof. Thomas many. looking back reasons fo make a slight change ixi ljjrafS an( Oapt Barlow's Martial he dy had not been long r the title veljkadi Halting in front of Pfest;;E. Messrs Birch aud Morris are entitled paper: first' to the casual observers, and the .rest-o- I gaor. Mansion; A n appropriate o the thanks of the children for their ' mankind,' an idea of our locality, at a I unusual liberality iu getting nap tpd prayer was made by' Brother O rtori. I and providing many of the prizes paid ghnee. Song well executed by the Sunday Many peeple at. a distance; ihUh fichoolled by Bro. Morris. .Music by hem. out of their own means. The JHariial juveniles 1 in num the idea of ohr paper coming from) Band. Miss Annie'Birch, was crown-som- e of the slates, lajejn- - rebellion: I of er. under Jakey Gates, performed is with a diadem of. rspa-Que- en a spirited manner, Ploying their part We like to have ear locality, appear May', --by G.G. R. 8.' msater of o admiration. B snd distinct. IS PUBLISHED, by mony, 'assisted by lady attendants; I : v then followed a short, address; com ' THE EIO ST. GEORGE UTAH. young lady, Sons; by (lit G0nf9r3r.ce yntGIIV, HcMUt.u, andchoiu.by the multitude I whoso waters ado, Proat. Sno. I MAY 13, 1868 e WEDNESDAY, Rep by G. A. Burgon. istoOie gulf of California, and "'Tpr.ttey. R.m.rl. by dBro- - Bireh,-- U.y .oi? by Siatcr Friday May 1st 1861, 10 a u. up M4b 3t.iia.ra, Big.bl.for s TERMS: junction of the Rio Virgen, about 100 Thomas, music and marpn around Pub-milePresent; upon the stand. I 3 Per Fear, $5.00 j Months, $.00 south of this pl&oe 8t. George, lie Square. Teams being ready the Prest. E. Snow of the twelve; 26 3.00 ( Single Copies, 6 Months, i situated at the confluence of the Santa-- 1 whole the to play Henry Kerrim&n. J. Gates of the firs parly adjourned I tl and Rio Clara, : Bates of AdVaYtising: Virgen 350 miles south ground. We went of course, and seven Presidents of the ScYcntisi, A "square is the space that 10 lines of of Salt Lake City and outside of thorim.i preparations quite complete Elder J. W. Young The High Council, type, tU site, will occupy, of the Great Basin. YhmuV to the liberality, energy, acti Bishops, end Presiding Rlders of th l square or leas; one insertion, $200 and aaistants Sttke. Kach qubsequeut insertion, ; Gamb To Govhbshcx We were)1vitv v, of . Marshal Birch, Meeting called to . order, by Pres pleased, toaee ihe entrance of our I Moms, Sangiovanni, Miles, Sanctum lightened by the entrance nflBurgon, Fickttt, Marlin; Lloyd and a idept E. Snow. Wild Flowkbs. Delicate, beautiful our old friend Henry Lunt, Bihop of koat 0f others who assisted in varioua Choir. Sang; Praise ye the Lord. . lookrd Ordar who. Ward, b. their lift blooming fragrant, lovely! They IUr Wuabiwy .hundred Trayer, by Bp William Snow. , heads, and expai d their petals, every cheerful and smiling as tho there wa . waJ, ne--a c ear co Singing by the Choir. . ,in the deli not a Bnsshnpper, within a thousand or W0 fc lpng where, on theandmountain 1 in the gorges, on the miles. The Bishop enj)yvd his visit as I on the slopes, On a grass flat, just below President E. Snow in his rpeaing spring. I desert sands, and over the obdurate plains wt il as his talented and agreeable corps was t n &mpls Gytrnasium provided, remarks said he felt sorry for the very of clay, among the green pinss and ol Sweet Hrre" tht came down to undf , the dires j0B if poof Marlin. unfavorable state' of the weather but tni under the sedge, urban 1 the sea, hear, and be We heard. are always scores, and the crumbling a swing with wculd endvavor to have the Bowery to see the and his fri On the other side was the over pleaiad Bishop bubbling hanging end ihimk him for the effort he broad powers of vibra'ion, and at the made as comfortable as possible. rpring and adorning the rippling brook ends, let, dotting the side of the broad Virgin has made to get the very few Subscri- - bottom the celebrated Grcascd Polo? Tl.cre was one thing which he regret lhiiiif,r',T rMilt trust he wih nse further efforfs until "with open play and race ground-i- ; the ted, namely, on bis return trip from Ciura.-O- n the cliff aboveus, and in the was the and that center, day the City,1 he met .quite a number nf dolightfull, County will show a respectible, vales beneath, nml so hoar our cottage a soil well to avoid dust, by teams going nortli from these that the morning breezd and evening aye; generous list, snd thiu have prepared , the of credit to to our latnahHnh the sev&ral days previous rains. It was a assisting spehyra waft their sweetness semo of the Brethren (aki&''O Pioneer the flowers Press heart in cheering Southern Utah carnival of amusements, whhout unabound, tice, their families with them. Although -- emblems of purity fit to' strew the Thanks Bishop, keep doing and let us. r or serious accident. 'cradle of thonew born. infant -- symbols hear from this might be expected morn or less, generous strife often. you , witb of beauty to grace rare garland amusements consisted cf swings t was ever a causo of regret to him I a bridal, and tokens of the fruity pf jThe GO Slow. We advise, lawyers blind wheel barrow races, o see it, as generally these brethren all tbirgs earthly os tboir . withered erymnsitics, potal garnish the bier, and ai e strewed an d business men. who come among sack races, oiimbirg greased . pole did not benefit themselves, over the shrouded remains of. a dear us, to attend to important s foot wishing they had staid at home, d:v lost. 10 gs slow; not on the business so foot races, jumping, darning,' lie wished all both young rud old to 01 the wild flowers lovely every where much as on the and ball an 1 an endless variety ofgnines blooming unostentatiously, in the r the purchase of unnecessary articles intrcduoi d to amuse the children, who remain at home, sad build up the setquiet and lone rctreat-givi- sg put their of a gentleueni ward robe at princely wor near ICC in the eourseof tlements around, attending to their prizes, a ir tv frngar.ee, to the breath: if F. F. Vs should figures, generous own du ies snd fulfilling tha misson po return for the richest remember their failings and the old the day, vary irg in value frem 25 cen'a to 5 dollars,, but .the most assigned to tbtfro. He gave a. report peri umes, that flowers can ei!d, as - dige.- - Business before ha! ha! hi!. ibty waste their sweetness on the amusing thing of all was the flow inulr from .the General Ci nreiei ce, .which desert aii . There is a cheapness, t race Prest. Snow anJ Frank Woolley hie had just attended in S. L. City. t flowers, ) rauty, freslrchnstenessi Conference, .Qur semi annual riders, both deserve to have .won, for Spoke upon-thcoming immigratiou wiki he flowers plant'd and reared Conferunce went off in a pleasant manand urged the saints to exert them by tbe hand of nature that no art can ner,1 altho the" weather was "rather their ingenuity and industry and . their xssl else stormy and cool, attendance was g'od skill in making the fastest mhlo the selves to the utmost in the great work, pftce can fill and much valuable instructions and slowed. At 1 0 clock an extensive coirnrudid them for the. efforts they In these our mountain deserts we ccnniel. giren- - Oar space it . too .mail was .pnad, tai meni .tlicop had already made. find a rare , collection, that prinees fjr tbe ,,b,,le 1... ireik.' The Choir seiig, How Beanteous wilh bushcU' 6f brtftlr ? might envy. The Sim Snow-whit- e Cholic-shaped.iura-th- e drc.;for those who had' not provided, are their feet, and the meeting was huge lilly scented jucca-:-he Ov Tuesday the. & inet, a great part And a well relished dinner, Swas enjoy- - dit misted by Elder J. Gates. many lifted ptnslencn. from white to sc.r-leta- nd ofoir Ciiizens. ypung, old, and mid ed 2. P. M. by old and young. Peace, order :'V K'I dark purple, -- the horny-scent- ed dle sged, in wagons, carriages; and'on and good will prevailed the entire day: Bing'ng. Prayer'by Elder H. Burgess ftdronia-i- he Lclphinum with, its white The gaudy sat Im foot, went but 'to ihe play ground, ihe .children enjoyed themselves i Singing,, y , all abonVff Cactus-thof miles seemed north. this City , snd their nmosl caps city, (and e cf the Elder j: Y. Ynuiig f9u thankful for modest daisy-t- he spraf!if.gphrple verbena. The Itmon spent the day in relaxation: frem toil, children.) ' The days amusements the privilege :cf. mcetirg with ihe j tin'ed Kschscoltzia-th- e wax.lihe Phlok in mirth, snd festivity. At 8 b clock closed with a grand fight for a Can- saints in this place, and urged the ne, the twilight expanding white and yeliide a on. beat 10 and drams the the a sp-non? u fifty yards soin cessity of fai'hf illness in iprayer both low Primrose-ti- le jewe- ;ctaari scarlet shrill notes of the bugle was heard, cannon on wheels, half way betwen, private and in the family circle. Said shaptd Columbine-ti- e Malva-th- e: delieae Sweet Pea-t- he roscy cheeked girls, of varied; ages, at sound of the bugle both' parties that if the,' saints were, not : enjoying , xn&ny flowered Lupin of deep azure; and sizes, adorned' with girlands and rushed forward the 'weapons cn one the blessings of the gospel toe's ful1 the lovely purple Mirabilis j .Iapa the and on of woj1 were of ; ecot, bags an extent, as .ahcy have in days nosegays, rqses and wild flowers; tide thn golden Chrysanlhemum-th- e '.pas', ' bright and in there best; decked in :he other, bags of wool r.nd flour. The iris like boys that acknowledging orange Butterfly weed, the cluutering they flower of the long pendulous -- leave a b'oom filled lift etreeta, older; ones, captains on the respective' sides were have not as much faith now as then Catalpa-tl- ie rose, . dandelions aud parents, and friends,, scon following 'Jos. Jnddsnd James Pt arcs, the battle It is a common for men to beihcuar.d 'others as yet nameliss flow- until around the IIsll the scene was was hot and furious, consuming about come habituatedthing to the enjoyments of ers, i.i grand profusina abound exwas with with sad 30 muni'es. beantj, bustling excessively gorgeous life, so as to scarcely , notice them, io IVrATHER. We bare been enjoying life and sweet with the purfurae of citing to lookers .on. Pearce and phrty it is with the blessings and privileges genial show era about 'nnce.a wtek flowers.. The Marshal with his as exhibited the most generalship Tin qfjthc gospel, the force of habil beVegatnlion never looked be t r, tl o sislants, was on the gronnd &td form itratage'ic manauvre csiried the can- comes too ttrong wiih many cf the we hsve had s me . high' wtuds, thai march. clock and nine At won the prize of ss rats, that 0 non fo theirgoil have rsther 'Uaiglcd7; the grade vines ed lines for. eventually they are 2c:s hundred amid three the cf about a of f $iO,CO, andcarried away seme ryit frem the pupils prolonged cheering dilligent In pr..yer and fsithfulne?!. mbs u6j ovfr burden brahehes. such a pu!l fl.Mr day and other School with about j ihou.nuJ voices. Well the fuu cam and so do rot v Change ,of nasno. C of-ou- : -- 'PEOEa I8MSIHTI cere-mark- . , i '.-"- ,if ed . Minute; nr p, .il 1 H , . - 1' it ft 1 Tst iff ltt ! ' t s . V i. i r . . . ot-fl.i- ; time-darken- J rj, ed sand-ston- e, i n -'-- t-v- f : settle-ments- ; - r r l . but-returne- bu.-ines- . aqua-de-Morte- m -- mcr-j.ing-nsU- t V i ng . 1 n-Jul- eps b-ju- e aud-whos- e a-tbi- ng . tiV i" ; . : . i ,!i ; .y .. W-- il i I v . - - . and"'-blue.- - 4 . ; - ; n, , DP-colore- d . ril! V . i i i i I I l t . - - V Si. p W ?r w |