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Show 1-- ? .. . k -- 1 .k- , ,v .W.V ..., XX X -'- ' 1,' , -- ;, - .'? t t xX x; r v j: :i-;- ' i f -' ' - . - ,"! Gun has extensive., match works in v the cityr and gets up a first-ra- te article. He offers' .an antidote for V) has other raluahta articles, and besides, 'deals lnr a great variety of home produce . and manufaciures.'-Se- e his adv tel-bugs.- - ... ;:&. i k! 1 . A J' . rv Sax Dr. Cooksleys Eye In- i arylhesdvef firm at Provp ; The Doctor has tad ex-- ... I s - " - , h' h . c ,. - -- . . l : ; .know how.toi should, be jharncstwi beside n, one that 4s - kind, and" and' hitched to a lumber wagon, loaded not too heavy with woodsy anyth ing you wish tor anov., and then find- a. knoll where the sur--. ace is smooth and freo from stones, and the descent from oh. to ' two rods. . Drive the leaded wagon to'.tha top,. and .after stopping a fewmiautes command your horses to backpolling firm but steady on year lines. The wagon being in a position to start very 'easy, and : being loAded, will soonstop when it Is in motion, and ' ryour horse if the harness be good, will be 'Ti. down the hill, .i After .very likely hUL. down the & speak kindly to him. i getting to any whoa about Uio time you 'Erion eee the wagon is going to 'stop; i Patting .rii . him, and rubbing him over hiahead, repeat the golng np and down the billruntli he ' 1" knows, srnat backing means, and then backing the empty, wagon on a level 'T c ihereaeing the Joad by degrees, and you will ; ..Mm .be able to back all the load ; yon ' - well-broke- - 1 . - . to-bac- - . -- ;;' eem-lnenc- W : - forgetyour pelting and 'ought eailing-?hii.a . good fellow: and rubbing, ? ? 'using lum like pne. He will soon make . up his mind that he is such; and will be--. come your friend ai.d willing slave, Patxxmal Advice. 'Ven.ypn arrives aft r . ths dignity, of sawm Vood, Lafsyetts; it you is .elevated to thaC 'ere pnrfession, mind an always saw the bJggsstfast, Jcos J- yT 'Ton'll only have the litiJe .unxto saw van. you tuekersd out. Ten you eats gtt as yerf may if you lives 'to.be pi, a mahalwgye bat the CrUst fust, 9 f os the crust aint e rood tbfog to top up with if its tough.. and thick ias sole s jjjtfj Ice titer. Ten you piles, up wood hi ways always, put' the big one! ; to the' bottom tAfaycils. 'eos ltc mighty hard exercise to HZ lift edf to Ihe top ef the le, .These'ara ; ibe eaulte of hohtsrvatiqn, LiSfaystte, an may'- be depended on, an il'a all tot your DO npt tor. . a . . ; -- . se ' ' : - '.gpodsayit. tty, father', votd t. : i. norjnoaa 'sperleneo you Pust ahadl Hi '' OrThe spire of s fashionable churcfi is generally the inly thing cor nttlw with it that goes toward Heaven, , - Jr . . ' '" .' -- X- r . " 1 '.,' . - : . X ':.X X-' "' "& . - J. :. f . ' oRcti . hair generally BiUttiuEich which bulb or root has one hogs, dogs, goats, army .wagons, ambulan- it is nourished; when ces, forges, caissons,' gups, pistols, swords this root is destroyed by sickness, violence sabrs3, knappaeks, and many other, things or age, the hair dan never grawVgaln; this too numerous to specify. Indeed, it. Js the case when the scalp is shiny or glia- - would seem as though the debris of tb universe were emptied luto'lhe Federal When the eeelp is fnzzj, like the down Scientific American. letropolls; of e very young bird, it is from debility of occasioned . by severe or the Mill m toe Wont. ; Tst Laxoist in boast this ean of having within its;, Richmond the disease; case, hair protracted .with increat mill in the as limits the the lag profusion flouring largest grows recovers. ' To make hsir world. The erection of the mill was regu--.' grow on shining scalp is utterly impossible. But larly commenced in the year 1854. The; whatever gives activity to. the circulation superstructure retts upon a solid founds-- ; of the blood about the roots of the hair tlon of unite, the base of which is seven- will assist weak or fuzzy hair, The most teeu andgi a --half feet thick The width ta-- j pers to a thickness of six feet at the top; powerful and. Stfo stimulant i ef vinegar of cantharides, one ounce of the granite. The average thickness of; of cologne water, one .ounce of rose water, the .brick walls forming the first etoriee; to be ' rubbed in with a tooth brush gently above Canal street, ie three feet ten ir.hes and patiently, until the part is thoroughly The great mill ia twelve stories in height wetted and smarts a little to be repeated fronts ninety-si- x feet on CanSl street and; feet deep;. nundred and' sixty-fiv- e night and morning. II too powerful, dilute with water.. , The height Qf the front wall is 121 feet to; .course of . bricks. Including the; Age brings incnrable baldneev, sooner or later fto almost all; but the. gnat object of observatory, the total, height is 135 feet this .artijcle la to procrastinate incnrabla The rear wall,em bracing apart of the gran- -; 4 mlf !-- -- f'psrience indiseaseSof the Cyeand sbould beahW to relieve (hd afflictec),. goea . ,r fce fc. ; Cify i fs..Hooks JPimxAT, of a8alt into domestic xnanuiwture and products. ' .Keeps a, little of everything,, antf' withal, 'manufactures a hnt-ramatclu Bee his X.f in another column." r.adv. ' J ,TS V, :a How to Txach'a Hoasx To BAcxA correspondent of the .Rural Nwo Yorker weidd teach a hone to!hack in this wise.-A horse that' will net heck or don't X X" - - . O Xt .H .E ? A,n 'it a ?: - k X :-- . m . - NiuLit V .' ". SofeiTUuia tbm vho lari fth , good thing! of this lift drop in at Grenigs c Dining Rooms on Main Street, Salt Lake' . The , refrigerating ia fiancee of hie ' Cly. . lee crssm these sultry days e anti be beaten, v and then hie etrawberfea and cream arede- -HclOU. ir - r. j X ..' '.X-X- r- :." by . : hair-bulb- s, - . j -- Hslf-aii-pun- ce . is-on- i . . . - the-to- baldness and td prevent the premature loss or thinning ofthe haiy; first, by avoiding the causes; second, by proper attention to promoting the growth of tbs hair. The ancient Romans seldom ' wore anything on the head, And a case of baldness was rare. , Baldneee is very nnfrequent among the are habitually, un. Indians; 'thslr ?'-heads - ite foundation; it 147 feet. Each floor con- -i tains about 14,560 superficial ftet; tnclu- -i ding the floors in the roof the total; would; be .about 150, DUO square feet; or 'rather; lf more than three acres.' The available space within - the walls of this building is about SOO,OCO square.feet. Wt have no positive information as to this cost of this immense structure, but presume th lt the eum will notfall short of $130,X100 Several mocths will yet elapse before the machinery will be ready to be put in ops- -: ration. I Richmond, Va., Whig. JSTThe salt works worked by the 8tatd ef AJ ab&mx.produce two thousand bushel of salt daily. -- and-a-ha- ceverad.1 Baldness among women Is very mueh rarer .than among;, men.. .Womens baldV.-- - ness ia about the temples,, that of men on the top .of the head., it .may be then inferred that the cause of bakfne is is keeping i' the htad ceverad and heated. The top. of thoeadia moat' profusely grow Supplied with'bIood-vessels,yetmbald there first, by keeping the head teo dlklak v m Ti . en ka.KAu J bfildneas, first, kee;ip a clean scalp; second, never wear, the he;lr on s stran, or aganst tho direction of its growth; third never ap or pure water; ply any to it but eoap-sua- a a 4- 1 Corner; Toting Folks p ! .- ,. iU to ilafttit irlcliil Xaig-- u, dspartixat ia CkinlWhCrautriBii Kiddie, Rikiiw, and QnaaUaaa and Anawer, npoa aciantifla lit? Wi and Hmar. Jaata; alaa Anaadataa, Itotrj, ' ...The foliewing have been received fYom T this Au-Cran- fourth, wear loose-fittin- g, soft', hats; Tilth 1st men aud childern always; wear their hair very shoH, and both men and women ahouli brsah tho hair a great daalf using coarse eoamb, which 'should' touch only-- a tbs scalp only in tbs slightest mahnsr pos- William Halls: sible. Halls Journal. ' rr : . . '. 7' No. 1. love first can't a whose Tour "friend? fail, - WoKnxarvL Sights ik Waihivstok. Yqur seconds a ship" on seas to sail; Wo recently spent a day in Washington, Unite the two, then will be found D. C., and were struck with the Friendship. There's music in the sound. of charactere. which medley prchent i O'.J ' J- - ' i : No. 2. nsiy themselves on fthe publie 'thoroughfares. from If teagus and. plagns .There ere statesmen I?), foreign ministers, You outleague, letters off two office-holattaches, politicians, civilians, find a disease Youll ereoffice-eeekeradmirals; commodores, That is known as sguew . - surgeons, ' majors lieutenants, captains,. vNOh'S.-.... robust in ' soldiers y many sutlers, pedlers; some on crutches; some with oiie It is very easy I am sure. health; one leg or one eye; a few armless, To see ' r, make .few, fewer. ' arm, or number bearIcglesS, and eyeless; a large No. 4. . severe of disease, and just, ing marks ah is kitchen a utensil I know, crawling out from the dismal hospital to P offensive rrows when shot from a' bow; A some borne theie the sun; bask in along by horses do oap very well to ride, comrades to the railroad cars,'wiih visions R oft in the Oars dip tilyery tide.. ' their homes of happy dancing- through' is destruction 'off every hand, '' W,ar sentinel others patrollingminds;? thq down-'thA nna Is the nicest girl in tnc land. .Weary beat; others .galloping fate of nations depended If sws the present time yon see, . avenuea as jf the each of fleotnosa troopers steed; V. Parowans the town feu be. npon'the others jnarefiing ,to? and fro, to take the Let us see ethers follow this exampre,and is to them a post of post of duty, wmch solutions for publication, Ed. danger, Besides all these unukpal sights. forward female countless ;maleand there ars No. 5, Ogden; No. 6,.The Moon.' No. trabands, contmeUn gamblers and mnle that TrLadys Slipper,. 10 No. 8. Postman. .. No. tebanke; horshs, Dowdi bp. No resemble thQse aniouils; then there are 9, -- Annvui. ; i -- . ' d- e, - . e-- . - . . - e . - f ..- -- -- -e. . eltodWVSNl - |