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Show a i . .U: k ( ; TH 1 FA RMS It Si-- RIOL S. ' later, arrival home lately ia time Thursday,at on ocloekj wa cut loose ueyei and nightly reet. food for from all (hm oun, and faway to 'the lake a flaking, went, diatanoe 7 milaa (ire had no pony pawingat the door.) Yaat made good time, and with a' tridket , fen ooir hook wo tossed it to rheclen!r dra-e- ra and a Our luck anJ T?fJ 0oi got a bite, L . . a fine silrety perch. 1 continued until wo had filled Oar baike alnxcsta bushel, returning in time for 'a hearty supper, our physical andmenta f acuities renewed ndhrpensd,nd our larder Stocked with a fine lot ofi flak. flan too ! . Visit to Pmto send '.interme diate Places. j Lice pn Cabbaiev Fdt the last two years very . .h, To .Postmaster . ; I.1 7 . i.- a little attendoa and tiius By devoting postmasters' niy do' Our dhterprfsk npeh good by showi-- g tbs Oradij Snd solbiting subscrlptisns, is they comp immsdistsly i i conurct witbovoiy citizen. We ask of them the favprto retnemoer thlsjsna dquS whst goed they can by takiagaad for wird.-in-g good nemos, in dopondeat of, or .in con-ce- rt with,j the regular, sgemt, for' we wish. evry person tk become interested ih tuis .J ' s I' Ru matter; . feW good eabbagrii bav been crodueed irf any of the eettiehi ote of tWa Territory, on acepunt of the great prevalence of a small', insect that infests the plant, Xiot only, in many instances destroying tHie head, but by so crevices thoroughly infesting all the leaves ae to make the heac unfit for use. r Many expedients .have, been sought and experiments tried, yyt ail has been unavailing. .We have aakec through, the Deteret Aries for a? prevenbut without success. ts en or sure, ,, From' a friend we have the following ears, which he assures us is effectual having hisxkelf bMilj as has alsohis neighbors. Tqke the green buehei of red or poison Elder that grows in our kanyona, am with a handful brush a few minutes about each plant when the : insects ap pear, and leave a sprig of the leave- on the plant, and it ie said that the ioeeets leave to return ' no more. It is efcs; ha-twee- n1 , a . V Bemsniber. r Our sgenta are oxpected te receive ptf head. --Those from ell who have it n who have not got the grajn now will be at- lowahl until a ieasunablet:ne after, harveeb te pay. fhosej who promise wheat will be the two bushels at the 'expected tb time agues'! upon, no ntner pay receivable but at the ention of the publisher - i w-o- , Oa Saturday last, in company with Bro. ' Tsnasy.of Pajesn; w toolcsa drive northward, and-- , In pairing through the uttle eats this aids ox Provo, were deligbte J te notice the Imrrevemvnt, not only in buildTo Correspondent. ing but 'olthj gardens, orchard anderops. A't 8panisb Fork a fine sehool-bbuis Te uur correepondents 'We have to say" just completed, and many new orchards an that eur eclumns are devoted entirely to the. . vh.eyarde planted out. At Sprinville wo farm, gadeb, orchard,- stock; '.mechanics, could not orercome the temptation to viait m.nufsstuiss, doiaestic economy,1 liters Col.1- tthitlnga gardetf, where sweet 'per- -. tureand .social intelligencer wt hqs to ' 1 famed roses a id othor.oarly blooming flow-or- e decline articlei out of this lino. ! ed hie illumine' . finely garden grounds. Tfy.i.j, , seue ot about twelve huu-- j His et.rubbary patch ii a miracle bC wear dred is nearly exhtueted and the demand" .To theBleltope. 4ni eucii huge gooseberries we never benot filled, we s tall be much ohlig sd if .any fore caw. He will have many bushel As you are the guardians of the do agent has more copies than qjkdughfisr the size of a common plum. His strawberry interests of we thn meatio ea( people, siibsoiibersto return them by mail to this patch wee a marvel to behold, but a greateatab-iia- h to behalf effort of in ohr you office. er pleasure reqAuned, wneu Invited frSely. upon ... ... ... these valiiee au in paper agrieultnral iho luscious berries. of At huge tepartake have tu. receive made' Wi arr'angemeuta Provo' the sitting of fhe Agrl If satisfied that this is a beneficial insti- wheat from njlisdribere at Simons Mill.at ' cultural Board, and-- ' no'.ed with pleasure tution, we ask the Bishop of each wart Fa j raceiptfrom thy miller will bo json. this subject. Yiai-te- a and settlement to uae'hta influence in ex- ciedited the growing interest-iJ, on eur books 4-ol. South worth a garden, where wo tending the eirefilatiou, and for that pur found the 'lONl rheubarb plants ws hare pose, whepewo agent has been aeleoted . Wa would call especial ttontion to titq been In the .Territory..; He has alto a flue elect a good man for that purpose, and sdvertisemotjof Tonneyand Finlay sob, .had .of. the beet ..varieties of strawberry, have. the preoioot or ward eanvaissed, and, whcolvrkighLs &o.;df Payaon.1 We" havo producing, some fruit of wonderful when required, pay for the same out; ot specimeu wf thir wheels bsfora . u as wo Thalc Wheels eelipso all others in jlse and most excellent flavor. iMr. 8. the aubseriptidns. We aak the Bishops 7- "M-- ; the Territor. eing absent, his good lady did the boners, in thsir respsotive distriots to tjake ehargo inviting ue' to partake of the rosy fruit. Eeu. Gravxs, ot Provo, has some rare oversea this matter exclusively. Visited the hall and; workshops ot the of and eoede and plaaix. - Wehavo'bsoa looking Chill Brothers, whose enterprise, and ',7 Friends of the Farmers over bis etoek. provided a very respectable Oracled Wa nnderstjind that Hancock's 'grlsL-y-- J place of resort f r the amiisema:.! ef the Our mill in Payionjis .now in good order, doing subscribers one-hawill lf not list preseat people of Prove, where in the proper sea- first-ra- te a the business and grinding for a 111 j exper.se cf publication.' Is re pay eon,dramatie entertainments are given. lose mains tie tool than I some of Lit neighbors. ' for you to say whether we shall Is- -, '.'They have a fine set out of machinery', afid J fare getting ahead.- - In passing, we looked bor for this eeuse at a great sacrifice. .You See thehdvVj:.'-;.- - & jKf tin at the garden of brq. Twelves.;, He hs uan make it otherwise.. ; Let any friend of . South worth has avaricty stockmedl-ciae- il a fine vegetable a,nd fruit garden. His the cause get from one to ten names to adi nolibns-- books, seeds,' andonepf the' to our list in' you ean easily, do, and wo j strawberries wore of large aize,,aud looked bait gardcai tiif Provib.Look mm " 'i most lascloua and inviting, but wo cannot shall be ell right and feel better prepared pass through. Vf r JSV i. ft f' to serve X" No uee you or agreeably. ef thefr toaay flavor, butjielieve they were speak B. F. Jobaso i bite a healthy and desirathink someone olso will attend to this; j aice.7 On our return visited the garden of i ie not so.;', Let every cue take Ibis home ble range lof sheep; Those who have, not . Eeq. Graves, where we found some rare y: I oh nib s, fine rows, and some of the finest :o. himself,1 and before a weak le out. see will do well id qneult hie adv creeping vines. He has soma choice flow that the paper has been shown to every aet-tlTuz Cluil boys at Provo are enterprisieg and suheeripliona solicited. ' If yds .ore in bloom'. : Oh returning, we eaUedto. hare's goxl shop', and willfxyou fellows, 'sate moat leyr ly Olrcndfr in bloom at;Tea- - want a good paper you most help, to make off for housekevpli goaaohort notlte.: foo ; i it, so be up and. doing before yea sleep ' if'.: ft ttri.ad - . -- r ae , ! V; - - . - . . ; - . . ; - d i . . wi, . , i . - .ji ; i , .. V $ . . i a '. ,. . V.- - J er, - .i t V: :v : I - .! : : . i;;- . . - '- - r i'--f- - - T.W.;' j. - f' - |