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Show iM i' ' hnj " J - . AiisAtlJ ; ,1 ;.w ... t & A v- v..', 18 Vf A R MX MMr-V.-.'-.. V - ll- - OR S ? Ml ,ft ? 1 i.- (: .; ky :v'x '?: i; r ' .S I .Sr Corner. llf - ; I A O 4. - V Rvs in thshearts of those wheknetry oji t tv ; here h-- vs eottrs finished ft-. o yoar M r.'i then yu ' -- 11 f ' W V ' 1 f' o .vand rest with our fathersxYon always T Ulls lipuMnl wilt a ilaltM irldiil ; ft.ft90.60S ent BuMIm, Ay thq War broke In '7 Irish for this, .yee,rh for.it IpyBsfore so you m, lUtaHNt Chintot Oiaiidnu, uliatlll enMrelv were fEaglead, QaaUai ul ai ui iucn supported ipuH r, persons Wl as sn determine end promise yourself to Hle el iM4rtN,.rmiT, spindles employed- 'f ' hy Cotton .v 30 000,000 in ths pxod pet ion orr the vnrn.'and-.thcap- i in ' the end to ret end Omui he temptations do, iki Iwm'i frr Ktmiw teal ahs svceUd$730,OOd,OOOi often the pathway of youth" are great, end .. , :? ; i No. 6.-- . f v; 7 vt mi si aid , walk in paths that, bring..-referesorend --Jthat bring tears to the eye r I am composed of five letters. aJbest medicines, toj ,thf a literary prodaetlea. world are yrarm b ;7kbsr,i n socaa Qd npotii- to the hearts of deer friends that My-1- , 3, 4, is rows 1,' 5, 4, Is e nambeir.. t; ; Ireteh ovef yon with every earhastnessof ; knew Jl ima, psrjct bVtf Jiri my . 2f l is ancient kins. fcfI sal-- a i, the Mmei farmer to hlf' sweet nari;M 1, 5. 4, is departed.'1!yoiinf i Jtho seal; '.end then t are, not,' Jehu; for, X heart.; (No, IndesiL-yo1; 3l'fw bare seen.'';"Wefcrtaehe for the grief you have abased. ;. you .know yon have never b lgged. tne. Yon 3, 4,'(5 is a place for beasts. ; ' ,S are more sheep than bear, V One kindly' word of ad rice.' is ,an inferior title, 2, riaT; i; tv r3r l,.t; is an animal. Yon children In a few years Vre to dll ay petpan wss observed the mos pf an .offiaial. r 1M, 3 4, was other StPTff holding on to hta ..driving ear places, carry on and complete what a dy 4, 3. 4, 5, and U:l: ajiked wjita whqt he y'aa dolpgr are have eommeneed.5 You hrive much 4, ft.1 3, all things will find. he that wis replied tudying. 't.,1 rv . before you, end eo' yon need reat end J. ? J name. Who 3, for foir 4, himself livss 5, . ' boys taF; liveioaig tso eeeom-plin- h IntellifMit hearts, Jlnd raiads a mead fellow. 'if; 1I. -- i 3, a motion. ; 5,1, 'Vi shonU 4? be in want.' A Si. You 3,. it. 4, 4, wissr, bettar, :.f-A dispitchlfrom StD Fransisce, Ipw one of whole of the rivers I7th.J And and stfoagsr than are we, yonr seniors; r- nj..v,-- : that, Cu- -r is raging- am png the School-U- o r ;i ft.'---; ; and how become so yon askf .. Bright timps.iu China V.tj, t h? k. r. r .a ' f .. v ' Ton hare the exnerienc of those with ' There is a JChe. earal, around VidTsharg, which thing was three weeks old When Adam was'ao more;. ; Gsn. Grant U'hurdlngle an entirolynsw ' ybai and before ySu. JWith this stock t This thing it was b:it four wdiki old ope . Gen. . Williains' final haying, proytil of inform ation-- as capital, like the mer was hen' useless. Adsu fourscore. VAAilyiJViia.Igra - ebant, with his msniT, yon most, add a. r r ; ' ; ; Betsy TeTny,of Antrim, 1T.H.V Bebm. ' ' yeaily inersase until year wisdom in 50 wove of cloth ia a hand loom I ia( ' Bo.7.-yards i.-sut mh She 'll 72 years ' of agd' Who X ' ' $ y rtf . Ittlbt rsnMt'iOnfti can S eirerr art snd scisnce of knowledge shall X'. best this! : m-- et ev-r- y ; and statesmen Id the first philosophers My strseCvv. yonli eclipse ' Or as. you cro?s Iks ftrry.f of he Edftors contend that Babblers ef f emed Egypt, Greece end th-i- r, second sonrd-icoWthe wohil mka. coed dray hor " ground, By patrons Xmb.v y If bWuore $eune aud merry. as! ss. simply bsca ise they ?: V ' while plant, a drug. a fliwer, s' : .I ; If. yen would he ell this, er even more, r .ltvWould 1 ;'kS grace a bouquet or a bowor. , BOwlsLths time to lay the foundetibn pf 13F A mott every yquSg ladyla sptri- -' V Jfo.?8.', , ted enough te b4 willing, to .have her j! ' s .. t' fatnre greatness. And howf : - ',"v " tak e awaj thera ' ; first Take away. 'letter, my, ' ooussf Bstejlish end Vbserye order jn el jon bit second: take away all liiy letters, apu I gpBuisuMA-CT-'VfiMikeaJi. is i ao, end in ell ebentyou whieh .ybb. ebb. am still.Ub sdwe. jthatsTflf ' be. ater i .tifn-mhowlthevlmAbeM .. . i Never waste e trol.;.-'moment of time, Claaradee eraois7, Irt triith Leah: dodtb-- y bakS V be indnstrioas. freral, temperate, stndi them ineowld'oYensto bo 'anre'l,ri;j to each lily-wh) flower. ons, ooeaient, lOTiBg aad energctic; rin tdrThe two mbit pndovs thlega.now , .Thai a swVac' bower V be iriB eualvsed in hoo to strict obedience. parents or gnardiens ari girls jud whiskey' : ove Is tbs iu first; g Sty ' KFPs-- r sa:d a .notoonntinit e herdshipj honbr your young.nrehlri of teasr bliafe L happily jv?o, ; ; to his erpnf,does the 'Lord 'tag and their Mtcond: the Siahiis m wskrs, eonnsels; read ..every parents J'ears; n Ihs papWli flfky jo yon as such V Which oft bTiriea thr b ave, good-bookrefleet upon and dlgest-al- l Bdc& se oaf p eaeier.wbaa a Ehow- my :a nd each .question?'; hope, thiri; he prays, is sol dag tslUag hiipjaverything. .you ,1 reed;, eyoid novels jand fictitiens Gives. my,Tor,rth. a,stnall sjoper1 I thought he was q&t posted.1 . ; jXwholV works es you would the Vpoisbn of the My delectable & .a part in o ich soul;; ; r, XOTWhv tteitottsr t Mks plgsTjOl I evpi nlll, WflingjT vioious pVpro Tie the sweetest of ies, Is aUht d of perk, .: Oft betrs y-.in our sighs; :l ,niie associates; es much es possiblylis tbe .Tlchest o troasures, fiSf lf a omnlcbests Von mfoMadse .'tea to end oonverse.with good and wise ;.ls . if a eseMftI time' blanleydHfaSlf.wV him; h A source of pu e pleasures;1 vw .. v i Cj 1 'Sea end women: Jiurn e deef ear to the 11 " . Wi'b wafmib it aft glaws, largest mi!itary.hospita).Vn thej, ; Ands a sola ca toV woes. . reducers tongue, end where you oarieot ' theusand beds, wS . 'kOft. v1 'T ,vS orirf(ntJiiiat , .bay good of others, speak no evil ,ti Live '4"' opepe . SoHirst darts his early ray, i 'for something and to seme pnrposs. Eat When first amount hf tethf Ightsea'mil . tGoId ia shiui g gains appears: W. lions My 1 wse ribintd-athb San iolivej end pot.livbtoyat. Stud Francisco V rhe .h: eatu avrsy-morniuf Swspt by. T' mli.riast;yslf... rbestly to ezoel in whatever you undertake f, An emblem it of tosutVs rears. "Be kind, gentle, polite, end obliriDg to My iiextln SQsnes of terror view, ;r,Yholfhw York World kelleytsfal i. Where hops givfes Way todark despair; estate yriU soua is the inUlehfjiin efspse o o th cl b nr ; elL K,eep y es, ooks, tools and i?Tis ;i fj dreary eaveras todi' ' j uUtors, ! nil.nk Veil yoa have in ; perfect order And shows how fast tho. mi nnteawoar. given ' A ; Do hj ii mrnoS got i. ; plaes. Arise early end admire the glo-- 1 iji j'jwheie eftdocks.ths queen oif flowers. SifiQfl for out tin 1 offtho headreeeatlyi man, of,a es embl verU&Vl4w on.the hestenrto Ai4r who loft; him; that, antnnnt Stsi decapiuta usefnlnesa a;.xieg of morn, end . Vforasasjrsybvwsra, him, that he might not be biriad alivs. nnd dntyy' snd ; ever look to ;JheVgreeb VTisscen iueih'ataf soonai bora 1 t AQU 7, tf f ti ? r.'s'jvjf aenree oflightj wisdomand intelHgenee -- t.o 1 ' v- -; : s sd T ht Mtisccllaneous. pT , y . - X k s' I - I . W e id 'r-.- . i f i . - ;; - - ; . f- -- bssu-ffaf-plaee- - - ;. br. m . - ! - . : . - E V'i ' - . - 1 : jy " .V. . . - : - -- - . s . . . - : k ? 4 f -- - 1 -- . . 'T ' -- r. : ; ,.-- - . . fa--v- .I, 4 ' j . ?.-- ite v4-'-- j -- S r -- ,; - : Pi .. ? - X:-v .pf-t:-LvH- !- - -- : ! J-- . K- i-'l- ',1-- c- - I- . " t - r.T 1 , hrd !d o.-4 - jf i 1 1 , i - vv4f V- - 0- -- ifor strength . , end. UosBie.endaVyriH ; v. Jrf- I .-.; a. tit-- i . .f j';; v'-- i X.. I.X - t |