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Show w s.wwwMf,aGan IT ii .7hC 4 v. j- - 'V :f Cr itu :.L FARM S R S OR A 0 Lf add isagth i;itia,'tty i: j W;! Sd universal cura. as New Myertlse&iehtS' Pays r nirr ", TERVET A FIMLITSOlf M f . ...I .f f. i . .- V .w M , . .T 'V C - LL M"1 -- lr-JArSP- &; 'A' RE at the iw. f 4 PREMIUM' & SPINNING-WHEEL- - - - Aiivfirtworkii.gurder.: ; S, atran-thep- g Fl-rn- it; I, The above, a. - S-t- f ; f! " - -- .; - f. nr o, mimKiici f ' . i Ml !. La. uedersfg'ed, at the eld atahd,,Or- -: THE biiitdinr,' keeps 'a full ai:pplv of . - needful; femilr : all-- including: m-dic- ir'a , - - - I L as a-r- I d T r-o- - f cr r . ;i . i CABINET SHOP L" r: v :.sd i ifU.- ii , DApD Jr; .re H. CIXPF, A H. to h ? ..FRUIT,! . AMS OTHER: : , WViRIETlE .UTAH, NOVELTIES. ; v. of Native, flower KESPECjFITLLy.aiinonace thar ire I1COME INDEPENDENT it 1APPT 1 NE fruiteV - Wo can ai wr i limited nunher'4f orders for seeds and roots of to fill, All orderefoT FURNITURE ' mpijtd : ' - DESERET CURRANT, e ' ? ritn Rii;patch atJtheir. fbop ! OlLEAD 0 BALU Meek, GlLlA LONGAFLORA, fSearletV black north-eaaf the THMnr-fic- a BCARLKT PKNSTA MOn, a,basntfhl CHAIRS; TABLES. BEDSTEADS. PRJSFIBI1T AEOUT U8 ! 07 native aergrean,: of drooping' habit LOUNGES,' tee made In good order THI ELEMENTS . .Thonaa'nd-fluwoee:;. CONE CAOTU3. ta?Xi lumbar. of bind jPaeh, grain .and ,he-in-- ' j i ;. . i. st J ' .,,S - V VOLANTS for tale. , Several kirde of CABBAGE PLANTS; mieed from pure ;eeedj ilso 1 GOO roola of English "iEYME. : 1. - : ant Planti,J oiChoic mpir TiLC h re in afew daya, ehrlce POT X 't FAMILY MEDICINES, Giagar, CnpMitiAn, Cailor Oil, Pheu-br- b. Cloves, Camphor, Easeneeq, British:1 Oil and If atch-s- ." i Most aorta, of Guma;. Roots, Htrba. Tiacturea, Pi la and Salta. r 4 tfpp7y qf Fancy Good Fotion, Sue. ESTB AT NOTICE. I. Plants ofromatoea. C-- t aliflowere, and pervon- wishing to know the whero- - tha finest vari-tiof Cabbage, good ANT. four-ye- a i ilia, ; ld of STE E II, at 20c. or d an, $l per 10ft. -- ; ' ; ' pr with a crop and hole r each eat that hat 'I Butter, Eggs. Oata, Folk! and Tallow r ran. rpon this anga for nearly two j tar in alvabla payment Foifwd-heerof. Saa- may iibuira of the H. L. SOUTH WORTH. .. h B. JOHNSON. F. taqnm. : . . aSbORTVKNT Of iVKS p2)TA39:: PROVO, JO eirir . gather with - a cemplata I' JZmpawaiSfe Jlgtft fa. fu every .eeflZemea tf tujrplied on rgcionabU term, r . - .v. - (t- - j. . . ar, - - . i Are prepared at the Ubnra: - e faar-ya'J'ol- d, - X -: Inthe rv'ef aertr Spring- Lake Villa, Utah bounty Deaenet- - and aold by himealf and Agents: ; i i; v- -through the State V J; E. JOHNSON., r-- ard . l v.'.- the : Sid and Br-a-t; It cures weak ' and. lama Backs; it enra .Cuts, .Wounds and1 Scraa; ft m good for Burns and .Reaid ft Is good fur avarybody, ovary family should: have -- I Wdhjiirtrrt . A cdNikElN SAIiVE ! It la.a cortiplete Adhsaiva Nil' or; It ti d a. hundred ether an axcCIletit it cures Pain la ' old s'an mantifhct'iring the BASH. FURNITURE, a 41.- R, BA If COCKS LOG GRIST MILL krittonibl vriffi " ANe.fn eonnrtfan. a WOODWORTH S iV!. W vaf satisfaction can bo. jqarBtrf t PLANING. MACHINE!, forplsnii-- fl,or--f i '' and limber The (eqtil. baehel 'charged for grinding of any ' thickness from eo that ruatfmara frem i: to. in., and . any width up. to SO-iay I ether settlements can be accommodated Prices rer plaRlag.fl;,oYfi.g'or any amount t : ;y- ; immediately.-to v wnlM to d fenta per foer, according ' BE2i AMIn HAN miller. f. J COCK, floor-la- y aaaoun: ar-- qehlitj of lumber. ' ' I. that fa Flawed br tbis: machine fa of i t: , vt 'STRAYED - V aqual width and tbfekneee,. and an man If V V L'iJ 7 better ROMaboetthIe ptaee,a year ago, three ran .lay. dot bio tka amount and with flooring that la COW 3. described, ae nefcr a a memory Aorr than ha can ' and while. planed by band. ;J fellows aa fallows: Ore Tr , ; ' GrTb ; a pd cenntrr ' product ; taken in a bnindle well; bapedA-'Pfthb hignaatpramiaH allowad . 1 from eiXte eight i ear old.: One red five payment, and , S or 1 heir? calf on odd.'- ' Had'ard eld;. yekra i P.8. Vow A on few wMh gbpd Each and Cable a alert . her having Carpe year ego.f attmakara wanted immediately. V fv.:i fjKe reft iVouider ajkrsh'd it a.B.erC-lnc- h J-.In with the contie. J alrele, : ; TO, RENT. Alioaeveraf yearHi.ga, with aame brand v ' three yearn rdan the eity of Provo, the STORE speckled eewj' .Alr,vi : i eldrJbranded E Dor the ifft hip. formerly .Occupied by Birrh tt Information cereernStubbe4 ail nate on Main afreet, leer? Anymereon-' of Centre. Jnanysrfthe above ? toektothe Editor, 'W. -E. NUTT ALL, Applyto BlihQp X Provo, or Vto S. W. CLARK, Spring, Lake v ii raoTo. cotta Villa. .'!? they avo ; ; r . -'- to- - lifey M 1 s -- ly SQ-;7A- - V - d jj' ir i jj ibfjcchiqge. j iUw Home-piad- e jar ttllyourtpantrl ' 8TA good two also wanted, wheelwright ' or three good eablaat mas are. , f , PATBOKIZK H0MEMAKDFACTukEis5 HOMf IBBBSTBY I . jj it . i. l it.-'. ' .A TVANT EDI PBlRGZFLX 1 t lATvTHB CABINET SHOP, PROVO, SltflAJX TBX TAUXT-TJ- r ' i I 1,000 feat if 4 i Aarahthiigi i..i , &000 feetof J.x 4 ?. .c k ; p-- if n i 1- ft,00fe fact Iren white pina.-t- , - Cbo-It- ra ofB-ina- h curesit relieVes oattuawuod andiquak It paiV instantly;; 1,000 feat ing-as- p lumber. . ' rT-,''wi aari Dyseniaryj it eufffS; Cholera-mpr. ? bus and fcholire; it curaai'Tddth.aaha and SO card of qnahlrg-ae- p timber, i 'v;' and ...For wbichJrurr.ltura af any kind will be paina iiR the face; it It acta ; mada.ipaynvnt. :,ya t.'orghet iVralievea the Fro ' ' i and quick : magical., s.:;1 Xcn - - tn o .r-,5'n- r j tt n sR n . nr e. -. ena FiltDn . H UTeCyoti any filieepl located '.at snbscriher having iKe XMd oI SPRING CREEK, between Payton snd Sanlaqnln, upon tits of the beat . .mnd Aioatextensiveaheep ranges in IbiaTer-ritot- y la Uka abeap an propiaeaanmbar for thoeeaaeni Ae- -i htri g.Hhltei cammodatlap goodand a tt entire sbepherdr; rjnllE ; . ud. bepch f9 nga. -- ri.-.,-; : t iinliicnt it ciiTes and Nerwe and Bone lit earei Rii'gbonas Spavins; Sprains." Brn1s.es, Gslla ana Outs; it cures BurDS,' 8cld and CrackedSkfa'f it. cures1 out and Sorea snd awe I Urge KheunwtismyU'cnrra j 'it rnres - In'Rammat!bna.'and. P1bsj: it-- iagood far man aud beast. A . :- c f JgeS . i . . c : f pM'f be.tifuf WHITE-VARIEGATE- j'ii .. - : ,. . - . AYd a fewVher desfrabTa-aqsofts. ; Or wa will.axcharge beautiful for .other articles for garden, nnreery orJ- - E. JOHNSON, r chard or lwn. 1 DESGRBT ri, nrjHIS 1 higftly-fmpfov- aJ do-slcn- currant, itativaenrrantfo verv caa'lv propagtei exceedingly ;h- - gar- a desirable ahnjb-fn- r prr.l; and the evan for Jragra ncs of beauty, den, Pa bloom The fruit is vary excellent far ; forpootrtaa.Bweeimeata.' or .for eiDf, wine. - Some grow .to; a great5 ixrfrenf -. Inches : la efrcpir-farenco-. two.. to, th-a" Yelforte Rad. There are threa'diMfnet The cuttfrgs indoot-ar- a low ard i hy mafl ;te easily and , safely transportedStates. The fur portion ofs theJUnfted of the. Editor baa some' verv choice shovel and vrtll fill ordita. for ' reads, raotu f cattings jibs coming autumn; ar..wUI . a fer, roofs or cuttings, of . choice barAr grspaf fine rraea or atbs,. flowering bruba, L choice f fruitvpiftj foots hnlbn r;nnd. saadq ;or rare jjadbeantifnl .flower a... ;i Drdetf should bw1 Bccoidrsnledf with money; peats gOofa)epa or articles as above- .. All roots or cuttings of the corrantTor-to be received in good oidar. naiad ' X. R. JOHNSO K ' v: Bl-ek- -- h-ot- a . . mtika-axebarg- -- BoneaotvPIlla pound yonr ehrep from the bare rar- curs Tkav bottoms: Dyapepia, JndigeiHonand rdtleratusMedf danip' la. tbe'.Bowela 'where y aur wool ajidla mbs ml y jjoi be lost Japr.dJee; they ralieva-'PalChills and and ynr threw Aguerj rJCtimeof become theecilK ftemacbjCtbey year an.BiWoua cura Complalata; ; 1. : B.Fr JOHNSON; . Fevrs;thay ; rare Paiaa and Beadacna; Calda, they Tilli I, JtM SprlngyLike j 's they give tona vigor. asdrhalth to the ' i JdHxioxa'f'''' i A pA'A-LILT- - ' xr; -- fV 4 y. - . - - , t. I |