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Show .. adJl i 1 . j rS t X 'if r Correspondence ' r i' H $ . fab k i n s ,o ni e ii jti 'X :J7 Hdusewie's Corner. X' firmed; after whleh the Board elected D. Graves corresponding and1 recording SecJ. B. Milner iTreaturer. It retary and-resolved ' f r" ' -- I I V waa then that we ; endeavor to A Woan about ry U f Coezii(e-Cesksions te not raise a fund to add to the suhscrip msrejy ths art of pro viding dainty Wts -v-- . af the next AunuarEz-mbito'- i. to gve as premiums fstien out the ribs, 'as the scornful old $o0 were then hubaa,ibed. .The hae its it is ths art of toning every , friends if the- society are i.ivuedjte add io proverb 1 to the best bee. more. It is the'.ezsrtlse : be received the lie by of 'skill., Subscriptions will to.make ahd' Vigenuiry. thought Difth Treisurtr, Scretary, or anyjof ihe fodd of Meml every yield thpntmesf : Oracit. office A of the and at ihe rect and pleasure ef which. ItJaycapa-bl- e. v tie y of a; lie ea wiii bs o'lfsr d as prsmi-uih- s, woman who b not essentially Mnd- -' - '. A' such as books, periodic!, trees, hearted cannot, be-comfortable heassp , 1 ve pantV, flju rs, seeds, fowls ahio her Tn5t jifirniiBL wsmaa keeper .jwhothae ; xe-or any of which are q stock, k.c., &e., all "and . . The Premimn List firoinae, ue n led to be us. st-cannot hsr hsuse mee, prodsntly menage will be rsady for tbs .next istus ef the or cumfortsblv, and a woman who ha usC i Or&cte.an eye for detecting and remedyieg dleer- - .. D. Gaavns,' Hon. Ssc. derlioesa aid. ca'lasanese,'.eai;not.rkeep h- -r house plsasanf. no. in liter are hw mu;h fresh. To Git Rid of money she may command. It ' tlmt IVipe great'Tef tialtm told that theliavea of sny.boun in our ie menkgsment should .. be perfeet'ator Ifa a Tnst t iing even as ash sj gsrdsn is s,' banc to kind is all that eah he equired. It bacei is to aerpexs, with this difference, that potatoes, or even bread alon iii allowed by - -- Tkc ' . h FeaVd ..': ;. Oicti: Isifei TiUfiu I winbuto tddcsii' ,' - ' . DiaVSib: t fkv ofUlah on tils Wards to the of dm on finest IruiLfi of the.F1 knowing ihe who pls.ti pears old adage lasts tor his heif i.stsuois to hold un'to ' fruit-gi-oTe- re tii iht . 8is miiidsof the people to jso an to be tOund " tonfthat bin few peat tree rgreai .in ihe gardens Jk. ercbaidstf our larnirrs. This is an.lrror, as it is yrel undertloo J be f.otn the . now that pear may (troeii Main (u e ) Canada) to the Eqi.itor, a.ul .brought inio bearit.g as oom a the apple. The taidl iess of the per:ree in beaui.g when grown on its ow.t stock has .caused it to be but little sought afetr iii 17 ah. No better proof of this aMefiioa van be adduced than the iat'od.ieiionf by aome of our jthe pear budael enterprising uiiieeryuieiief eu thequiiice stoea, and grown as a uv which bh the cirej thathouia be bes lowed upon every fruit tree, will bear st the ags-o- three or our years. beThe acquestion ihitariire is,:how cs.i this complished? The answer is. by buditi:.g end ' car--f- ul thee eu the quince-eioc- k au era which and pruning piddling ' every man, liaderstandi. g the physiology efa .NeiiDith)ie ihild not,h-- ourbetter Many of lerall. understands understand this priueiple, but ' uwsr.s. they seem slow in 'introducing the is tbie? Is ittotae want of etockot Way If-- , eo, this can-bremedied, as the low asou.itains in San Pe-- e county afford thee- -' eauds of mountain ash bushes. P. B irry, of stocks for .the pear .. In apeaai:.g Tke mouutain ubj it is said,' makeeiya, a for certaia varieties.' Why geodstoek , not try. them 7. The seed can be as chsap a rate as the q.lnca br.aInApt seed. .can. Hoping that thie short. ceti.Mring article may e Jill oil t of here upon the subject, a ud awaken eu interest In the' peax culture, 1 ' remain, tec., Udmeou ' Josntais Green, May 22, 1163. , -- - - rm-m- id, . f d eu nir-eerym- e -- . - - Perseverance Cettage, Preve, ) June 1, lboA .... y Agricultural Society, held iu the Bowery, the minutes were t Provo, May 9th, after District-Directoread and co..fi: med, the from Pnyaon, Spanish Fork, Battle Creek, Lake oily Lehi and Pi ovo. proceeded to ; elect the Meoagirg Board for the ensuing ear, sis.: Andrew H.' cott; easra. J..B. Milner, D. Graves, l.'J. Pat-ISH. Id Soulh worth, E. Billingsley' and of Management.-Disllet J. Puxtoti, ' Directors, Board W. R' Tenney and J. E.'John- sen Puyaee; Zeb. Coltiin. bpsiJeh Fork; Wm.'Msldenhail, Spriugr jie; g. llioinii, 1st wardj.. A.Iolliday, 3d ward; Mr: .Tan- -. ' ner, 34 vatdJ and ,0. Sperry, 4th. ward, Provo: S. 1. Driggs, PloasahtUrove; K. Lake city; Jeaaa Gondwia, Lehi; vDLtiie, ' W. tioshoh and W. McBride,' Santa-v- Def, f Favorable quin, reports were . received ' from the different districfe.; was rvco.fn- -; niejided.that ExhibitiO is be paid ' (ri each dircrict prior to tbs-- ' A'uiiual' Exibitieh of - thfcouu'.j, Tba meeting .'was ailiourned nntU Saturday, liny 30. Bstarlay; May 39. met according to Board General t; The with a' good a. tend are from tha Dietrtotm ; Minutus .were read and cou-rs . - I n- r 1 - r-- . . . . r, i ; ' . ? nt . a . fun-tho'lg- U. - Bu-Bcci.--- ad tfi . -- hed-bug- prepare and the anaao atbWs the ash doB;ferae hastens to the green. leaves when the cooking . bat hy some chirm, eannot leave it. A end prpering are perfection, a 39 the table j iaid or kuhg' about a. lee:yor- etout, a man bslievas la handful of leaves nsa Ilia meal to a way that wnld. ba- bou will atiraet the bugs, which may be iiD.a.ibIe with the same meal on.a seUed with a jri.evenly anrAiigsmeat.' destroyed by. devouring all. together in j tablecloth ' " J 'the fire. , , cad. Sift 3 quarts 1 pan,-. We give this as we gotit: Itiseasiiy rfl , put iaryouKyecal o, testedand if it will rid us of this salt, Jtc , than r , gradually; e'ns q tart of warm Water, mix up with OntbdudAs ... the knowledge is invaluable. vou .pour in with tle QLbiu knssd thorough . m i ' , how flour yopr. hands au4 itabaff tho. ly. werklits re- dough;'flsur then! Hkachbs. Cvu again and mix'la all tbs) thd lumps of dargfr bettoai cently ban publish-- il in Paris by n mi.. partic Kent physician, itf which hs dscr:bes a side up, than laykdbiik eloth ovsr Haas ' new fsmsjy. for haadsches. , He usee a set it . in a warm p toe to rise..- - Cracks will -mixture of. ice and salt.' ia proportion of pen on the top anUbubhles appear, butbu f, one ts as'a cold mixture;, and sure nut to .let' fi stay long oaough te gut.. this hs applies bv uieans of A. little purs our - Wlin clight ;;nnMrbe Bear, jour of silk gsusr. with. a rfm or gaits perch s, moulding beard, place the .dough Jupoa. fk hsad. When rhsn-mat- lc apd knead a little more p ait int two tocia to lfmit.s1 pts-nrtb- ; headaches rf:U. It gives i 8; ant parts, if. you wish two : loaves' relief. The skn ft snhjected to the proireve work each leaf iad. ehaps, lay tfisiu pMa lf from to tone minby ai!c in. a pan jprsvloiisiy greased, ut utes. and is rendered bird and whits. It them to rise egalntiatil they "look lfgbtand ie good la erysipelas ahd diseases of Ibe 'P.ongy,-uimiiljthey are( asarly as large kin. . agiia. have a Dbivx wmi TTTu Mxals. Menv fourths ol perenne have relieved ,yiemlrs of 4iU-ge- e. h . 1 w rr"J.'. a ton bv rot d faking dnrisjr their mets. . A Ha he 4 an excellent fisyer it js j ' No animaj except man, vert drfnki li aenked wall ; kn and WaUf;'th4U 'yinegar beads xifv eonnecion with iisyoed. Men onyht net boiled in water with Anns eatery, to. Trv hia, dvepepHce; and yon will set or throe turnip, f. ear six euioss. and j . wash down, mechanically, .that which a ha.d'ul of fwejt hiiv- ; FutWbam ter ought to be .martlet lad andansalivated be- cold water, asd allow it'teltfeatVeiy grad fore It is swallewed. ..One of sixteen podxidajwilffalto ally. ! four-an- d boors boiling; . M Sivrr.g Bi?urrcTAWT. Cut two or three gesd sized aniens In halvas, 'nd; pises . Rolls. Rjib inta a pdundefl flotntwe them on a plate on', the floor; 4hejr. absorb ounces of butters beat the wbite jsf, threw; noxious effluvia,' &r. in. th? tick room in eggs to a frothi then add a able eboea fsTwl an inersdihlv short tims and arr xrstly to ye tfe'0 : 1 itllo1 aklLund f enffietohkranit -he preferred to perfumery for thatpnrpose. milkTOjra sky sArdOUghteGovurwndpite it tihere it wllt.be keptwarjm pndTtxiu 'They should be changed every sly .hours. nee ini an hour.F'PutyiufVbn o?'fqited ! "How do yon do?" that's Esglieh and sike on a floardd t n, - Xod they Wllbbak American c,llsw doysn carry yourself? that's 'French." 1 Hbw'do Girera'. Oaxbs. Worklt-td.TerysthatVIieliau. MITbw do yon find ypirrseifT crumbs throe ounces bf iqec, two popads Ihtts Getpten; Hpw'do vdu fare tha ' of odd 'thre"eaacss or sugar, aad flour, 'How Svvcih ihata , een.yout two w do Tou;prf plr-- T orpowdeted ringer ; kneitd iuWashf thats Egyptian. Tonr. s'emachTrllsve tou eaten paste wUh.new bulkvcod thlncafe ',How;l cren .UntU . crisped any - to 'fV thsl. GVfzwi . fHyc to i and . hake U ; " fTowdo through. Seep them ApaleeMor. . have yeuTedf 7 ihstV May oo?''hst,e thy you - ; . . nui-aano- . . nr t , one-hal- . . : haV-a-ml- and-s-ha- nn r J81T3I or THjf QllOli: ' Dsxa Sia: At a mgelliig af the Board Of the Utah county Branch of the Deseret . nma-rielme- r Iss ;1 ;r j . to - a-h- alf i . f you-ktand?- Mk ta-Dutc- 1 le ui Un-Mws- n.. Ti meaumsob (be - f. . yl-s-r- s U Xt1' r: |