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Show MUfli ' f 3 ip jo'.J Aarnf 7 " : 'if,t - ' 1 No.: ' " '- . r 4 y j- - - ? .yv . .! i SPRING LAKE - bear fruit 9 and reart the proudest stru durts of Earthy d : . - - ' s blooin-an- . . ;- 3: rkaJczs the Desert to bud of Industry ' . - . Udder and .Teats of C01V3. - -- 'J L..j!a3ggggssiagBeaBgaK - r TAH (XJUX'IYVUTAH, TCESlMYUE-io' .V--' . :., :' r. .j ! ILLA, I A - J - , . ) ' . ; - ' ' , vV-ifj.,A- !rt k rp C In aTecent case obstructor in; a cqi teat I fomented tho parts Mithonji .Inflammation of tliejudderosualljcoxi si on of lobelia, after which the tube sisks of tumefaction, offended with heat easily introduced!;' It often,. happens that a fungous or andpainj and generally sets in 'shortly after calling. The treatment of this af- -' warty extrctscenoe makes' its appearance ( destroyers had eaten off riearlyj, every V feet ion should be antiphlogistic- ;- Liit at the. end and centre of the teat, which r plants Not to.be Daffled, l again seles'' the animal hive n full dose of glauber obstructs the7 how of milk, and iaveryl ted my plants,. had .;them,w.et.tsd with.' cold adder. the and jvrater.to tothe salts, water, and wound hsmallpieoe o&. papep apply .'animal, annoying and painful -In this grate of the udder scarcely any This the stem of each plant, oommen- -; be should remoTcd.by aveijy milk ilpws, and ' whit comes is up sb u.v' knife, taking care to dissect-awayevery cing at the root slem'-ansome-.obntiro soon obstruction an and f to encIoBe' the all the bloody of the growth. ...Theparuisthjen ' takes place. Next, this udder jhardens in portion lower leaves ;t is Rosily done with the to bo sprinkled with .powdered a slight places, abscesses forui, and thon tho semilk tube, oiled, must nqw thumb and ojuo or inure quitt- sind hon bo introduced.' roll i 'two or three, times cretory functions oftbih ers is destroyed; animal now has A simple ubstruetion ip" the teats is J damp it.easilyre caiiis its positipn'.;: xla'f. .the garget,V and ten chances to one frequent! occasioned by an imperfect transplanting, let te.pappr. be coyard:; the part or parts are The union of the lining membrane. 4. his about with ; earth whils, it , .. . A. . i tube extends ope inch this.is. su5i ;h I cient to protect th stem where the at? . 0 ijjtack is .ulweys mae.': I weni lietiferdlii ! after the plants were set out to see how'-fr the paper. Not, consists of a.n , : Turners are occasionally found in meneement, wax coa dition ox tho tpftgt Mentis Tlisir pir6Mnec is ditcxiul&dd lunomqd the though J he&t, sA'diling, .andi bulfcons on:iirgemeht, ;'whieh: on sianipir. fi one! plant more or less feverish symptoms. ; This ini hundred showed the least tracu of ulationappears rorr evidenU '. Intrp- - theck disease should be attended-tio its eai-lC or. Maine farmer,-- , i, .! , V duca a itubo' smeared with iodine oiht- J L' staeanitbemiik 4ust bueracuatedviaejit. and '.repeat two br' The inflamed part must be. bathed sever- - three times: C.ii V? until the 'milt passbs x:i(ir.; daily . ir & J il '. raltimsg day with' cpld water, to which Ifreoly.' d read Mr. 6. Shepherds report .iipoa v . add.a .few drops of.aralca,'and ir tha'ifr 1 ha met with several nses of ,injt the 13 ok Eider. XT"w jf we are to :maka u part be very painful, in infusion to ihe teat in thi .form of, an inoi-b- o this ry tree notorious,! everybody muttons-si- st may be used, The animal must kf.pt j sron, whioh occurred accidentally n in rolling the ball; Itpox ths trou- lovv arc on; a very diet (Scalded shorts aniinal from tho ground; cut, 1 1: One messure or bo if Eod),-.nSki, boofj. If J ?1sf., 1 ,a2. ooh.tip.tioa !iins, ith it. jhat lL- " two years eld & 0 ' uld eivo oiie ti.. suppose t.i. j. und about one inch in . diams- 00ti..(,Tjhe ground about! the a rofmoiissesiand iteaspoouful' quantity measms I. thirty r three in of gingir.i lf th? chso is in the suppu- - tto tube until are united. brahohes tondfee of thirty rativo stage, and it in evidfcnt thatpw, teatst$wash Far sore w or .attor.;, i. in ,).a baS,:?t ,U j aBi oM.il, i with lime water and .insat m ahbnt five feet it )Tumen(.eS (0.. bronchi qua! parts. ' The first twoyf eet in jww wJ I seSnd one foot branch, cijcumferencej nartshrirn, ne dracbkn.. So suon as a Joinsht .i,FLrr. parts daily wrth an infusioja nine inches; tlnrd, branch, one foot sight. Boft spot oaa be detsolted, it sliofuM have fiowers fo one .six'. in- - '. inches; fc a freq opening r madp by- a lanoo:; tho tiiQu ft fobt matter squeezed out, hnd into the cavity use tho lime linijuCnt. dvp inchesf chesjififthbranchbna Geo seo .by.tms,. that it is quita. a will Ypu sOxho or fluctilro salt and water, syringe ' tree at sixteen y earsL rCcr.Praitie Far-- , ot aloes. In this stdgo I order a;gene-ron- s pnt I7orm amoug Cafebago. in'er; .nfr-ir--v or hardened diet. Jfl the 'consists in exciting The cabbage can be raised on any soil. ae tha treatment Igoes 'k'shonping.sa.td an s the' and Newin view pWhen1 aUers tii of soil is sometimes selected a'beiiig parts, .absorption, 'Uski.for; what I went. plalady, own kb . f more free from, the ravAges1 of.the cut-- snd-.i'Ireqommend iodide of potassium, have got it, andr.ite suitlblc, they as hydriodate of petassn twenty grains j worm1 than oljl, yet both are- liable. I and fsel laclineditoitake it- and a day, pulverised and disselved in water, jsslected an acre ofoldsoil last season, j cheap, and it csht qe get at any place its for It is one of .thO' most efficient roniedies and prepared it for a' good crop.'7 I so- - j lcs, I a most a.llers takes it. Without chafi absorption 'of abnormal growths lecLed two thousand '.strong end healthy fetlng abouit it. all day, asi.m6st;.people if or- thoever used. The medicine may he drumhead pldntsf' and .had thepv trans da. 'I have 'continued until. the enlargement disip-pear- planted; the neiit morning I, went over (sTThe Ifenflaniin whodvasbesn'1 laywhea the dose may be. gradually the fieldl.and. found, the ; hd ing to raise this wind,' find's him elf.blewn .. diminished. destroyed aboutievery fourth pi an t and all ov'er town. - . . - -- . ' 1 . 1 .- J. 1 of-te- n and!-extendin- . d bloel-root'L'- he fore-finger,'Tmg- 'it 3 7, roundj;-;being- . ; . ever-restored- half-an-inc- - I h. ' f np-abou- .the-da- - cut-wor- : m im-driphl- - - ....... : y o ; - j the-opcratio- n j ; : i- - 1P3 - I I i : Ai 'f I i I . at d i i ; : -- with-wor- m 1 . -- ; , urth-branch,- - ; I;'- - ;; f: ; : . : - f f ; - -- - - sj : . ' e.ut-wpr- m', - . ;1 1'; V .Vt , I i - ' ' i t : " . i - i j j. : AT 1, , 'i: |