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Show . 7. ", . . iJj.lA. u. s'v- I. m ' .1 . J ; TH1 FAR :Tor tha Tuair'i Omli MAY AND. FLOWERS. AMlCCZ. 4 x Tie Mooning May, mJ alt is lf, , Aad blushing tom snower; most ran, though ssrtn aid air Firfiwi Distillsd from leaf ad Sowar. Aad daiaiaa white oft eet tha light, Aa o or aaoh vale you ramble; hill O'er field and doll aad verdant Sweet bloom wheae'er yea aerambla. the lawn At morning'! dawn upon The dawdrope gleam moat brightly. Lika Jewole fair an gama moat rare They danee and eparkie lightly. O'er mountain aide white lilies hide. And giliaa bright are blooming: Fenatamona rare areF gleami ng there. The mountain breeaa perfuming.,. The e actus too, with bloom e'er hew, and glowing. Like Still higher even m evergreen . Amid the anewdheapa. growing. Then hail to llaji Queen Floras day. Aad June, the month of roaea! To beauty hail! 'through I'M'a vale. That each bright day discloses. Utah county. May 28, 1863? For the Farmer Oracle. l 1 c 4-- .. i " .. 10 Corner. Housewife the yarn clekhabd Cox.oBiNO.-t-Wa- sh . nice, boil in Strong alum water, thaa dry in the sun a dsy, but dont Tinse it. j.Negt day boil In good madder, and soap over -- .after whieh wash.lt night;jthen dry again, 'red. and you will pave a- brilliant-blighWhen you want to color a bright green, in alum water thej same you must boil j having every tiling .very cleans then way, boil in' the kettle some good stroag black anoJ'pht.lB hickory bark take out the bark after-dry-. the ; yarn, bil thirty minutes; ing, wash the V am then make sonie blue a dye in the irtnal way frpm indfgo 1land ' email bitsof madder. : . , Egg Sauce. Boil a couple' of eggs bard End when , they are Quite gold cat the whites and yolks , separately; mig ' them a not tnreen, and pour well, pnt them-inton them a Quarter-piof .melted batter; - . On Friday, February 22, 1732, George freeWashington, the father .of' American - ' ' dom, was born. On Friday, October, 7, 1777, the AurrcB-d- er of Saratoga was made,- - Which had inch France to power and influence aeclare for our caus.e . g On Friday-- September 22, 1750, thetm-sonlo- f Arnold. wa laid bare, which saved , ucrom destruction. . L S: M B R S On 'Frr'iday, September 7,1563, MsltnHez founded St. Augustine, the oldest town in the United States, by more than forty T.-J years On Friday. November 1.0, 1620, the Mayflower, with tin. pilgrims,, made the harboj! of Princetown, and on the same' day they signed thQ august compact; the forernnneh . odour present glorious Constitution. On Friday, December 22, 1620, the pilgrims made their final landing at Plymouth ' Rock: -- 1 . On Friday, October IQ, 1711 , the surrender of Yorlctown, the crowning 'glory, of the American arms, occurred. On Friday, July 1, 1776, the motion was PARODY ON HAMLF.TS SOLILOQUY made in Congress by. John Adams, seconded by Richard Henry Lee, that the united OF TO BE, OR NOT TO BE. colonies were, and of right ought te be, free - t . - ) . r . o nt s tirend' serve, . immediately.'! r ..f f:- - . To PaxsEvK Ukxzlted Labd vox'isakt Moxths Rub fin salt upon It when it is. ' first taken from .the pig, .'aad leave 'it a couple of days; it rhould i th?n : be well f To plant, or hot to plant?! That 1 tha question! Independent. jmd drained, and covetei with a etrngbrlne: ' Whether 'tie better for us to suffer this. In warm weathuf should be, changed various of of want fraite kinds; The How to Imsuke Success word oeeasioneliy. When wanted for use, lay Or taka np arms against a crowd pf excuses. t. A kind, the The apple, peer. And, by planting, conquer them? the two or three hoars, then goes a great way ' some imes, and so1 does It Ik ;cold water forhare-quitvisa. Aad mere! .The plam, the peaeh, the effect .of an opposite one. It would bp a nice prob- dry it, end;t will The apricot and tha ehoieast fruit of every kind. Flower too, fragrant aad bountiful.-- - Tis a condition lem to solve,- which goes the farther, an (he fresh lef when made iate paste. !.V to To Of thiugs much to bo desired! dig, plant. one. nr an To pruuo: tho seaaoa comes of fruit. Thera a the reward. amiable thlvg-eaidand well-- -, Potted Jd eats. Any. . To cultivate these valleys make shorn fruitful, and It and Cast. bread the 'waters, upon thy a "Blossom ns tho roan,' is delightful ocoupatioa.aud and" of skin roasted free, meat, fat, gristle,' shall return to. thee after many days is no Must give aa Joy. A glorious prospect! answer as from will as well odtsi&ep, dry A mighty work for as doubt however in both true instanced; for, ! meat the for Why; thereforsjuffer mouths sud yesrs of our time Thoroughly potting-pound nave trifling may be the petulant word you To roll by unimproved? Opportunities, given then free until is it from, lamps,. entirely re. For our good, to peas by, unregarded? not never dream that it wijl spoken, accordadd cold fresh butter.'in 1 ndoloacc of disposition to make ns poor r .quantity turn to yon in a more or. less mischievous v, Wken tha slemonU around us wn could take,. ing to thQ nature of the And for ourselves aad families happy hoi ightmake shape before long. ' In a similar manner, beef jneedin g more, than fresh meat, dri a?i . .By our Industry? Then, without the pleasant obeenratio'n you may-- have salted Betas prepare ear gardens of So in aad fruit, that and add pepand pound them mix 'A slur exertions for a Dome of happiasso aad life even upon stranger; per and spice to carelessly bestowed', j' taste; ciphers Xey make as more thaa mere also brings forth Its fruit. ... f I' 7? Os the pages af time! W must improve! 'j Kind words are cheap. They post nothTo soaks oar homos happy, wise aad beautiful a. quart ef eranner Stew Roua. Fuurr ' Xa Eden. Tha whales about as to make It of ! .And yet, rias applea er any other .kind 66 fruit 'in ing bat an effort af Means and opportunities surround ns all. I the 1 we long to enjoy this heppv atate of ehikre, in this selfish , light just water enough to keep them from burn- . viewing We mnat not waste away ia slothfulnss t Lila thoughts; alone, make it very swdet, straight Andket ' they pay better, a thousand times For certainly we live ia a day of great motpent. the use bf indifferent ones. We lag; than it away to) cool; whep qnite rold mslte a element over,' of be the life wt mutt doing, gathering Whoa t To live like men of God. are all fallible. When others speak hand- paste aa for apple pudding,'8preEd ; the H.W. JIJlKX. Fuyaed, May , 180. somely of qe,lt is impossible to avoid feel- frail aboaf;.' an inch, thick, roljLvit np in a ing grateful. To school your; temper- and flouted jcloth and tie.it close at the, ends; speech, then, into the habit of always speak- boil ititwo hoars, and serfs with sweet ing well of other people, and never speaking sauce. "'3 j. t .; i j -- ; ill even of enemies, is one of the most imTo TaMe JUtst our- of? Stxii Rnb , Somethino aioutFbidat. Americans, portant of all roles in life; tending to both well and let the remaih oil, pll vithmet ' I New .and. material prosperity at any rate, Lave a 6 reason to lie afraid of moral : " upou thejn ' for f. York Mercuty. ' 'Thp . ' leather with with rub us Timbs this Hr. sprinkled lupnlackd gives .Friday. all. di rust fine the until y powdered, Lakseet Factoky in ,th W oeld The lime, logae of fortunate circumstances occurring appears, are of Pacific; ? en the Lawrence, Mills, Mass., that day: -or the world, giving em.,. Sweet ArrUC PoopiM: runs pint On Friday, August 21,1402, Christopher most extensive-i; half-pimilk,-onof to scalded over Indian meal, furand 2,56(1 operatives, ployment Columbus Sailed ou.his voyage of discovonc of one of exclusive 0 molasses, teaspoon for teacbp nishing support nearly ery. i .The mill was built in 1854 salt,' six. pweet apples- , ciit Iq small .eliees. On Friday, October 12, 1492, he first dis- two people.after its !'5 Bake three hejiri. With and incorporation, years covered land. TC J of a kind The of $2,430,000.goods capital Boiled!. potatoes are nice .to cleanse the ; OfliFriday, January 4, 1493, he sailed .on manufactured, - delaines, are cashmeres, Ms return to Spain, whieh, if he had hot tbtey prevent chapping, end keep apd .print- lxwn.., The hands, ekin' and white. I. the rear had in safety; the- happy result never chaliis,is obtained, fromkoff water-wheelfive , wonld.have been, known which led to the power Iti the manufacturingturbine a ia faded; jf .there is no carpet department, discovery of this vast continent rease io it, it. may be rejtered.ly dipping Is 600 feet in length, there are 62, Oa Friday, March 1$, 1493, he arrived at which s< and water.' 000 spindles' in 'operation, l,6Cp looms, fn strong ; . T 'f ry p. '.X Palos in safety. 'W 950 p,;' and women, tha avenge . Glass jvesaels of a operated by November 22, 1403, ho ar amount' cylindrical tofmmsy . week it be cut of per woolen a second yarn around them rived at Hiapanoiia, cn his voyage about 4,200 pounds,- - nod of wool 20,000 by ting J in spirits of turpentine and petting to America. dipped pbiinos. all n which, when. manufactured, On Friday,' Jana 131494, he. though ... - The printto himself, discovered the continent makes 360.Q00 yards of goodsing department compriees sixteen machines : For choice .or cramp, beat the, white, of of America. : and 25,000,060 yards of goods are printed an egg.tp e;froth,add ajtexpbonful r fbrra-d- y; - On Friday, March 6, 1496, Henry Vlf. yoarly.-..a full of hot water, a little r of England, gave to John Cabjthis com ' a littl sweetening. ,J0 r t nutmeg mission led to the discovery o( IHGaribaldi Has x.eventen physicia"s " Gaon jsnd snj ch arc oa lx said ;to bejthr best North America. This is the first Ameri Incredible as it may sctci, lie was alive, a J ' 11 world Hr cleaning kuivef. can state papor ia England. thtar last dates. 7 . . e - - ill-natur- ed , te-d- er to-d- meat-4ham.an- d it-wel- l : - . - ' ."--t v"- - V'-, "I" self-contr- ol. . i ! - Gleanings - forty-eight'hour- . e. ... , . : - e nt 10,-00- . - 1 - . - s. . . )- - On!-Friday- i -. ?1 . ' , cotton-consume- -- ua-.know- n . irie-gla- ; - as ! . ' fc' t r - a tf - V. r: -- 77 TT- - . :u' Vlrf . 1. i |