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Show ,.v. v' , .i. ' ; ' I ',, . The hand - i !': ; f.- - ;J- - j Y .i '? ' 4 , : '..V.:.-'- ; ? T h:K ? i- -- 'v ;r 'jt-- f ? "; V 1 : , .1- - V. , . . . . . ; - ' ' i . . ; . '' V Qv . ' Tree! these ome particuarly Antirrhinums, ManaringFruit nt famAsters,' Balsams, Oianthus or Pink If the tress are nnprodaetire simply ' Cnltnro Verbenas, Marr- irrkirbsriry ily. Peturiias, Stoeks, 'ubeoause '. i; they; are unthrifty in growth, t, olds; Zinnias, Pholx Drummondi, Rer.Mr. .Ornamental Grasses," and . Ever the application of yard or stable manure, IT io were. Mark the bed; into, rows with a portion' of.' ashes, or inV'tks berry eut lasting ir ashes,' use lime, is the best thing of two ihhes apart; a rirj small depress to bs done. The; application should be ooneernipg the oqltarwV;of hisI faTerUe 'S it sionfs sqffiaisat, in these 'rows sow the made , '.1 seed in proportion to- the requirements soakedin the.fall, ijuat. the. soil may be berry in jn winteqaud spring.. If oaly Thosoil I prefi on llmesteM of each separate kind,. emmhenu to 'she fi aptumhapplieation.ta the strawherriMAl hard Income the. Subsoil; seed, that, lare jastoorer ; .If plowed in, it ie seen were from a of1 thiiyAazaotoif. oases, of kainate seed.T" It is then .watered of .great importance. iTodiftm with a fioeVrose, the light put on, aiti, done mast adrs nt ageously; in .spring, manure, has remained .alLjthc with the exception o(girinfaj little air after the winter on the. surface. - It sometimes hap-petpn Terr hotidars, ns more care ie neces' 'Ki' .that ' mshs er liae alane will re" sary till wsil up. i' the produetiTeaessA .'good .deal store, ,X ; tt wsm bed,ijn ast long, f sttr tM.; the any spore d spends on jthe'ehanicter and fcondition iM we a are enoseh. inks oil, f.'?tftntojtyregty ihbf,-hIqrge plaate 'l ondrain Out ahdpra'Tit iifoThrli tfedstwd 'or rnkdO soma hare necessary Asa general rule, ekaegeH 'whVch J I thiak'jTaTuahl three inehes.ts about the distance.'. Here ly by. ctparitaieat;V I'll I . With common manure, howeref, make ea'afone' strawbrri IPJaat' good planU. they may- stop tilthey plant thii ashes' or lims. pi whsn th- are transplanted to open, borRm-ral i2 ;i take three f pf irouadr ders;; ' haying fine masses of fibrous rowts, will be, useful in na 'Tlymll sais. bT hi between ill. RegUtex,-at'onee'take tt oon the in hold, aai hr they paths, twp fef l, te jHyo . room to cultiTateand.-gatherflower. Thaibalanoe in the seed bads re i MyAiofi , of ! Tala from border for intothe is Apples. erop ;groun4 sale ip .open, tof directly plants -- yf V Iilanted u a Hand' jnsz U spripg. v Tbs' oo '" f r Of 'the more common f apple is the mostwaluableisf all eond seisoa gives a good erop:of bsrrioe :,i r hardy kinds' of annuals.' sow. In- their theThe uif fruits in oonsequsnee of I keep dowp the runners . to jisrininent place in the 'flower garden. r itStluipipasness;,earth, gei the ffuifi its the ill perfupti prepi'T'ibility, this runners take tpo jqutfc ,Ons important secret in annual, grojw-Inipn,, ariety ef uses to whieh itpan be appliei from the piaut aud iejure JbelShiitnagt thiijk1, i to giro them room. Many mu-- r season. I nvrer itir the soit ftor.Ut. 2 beeaase they &re annuals, aai wiiflflow rIih a ons in trye yielded knqs:rohM:ehouId ndtlwtro JX anyhow, they need no ore or room jto season forty bushelsof apples. Two ken. , Use the hoe jo 'sparingly X But. let ..those sno. think so; try hk pOesI i.'--Sow. of giying them. plenty of room. euAtiOrted two each for breakfast aud adpoer, 1 attach It ie with this as any other part of. th with'iM'muehbiead greet importehce'td mulch; and and imtlcr isle ' Yegetahle kingiom, it mast hare room to expand into itr mot glof tou proporstfbwf. Ibternfalfdaalok withfliaili an J ths tion , Nature eeatters har.eised thick, prefcr rye.straw thrmhedby "aad in', ia August keep '(waatirfttri the fa1b it geua rally leares each one ' to straggle nine mbmhs proto the- plants! preyontti' reXThae it s f-out cfiwd -. V.In oan. of best oasoa1 by'thly-frosJonguljsngae.it firde person; thrim parts' of the i tbe1iprihg.ths straw is renmwed from Urn jired plants, ilia simply a matteyjnf time and tapper.', and crown ofthe "relish whioh comes ; out top ef the hsp.. I plant Jand left o f till fall - whib h yohw i 11 f forolinnsr, "djiwl1 It the short-lire- d in s e ends the keeps oaM, grtnmti'motat and mkkefi'the trargl ao more gvt tiredthac .df bread; and it on o being planes snprports they ionger. Put the pmall growth; w) ir.bV Qheac'rTind; i noomparibly' rmhre kubih?r-.trIe alt i rati on w want to im-- , hoaltkful tbah.'piespreseTeOt swe'it-VroV on natnre. ; :In nothing',ie this so meits,X puddings.1 cookies doughnuts,, eOnpleuOiieVeiSol.atnd plan.is, of what . ,; 4 lumplings, t Wor kind they be, and growingir i.couptrTATArieiythkfddeikril j a inijlVorfiod'kt ikekiide VitlTnot i additional; tUprOrdo well at another; Uhen there m difef onent af'sClmoi; the soil.' toaarate ae'l Aeepr diTwh jntarlip9rs.,wiU help such ; A eorrasppndnnt iTf f tCaltge J3 ar- - eht itifnV OBe.liSfef ii sbur landijtnother materially- - Many ,annuals in thir,wild isasr.1- - says, that, ta plant IUsph?rry owsst; ,Let (yLeb sslso4whiohthsy :thinV Lend without suiting ;it down appears to it Ie iataiet. aad iu thiek- - growing fa she iQMeitsy:J " a the 'short other, in earliest harebat duration Gandand erroneous den, rery Trioaphrae fprooeedingJCan itJhe other v.gfry and of those that Nimrod while latest. w hTf modiams, a that Jewer, Raspberry newly planted plnty fppoeted " , - I-- 1'; . V I i - Cn-Ijtuf- I . ab-een- ee . ' - -- Is-ela- y top-dress- ed, j ; ir -- ns t por-;S7tio-S - d . one-ten- th ; one-twentie- y , th rl5 . o - . :x'vaerri' ' : S5 1 - t; ye; t' $ , V b' Is itv Beir-muc- n f Ae.-Ex- .ehAqittlV i ? , -- ; a vf ' i$s- - if.- -. . w. L ; - It is seldom before .jee. follffylgjcui third year that tha plants are ; in A. ood bearing aUtew. lithe roots alone' .re planted, strong esnes may hs'oxpoo c4 the first summer,' sad a full crop thO ' 4'econ Jy': 1 , ,, ,: d. - ;. jf : ;: i prodiaoe- . 1 'M '.'. i oi lowing j season haye fctrsagtB fine fruit Cud yoaug caaef uffietently strong to insure good. Crop room wil bs ja - mass of flowers foi month ,a ad some all thf suaimer throu. i ; The .way we grow moili, is All. A single plant 'so a foet.iaqaite enouf jfsar shout Iks firstnf Aprilbuild a Terr for ell but ihe yeryt email; kinds, whi : pi i eke hoc-besnuughto giVehe pUnte es ordinarily grown, it will contain per-inches of soil when haps a dosen struggling for existence.- fohr start; put. .down ; Is rake heat the quit smooth; Edgar handers up ' than sslsot such annuals m .wanted, . of ; lomcthlnt about 'Annuals. : :f ' ' :y i.' & f . , Ji'-i- sfXarth. and. bear fruit, and rears the provdui sir ictwres f Industry makes ihs'Dessrt' is ".bud , 'btssm r i.'fi ' & - COUNTY. UTAH; TUESDAY JUNE f.fiees. UTAH LAKE SPRING tk .... , VILLA, , , No: 2. i " - |