OCR Text |
Show -horsemen arrived at tha scene of murder Salt Greek just as the Indians .were' leaving:, they Moroni' - - hitched in their horse v took the dead blount Pleasant broken mail and ooach to bodies, Springtooti - ' welPs station,' 'where they arrived aboSr North Bend - 12 oclock. Col. Rockwell stated for Ephraim i Mann - the city with the .same at i. . Tjha In-- (jumiiaon' - the ' wefct side. .Clover Creek started away round dions ' ' ' Ro. i . of the lake. - : v Preraiusna fubluh.ti thsjlrtt and third Tuesday ini $4 Pitchforth. - Rl Luyllyn. . Candland. - K. N. Allred. - I . - Bishop. , . roterson. - John j MiUetS J Cairter. . hVT. . ; JvRccsc.. , Coalville Round Valley. - - Bisbop. - - - Bishop.. Beaver Fillmore - - - - 'JLV Callistcr. - - T. lltfliingsHead. larQwah - - Bishop. Cadtr City.. r1 S. B. Johnson. Virgin City --' Crawford. Washington Si. George - - - Postmaster. ' Bishops or Postmasters, are requested te act as agents where no name is-- ' given, and we heps that they will , in all eases, assist in extending tho circulation Of the peoples paper- the Farmer Oracle i . . .. . We are growing many fine varieties of each' month. ' new and very flowers this . Pctlhh. JOHNSON, ?Ebito also dahlias, cranberries, peaWB.JOHNSaw ! ': Pomito. beautiful, sweet nuts; potatoes, chufaus (earth StfBSCBimOX, Mr Aim other diica s6rts,.and soina and IrnurMk t JMT:11b, AVZTHXXKTS,' 10 Mm. A &rliNNii U libanl new vegetablerantfllowering tubers and m4 Aapovta ii ill OMtiaj XitiM, Bjauial MiBlUMtvriBK j; iraltnl, mad UWrirj SitiJ M :2 bulbs,:' of which' W will publish $ list fate iiHbMjrllkNl uui'' ' :.s- r 44nm4 ta thi Xdltor, late in thb autumn. autW lUOmwfnliili m - V. aptiac Uk JAUa t . ,. From this list we will giro any selec- -. : .. .1, j Kwzizrj j, ' tion, fO' the amount below stated, for 'and TlmlioirTrees Vf'vlfuts the greatcirtnumber of responsible new s i iJjB if 4; Jl .To'Accnts. alittle V Wehaynbeen'experimenting subscribers, handed in by the middle of " ,"L ,lh. the way Intro drioi ng o ur Leaf tim-'The price of the Oracle is placed at pf bto .Wnd nut bearing tree' and' shrubs v"; y:z i!Any person sending tho cash, yet, in order to extend its useful- GG Greatest names of number success. $10 fiur with the f rtim ness we expect to tako of farmers and : Easty do- 2ud.;4 do. 5 00 mechanics the the and wall, looking products of their labor, a ' .bkyenow growing do;1? 3 00 Srd'1 do.! ' butternut; chestnut, elm hickory nut, 4th. vdo. do. 2 00 a cash price. Qn account of, a lack' of v- hlack 1 00 a light cirlulating medium, we have do. ' " Vslnuty honey locust and buckeye, bth.' "do.sv. , 5'1 besides some'. other? minor sorts. '?;We 7 Notice will he given as to who is many disadvantages tblabor under, yet tivhaTe iala o filb erts '.almon&, peanuts, the premiums and articles. 'sent we wish to make it its easy for. oar; pato ; i'ehufauf, Ac ? With alittleattantion, on -- special order after tho first day of trons as possible,1 and therefbTO propose, vpatlence,1 anda: small ; outlay for seed, January. to take in payment fdr; subscriptions,'' in a Jfew years, ' hate plenty jof we,may. delivered hero, or to oWagents, viz.: i. nut also timber for, axe helves; ox bows Agents for tlie Farmers Oracle Wool Rolls, in order, $1 00 W. ft. r r and' Other necessary articles. ri Timber 50 Raw Gotton, clean, ' t aesds should be, ordered at once, iso as to We publish for the information of all, 'Good e SO 1 . sans .V yd; J the list; of agents to Tccelva - ' Do. 1 .dorFlannel1 ;f;t- he in tune, to plant the coming fall. ,The and. following f forward names and', subscriptions vnts fchd hard seode. should be soaked in Leather, Boots or Shoes, cash price. ater from four to' iLs days before for OUr paper; Man j oi .the subjoined Wheat, delivered here, at Siilt Lake 4 J warn haVe evinced their interest by. their g be vrould City,r or ''intermediate', points, two far plasting. Nuts for seed to eiEoris obtain a bat bushels, aubsoribers, per. volume. .Delivered (o mor invaluable and safe to Jake them it : r our few are nominated canand if only agents in Cache valley or. San- they j "ttiepsribd of dropping, apa eo jered Vrith not attend we to sewill . t it, hope they buthels. pete, two moss "or moist leaves, then echtf through lect some stirring fHcwthat eon, and If grain is to ba tho pay, we shall ex'in the vrinter in sealed bans, surrounded 'will; pect those who hove' if to pay; srhen t njbyjmOss, 'and not allowed to dry. -. Cache H. J. hlartineau. county called upon, and others punctually soon iujthaystjrie.' the neednosoa- - - A. Quigley. Brigham city.. V ing, and. they are euro ter grow. The Ogden- 4; Samuel Eggleston. after harvest. Of , merchants and busi-- J. Ra elm should bo planted at KaysVillo. Bames. ,i. ness men, whot have it, we expect ,money f seed of Is r i,j , i"-- ' r Tarmingtbxr once or merchandize, and thus we expeefc to H.W,Miller. in moist ground. a -- W. Reese. Centreville be satisfied when a man pays as godd Sessions settlement Bishop, as hie has, and let .him ; read the Oracle Outrage. ; rindiut; G; S. 11, City ?; - Geo;' Goddard. v W., f I ;J D T. LeBaron. as long as he likes. On Wednesday lasias themail coach -- ; - T3. If. Green. Tooele Those living in tho eottoa region are rom the West neared the ' crossing of Cotton eouhty- Milo Andrus, : .food desired to pay their subscriptions in cot the. Jordan:-- about 24.' miles from Salt S ort Union - , Bishop. , - ... V - ,. It&ao Goodwin. tony or some other commodity of easy .i Lake OUy,Aa band! of i20'or 30armed- Lehi-.-t; American a R.,1 i"- i.Fork Steele, v ., ;; transportation. 77:' Vies snddenlj attacked the coach, kil- Pleasant Grove A. Harris. city .Q.lL 'ling, the driver and the only passenger. Provo H; L. Southworth. were then robbed of their clo thinen Provo Valley !tfcey Our . First Exchange. Wm. Wall; . ' ' 'V'' ..i , ' W; Mendendhall. other valuables, and their scalps Springville - The last mail brought us our first ex Fork Thos. Day. takeni'r Three horses were killed and the Spanish Pond Townt- - - - W. T. Dennis. change1 the Deseret Newt, with a neighothers taken nw iyi o The coach was much .Goshen . . ? - -- .' Bishop. borly, ayemore ! 'a friendly notice, all - - J. T. Hardy. cut np indf the mail, scattered. 3 Two Payson - of which we hope- our little, paper will : . aeason-r-som. . . e , s . W.-1)- U -- -1 ; - - - rI . U. V. Bradly. . ; . . : . . 1 ' - ! r:-- HC1 V jvivt--- ( i ; , . " v-' 1 . ! ; : - : - f ; si . . r. ep-titl- ed i. i ' 4 -- i . . .? : . ! : : - yard-widy - ; : ; I.: wil-lin- . V-- - and-a-h- alf -- ; r- Be-i..,cei- ,- -- . ' ' 2, A; -- . J T V. - ' ! -- . ? -- I , . -:;- : 1 ' - - . - ; - f'VS'J-f-f ITf ; - '...v v - . - - . : - |