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Show e. b vI ' '.- - .; : - r," f V -- iA WS. it u irs RAO O ' Besides these, a email shoemakers kit would bs of graat advantage," withwhich winteVa .evening or odd one may : in - $ houre.mehd the shoes and boots at boms and save running to the shoemaker half adosen timee before getting'; the .work done, ithd then faying a' round pries be-"' eidee.-- ' "!" of laUntil there is a better di vision bor and thi produet' of the farm pays batter, we would advise every farmer to mnd third ooxisider in these hints and mke himself, JpvhUehed Tuesday f. - thsjint ifis aadi month- -' r 'ft' as independent ef others as possible. t. S. JOHNIONV Bmtoi Pviuiki. ' Xt- - D. iOHXSOIltV . r ; j. .- Ifait for GkTCS.' nf- M , imeuRiw. Mil MUHMhUw AVrmilMUUTIMBER WILLOV S irtiNil A filtifMfUi'M likml u jMrl (Soij; Alba,) U OMlnyAMitit. u4 Mapart aa i Iranlil i;r . This ir of Earooean origin,' aiid isaow tat Ulntif gaa Utiaa. .fldiaraLHa., 7? tat r tstfnbItoka,?ihaSata(saL . a .stir aak. grope and hedge rtJba riiiWMl te tta Ullar, making great iUftwnlin tree throughout, tha PraifStates of the JtafUk Tilted i iv I Esst. Mtsrs. Otenaan and Mann, of . ii' b1Ee proved itf adaptation ' and; .'t''1 P , "7 ':?. a' clrealar from (i Xt fuatoiHiheald Ve dostiute ( a asefa&ese, and Wleisnt toolstoaha- - ffn, poane Ifilaon, ef Dssznoiass, la.; .. to a licle Sae. of riie Iowa Farmers ".College, we farmsr doup : ble ihe following facts in faror of ita rvpaifing that will save both time , glean -- had ujwuM todoathome. Ilia houaa, egtenaive oultivatioa. v We now coafidi-ntlset it forth npon owh merits as a clean, healthy and bin and boxes may; gat . out of repair, its beautiful tree', perfectly hardy and, thus a; little 'skill and,a few tools will far free from attack of inaeets. It grows ays many dollars of expense eaoh yeaf, towering, straight-graine- d and enormousMd ' thaa,;buide, Ao boys abouidba ly rapid sp.iu freely aa. the cheenut. it last many years, if kept off the doaatad tbda ia tba naa of tooiia to help Bails ' i' kafc i Jv?5 ground.'- It ie so tenacious of life, that tktaualTM. outtibgs the siser of a pipe item as Well r. vFolr tki porpaaa gat a croaa-c- at aad as. fence; posts six inches in diameter, if .JripaWjfi BW?bfaqjrajt:braoa aad bita, properly set in the ground in fail, Winter of'thrao beniek planea i or early spring, wlT surelyake rot ud v Alter two years attention it will ditto of oilaala, ri mil etc,' irrwdrirrfa. Ipow.j vake.eve of itvelf. At five years growth trad-ayr- l, wraaak, flea. Kip, aaw-aa- t, it will subserve a multi lode of purposes rolaw kaBUBr; axe, key-ho- le saw, on the! prairie farm, besides furnishing . trowol obinpaaaeB, ' fehalk and line. fuel faster than .the family will use it. " Thflao will iitaka a good f .rmer. kU, In twenty years it Will make large sate- wbiak,'tritla' aga od'b sno h - wit ii Wood MFor. boards, shingles, As., tttaw akarisg bona and obeat, withtill it, is morelumber, valuable than the White Pine. .'divided cSf far amall uioifnaila, acrawa, From its great cheapness, e&se of cultu' extreme productiyenese it is, re,-and : boltai without doubt, soon to besoms the most wmakould bo approval tree in the country.' In the lan'. ari oatbailding ;daed- - for: those popular guage; of one ef the most extensive WoIa All the proper onaii ahould hare .the Timber .Willow, will be yV to bo hong on,' and whan hot worth; inilicni to the f airmen of llliaois. so soon as they learn; to appreeiato it. t r It' will spread rapidly over all the prario U ! .lfnrtba.boya order and aaTOBueh time. regions- from East to Wsst, and from t Brary ahonld bo . proTidad with a South as far North as cultivation extends itltiu' aktuf 1arr I fl Itwill grow freely where- water stands or henee it will turn- the sloughs into ; c.VleWr Io?aed to these whd are flows;; only timber belts, and ultimately change the ' ponhittdl to retttm.f Wjth thiskit a rainy whole' aspect of the prairies aad modify i l.- -Ji: atormy day, or arw win Artinxe,Snay the climate.;;'.; V-v . f "? bo denoted rto . atnehr nsefalnoss.- .Thosame gentlemen, (0. A M. Of rest beards, finks, .shelves, ohests,cloacts, whom .Wjllow Cuttings were pnreMsd; aaajv be eonstrusladj plows; hoe, 'give the following direstiona in regard V ahovsla.' to th cultivation ef the Willow: forlujwkea may be sfheked :jr or moadodr-tO-bihroadinetew.hen walh- - ... ; I r K Nothing is more sioiple than the cuV iraiir K.?? of ths Willow; : Cuttings eight fief tivatlon YiJ. roazorwle at very little expense to teh inches n lcngtii, may be stuck' in . , . ' ormo&. . - fras n '.... II-lln- Farera ois -- . : tht-oag- h kitf 6rpnrt ouj . tc ! - y W' if . inwiWfa, at - '. ; J-- itid - : . u ' kj tree-plante- rs; 1 u e.. . ) -- -- o : 0. L the ground, if soft; or planted, if dry , and hard, either, late in autamiv-iluriD- g a thaw, in winter, or in early "spring Autumn planting is preferable, ptytvidea a little r the plams are mulched-witstraw or litter to prevent heaving put e bfthe froti Set ineth in px their length, in feet four esrl each way, or ihxeo by six feet. ' At fir years 01U, eaoh'.althruate one may be ta ken.out, and at asven years,. the balanoe if needed I Up, second and third year,,.. they; will afford a' large. amount ef ..cut tings. We find that ue largest Cuttings grow, trongeat.1 ; It ia elaimed that this willow is valuable for hedges, and we do npt doubt hut that for this purpose it may be made ex' ceedingly serviceable in this ooaatry. .The cuttings, may be, obtained of almost aay nurseryman in Iowa Illinois, and be ittay safely 'transported by mail in tin cans of.eil silk. " 'We have some growing that-- ' were- sent from Iowa, merely . h three-lourth- rbi - - wrapped lapaper. would advise any farmer and etuere,. who-havspare'ground, te obtain few of these euttinge ready for another seasons growth, for they will make double the growth of any timber tree we have, . and timber, ahade aad break sire impertaat items with us .. e . It . .. . ft Payeou Awakenini. i On Saturday, 23d ultwe favored our self with attending the meeting .of the Gardsners Glab at Payson. ;Tho attendance, though not large, Was eharaotetisod by those present shewing a deep interest in hortioulturs. The questions, seua-sio- ns and conversations were spirited andints res ting as well, as instructive. The iaformation one gleand from discussions and relation of the experience of members upon any given subjeetj bothin opinion and demoirsirated facts, pays one wsll for tbs' few .hours; spent twice month. ' The regular meetings are , at two oclock en the 2nd and 4th' Sator-- .. ' days of each month wheu the finest fruits and vegetables of the season ia their aeasen, will be exhibited. We hope to bear of many such institutions for im- prevemsnt throughout out 'rallies even jot this seasonv ' -- 1 .y.S - - -f . .3,, 'o ' f fn iii, r A ' 1 :':v I , . 1 v:. t? Editor, nnsticates. And why hot pray? lie works buaily every day from morn till night, jjGl only eeleoting, writing and studying fop the benefit ofhis treaders, together with thr care and culture of a largo family of mall children, hut he has seme two eereo , of 'nursery, orchard vegetables, shrubs and .flowers that depend solely, upon bis attentions for. life snd subkistcce Os , . - .1 -- 9 i 'im.V . V.' i?: . V' . 1 ' 1 -- X '".i. SSwtdiilkeWuliiiWwiv i w tr -- I |