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Show f Jjf, .. v--- ! J- ' r ) r.t' : i A A H -- , HMt..ippl. j LluitL r.T V'Vy; yrJ r T: PopI I I morel that ? r n o AA f thtSoufhhraimdot for In ME CLI A A rift- - cotton is bifrnsd whsrs It stands, hla are mounted on thsir own mules, and away tho whole. party goes at a gallop, avoiding the main road, aad following kv s roads aud through thewudm Tep or fifteen miles away from tho aaene o( the rebbvrr, he buyer is raksn into soma house, psrole.1 "not te take up arm agai ist the Confederate S.Btss, vnd is then told 'b it he can walk haek lo the army at hie leisure.. drW-ve- ra they bkrgained MtUting the ghriOa mode of warfare. In adopt line theiold Spanish samt of guerillas, an J they now aee that, they also ..Miss,, Holly Springs, .gives, M,,"? adopted the anarchv and Interest of the of lor lawlessness; condition some brigandinage pf aeepdrit s. 1 a i the serpent Th; .Sfa.n, ! ndjola . i of ; porti.n. MlaeUippl. of secession biting Uaolf with Its own poiMexicot Spain And acme remote soned Xt .Exoppt fangs.into-onofthe jtoman Sutss.I know of few If yet yougjyen fivd ofthelanded nwcouv try. Whose desola-- e appearance and ecaipied, proprie-- , Urge lawless condition le a parallel .to 'the pro: tors ifho have, nothing left to oat bat a lit- pent co.;di.lon and appearssce of fiTthern I Js ecriib ead. anc whoa ihrea&b ;reapna- - Ths man who did not think It reMiWis p J. To realize this, sne iniit-jklti- f indies 'eft rut mcrhamaWnd dealers in spectable to bring up his children to work ;.eat some eight miet beyond the pickrts.of lo-frince become an extinct bus just heard from his three sens. One ' the armvfbfot witkthe army onr.e march, eloihs have class.: Ihey aiitellyodbat the army han of iUiem was a driver on a csn'al, another nor witheqaadft of rivalry nor foraging taken their .cattle, horses, hogs, and their haa been taken dp aa a vagrant, and tho war ties for then foragers and stragglers their negroes, have all mu tilled has goas to a pubiie icrJtution to, that cornjj aud in raft haft In and out of have burned their learn tbs' under ft' awiyj; that Urag-ieriuaof you.' te evtry. farm, impart- some co Ue, and that Ihey are ruUed. Bat if keeptr;': ahoemakirg businaes, i:, t Bit t ; tha' some; b "t , lit a that famous rou talk to be man a litte While, and let iv. old squire was ono win 42 A waggishwith V-- I j hcYsernsnof J anise's, alone. . Hienand him know .hat you want to buy cpioo, and tor tne minister when rsafisotLe afIVcti or j. only the oay.wdking tun, doyrn are wiihng to aeud louuia. for. it. you finally 'war.yaMi Of that peculiar i secure . which wind out of him the me; Jiat his dt on is he slipped aid Mi. "Mr friend." said the revrreud, : sUnore arand on oliwpory . diatUguHlo this from ail the wars of lata concealed tn some oeighbefi ig swamp, and I the sqolra dayo ftWerilU. warfare , - r, cases yea mih: pojsihiy-siisceein uiue ' i I t. caiV 'First yen notice how, silent the country ano her fae. not. , nnfortUnstsIy eo pldassnt, is ; j is.' ' Though yuu ride for miles past fenced that tne very man quite were to did v I A fACDKS yoii lulal'ig cprrespondsnt ef fields ata catch glimjseaef t:e.:sps now occasion ally a li'tie gueulla business him.' the Michigan Farmer packed his apples la .' sad theb yon Lear rone of the uaal knlf-wheat chad; and tbey'all rotted prematura j.?. ' of coi.ntry'iiie uo lowing of gat-; .corda the ezer Ths He neat tried buckwheat chaff, irifcfc cavalryly. only pi those .r y. 1 ili. nor b signing of homed, norbrajrfrg of men who persons,' ont a e better no aui rsulte. among psepie ' ariuls, nof blsairg or sheep) nor the song le the cHlon..buiors, who hive , adven-in.e- s Thera-arEvery-Jthirg Wie ot twft raasoav why w do labelers shoot .field.: la , Mr par not a few. Their aaual inoCs sr ba-ii- il a One is becauea wa dsn't not man. trust cf tbe. suimal kind naa long since She is bouses, the farmers ai com driven off to the camps el oas afihy make toenblt we do. the cottOi., ai( thea know him, and ths wher ' because fer facts W'liWotLir.'. You rids to the rumm.V of se.m taaius tor it Boms of tk a buyers uks During Uie year .1862 nearly thirty .the highest hill and survey the conairy far t so ins with thsm.and' whan "ths safekv s.; thousand., 'aud Widebutin sll' the broad fields you ips neighborhood ihsy ars in. ife doub ful, Moaiiment.people, ascended Junksr ,Hill wee-riy human hoiat'the whts men are and the price Of cotton conaequentty'low-s- r. JSlL.sj t'V To tlae iiv tbur houa. slrrpiug od the ta a. toader their tcama, aac g Boys and Girls with their hackbuyof thair. last', bight'a-ridto tha aiav at-- a "double qiick. friends, and cha blacks bare gone Every few dae, aeme of ihrie and A word in jour ear all of yon from Mo fiiidUcel Abraham,'1 ana iraedom ' their are go Lb sdup, w (.a tue. isvma . a;Tfca roada praaa- ailant anu deser.ed aa ta their wagons that (bey eight years old up to twenty.' I like you,, pfeef "uamiang e aftr-nland Mlle 'thf Cclda.;: you rida In sumo hollow or if good, and love to be in your aoeiety Bayers. (ins bn srefolisn ... stiliutaui nouut,. tsLiuhi his' way bask to and. talk ta sous jny on of had road, pisae you,' and listen te jopr chatterOil fcar-fiftC of th tbe. ihe b.iyer 'ib audusnly staitlsJ '(brH aoUtary roads.-;aiiny, .j , no living by ths eommand. hallt and two, three or ,-aad hear, yon laugh merrily. If s jplaatatioos. you. past,-- you seawindows 9 of fanrlwng-hhire- a. knul.'Od toms the doori ahd. g were a geiitlaueu boy ones, and; we did eo enjoy our bouiss stand' open Wide,7. but aimed, wi-.doubls-barre.Sind re guns "rtsihitned there is nothing but.. emptineas witb., and. , volverriT ride ou from tbe brush, handling term of boyhood; not for its luxury, it but tbe tall - i ? revolver in a manner which, idleness or any sort of badness that wo - Ae you lujtheir' cocked 'iHthtrvd bylheflama;reina.i. cfiiBj ;;v eoi ion buyer, looks esceedingly evr committed; ; but for the merry light .go further and turihe pvsr jbe hiliy foaes, hearted joyonsneas ' ofyouth theeTan-esoeh- ee and ; jgjanca .fuapictously, backwards' You ; torwaida from every rise.in the road. of sorrow & the absence' of caro :f'finev jOireadght a glimpse of somshu'g Even now we sometimes feel we- - arc ... tftr across ins fields, and you iesrirg tUete ruminate upon Op place oat of vhyy jo.recor immediately taken. ;.Tne next demand is bby kguin, asein some I Araquul-iaps-threugh.the dijr. have for'dFhieh gterillaa ,'i.oitce past the frolics and rambles for ,berrieO on thf other :idO End t forgrsenbaeks, lvriiithe-wpad... the guerillas I Thai w.akaess peiliar Mdgum; and tha happy 9kl. ift. in.yeur . hands, lu anj4rV nkioasto know the time of day, and wintergreene " or fea r the nar t eu s man should hat; tell hours spent angling for trout; this sugar c 1 if .'i the making, the May-da- y of flowers, and tho ."V la, glsJ th exaat timo, tho guerilla; take.owuu company, eta; th e road,-- it nowj, hi- - own Pi . nd, ta pick ,ookf rA ' and golden fruita. Then the sound of horses feet, the breaking Q an abaence of mind with, which all autumnal rosy ngtijs of Uf . a leaf, . the steep hillin winter the sleigh-rideMwlg.' lhs rusting guerillas are . afflicted, he unconsciously -- Buch ka the effeot of the country . the If on the aehool-hpuside and hand-alaputs! the watch in hla own.poeket. ji. .iKVgutzilla warfare f9g..ihia desolation buyer haa an overraat; eepceially if it haph not wholly atlilhutable to the ;preeene to be one of the blue army overcaats, the hilland its merry, pleasant, smiling. f the UnipaJfWJJldsOhe delurbn pen souift guerilla gentleman fancies it. plight bOy pupils and girs, and i : ' , - I , cow-path- , - -;r . dia-fict- e ' gy g - ad-va- rra by-roa-da, t - . dosid t . inns. ".- i. i , . e . . . - py - : o pro-ibab- ! ef-ftf- - -- e a' w-gbt- s - . ! os .. . W seedy-lookin- : -- ed ,-r- -- p.her-iiOtht- rw 1 Me . k .. . -- are-sign- s s, - se d; rosy-cheek- ed A , . ' into krarcbj rex' want o! lae hurntha cotton and ruin the planter te a Vi vent ale money laapreMilous sek -1- 'eome-lhiorther- f.,f : i. J,. ? . - V . -- t ' ;5E V.- - K. . - T- - j.y'1 fttoirorfIfofjbVrWHogiT.. confiraateVhat t rab-- JJi Whb the cotton buyer is an-- 1 them all! You wish to be good, to Jia 'anhono- - the 1 table plane in thm lie-atag- e, frem the wagon, ' , hfUWMnktwsee :m. jwsr : i. . w : fS'i: : i I , , v - ' i. . . andflnallb - Ki, . &!.? i.jf I- - weeadP' nd every ianarrieas Bpyrsheasive of hla I neighbors as he is ef the tak troupe ' ! I We" had a attention, for wc enter iute yourfeelings, Ihanhis rcbbsry is not according (fl .the what 1 they "P-ol.th? gperiiiaa "rtl3Mi:pWr and the gqerilla ' P,c Your deeireSi your 'heart yearnings, ofjrac ulLJs. W..I aw ftli aJ aroh U lliatf ara IkAT usages ji. iii-l- s are no rebJ Wlf aad -i.f! ,.. ? 8 ' "J andjthe-CepWe-eea-occasla- 3i !. rf A - W?Ji.?l,hiiself. iliS - the inly hanathsy do the lferth. 'i noieybcll. well; we forget! -s ' f'V'?- r - n.riiipgnigsinwinnwiiira, IS 7rT" ' |