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Show vr : Is f- - ;!: ft." 1 ,Vl fs-;- ' I. t ' ' tfeonl m .. tH v. iV : fi - jfil l il . i iiAoii.. it a' . .' a. Delaware for ditto, rery dalteato and In regard to the' lands gtm Is ' Herbemodt for white wise er rrd. rarnmeiit, the Creek. Irdiana. The 'seventh was Is Horti-MltwAik iki liit meeting ( the Illinois ii Nortons Virginia for red trine. ; Clinton 1130, with the Cborokets In Georgia.. Tho dark red. Concord 'fof red wine and e.ghth was the memorable nullifying oidl-nsn- es Society, held Jaat December, the frr i , :: YY. ". Rulandervv,. of 'Carotins, in' 183X Tho !; 'V fsllewlfigwss eel i about grapes: was ninth 18G. in Rhsds Island, between in Os a meVen ( trike out the Dataware ,ft to. Plast Pjmiraa Tbe tjsonie the suffrage association asd the S'stf an' Aria the lit t x frawl eel ivtiiaa, hardy, can be transplanted thoritici.. The tenth was In 1M6 esths In Delaware the fall; aod in eomn this ia the Vr.'Dublip' said. ) find the in eoited part of the Mermo?a who resisted the. Febettor time, a,- for riimrli. .owing tothelr deral west preftiableef grape., It Tbo elorenttl is the pros ' ' to Ifmsetsns, bat not to iMletwt iotii 1 1' early growth. in tbs aptl g, ir hot done seat. Iowa Humeatead. V; jdeaht .it on any soil where yea fiii svft pretty tsoa after, thin froas learn us, ikf r f? j i'fej. re pt to get too far adrsaeed 0 do 1c jiii( lefr: r'7. To Pxex Eyefr parwrn Mr. Shepherd, pf Hensrpia. Had 'the dirjo ia'y, but except '.bey are planned so who fellowsin. aHxaxth. smpTovment sade'atary larafel rapea Jeif ortwelreYeare. jf 3 fiui'.e rly iu the fall, a hat' the)' have should .Cultivate a piece of ground wt-- his fear jean had sample of frait. 'It we time to make w roots, here i uoi'i.:ig own ban Is. This ha might d!g, ulint, roi aetusllr while. they wi.l. hire to asd wod athia leisure hoitra, so as to make eontosd wLh . . it aome olhey grapes, bsithnt. H h as exercise a idsrv, amusement, an arig Mine'' hare not frown kiade of land .as. as to pun well ae product lginany Jfkntder.. wo) .haring eOhetneeaearies -aeon' than a fori an da halfn three years through k win'ar with ontilatod roots, .On of life, : aAnr .ln the gar- .After.worklngan one ea the Tine. tied fiSbanebss wl whole; h thie 'as wirh other things, des. a man wil Yvelurn to hiiYemnlovmant seigbb.fr ' Weilld act kick the Dele ware ever board v especially' if a II i tender, we believe in within Soar wi.h more ksetinssa If bn thin V , en beet to do better wttbitl Y spring pla;ting, wh e wintera ar ae eevor e been ell that time Hie. Tijf nr thd r.'Mr. Baldwin,. of U 81II1: It succeeds en rregetatioi. p, however,' it is meat bad W round comd elT' to htfslth. v: ; i well nlth DM.v mY v . , coarenient in 'he faQr !e.iUot hesitate to t Sot dnfr y'erywy to ovArV. psjrt of exercise gives Warder, Of .Cinclansttl: Iwiil net Nnt asrthing tLat w Sou ntraet-n- g be Wijt smell' the of f the fartll neademv a frape acanse it dees, let do any: lUYeffiecle Es hsritg.;:Ac , by a and bedj, and renews 'fresh herbs, chorn tho well with me Have had the Delaware leu mulch around, the roots. Edgar Bandera.' eoirit whilst the Wat'hiaie' eemrthlnC wet a .Slid? i fears, bt(n;ablft unseat ft "Nr to maturity, dsliehte and anteneins friend with a h .nth ofrnwA Mr ne;g h- -' Te Mxasuss'. Hat in th Mew First cemig mind.'.. are; so formed as to be cl ( he sccei-aafal with .. It j ltgrowp take .its 1 cubic menii eme,.t:in fest'srd wavs pledsedWe.with Somthlrig in. proapet, Wilt kt . Kell ye .island. They senc.lt to lundredtha; than divide the number by 450 trivial Hence ,lho w York 0 ten the past fall.'' G'iiftlng fet,tobich la the eii'dio nmanrem-n- t of a lowover dials nt sad msmoet in plsning. ftel n drgoedYor fra'pea that do not dp well, lu ton of hey. which has bean well peered end happistss Ac. Those seem o bars been buildiar, fng sen of tau a seionena nt rum fraftitijr, solid, : J V grew, joarbroken off. they liavirg hid 1 euperinenm-be- thr employment of the mere early ngeil end for they an easily ; At it..' In other. upon weight when ki gs s-- conquerore cultivated tho hes-otill. the fiimjiadtl wo da a ton of bar in the kbure J,lst it reason 0 kefey hit they eat it leave:. Always graft sonditien wil massre eight fen. by night groir d, then (fist toputtiag well wherein true happiness CSlto mtwM easy te ir:i7?hjlf it 'is net solid, tluen it will stated as we de.r ItJapdrticuUrlv Ujltrinuiai British Werkman.. wine the s Tbs. in Jtm lest each way. measure grapevin. sight at flie Dels are i beitertLsn the besi. .j Maks two ItcncnT . rox .Dittubsia V r.VVThe pietlea. to atriks out was leifc it reach from ear to eart sms 1 bags (hnt-wii- l f ' and fill them with ashes sideAlt; diothem Sr. fiebroaderr Ws mustmake a dMlsc Y V ' In hot water, and wring 'them out so they (ffeB'Jbsiwvtn crapes for Jhn ubl nsd for L ETxnT..farmars boy should know how, ill not .drip, and apply them to the hroat; wins "forUhla I recommends Concsrd. .Jf, eovsr tha msl) bwi'Iks flannsl eio'h, in hirer, M. rampant gSwer, mud' good sooner or'storAthem as ofteh as they became aarer.'a Bears ..enough for mar man. u be himself,' black his awn and change the li Tei hidrrss throat becomes irritated, al- until Wae wdedenenjihVf.V. V. pool, brothers wind a cut watch. hair,' shear, most blistering; 'Theriake a wet flmnel dcsLon a button, mksa bed. and keep al1 ;;,MrJHaagi,ItJbsndeiniea;wiA i.;, and mb it wall with elofb aosp, dip ie clothes In Mrfect eyder and neatly In It In hot waeV. apply it to the throat, and ji.HoTnninTii South rxn irilneta'anj rSllafouri ff w conld hsre bnt'one grape, chance ns they covl; at thcoameYimene 2. To harness ..a. horse,' grM wa-fp"? WP would Mtothla,' gwrgla made of one teaepoonful of cayeuaa and drive a tea . , - . - ; . .. bnCl fa : pepper, one of. salt, one ofmlsss's in a rJ Mr. Bobich, of It 3 To 'cafve aud wait oh table. when coal, add ono that I hare.' 'cMtAmutfdecr yarietles To milk the cows, to shear the sheep tvacnr:of hat water, and 4. vlii-g' cider ar.d garglo thias much fooi 1 e Adejed. Y md drees a'veal or multon." re'' To reckon nntil fifteen mlnn'ea .the every 5. pstient aCeounts mony,and keep Hartford Prolific.: f of. made. A eaetils garglo ig quires sleep. to' good " f?'l&Pf (!!, . Blebmiogton:'; It has be3 acrura ely and according part of the time. ( 'iO, soap ia good to be ueeaMaine rnles..;. '' imerd satiefasoryfc-'- .te msthani auy tasr cava all have !' 6. To write a neat, appropriate, brief! v IX A correspondent'in -. 'k if, r i laf this used who buv'aeas a id reeosefsd land. ramsay. (N. T.' Oxnreased ter, goed . oiDr. Sekraedert.lt iaearly aad good; not uid fold : and subscribe v V ' ; V. Trlbubs. f 4 VlPftoOAf Cencofd.i fe, a rntracia,; : f.( .f.r MfQolatm fsry valuable for early.-,- : A. mite Aw ExcetLinr Hist. -- Thc wqy to keep 7. To plow,-so,. grain and grass ' Cl ? A i drive f;'.. f 0S 1 i i fj a s mowing machine, swing ssytbs, mossy, "to to earn it fairly and nonastly :fi Yi i . fur ..certain to build a heat stack sad Dlvch bav. ' ' Money., so obtained .is. pretty ' SisBroeder reaemnisnded Hsfbemont But ; ite build abide wi h money that a 8 pessesaer. a fire, ."To p?t up package, pDn ia of.very hijia qaaligwtd yoa caa eat whitewash' a; wall; mend broken tools, and is inherited. or that sny way come with4 1 tit out a f iir(.ahi just equivalent, Is almost as", t iWUheuh spiking:; oat tho akl i or seeds. regulate a clock certain ogi as itCaoie. Tbs yoif lg man sometimes rIt escapes gad i STnea to wlio the Rxseluoxs begins by saving a litt a. and thriftily Eutik organ VI t rf of his at re pvary cMn belig the sat ion tha IhCreaaas Federal sUtcd TA Govsrnment, 1 s A u::!rr t l''is;rf;AY Adofptd. zf. to Ivc of good solid work, honest- .been resist made have iu aitempts ' ; : tsprSisnta; ciThe Diana was nroesnd. ., $..' ly. and manfully ' doae,'Stands- - a better A Dr.s Andrews,. of Rockford: It Is n good . f. The '.first was in 1703 a. 0 jinnee to open t the latter half of bis life 'A'? jeaext lethoD-- laware. some of the.o'ficers ef the fs..conspiracy. tftpwerrThc fruitand lcrtl army ..to in afilaense and comfort, than he, who la cpnpas Heepr consol id a to tha thirteen Stales info dneshd bis hastoo beeomc rick, obtains his money .gasehii tcnpruutd a r? . .1 , r J nr time.. ? tbs euprdme power, np Wiikl gton. Thr; by ' dxahlog, spscnlations, . or.the .deyoup The Diana rels. ' M second In 1787, caled Snsys Tus irfrCtlon mens which abosnd is the foggy region . Mr,.e"i-JTmnix: It has Av mfaerebly O tougli, in Mssesehnaetti.Y.The third in 794, cal- lying between fair 'doling ! ad aetnsl frauds WWtoj. led the whiskey insurrection ef Fennsvlvs-- . Among the wisest and xi oat thrifty tnn of and'tiatawba wereadopt ,TbeIabll nia, .The fourta. In 181 4; b'y the H. rtTer' wealh,; ths cirrent proverb is,-- ! Money ?' ..1, fortahlt.r'Y cosTentionY'-- ' The fifth In quea goes as money comes 7 Let tbs young l20, en tbC Tbe eeaamiitos to' whom' was referri( , thn'adml sienof'Mirsoarf into the make n neie 'of this, and see" that' their a Ke telsltrea of wins grapea, repartod Ci. tion of sixth was a ''collision of tho 'mousy comes fairly,' that it may topg abidk rtowtto fias ehtracter Unlon.r- The .! vr k laglslttTire of Georgls'aid tho Federal Go- - with them; V'-- If J , firipn ' doli-eion- A - - . . . - . being-perfeet- lr rf uj - ; - ; a8acied-wilh-hLghte-Saccew- : .Dr. . .. V-W-y : I . . . r-r- r - : )pn.vnn 1 -- ! s-j- f 7 . - wo-'de,Ui- d : y d w-d'is- . - y': . Glcaitinsrss - : : --r- - f " .' !''? Wfsn: ; n, ax-- -- - . sr, i ' -Dihlsp'aeTeJ ': book-sespii- -- Vr-- . . - ? .,-t- r . J! . ! su-Jthor- i.'g f ..I, -- -- f - .Dc-Schroede- ,r- r. . -- -- T. Iw&ra-ef-very- 'f: . : : |