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Show A ?n 18 v , '.n; VA - lH E A ll A 0 L M E R S V O R Weather Hints for Farmers. Sv I Ik following are extracts from Adml-- ' ;7'P ': A- ' More than usuaL twinkling of the stars, coat of manure, which is removed in the indistinctness orf apparent multiplication spring. The Onlturist. of the moons horns, halos, wind-dog- s' and the rainbow; are more''or less aiguifi- RnZiXs roa , Winnow FiiAinraractica w .Fitxroye Manual of Practical cant of not tells ths eys whether watering is required!. if rain. increasing wind,' were intended for the 'di The collar of the' plant shows it.,. Better .mate-o- f England, but are also of interest 7 Tbe knosk at the pot. If it sounds hoi still, . htre, as jBest Farm Team. a muffled telling the signs of the weather: low; nater, iff it gives Bound, ' . ' , Oxen are: good, and "so are horses; but donft-; ThsEhor dear or .eioady, a rosy day at. Watering when not required sours the - , A aickly-lockin- g, much depends hn on circumstances as to U tffinaet presages- lino weathertheir profitable use. In certain cases, eafeh earth, andthe fibres of the root will rot greenish hue, wind and rain. .. A is ' V Rcamur; it that wont do, repot. V ; j. Indian red rata. in . best. red, A;, dark,or iky' iv: Worse ban too often watering Si to? to is It the morning, bid. weather keep horses simply unprofitable wind;' for riding, when they are obliged to re- seldom watering. Once neglected; watef Sain. A .gray sky in the iiexhaps weather A idle much of the time; and-- , keep little .and often, until normal health is re- high dawn, wind. mainj, : oxen for doing the work of the farm. stored.. A low da wn,' falrwe zther. ' the. are warm the In oxen new a' surface or On a Si Soft looking or delicate cloud's foretell days. may appear rough farm, finer weather, .vwitti. mod erate" or' light best leam; on a small' and sasily, worked molstand therootbs dry,plhngeiu wafief. . .!' bf eases; hard-edgeoil Wpter. in the morning in preference, clouds, farm,; horses are the best.-i wind. A dark, gloomy, blue sky is windy, ; 'If a farm is so situated that much of the with tain or river water. as of does at distances such is watsr 'be the but a bright blue sky indicates fi.ee weather hauliiyg iet long equal temperature " '&: Small .. clouds foretell rain. carting hav, dressing or wood, horses can with the air. Keep the seil loose. used. with more profit than oxen.-'scud blonds T driving :aeroai heavy be ' Light' Cause or1 Sows .I)kstoviko tRKia If the slzC' of the farm renders it expedimasses; show wind and rain;, but if alone J A . correspondent of the ' Dollar Pia. ent one -to two 't'! for farmer the . . indicate teams, piy wind only. A keep may j From a number: of ox Is' better than Wiekly ATirror says: team the sun mpod horse team and an High upper clouds close I am' satisfied two or observation, horses t years oxen.' either of or stars,- in a direction.-differen-crossing from that' cause of. the all that ourloases ' of piinTa take feed to and well then-felcars of the lower clouds,, or .the wind It pays good of any team. ' being devoured bj the mother; is pigs by below, foretell a .change of triad .toward' h ; their direction. A team kept in good condition, .will eat lor the want ' of a proper nest at ; the time ; y y A, After fine, clear weather, the first signs' leas thsn one kept poor; at the same time of litterirg. lfdeprived of the means :to t In the sky of a- coming change are usually performing more Work and being1 better build a nest at Uiat time, they become enraged, and in their fury will destroy event, Uht : itieiki,- turli, wispi, or mottled in every respect. Maine Farmer. their own young. Any one that has ejrer. r: i patches of white distant clouds, whieh In- them at this time cannot misunrtasi and are fbllowed by a murky vapor TkANsnaimNo Eniauns. AJI bver- - watched Vderstand their , wants, as they will be some that grows Into cloudiness. This appear-- greess in a nursery should be transplanted a nest. It is then their time in aneot.more or less oily Or watery, as wind or throghly preparing In onoe as of ton should ' wants be supplied, by giving a plen:v.--' V .orjrata wlpwvalUia an Infallible sign. twos years until planted in iti final place. of soft litter. ty. the and distant bo Uaually,i tskea tp preernt the higberj more, Great care must i" such, deads seem tobe, the more gradual, roots from drying in the least wnilst pat of Tina to Cut Timseb. On' this' subject. but general, the coming change of weather 'the ground, ns the sap aoon hardena'and is ' wUl - prove. then impervions-t- moisture. Grouting the Wo. Beeka farmer and mechanic, who Light, delicate; quiet tintf orvcolors,witlr roots in a mortar, made by mixing clay with hits made ..observations the- last twenty soft, undefined forms of" clouds j' indicate water to a proper consistency for adhering, and accompany fine weather: but unusual should' always be practiced when trees are ye&f,.says in the Boston Caltitator:and sawed in or; gaudy- hues, with hard, definitely ou-- 1 id be packed for transportation, Mr' when "Most kinds' ef timber eut :.f';v lined .clouda,' fdretell rain and probably transplanting is done late in ths. sesson.. the inpnths of January, Febumry, March, VVJ t strong wind. Mulch tag thoroughly: to a foot or more September; and Oetober, are morp durable : . i ; the ends of the root , as soon as thanj when cut at any other season of the J i.X wind and rain coming if they beyond a heights show is Waiaut, if cut ia June, will not b planted against drought remain, ; increase, or. . descend. ' If: tlfty and, except id settled.wet weather, should yeaiv come wormeaten. There is. a difference in rise or disperse, tin,-- weather will improve nevsr be omitted . If the ground la very dry the samdlptmes ef trees; those thsf grow or become. jine. water at time of ; planting; never after v y stony land are more durable and--' sea-birWhen out - Some: treee are moderate killed by too harder than those tha grow on low lands. fly early, .j mulching. 17 Wind and fair .weather may be .expected. v At any liots from of use .water, When they hung about the land; or over it; fiequent To DrsTmor Lick on Catt le. Apply of the ground in spring to bursting sometimes flying Inland, expect a strong opening of the buds, is generally tae pest time for oil or gresce where the pary sites .. seem neck and shout ;Wtad with stormy we&ther. As many, crea-.tur- transplanting most varieties. If the. buds .the. most abundaub--th- e besides birds are affected by tne ap-- - are started much, great care is requisite in ders and aldnge the back. Almost any proach of rain or wind, such- indications handling them to guard against breaking kind ef oil will do, such as melted lard ot should not be' alighted by any observer who them off, and thus destroy the future sym- sperm oil- - This, it should be femembesd, wishes to foresee weather. Or compare Us metry of the- - tree, i If the weather is cloudy kills the lice by suffocation, as to stops np I' varUtw'nlA-- ,?vV transc and moist, evergreens sau be the spiracles throgh which they. breathe. There are other signs of a eoming change planted in June and July. , safely Some authorities. says water in wkiclr In the weather known less generally than potatoes have been boil' d, rubbed all over nar be desirable, and therefore worth the animal, will be effectual. ; YelloW onuff Dutch make Bans. Tan. Hpw Hyacinth loch as, when birds of .long flight-!-roo- ks, The Hollanders are fiunqus for bulb cul- will also anawer; The natural prevestieff Va wallow i, orj others, hang about ture. The used is composed of of parasites is through cleanliness.:- - Keep compost heme, ind fly np and down,- or low, rain or rotten cow dung, rotten leaves and fine the stables dean and well ventilated wash, wind may be expected, Alao when animals in the following proportions: One-slxt-h. brush; curry the animals frequently give seek sheUered plaoes, instead of spreading sand, : leaves, two-sixtrotteq pure sand, them sir and exercise keep healthy. over their nasal range s,.when pigs carry three-sixtrotten whole the be to dung, !' ntrawa to thdr atyea, when. smoko , from intermixed a considerable time - Pza Chsesk. For this purpose peas are .chimneys does sot ascend jreadily, or thoroughly befofe using The qualities of.thrn com- boiled into a thin paste, then passed thrq straight up during acalm, an unfavorable are retained for five or six years. The a sieve, and an acid added to the pea solupost .. . ;; ,s: change is probable. plant their Hyncinth Tu- tion, which i.be3omes curdled like sweet Dutch'always Dew is an Indication of foe weather, so ! The soAc., so as net for one sort milk after the action of rdnnet. Narcissi,' lips Is fog. Neither of these two formations to .the same bed two cheese consecin lid part is there. salted, pressed occupy years occur under an, overcast .:sky, or where Trenches are taste the the in and whieh t it utively. moulds; opensd gradually - r...:v: ..therola much 'wlndsi-i.r'i'- ; ' acquires ' ate bulbs covand then cheese.and" smell arranged of carefully Remarkable clearness !; of atmosphere ered; from three to five: inches. A little ear the horizon; distant' objects, such as pure sand is placed arpund ths bottom: of is the Raffia unusually visible or raised by refrao- - voung bulbs to prevent their cankering. ,s!aThE' largesta flower known hijl, on! the Island found Arnold!, ftion, and..what is called a good hearing .The later sorts are parasite, nearest the shr-fac- e of Java; The flower measures two .feet placed be my mentioned nong signs of to cause thenii to flower earlier. Ths across. The seeds are so , smallj as to be wet; if not wind; beds are covered in winter with a heavy dis?erniblo through the microscope. Dnlj t; ' ' ' 4 - ; ,5- - : - , J -- Meteo-r?Ugy,7,Ib- ?J -- . - . - . . ; - - ; - . or-mu- ch - j - -- . d,' . inky-looki- ng " : - t . - . - J tt - root-prune- d -- - : - sure-proteetro- . n . ...- on-high- , ? ds . , - i as . - - y-.- no-ti- J es; - -- - - . hs . 1-- - hs . . I .. - - 5 . -- . - : 1 -- I ft- -'j Vil - ' ' . |